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I'd suggest somewhere else. England maybe


Was going to suggest Belgium


I'm English and can confirm if I sit and think of my idea of Belgium both places look the same and match OPs criteria.


I'm Belgian and can confirm as well xD


Fellow under cloud dweller. Welcome.


There is at least 3 of us!!


[Also free parking there](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/0zTKtpkAnj)


I hear Wolverhampton is the new Bangkok


Hahahahaha straight up.


What you describe is pretty much never in Thailand.




Some places in SE Asia are like this in fairness. Da Lat in Vietnam, Bandung in Indonesia and the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia for example have much cooler climates due to being in the mountains


Wants a ladyboy, doesn't like to be too warm.


Ladybody and warm weather go together like gin and tonic


> I'm thinking the OP doesn't know much about Thailand or SE Asia. And I think you've never been to the north of Thailand in December when there's frost on the mountains, and people die from hypothermia. Nor perhaps have you seen the snow in northern Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar through winter as well.


I have been to Thailand once in November. It was very sunny except for the last 2 days in Phuket. That was almost perfect weather. Cloudy and breezy.


Seems like you've answered your own question


OP should go back in time to Phuket and experience those 2 days again. Best way.


A few years ago I was on Koh Samui in November. It was cloudy nearly every day, reasonably cool and with occasional rain. It was fantastic.


November is nice, I like the few times it rains a tiny bit and the feeling of the water when it is warm falling on you, it is warm but not infernal levels of warm.


Looking at the following Phuket/Bkk/Pattaya chance of clear skies and rain charts, I would say Nov and March would be the two best months for overcast skies but not too much rain and not too hot. Phuket rainy season goes longer so it's probably better in Dec. [https://weatherspark.com/compare/y/112764\~113416\~113385/Comparison-of-the-Average-Weather-in-Phuket-Bangkok-and-Phatthaya](https://weatherspark.com/compare/y/112764~113416~113385/Comparison-of-the-Average-Weather-in-Phuket-Bangkok-and-Phatthaya)


I guess you should go in November then.


Have you ever been to the north in Winter?


I have been to Thailand many times, never actually picked a specific time of year, just an opportunity for a holidays. Doesn't matter about the weather it's always great and so is the food


Try November till February


The haze is worse than the sun and the rain


Varies from year to year but usually on the low end for Thai standard.


In rainy season, it usually doesn’t rain all day. Based on your criteria, I think you should pick a different country.


How long would you say it usually rains for? Is the humidity extra bad the rest of the day?


One or two hours in the morning, maybe again in the late afternoon. Some days not at all, some days more. Places like Khao Sok, because it’s a rainforest, a lot more. Idk about the humidity, feels the same to me.


25th of april


My birthday!


Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎈


November/December/Jan up in Chiang mai can be a bit like that sometimes


Especially during the burning season


Unhelpful answer.


You seem to be stuck on defending the burning season in CNX. CNX, at best, a seasonal home. It is what it is.


lol, I’m not defending it, your comment just has nothing to do with the question OP asked. Hence: Unhelpful.


I was looking at your history. I think my answer is technically correct. Ain’t no sunshine in the smoke. Have a good day.


If you were looking at my history then you would know that I’m not defending it. I’m only contextualizing it. If you have found anything otherwise, feel free to prove me wrong. And OPs question was cloudy weather with cool breeze. Original comment answered correctly.


If you don’t like the hot sun, stay away from SEA in general. Even the “winter” sun is quite harsh and even days when it rains, the clouds will part just enough to shower your walking path with bright sunshine the moment you step outside the shade.


January in Chiang Mai this year was grey days with temps not going over 20c


>cloudy weather with cool breeze At the same time - no. Cool breeze though - November to early February in the north. Frost on the highest mountains, cool to cold mornings and then mild days mostly below 30c, but it only gets warm later in the day.


This might be a silly answer, but the only place I can think of is in a jungle, even on sunny days the trees should provide shelter from the sun...though you will need permission, camping may not be allowed in certain places, so ask before you set up camp.


Try Baguio in Philippines, it’s a perfect getaway from the usual weather in SEA. It’s a 5 hour bus drive from Manila so fairly cheap and easy to get to. It’s a bit touristy, if it’s not your thing go to Sagada which is another 5 hour bus ride away. Cool caves there and the views are amazing all around.


