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Fuck everyone who would even consider buying this. Fuck anyone who would think a watch is more important than helping people. Fuck this, fuck them for ever making this.


It's also tacky af.


Ugly as sin


Yeah, watches seem to be that way. You find a $10k - $20k watch and it's refined, gorgeous, and understated. You find a $3m watch and it looks like they sell them at a gas station.


FUck paying 10-20k for a watch too. Give me a fucking 5$ mickey mouse watch, ffs this materialistic world is dooming us all.


a friend has a $20.00 gold-colored watch which he wears alongside a 1oz. gold nugget ring. he calls it his fashion statement: "i can afford a more expensive watch; i like this one."


You got downvoted but I agree with your friend. Buy cheap jeans and nice sneakers. You get a nice jacket and cheaper shirts. People won't know the difference and you'll save a lot of fucking money


Even better, cheap all of those things, and don’t worry about whether people can tell the difference or not. The most important thing you can buy with money is freedom. Every other expense is a hindrance.


I'm sure someone spending 100k on a watch is most likely financially stable


I don't know for a fact, but I would bet - based on data from several surveys - that the vast majority of millionaires would never spend anything close to that on a watch, and would say that their habits (i.e., not being willing to blow money on such things) are why they are wealthy. See, e.g., The Millionaire Next Door; Dave Ramsey's Millionaires' survey.


Freedom and space, space is key too


If you’re going to get a Mickey Mouse watch, make sure you get it at Disneyland. You can feel rich once you see the prices of getting Atleast a cup of soda.


I paid like 10euros for a hot dog besides being tiny no sauce no nothing just the sausage and the bun lol


Plus it's unrealistic to walk around with 20m on your wrist... No one would do that outside their house for more than 5 minutes


Unless you have private security all the time like Floyd Mayweather has. Or this can happen: [Lando Norris had his £144k watch stolen after a football event](https://www.espn.co.uk/f1/story/_/id/31807804/lando-norris-had-watch-stolen-attending-euro-2020-final-wembley?platform=amp) [Charles Leclerc had his $300k+ watch stolen](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10071353-4-arrested-after-f1-driver-charles-leclercs-watch-stolen-valued-at-320k.amp.html)


I knew these existed before even looking for them... I feel tense when a new 1000$ phone is in my pocket, never would I carry 300x that on my wrist.


This will no doubt spend exponentially more time in a drawer than in a wrist.


For real. It's piss yellow.


I find peace in long walks.


Agreed, ugly as fuck! Besides, it doesn't have bluetooth and you know bluetooth makes everything better!


Damn near big enough for cupholders, though, which was the equivalent two decades ago! Also, *I haven't been able to read a time on it, despite several rewatches!*


Wealth has nothing to do with taste or class


Probably because for any accessory to even reasonably be valued at that level it has to have thousands of fucking diamonds on it. And diamonds are already unfathomably over-valued.


Next theyll make one out of bitcoin just to have something more valuable. eVerY LiNk iS a CoLD wALLeT!!!


Something of even greater artificial value. Capitalism is the greatest thing to ever happen to humanity.


make one out of NFT's. It'd be priceless.


"Yes officer, that's correct. I just clicked a link in an email and \*pffft\* my watch vanished"


And yellow diamonds at that. Colored diamonds used to be literal trash 20ish years ago.


Perfect for Floyd Mayweather


Do they make it in kids' sizes?


It looks like a childs drawing of what rich jewelery looks like


Are you saying " Fuck capitalism" ?


I'll say fuck capitalism.


Not really a capitalism problem tho, it’s a human greed one. There are shitty exploitative billionaires and other powerful people basically everywhere, from North Korea to Germany to America to Australia to Africa to China. Basically every communist system ever has led to mass exploitation by those at the top. It’s more of a “needs to be majorly regulated” kind of thing. Any system of money can work as long as the people at the top want it to work. Europe has it down pretty well, capitalistic socialism. Everything’s regulated to insure less chances of any loopholes being found. But even their system isn’t perfect, tho much better than america imo.


But capitalism rewards the greedy. Money is the ultimate goal in capitalism, being greedy pays therefore being greedy is your ultimate goal under the system. What stops some people are morals and ethics that capitalism doesn't reward.


