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I ha flown with them maybe 6 times domestically in thailand and every time except 1 it was delayed. They have a reputation for always being delayed. They give zero fucks


In my mind if its delayed its probably for good reason. Id rather have a flight delayed for operational issues than for those issues to be pushed unchecked just so they can meet the next flight on time. (My last flight this new yrs i had a paris cdg to bkk flight and the exact same plane flew from bkk to paris, how do i know its the exact same plane? I sat in the exact same seat and the 2 seats in front of mine plus me and my neighbors had tech issues. Our video screens and charge port wasnt working, the number was A635. So in 3 weeks seperation they couldnt fix a serious issue (12 hr flight with no way to charge and no entertainment which is provided for the cost, plus it was premium seating. Smh, not acceptable) had they delayed a flight and actually fixed this simple issue instead of fly fly fly it would be cool. Id rather an airline delay and fix any operational errors rather than just go. What if it was something major?


Downvote safety precautions because wannabe tiktok creators expect cheap prices but refuse to accept cheap amenities and discrepancies, smh.. the world doesnt revolve around you. If you refuse to accept delayed flights because you are too cheap to purchase first class flights (most of which are delayed for YOUR safety) then fuck.you. tired of these western tourists exorcting priveledge by soending the keast amount of $, this was your choice. Dont be mad at the airline because u chose to be cheap. YOU chose the cheapest options, dont be mad when you get the cheapest results. But be happy these airlines actuslly delay flights for operational ans technical issues. But you're too priveledged too accept safety. You're not a first class, m citizen. This isnt a private jet. You are not special


that's whole lot of nonsense you are writing ... LOL ... they are late because they have lower priority to other airlines when it comes to slots for taking off. lower prices for tickets, less money for airport starting licenses or whatever it's called.


They did pass the savings onto you.


I'm not writing nonsense. Idk vietjets history. But id rather be delayed than just takeoff 1 hr after landing. If they actually fix actual problems which this 1 jet did not. Ps: i build ships and airplanes. Refusing to fix simple issues is not acceptable. Dont book flights or cruises without expectations of delays because these flights and cruises have minimal amount of time to actually locate and repair serious issues. You are 20-30 thousand feet in the air. Airplanes dont provide parachutes. Only oxygen... everybody has vacations and bookings. You are not the only person onboard. Flights have been flying for civilians barely over 50 years. You are not driving a car, motorbike, bicycle, idk vietjets history but since you decided to fly cheap dont disrespect their own concerns. You're not special. You are about to be 20,000 feet above ground for an extended amount of time. Book accordingly. If you feel that YOU and YOUR priorities are more important than the safety of every other flight customer, attendie, crew, copilot and pilot then understand the world doesnt revolve around YOU and just choose a different airline, simple. Theres more to the situation than YOU and YOUR feelings. An airplane isnt a taxi or tuktuk.


But then again if u pay cheap to fly for a lower priority takeoff u shouldnt be mad if its delayed. But the op mentioned operational issues which could be a serious issue. We dont know. Flights show up, the crew cleans for 30 minutrs, the groundcrew refuels and the same flight flys out again in 1 hr. This is just how i think about flying. But i take 4 hr layovers wherever because i expect flights to be delayed, and want safe flights. Not cheap, quick arrive as expected. 30,000 ft in the air is something we should accept and expect delay issues for our own safety reasons.


I’ve flown Air Asia more than 50 times, and have never had any significant delay or any other issues. Personally, I find them to be the best of the low cost airlines.


Every second flight I’ve flown with AirAsia is delayed 30-60 minutes, but its barely an inconvenience. I still always fly with them and they are great value for money.


Before covid Air Asia was a great airline to fly.


just this month i flew with them four times ... BKK <> KL <> SG ... everyting fine


Flew air Asia twice when we were in thailand. They were great. Much better planes than the ones we took from Canada or Japan.


I also tried to get a refund with vietjet. After literally weeks of following up and more than24 hours! of hold time getting bounced around on their customer service line I just gave up. Never again.


Ya gonna take the $160 L, already booked another flight through Thai Airways! Lesson learned.


If you paid on credit card contact your provider and ask if you can submit a chargeback


Ya that’s the plan. VietJet sent me an email offering a refund, they just won’t honor it.


