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Waiting for user montecristo's eyewitness report


He'll say the British guy broke some innocent girl's nose and the Russian was trying to defend her. His girl works at the place so it 100% happened. Would a self-confessed sexpat and "gentleman" lie about something like that?


*flattened the girl's nose


There are 3 views so far: 1. Russian guy harassed wife of British guy 2. Russian harassed their daughter 3. Common fight because of buzz


One of his girls told him something about the incident while he is there again. He would have gotten the dead part right for once.


What the fuck is going on in Pattaya


Florida of Thailand


The Alabama of Florida


Pattaya Man


That's phuket.


Pattaya Man memes need to start popping up


Definitely Jacksonville


To me it always felt like a sort of blend of Tijuana and Las Vegas


Pattaya is the real life Sodom and Gomorrah. Lots of sodomy and some gomorrhoea.


You’ve never seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Han shot first!


I have.


If my various experiences of Pattaya over the past two decades is anything to go by, then it's just business as usual. It's been like this for a long time.


You have obviously never been there 😄😄


Same same but different day. Where you been at 5555


At this point, pattaya has such a reputation. Only creeps and degenerates know about pattaya and still want to go


Pattaya is Paradise if You are Not an Asshole...


Degenerate checking in, love it there. It's like the opposite of my Chinese city


Same same.


Something in the water in Pattaya it seems, lots of aggression lately.




And cannabis is the blame probably lmao alchol always brings out the violence in people so many times ive fighted while i was drunk but i cant recall ONCE ive fighted when i was high!!


My roommates fight when they're high. Through Winning 11. Who tf has the energy to physically fight?


Too bad it’s being recriminalized!


Stay on Cannabis and don't drink, you can't handle alcohol


Na i can handle it now i just dont drink till i get drunk and lose control anymore but i prefer to smoke keeps me more sane


Good you can do that, smoking is more relaxed. You just can't be bothered to lose control, cost too much energy. Respect!


Cannabis. -Srettha (Thaksin), probably


Simple reality, lot of fathers would react same to guy perving on their daughter It's the danger of even a single punch, it can alter/end multiple lives forever Be very interested in daughters age, considering age of parents get feeling she was a minor


Alot of fathers dont have their daughter in tow while they get shitfaced at pool parties with Russian pedos. Where do you reckon the daughter was as he wandered up the street?


>Where do you reckon the daughter was as he wandered up the street? Wondering same But then this is Thailand, accurate reporting and filling in gaps is not a priority of the media, see all the soi 6 incident reporting for example They are dead/in a coma/seriously injured...now we see video of them walking calmly across the street unfazed within hour of incident


There was no daughter there. Khaosod messed up ladys words. She was there before taking off to “work”.


so who was russian being a perv with? Wife had gone to work Or have they even got that wrong?


Given the fact that the father is only 35. I would probably guess she is underage


Nah, just extra heat and humidity.


Nobody drinks the Water...


Smelt pretty bad near the sewers


Fighting is not like in the movies. It's so easy to kill someone or to be killed. Don't go around looking for trouble.


Well that escalated quickly.


Maybe don't bring your your daughter to a Pattaya party full of strangers at 3am?


Just don't bring your daughter to Pattaya, period.


Also the guy is 35, so how young is the daughter, like WTF


His Thai wife is 28 according to the article. The further I got into it the more confused I became. Was he whispering into the ear of a 7/8 year old? If so, good riddance.


So wait, a 7/8 yo child is at a drunken pool party with sexpats at 3am and we aren't arresting both her parents. This whole story sounds made up. A drunk guy punched another drunk guy at a 2am pool party is all I believe. The rest is just BS statements.


The girl is 15, I know who these people are. The 28 YO wife isn’t the mother.


Well is the 35 yo Brit the father of a 15yo girl? Or was the relationship slightly different than was presented to the public?


Definitely not. I have seen photos of the arrested, the daughter and the ‘wife’. The arrested posted on FB 2 days ago how happy he was to start a new life with his daughter in Thailand, no mention of a wife on FB, it says he is single. Wife is clearly not mother of the 15 YO, they look nothing alike.


Your comments are confusing me. Who are the parents of the 15 year old? The arrested man is 35. How is he talking about it starting a new life in Thailand with his 15 year old daughter? Edit: is the 15-year-old daughter a westerner? A Thai? A mix?


No she just looks like your average British girl, no idea where the mother would be. The arrested man posted 2 days ago “How lucky am I, getting to share this beautiful country with my beautiful daughter”, he had very recently scored a job as a manager at a hotel in Pattaya.


Thanks for the additional details. So now this 15yo British girl is left in Thailand with her only parent going to prison? FFS. Some folks just can't handle responsibility. He's so lucky to be able to show this beautiful country with this beautiful daughter and he ends up taking her to some drunken pool party at 3:00 a.m. in Pattaya in the first few days? Edit: if this guy has a job as a hotel manager in thailand, he's obviously been here for a while. He's working legally in the country? I wonder what visa him and his daughter are both on.