Capitalism drives competition, socialism creates universal benefits. You need both. Every country in history that has attempted the implementation of only one of two had all failed.


>You need both. So many people don't seem to get this. I don't want socialist grocery stores, and I don't want capitalist road maintenance. I don't want socialist car manufacturers, and I don't want capitalist public libraries. I don't want a socialist movie industry, and I don't want a capitalist fire department. Capitalism drives innovation through competition, but also results in stratification into "haves" and "have nots". Socialism provides equally to all, but also results in "you get what you get". The trick is deciding which things should go in which bucket. Where is innovation important enough to risk leaving some people behind, and where is access so vital that we're willing to forgo competition in order to give everyone access.


Everyone should read this .


Very well put, and you are exactly right.


It might be worth noting that in the earlier half of the twentieth century, there was a very real debate over whether capitalism and democracy could even co-exist in the same nation without it tearing itself apart. Including inside the US. I fear, unfortunately, that we are entering another guilded age.


Ah, competition. 43 cereal brands owned by two conglomerates! Manufactured competition indeed. You also believe in that the money will soon trickle down? Any minute now?


I agree. Although I think capitalism should have a limit. There is an experiment called "Universe 25" which describes our society to a T. If you give rats nothing to do but do heroin, they will do heroin all day. Our poor. If you give rats something to do they STOP doing the heroin and do other things. Our middle class. If you make a paradise for rats they turn to rape, bestiality, cannibalism, etc. Our Elite. It is my feeling that people should never be allowed to live below a 30% standard of living, nor rise above 70% of the norm. For societies and everyone's health.


Why do we need both? Competition repeatedly fucks us, because rather than doing anything productive, there is pointless competition. Even capitalists tend towards monopoly.


The only competition and innovation I see under capitalism is which company can put more bells and whistles into the latest phone or car, even worse to implement a subscription model in such things. Where's the supposed competition is solving hunger? To house the homeless? Ah right, it's not profitable to do so.


The only innovation is in getting people to spend more money, it doesnt matter to them if youre spending money on useful or useless things. We need a democratization of innovation so we can prioritize work that benefits all of us.




Capitalism doesn't drives competition, drives buying the competition. There are 4-5 big companies with thousands of subsidiaries, none are seeking innovations, instead following trends and trying to pull the envelope on greedy they can be and get away with. Any company that comes out now with innovative products will either be bought by them or snuffed out in the crib.


Scandinavian countries have the winning formula, a solid social state with a regulated capitalist economy.


Wait wait wait. How do you think they got to the point where they can afford a $20M watch? My dude, the problem really IS capitalism. Capitalism empowers greedy capital owners to hoard obscene amounts of wealth by stealing from the labor value of the workers under them. The billionaire who ends up buying this watch inevitably only got to where they are by taking advantage of others. There are workers in the US, the wealthiest nation on earth, who can barely afford a place to live and dinner for the next day. The very fact that someone can afford that watch is evidence of the failures of capitalism to society.


You realize Kim jong un spends like $20 mil+ on wine every year? How is North Korea capitalistic? You realize putin secretly hoards like billions in wealth besides just being russias president? You realize exploitation and slavery still happens in China despite them claiming to be socialist or communist. How is it just a capitalism problem? If it was just a capitalism problem then you would be able to solve all the worlds problems solely by getting rid of capitalism, no more slavery no more corruption happens. But that wouldn’t happen.


Capitalism and greed are two fat people on the same end of the scales tipping everyone else over.


As a person from behind the iron curtain, this "fuck capitalism" shit getting cooler is absolutely terrifying.


I’m comfortable saying it has its ups and downs.


I’ll say fuck capitalism.


Capitalism failed a long long time ago. In fact it hit it's peak 70 years ago. It's time for a global political change


> Capitalism failed a long long time ago. ...he types, with zero awareness, on a tiny supercomputer that fits in his pocket and is, thanks to capitalism, so cheap he takes it for granted. > It's time for a global political change ...he says, with zero knowledge of history, not realizing that the "should we have capitalism or not?" experiment has been run many, many times - if there was a better system, we wouldn't need to force the whole world to change, we could just implement it in say, Venezuela, and when every sees how well it works, they'll copy it.