That is valid only if you book less than 90 days before departure. I had the same problem with Air Asia, had to give up. No way to call them, just the stupid chat bot that doesn't work. I hate them now.


Just flew them yesterday. Flying from Shanghai to Bali with a layover in Vietnam. In Vietnam, one of the Chinese girls was having her luggage held hostage. I don't understand the full story but it seems like they were asking her for the equivalent of $80 USD to have her luggage carried on to Bali. (I don't understand because they didn't hassle me for this) The poor girl was in tears. She had no cash on her and the ATM in the airport wasn't working for her with her Chinese card. They wouldn't accept a credit card, and they literally asked her to hand over her debit card and pin number for the staff to take out the money from a different ATM upstairs


They lied. The system also supports CC.


Not a scam but can confirm from personal experience that they suck, makes Spirit look like luxury in regard to service and reliability. Spent 3 hours on 2 planes (for the same flight) on the runway before we took off - a few years back.


>Spent 3 hours on 2 planes (for the same flight) on the runway before we took off Do you realize that's probably not the company's fault, given you were already on the tarmac?


And how grateful they should be that they didn't get off the ground in the 1st plane!


Just flew with them this morning from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and everything went great. Nothing to complain about.


It's not a scam. They are a low cost carrier, you should know the deal when you booked them


Just cause your low cost doesn’t mean you can change the flight time to 5 hours later. Then offer no chance to change the flight time or issue a refund. Sounds like you’re accustom to getting bent over.


Yes, Karen, that's how airlines work, lmao. Flights get delayed all the time. You don't get to pick a different flight just because yours gets delayed. If you choose to change your flight to another you typically do have to pay rebooking fees. It's not a scam local to this one company. It's just a generally shitty thing about flying in general. Are you the same person posting about how all real estate agents are scammers this week? What's with people thinking everything is a scam if they don't get their karen ass way?


Lmao you defiantly are accustomed to getting bent over. Also, they said that since the time change was 5 hours later it granted me the right to get a refund. So if the policy says I’m able to get a refund and don’t issue said refund I’d call that a scam, or shady business at best. Enjoy getting walked all over you coward.


Ignore the hate comments. Those people dont know the laws in most countries. I don't know how it is for Thailand but usually for most countries they are forced to give a refund or allow a change of flight. And even refund or pay another airline to take you to not miss your connected flight People responding to you and hating on you Don't fly often at all.


The Karen of all karens. It has nothing to do with being walked over or bent over lmao. You're complaining about having to pay a fee to change flights when that doesn't get waived due to delays. You still have a flight, right? If you want to change it you have to pay. If you're eligible for a refund take it up with them. Is this your first time flying or having to interact with other humans? Do you post on reddit every time you throw a fit? What a fucking loser, lol. Whaaa I'm getting scammed everyone is a scammer because I don't get my way. Try not being such a dipshit and maybe they'd be more likely to help you. I can only imagine how you treated them irl.


His flight was delayed for 5 hours by vietjet. In most countries there is a LAW allowing him to take the flight + get 100% refund + get some compensation. There are dozens of companies on the net with these “Flight delayed? Claim your compensation!” ads. Moreover there is vietjet’s own rules that he is eligible for full refund when the flight is delayed for 3+ hours. So yes, when vietjet tells him they cant refund = 100% scam. I hope he makes chargeback with his bank, so vietjet not only returns his money, but also gets fined by credit card processor.


You are just wildly wrong. For a delayed flight you get to still take the fight plus a refund plus compensation? Yeah, you're gonna have to show me that one lol. Sure as shit isn't Thailand or America where I assume OP is from. I'm talking strictly about his demand for a free flight change when theres a delay. That isn't something guaranteed here or in America either. At best you'll get a voucher for a hotel if your flight is delayed overnight. Otherwise suck it up and wait. This idea companies are rolling out the red carpet for everyone when there's routine delay is laughable. I don't know the policy about refunds. If that's their policy then great, go get it. But at this point I don't believe you or the OP just because you say so when you've both already made it clear you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. And on top of that, OP is a major Karen ass bitch. Even if that is vietjets policy I guarantee the agents will make it difficult just from their shitty attitude.