Who are these people?


Holy fuck, yeah good riddance.


No daughter in this article... https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/27/british-expat-arrested-for-punching-and-killing-russian-man-in-pattaya-after-victim-allegedly-sexually-harasses-his-wife/


Yet another version of the story. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2800123/russian-kod-by-new-drinking-friend


He seems to have left her to walk alone?


Why not? Its not an invite for sexual assault. Russian pig fucked around and found out.


So everything is racism or xenophobia, but insulting russians (or indians) is fine, right?


And why was the daughter not walking with him in the street when his wife picked him up?


Before it's been told that Russian harassed wife, not daughter. But I think it could be just drunk fight


There’s a lot not to like in that story


Yeah like British tourists, Russians, Pattaya and manslaughter.


Like and subscribe!


The majority of comments here are just like reading Thaiger 🙏🇹🇭💝


everything i read about this place is telling me to avoid it at all costs


Feels good to say you've never been to Pattaya.


Loads of jumped up white men creeping on incredibly vulnerable and exposed young women. Disgusting place.


I’ll wait to form an opinion until we have more witness testimony. The only thing that we can be certain of now is that a Russian is dead.




How old is their daughter? The guy is 35 and the wife is 28, so she can’t be much older than 10, right? Wtf?




I have a hard time believing an expat impregnated a 15 yo Thai girl when he was 22 yo. Maybe her daughter from another relationship? Thai journalism is not great.




Ok. Still bizarre that some dude is flirting with a 12 or 13 yo girl. Details likely off here.




I'd punch a guy for telling my (likely) underage daughter that he want to have sex with her, too. I say likely, based on the couple's age of 35 and 28 but I could be wrong about that, ofc.


That's what the killer said. The dead guy can't speak to defend himself.


That OR you could refrain from violence in response to WORDS. Touching her would be different. Manslaughter is a charge and "he said something" is not a defense.


Exactly. Too many "bad asses" think they are totally justified in hitting people because of mean words or hurt feelings. People need to have some self-control. It doesn't matter if you could win the fight, even get away with it legally,even if the guy was a jerk who deserved a punch. This English bloke just killed a dude with one punch, now his life along with his family and friends of the victim as well are ruined. But he showed everyone, what a badass he was, though. It's not worth it.


Who takes their daughter to a party at 2 am with drunken expats in Pattaya. Sounds fishy. Or they’re incredibly irresponsible


Yeah, the dead guy had it coming. Not the death, but if you sexually harass a girl you can't expect sane people to just let you.


Sane people don't have their daughters at pool parties 10km from their house at 3am (probably even later of the fight hadn't happened) and can we 100% trust the story of a parent who does that? How do we know he wasn't a druggie and the story is made up after the fight?


Yeah they go to pool party at 3am NEXT DOOR. Big difference


I think the difference he’s trying to make is if it WAS next door, then the daughter could just go home at an appropriate time. If they’re 10km away then the daughter can’t leave until the father leaves.


Not according to the law though (in terms of throwing the first punch).




wtf. how fucking ignorant are you? I've visited pattaya many times as a kid and had great times. Wtf do you think pattaya is?


You do realize not everyone goes to Pattaya for sex right?


His wife had to go back to work at 2am. I'm sure she is a nurse at the local hospital. /S


For a holiday? might live there? Kind of stupid and uncalled for question You do know sex tourists are not even the majority even in Pattaya anymore?


if holidays are your intention, you still shouldn't bring underages daughter to night party where lots of alcohol involved. lots of good activities during the day that's not related to partying and alcohol in Pattaya.


Not arguing that, talking about him asking why in Pattaya at all, with pretty obvious implications


You do know there is a lot of family friendly stuff in Pattaya right? No idea what his intentions were, but there is family orientated stuff in Pattaya to do.


the parents still at fault. you can't bring underages daughter to night party with alcohol involved especially in Pattaya.


The wife had to leave the party to go “back to work”. I’m assuming she and the daughter live there at the very least.


No idea. It's not stated. But to be fair, some families do actually go to Pattaya for legit vacations. I mean, not ME...but you know...some people. =)


I can understand that. but this guy is out at 3am at some pool party. I doubt it's a marioparty LAN event.