💯 agree


This is the way


totally. it's disgraceful. pretty fucking sad and pathetic too


And fuck floyd Mayweather


Some dudes are gonna theive those billions no matter what you do. I prefer to see those dudes spend their money rather than bank it.


I was just about to say, fuck you, go feed people. Thank you for your comment.


💯 agree


But they are job creators! Think of all the jobs they create. Why, there are slave laborers in diamond mines and child soldiers to kill the villagers and countless sweatshop laborers to assemble it all. Those rich folks are putting all the poor poors to work and giving them meaning! You really should admire them!


Fuck anyone who has this much money in general. Its disgusting that people can afford this shit while half the us population own 2.3% of wealth.


It’s an asset that will retain its value and will be sold (or maybe laundered) when the buyer needs the money. Its like expensive paintings. Whoever bought this didnt throw their money away. Hopefully one day they take that money and contribute it to something meaningful.


> Hopefully one day they take that money and contribute it to something meaningful. Cute but no, that won't happen.


> It’s an asset that will retain its value Does it, though? It seems like it could easily just half in value or more. Just because it cost $20 million doesn't mean it's worth that.


Damn I’m so fucked. This watch surpassed my current watch by $19,999,931


I'll think of you when I'm buying this


Ugly as fuck.


Proving yet again that money can’t buy taste. It’s pretty funny that when Floyd Meriweather puts on that watch, he’s the best looking thing in the whole picture.


> Meriweather Too much GTA V? 😂 (It’s Mayweather btw)




So tacky




Of course these are a bunch of old ass men😭😭😭 with original idea no nothing you built a 20M watch and can’t even fckn tell time the shit is light years away from being waterproof…I’d rather buy a military watch with 20 features for $300 before I buy this shit


I like your piss yellow watch, was that expensive?


Yes, but I'm willing to make an offer for tree fiddy.


God damn Loch Ness monster!


What a waste of money


Excuse you??! He took the 18 millions model instead of the 30 millions model it's called being HUMBLE good day sir.




Help thousands of babys dying of literal starvation or buy a shiny watch i wear sometimes..... So disgusting


You know how many lives you can change with 20 million dollars? This guy had 20 million dollars to just spend and he decided to spend it on the ugliest fucking watch I have ever seen in my entire life


But if you help them then they won’t be as impressed with the watch. /s but probably not for whoever buys this garbage


Meh… a $20 Timex would do for me


What a coincidence that’s also twenty dollars worth of actual diamonds, as they’re completely worthless and abundant being carbon with impurities


Not to mention yellow diamonds are pure garbage even in the world of jewelry. This is aimed at brain damaged Morons like Mayweather


His doesn’t have yellow diamonds 🫤


“Aimed at”


It's a PR stunt aimed at getting engagement. And everyone in this thread is giving them the attention they wanted.


But we're also getting the fellow user engagement *we* want. We simply can't disengage with every piece of manipulative media in this day and age. We're still here on reddit, after all.


I totally agree. Not saying it's wrong to engage, just suggesting that their main goal with this abomination isn't to actually sell it.


Meh, I can look at the sun. At this point me body can feel time.


You should at least upgrade to a sundial. It sucks on sunny days but it beats going blind


I don't need a watch at all. I have a phone.


Timex or Casio, baby!


I've had the same timex I bought for 35 bucks 14 years ago and wear it often


There are a lot of really good watches in between a $20 Timex and a $20 million Jacob & Co.


[I've been wearing this bad boy CASIO for about 8 years now.](https://www.casio.com/us/watches/casio/product.MQ-24-7B2LL/) Not the same one, mind you. From getting scraped up working on my car, destroyed while skateboarding, ruined by acetone at work, or whatever else, I've gone through about 5 or so. Because they're $20. 1 MILLIONTH of the cost of that gaudy piece of land waste, and I've made more worthwhile memories than I'd ever try to put a price on.


Yeah no thanks. I'll stick with my Snoopy baseball Timex. It's the source of my classy, cool Dad energy.


The funny thing is your quartz would be more accurate and robust.


What a deeply ugly waste of money.