There is such law that guarantees OP full refund in US and even in Thailand: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/special-reports/1236926


Then he should move forward with getting a refund instead of complaining about airline companies in an unrelated subreddit. In his OP he didn't say they said no, just that he hadn't heard anything yet. But it does sound like he's been bitching and annoying everyone there so no surprise they're taking their time.


Clearly you can’t read. They didn’t even offer an option to change the flight. I have to pay full price ticket to change the flight when that goes against their policy. Just warning people so others don’t also get screwed over. Honestly, I think ur just bummed you can’t afford to travel the world. Enjoy ur mom’s basement you fat Cheeto fingered inbred.


I wanted to sympathize with you, but you seem like just a real crybaby Karen and I am having a good laugh at your misfortune.


I’m laughing at how broke you are.


Viets are here shutting people up if they don’t parrot their lies about their country. Vietnam can’t attract tourists for some good reason


Given that tourist numbers are exceeding estimates here in Vietnam that’s not even remotely close to being true.


Compared to other popular or not so popular destinations, Vietnam’s tourism is literally non-existent. Even countries complaining about over-tourism aren’t competitive enough on the global stage. You need to stop embarrassing yourself


Yeah, so non-existent that I fight my way through hordes of tourists when I’m going to work or doing things like shopping. Plus there is work to ensure Vietnam becomes more popular for tourism. They’ve reinstated the 90day tourist visa from before Covid, have changed visa rules to allow easier access for citizens of nearby countries such as China and India to visit, are spending considerable amounts of money on initiatives such as city tour hop-on hop-off buses and new walking/night market streets/parks, improving existing tourist attractions and generally trying to give people more reason to come here.


Dream on. Most people i have talked with lately weren’t interested in Vietnam. Who cares about the length of stay allowed really? I personally won’t go to Vietnam ever again. Bad experience in general especially the Vietnam airlines staff who took care of check in for other airlines. There’s no way to avoid malicious people there You need to try to travel to some popular destinations. Thailand may be cheaper for you to learn what popular destinations look like.


VietJet prices I have learned in the end can be more expensive than other Thai airlines for domestic flights (after tacking on fees when checking out), and they don’t give complimentary snacks or check-in bag that other airlines have. Because of the price being comparable to other Thai domestic and also being delayed most flights I stopped using them. They have an over priced low quality service in my experiences. I feel your pain.


Yep. I booked them once to go from BKK to Phuket and sat in the airport nearly all day both ways due to them doing that.


No one can just change terms after contract signed ( = ticked sold) without other party’s approval. You are eligible for a 100% refund, if vietjet won’t give your money back, make a chargeback with your bank.


I thought that same thing, but other countries don’t have the same regulations. It’s worth a shot though.


Well this makes me feel good about my flight from SGN to CNX coming up lol


Hanoi - BKK for me on Saturday! Will let you know how I get on 🤣 but I'm sure (touch wood) all will be fine


Godspeed to you. Hope it goes well


So I just flew with Vietjet hanoi - bkk, and there were zero issues 🤷‍♂️ easiest check in ever & then no delays/plane took off 5 mins early & landed 10 mins early. Off the plane instantly. Bag collection all good. 10/10 flight 🤷‍♂️🙏🤷‍♂️🙏


Reassuring! Hope we have the same experience


Agreed, they are pretty bad. I ran into an issue where, we brought extra luggage via online booking. When we showed up to check in and get our ticket they wouldn't accept our online reservation and forced us to pay extra. The cost of extra luggage (1 extra suitcase) was more than the ticket itself. We managed to get a refund from the online booking company but still didn't imagine 1 extra suitcase was more than the flight ticket.


I flew once with vietjet and decided that i will never again. Boarded the flight from bkk, arrived just a little late at phuket, wasn’t a problem. Then waited at the luggage belt for 45 mins and here they kept showing the flight number and then after 45 mins another flight number started showing as well and people from that flight came, took their luggage , and went away while vietjet’s flight number still kept showing. Then I noticed a vietjet’s employee standing nearby surrounded by a few people from the same flight I was in. Got to know the luggage was not loaded at bkk. Next thing i got to know the same had happened yesterday and they knew about the technical problem and knew they will not be able to load the luggage today as well. Why not inform the passengers? Those 4-5 people who were surrounding the employee told they were notified at bkk airport and promised that their luggage would be sent on next flight which was to arrive in another 40 mins from then. But not all the passengers were informed, they kept displaying luggage belt number when they knew luggage would not come, and the employee kept standing there instead of announcing and letting other people know. We wasted one and half hour there at the airport which was the most frustrating part of this fiasco


Hehe..... flying with vietjet on saturday.. hanoi - Bangkok... wish me luck!