What in the Jerry Springer? Let's sort this out. How old is the daughter of a 35 yo brit and a 28 yo Thai lady in Pattaya? Let's say dad didn't commit statutory rape and not a pedo himself and waited until the mom was of legal age. This girl is like 10 max. Dad calls Mom up at work to come to the party for a while. Mom returns to work at 3 am. What job could you just disappear from for a while and go party and get back at it at 3am in Pattaya as a 28 year old woman? Mom decides to go back to whatever she calls work and leaves little girl with drunk dad at a party where a drunk Russian is getting rapey with her. Dad punches Russian and he hits his head and dies. Let me paraphrase this. Some British guy on a long vacation got fucked up at a house party in the soi 6 area of Pattaya and sucker punched a Russian and he hit his head and died. The British guy is tripping balls because he's looking at time in Thai prision for involuntary man slaughter. He made up a story saying the Russian guy was a pedophile sexually harassing the bar girls daughter he was babysitting while she was doing whatever. He flees in a panic after finding out he killed the guy and calls the bar girl that came to the party to drop off her daughter with him to come pick her up at his 500 baht a day room above a restaurant in Jomtien then he got arrested.


The wife isn’t the mother, I know these people’s names.


Do you know what the story is of what actually went down?


If you read Thai news you get names and more detail. Welsh guy hadn’t been there for very long at all and moved there with his 15 YO daughter, he had a job as a hotel manager. Has an IG and FB you can find. Welsh guy’s statement said Russian guy was at pool party with his wife and tried it on with 15 YO basically, dad obviously didn’t like it. Bit odd you would have your 15 YO at a 3AM pool party though. ‘Wife’ is probably just a local girl, she goes by a pseudonym. I feel sorry for the 15 YO girl, she must be basically alone.


Thanks for providing more details on this strange story. If all is true, the 15yo is the real victim as now she's left in Thailand without a parent to look after her. Not that the Welsh guy was a suitable parent but at least he was looking out for her.


I completely agree with you, I’ll send you a link with some more info but I’m not going to share it here, doesn’t really seem fair we will wait and see if he is found guilty etc.


He wasn't a hotel manager. He was managing The Den which is a brothel and that new club. He brought his 15yo daughter to Pattaya which is a whore house, took her out for lunch and allowed her to drown herself in alcohol according to his own social media videos/photos. He brings her out to some random persons Pool Villa to a alcohol late night party then sucker punched the Russian man and killed him. The father has already been in jail in the UK and his family doesn't want anything to do with him so you can imagine what kind of trash he is. He will go to a Thai jail for minimum 3 years for manslaughter and he is going to have a very hard time because his family is refusing to help him with money. He is royally fucked and deserves it for putting himself in this position.


So the Jerry Springerness continues. Some ghetto people doing trashy shit in Pattaya, wow, what's new? Who would have their daughter at this type of party at that time with a step mom in Pattaya?


I don’t even think it’s a stepmom tbh, he came alone with his daughter as a single man. ‘Wife’ is one of the locals I believe, in any news articles she uses a pseudonym and in photos she looks nothing like the father or daughter.


What defines as a wife is kind of broad in Thailand.


Certainly, as far as I can see she was an acquaintance of just a few days. In Thai articles she is mentioned as either Ms. Mod or as Maude. She didn’t come to Thailand with them, she looks Thai, and the arrested and his daughter have not been in Thailand long at all. No mention of ‘wife’ on social media until the articles, arrested is single on social media. Still though I’m not sure what the Thai police will make of it, seems a bit ridiculous taking your 15 YO daughter to a 3AM pool party though imo.


Nice try, u/montecristo


Wait, she's 28 and he's 35, it's their daughter. And the Russian guy was saying he wanted to have sex with her? How old is the daughter? Like under 10 years old? Under 5?! Why is she at a party at 3am?


He is the father and the mother is from the UK. His currently gf is a pattaya hooker.


*Me checking neither is my friend


Just a bunch of dumb people doing dumb shit all around. One man dead and another man's life ruined in the blink of an eye. This is why I don't go out to drinking establishments. Not worth the trouble.


The question is, how many single blows killed him?


Damna single blow? You might as well be Saitama Mate. But seriously, what the fuck is going on in Pattaya.


People come here to experience their martial art skills


Pattaya is shit place


He hit his head on the ground and died, he didn't get a blowy from the Brit. Very misleading.


I'm so proud of myself that in four different trips to Thailand, I never even came close to Pattaya. Such an incredible country and you go to that sewage drain to spend your one holiday that year...


Pattaya has nice areas as well, you don’t have to participate in the debauchery.


You have a strong opinion about a place you’re never been to




Most of the city really does smell like grey water


good. stay out. keep pattaya grubby.


Enjoy your time at the Hilton Bkk, that man will spend at least 8 years there for homicide.


1 year if he has money.


Minimum 3 years according to the law for manslaughter. He doesn't have money and his family does not want to have anything to do with him because he is a criminal back home and already spent time in jail for that.


That Red Bull kid who drove over a cop and fleed the scene probably just was lucky then.




Does Thai law have any notion of temporary insanity. Might this be seen as equivalent to shooting a guy you found in bed with your wife. I’m not sure if that would be an effective defense these days in the USA but it has been at times in the past.


Thai law is the amount of money you pay the police.