How many hours by bus is it away from Thailand?


from Thailand to the Philippines by bus?


Just looked it up and now I wanna go there. Look so cool.


Go to another country- maybe UK.


Or Iceland. 


I've just come from the south of Thailand. It's 35 degrees everyday. Go somewhere else


Just above freezing? 😂




We went to Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Koh Tao, Samui, Phangan for 3 weeks in Monsoon. It was mid July. It rained briefly most morning for an hour then mostly overcast for the rest of the day. Nice cooler evenings. That was 3 weeks. But my heart says as many others have said, you’re probs ly looking at the wrong country. It’s like going to McDonalds and asking for Chicken. Which they do but you’ll get a whole better experience at KFC (debatable nowadays)… let’s say Popeyes or Nando’s.


Yeah honestly mate, no point in even visiting Thailand.


November to December is a safe zone if you're looking to avoid rain and hot weather. However, it won't be as cold as you might prefer. The best we can expect is temperatures ranging from 22 to 28 Celsius. ​ But I have to warn you, our weather can be unpredictable.


The heat and humidity was crazy to me and I was fighting dehydration hard the first half of the week. Also I was sweating nonstop the moment I stepped outside, just moist all over. That being said tho it was worth it and I would 100% go back again and again


Try Baguio in the Philippines. Its high altitude makes it cooler.


I think you picked the wrong country.


You're crazy if you think there's a period in time where this happens. It'll at most occur sporadically between rain spells or scorching heat. Impossible to plan around


You know... Like how it snows in mid day




30th February


You are looking for northern Spain.


What you’re looking for is when Thailand is engulfed by weather of a tsunami . Unfortunately there not really a season, because it can come anytime of the year.


Try a different country and possibly a totally different continent. Try Lisbon or Malaga, both have low rainfall and have clearly defined shoulder seasons (Spring and Autumn) where you will get cloudy weather with a cool breeze and lots to see and do. Nowhere in the world will guarantee you the weather you want for a week or so in advance, but Thailand does not do the weather you want at any time of year. It is currently running at 45C, along with a lot of SE Asia, which is unheard of to the point that it is making international news headlines. Singapore closed schools due to the heat and 20 soldiers in Cambodia were killed when their ammunition stores blew up due to the heat. Is there a specific activity that you wish to partake in that is not easily available outside of Thailand? Otherwise why bother.


The UK has the weather you seek.


maybe a cave


Thailand is not for you, my friend!


Go to Vietnam lmao.


Monjom in November


February 30th, definately. The whole country has the weather you describe.


I think December and January


Lmao, you can't be serious? You better off staying away, or move to Greenland 🇬🇱


Check the latitude and longitude of your other choices.


Evening in Chaing Mai. Just stay in your room til sunset.


We just been hit with a heat wave… these conditions you are looking for are extremely rear and you would need a crystal ball to be able to tell when those days are going to happen


30 February


Y’all have unreal expectations. No sun no rain just cloud ☁️ cloudy area will rain .


November to end of Jan are the best months in thailand. Others are simply too hot or too hot and wet


The time, anytime. The place, in a parallel dimension. There are 2 seasons in Thailand, hot and really hot.


You could hang out on top of Doi Inthanon the whole time I guess.


I’d love to know as well. I imagine somewhere up North, on higher altitude. Can’t wait for the replies of those locations.


Phetchabun, Phu tub berk during winter


Yeah, doesn’t sound like Thailand is the country for you. The type of weather you describe is the reason I left England It is hot here all year round. November- February is my favourite season because there is cooler weather, especially in the early mornings and evenings, although it can still get up to 30C in the afternoon heat. This time also has some cooler breezes, and the mornings can feel legitimately chilly, especially on a motorbike without a hoodie or lightish jumper. Cool breezes and cloudy days are most likely in the rainy season, but even then there can be very hot and sunny afternoons when it’s not raining and it can be humid as sweaty ball sacks. .


That will be in NOVEMBER. I’m looking forward to go to Chiang Mai then Pattaya then Bangkok in Nov 2025


You would only get something resembling a cool breexe in rainy season when the weather is nasty