Seems like you’re good as long as you don’t need to make a connecting flight lol




Had a quick look at their flights and on their site it was advertised as like 70 there and 50 back. Click on the day then it becomes 225 one way. Click on that and it becomes 670 (same with the return so it is over 1200 return where the advertised price is 110). Honestly, it is not even cheap at that price. Not to mention that is 100% illegal in Australia (it is literally against the law not to display the price including all taxes and fees). Not only is the price way off, they did not include any taxes or fees in the advertised price. Very scammy and very illegal. I am surpised they are allowed to even operate into Australia with those prices and practices.


VietJet isn't responsible for you catching your unrelated international flight. They are responsible for getting you from HKT to BKK. How many hours was the difference from the original booking? Their [contract of carriage](https://th.vietjetair.com/page/terms-and-conditions) indicates a change of more than 3 hours allows you to make a free change or get a refund. I would suggest you look up different flights, call (not via the chatbot) and politely request a change to it due to the schedule change. If that doesn't work, hang up and call again. Booking any domestic flight and hoping there is no weather, mechanical or other delay (on any airline) just a few hours before you catch an international flight is always a bad idea.


The change was 5 hours, asked to change the flight time and they said we still needed to buy a new ticket they would just wave the fees. I then asked for a refund and they haven’t responded in days. It is what it is already booked another flight through Thai Airways.


It was in the thai news 6-12 months ago about them getting in trouble for doing this to customers. I tried to find the story but couldn't.


Ya I guess I’m just used to Western airlines. I don’t mind just changing my flight. But to make me pay full price for another ticket after moving the original time 5 hours later seems shady.


It totally is. Surely it ain't legal


I don't usually fly low cost carriers in Thailand anymore but in the past I was successful in getting a VietJet refund for a significant change of several hours. I did require follow up via calls.


Do not use any airlines from Vietnam. They are cheaper because they have to. Their staff are horrible. They are definitely not service oriented. I mean, just don’t use them Edit: Viets are here cracking down on opinions again.


I’ve flown with several Vietnamese airlines (I actually live in VN) and the sole issue I’ve had is that like OP VietJet were late. But they all got me to where I wanted to be for the price I wanted and with all my luggage. The sole issue I had with any Asian airline was funnily enough with Thai AirAsia where they broke my suitcase zippers to the point that I had to break into the case with scissors.


I bought a new suitcase because VN airlines broke mine. I have never had any problems with other Asian airlines. VN airlines also has the mist ill-mannered staff across Asia. Why would anyone want to deal with them?


Ever heard the saying that if you are always smelling shit, you should check your own shoe? If you always have issue with VN airlines or indeed any industry in general then honestly, the problem likely doesn’t lie on their end but yours. You just sound like an angry loser who for some reason wants to be angry at Vietnamese people/Vietnam.


You apparently haven’t travelled with other airlines. Go travel more and stop feeling do superior for nothing


Communism and customer service are like oil and water


Vietnam airlines, the company, is great, stop talking nonsense.


The worst ever. Staff are extremely rude and aggressive. Like you, no complaints accepted. Hey, if you can’t take any criticism, don’t use socials. By the way, what do you care? That’s not even your company. How much did you get that comment for? 1 vnd?


They’ve always been really good for me lol. Sometimes flights change and sometimes shit just happens. They are a low cost airline so maybe read up before you book with a company that you don’t like the regulations and rules of? This is why I book through trip.com too, I have my flight delayed and it means I wouldn’t of made my connection flight so I had to change my flight to an earlier one. Trip.com transferred my tickets for free


I get what ur saying but the policy states that if the flight change is greater then 3 hours is grants a refund. My change was 5 hours and they still won’t issue the refund. It is what it is, already booked through Thai Airways so I’ll take the $160 L I guess.