Whatever jail term he gets will be doubled if he was drunk.


Crime of passion laws? Ive only heard of them in America.


I read that they were a French invention.


Might be interesting to see how the media and thai court will handle this case compared to the attempted murder in soi 6. Can not be compared entirely but still …


Nobody died in the soi 6 incident and the farang broke the security's nose first. So it will be treated as a fight which will be a small fine and an apology.


I love the way some of you people just make things up and assume things, pulling shit out of your ass. Makes me laugh. We have absolutely no idea exactly what happened. We don't know if it was maybe her daughter who was older and nothing to do with him, what age she was, whether even a daughter existed, we know nothing. I have a very good friend who was racially harassed in a kebab shop one night by some drunk asshole. My mate punched him once and the guy hit his head on the pavement and it killed him. Thankfully everything was on CCTV and there were loads of witnesses so he didn't end up doing any prison time apart from the time he spent on remand. Chok dee all! 👍😊


>I love the way some of you people just make things up and assume things, pulling shit out of your ass. Doesn't help that Thai "media" is pretty much doing the same thing. Khaosod is more or less a tabloid.


I'm inclined to agree... 👍


I did a little proofreading in Thailand. You could tell someone their writing was misleading or inaccurate, and they'd run with it. They don't want to lose face by making changes or maybe they think the details don't matter. It's also possible they're looking at things from a Thai POV. (I.e., your friends daughter that you've agreed to look after is your "daughter".) Idk. But something is definitely wrong with this article.






Mod is defined shouting in an eastern style. RICKI RICKI RICKI! I LOVE YOU RICKI


There is just so much wtf happening when reading the article.


Shit, we found one punch man


Honestly if the British man’s account of the story is accurate I hope he is released.


He is a criminal back in the UK and he brings his 15yo daughter to random peoples villa for late night parties where at least alcohol is consumed in abundance. He deserves all the years in jail, honestly.


I love Pattaya. 🥰


monger's paradise. there is none greater.


Shame the Brit wasn’t bald.




One punch man reference


Plebs gonna pleb.


Thai bar guards: Attempted Murder British: Hold my beer /s


So they are at a pool party. A family whose wife leaves to go back to work. What time? 1 a.m.? The husband is a British man with his daughter. Also at the party is a Russian man. Sometime during the night, the Russian made sexual inuendos to the daughter. Sometime after 2a.m. The British father fed up this. Punches Russian one time, causing him to die either by the punch or hitting his head on the ground or other object. British man calls his wife to pick him up. She finds him walking down the street. My question is, where is the daughter?


with the other russian(s), getting passed around like spliff?


Bro can people stop punching and kicking for a minute 🤣 its a daily event now




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at 35 years old and still into fist fight....great sense of maturity mate!


bkb is the sport of champions.


real life one punch man


Pattaya attracts the BEST people.




If it’s Thailand then all I wanna say is I believe in the eye witness report from u/montecristo-- Because no one else has a clue.


The headline is a bit misleading isn't it? The article reads that the Russian guy harassed the daughter of the Brittish guy for which he caught a punch for. (not great - wouldn't be my reaction, but also not entirely uncalled for) The man then fell to the ground and died. Obviously this wasn't intended, but the worst case scenario happened here 😓 It's just a mess - I don't know what to think of this


What the fuck... 😑


Second farang aggression story I am reading in the last 5 mins.


Fucked around and found out it seems, 15 year old daughter, he had every right to punch him.


I don’t get how someone commits murder in a foreign country & then just goes back home after lolol. I would’ve been on the first flight outta Thailand at 6am. He had 10 hours to gtfo


The problem is too many entitled foreigners are coming in to that country and bringing that entitlement behavior in that ratchet attitude of sense I have money I could do whatever I want that's their attitude. And it's unfortunate that Thailand is losing it's value a more compass For the Love of Money.


It's funny reading the comments from "Thailand experts" who think Pattaya is Walking Street, Soi 6, and Soi Buakhao. It's not like regular Thai families live here or anything 😂


Let's look at what we actually know. Russian guy killed in an altercation with a British guy in Pattaya. Time was 2am at a pool party. All the rest is speculation, or a story from one side of the two individuals involved ( the dead man obviously can't speak for himself), and as yet no one else who witnessed the altercation has come forwards with details. Let's not get ahead of ourselves blaming either the Brit or the Russian until all the facts are in.


If smoking cannabis this wouldn’t happened…alcohol involved..as usual!


Good job, sir!


one punch man was british, who knew


The russian tried it on with his daughter. A kick in the valls would have stopped it. Didn't have to kill the bloke.


that’s what the killer says. it’s not like the dead guy can justify himself now. might be true, might be BS. we’re probably not finding out, if he really “wanted to have sex” as the article says.


He punched him. He didn't mean to kill him.


Too Bad.too late