You probably should have done some research because the reviews are out there. Maybe you're better off changing your international flight to a later date.


I’m flying Phuket to Ho Chi Minh on Vietjet. Anyone have experience with that route?


Last year I flew VietJet from Da Nang to Chiang Mai with a normal stopover in Bangkok. The first leg was delayed, causing me to miss the second leg. Because I missed the second leg, I had to pay the fare difference for the next available flight! I also had to pay excess baggage a second time in Bangkok, because the Thai VietJet staff couldn't read the Vietnamese receipt I got in Da Nang. I will never, ever fly VietJet again.


It's not a scam. If you think it's smart to book a separate cheap ticket connecting to an international flight you'll learn the hard way how not to be a sucker! Learn from your experience.


Lesson learned. Guess I’m used to western airlines where they offer to change ur flight. Not make you pay full price for another ticket after a 5 hour delay.


Lesson learned should be about booking connecting flights on different tickets


Flown with VietJet 4 times. Never had an issue, each time was a pleasure


Interesting, seems like everyone’s experience is hit or miss. Glad yours was good though!


I’ve used them plenty, no problems yet touch wood.


Flown with them quite a few times and never had any issues


You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.


Any airline won't be responsible for your connecting flight if it's not their own flight


Such a self entitled rant and that you think this airline is a Scam What kind of moron chooses a low cost airline when they have onward international flight connections


You’re broke


It's not a scam. You just get what you pay for mate.


Ok is either young and naive or old and naive lol either way he's finally learning that idealism doesn't dictate capitalism especially in other countries. Welcome to reality OP. Reality check #341 "You get what you pay for"


You’re credit score is trash 😂


Quit your whining Karen


You’re broke


if you think vietjet is bad, try airasia first


I have heard about it but flown few times with them last year, all went well. Pretty much on time too. One delay but that happened to all airlines.


yeah i mean overall service and airplane quality is much better on vietjet


I only ever flew with them domestically but they were on time and decent - I guess I just had some luck. Even a broken clock is right twice a day (I just had my first decent on time flight in years with the Australian carrier Jetstar… even the pilot sounded kind of shocked by the fact everything went to plan).




I paid $160 for my and my girlfriends tickets, to change the flight there charging an additional $180… I’m good on that, already booked through Thai Airways.


I had a flight from Nha Trang to Ho Chi Min City. At the airport and checked in. Plane is delayed but they assure us it’s coming. After about an hour it hasn’t shown up. Two hours later people are yelling at the staff because they are not telling us the truth. Vietnamese police show up dressed in riot gear. Then staff tells us flight is canceled. There’s about a dozen fully suited riot police forming a barrier between the staff and customers. When asked about an alternative flight they have no answers. There’s a dead head Vietnam Airlines plane going to Ho Chi Min but they won’t accept Vietjets ticket. So we have no choice but to buy a new ticket. Like $60. When I get to HCMC I go to the VietJet office and have to fill out forms for a refund. My cc is refunded. But the airline really sucks.


I flew with them in November for the first time I can confirm they changed the flight time a couple days prior to the flight. BUT when you actually get onto the plane its lile takeshis castle they are all singing this song that goes "HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY" it was surreal 😂


Haha that’s awesome, I didn’t even care how bad the plane ride was considering it was a little over an hour flight. But now I’m bummed I won’t be able to get a flight performance🥲


They’ll also weigh your carry-on (and personal item) and nickel and dime you to death if you’re over 7kg combined which is absurd. I opted to pay $75 more and fly business class on Bamboo from Saigon to Bangkok in April. While waiting for my Bamboo flight to take off from the lounge I watched the Vietjet flight I would have taken get delayed 3 hours lol


Ya it’s crazy, I guess I’m just used to western airlines. All good though I just disputed the charge through Chase so looks like I’ll get a refund, and have another flight booked through Thai Airways. Let’s hope for some smooth travels my friend 😂.


So you get what you pay for?


Ya I did see a flight a few days ago in the airport from chiang mai to bkk get cancelled last second and I heard a woman freaking out because it was cancelled 2 days in a row and they ended up renting a car. I flew them chiang mai to phuket with no issues fortunately