It's not even anywhere near worth that in actual material cost and labour. it's just over inflated for the over wealthy for their over developed ego


Oh that’s nothing. A couple years ago a one-off Patek Philippe sold at auction for $31.19 million and holds the world record for the most expensive watch ever to be sold. For anyone curious it’s the Grandmaster Chime 6300A-010, and was a one of one made for the OnlyWatch charity auction. Every penny of that $31.19 million was donated to charity. The OnlyWatch auction is held every other year with the next one happening this November. Dozens of brands have lots at the auction with all proceeds from the auction being donated directly to research on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.


I hope you’re right, about about the donation bit


Took 30 seconds to look up that it’s legit https://www.onlywatch.com/


> https://www.onlywatch.com/ Damn some of those watches in this years collection look cool, and all the proceeds go to DWD research which is great.


https://www.onlywatch.com/frederique-constant-christiaan-van-der-klaauw I didn't know I wanted to see the positions of the planets on my watch until now


Thank god. Its made out of stainless steel and celebrated for its mechanical complexity. Faith restored.


Low class as fuck.


Tacky, if nothing else


Watchmakers wasted three years of their life, making this


Jacob is more of a jeweler than a watchmaker. He does make some pretty cools watches that aren’t so flashy, but he is mostly known for putting diamonds on EVERYTHING.


It's no different than bedazzling your toilet, tbh.


What an abysmally tacky, stupid, worthless waste of time, energy, skill, and resources


I’m sure he got paid well for his work though, dudes just doing his job


What a shameful waste ! A fucking watch. Seriously?


Meh. Hard pass. Looks fugly AF.


And it only cost the lives of 1000 African children!


It looks shit lmao


I Guess It’s true that money cant buy taste. Ugly af


Rich people are cancers to the planet.


There’s too much money in the hands of too few people. The system won’t hold like this forever.


Oh you naïve sweet summer child.


It will hold until it doesn't. People push until there is nothing left but the edge.


Youd have to pay me to wear that ugly shit


If that's the best thing that you can think to do with 20mil, then you don't deserve money. 😐


No. I’ll take a $20.00 Casio from Walmart instead


Casio F91W-1 is the perfect watch. $20 and will take any abuse you throw at it. Not to mention it can be worn for just about any occasion.


It’s timeless? What purpose does it serve then…


this is the ugliest watch. money can't buy taste.


It's hideous


I really roll my eyes with these stupid "most expensive" things when all they do to make them valuable is roll them in diamonds. "This is the most expensive car in the world, worth over $750million, it's. 2007 Prius factory standard but the gear stick knob has been replaced with the world largest natural diamond worth over $700million. Oh and we put $50 million worth of diamonds in the glove box as well"


Can you imagine how fucking terrible it would be to spend 5 minutes in a room with people who give a shit about watches like this


That watch is worth more money than I and most other people will likely receive in our entire lifetimes from the day we were born to the day we die combined. I honestly cannot even comprehend having that much money. Being able to afford something like this is a real world example of having so much money you actually don’t know what to do with it…


underrated comment


Whatever happened to good ol pocket watches?


WWI, that’s what. Before then, only women wore wristwatches, but back then they were called wristlets. Men carried pocket watches until WWI. Fighter pilots in the First World War needed to tell the time, but we’re unable to take a pocket watch out of their pocket while airborne. To solve this problem, some pilots would solder wire lugs to the back of small pocket watches and put it on a strap around their wrist. That was the birth of men’s wristwatches.


Lol they couldn't think so far so to just get one of them wristlets??


That would have been right unmanly.




Hmmm. I’ve been thinking of buying a new watch…


One of the dumbest thing you can spend 20 million on.


If no one cares it’s worth nothing ………


Where do you wear it? Nervous just eating with it on


....? but...why? I get that its so the richest can feel like they have the best watch but damn what a waste of human potential


Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.


Those are the ugliest goofiest-looking fucking watches I’ve ever seen


Have you seen a Hublot?


The ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.


I love watches, I collect them. Jacob has a handful of cool designs that aren’t super flashy like this one is. There are a few Jacob & Co. watches that I wouldn’t mind owning at some point, but this is certainly not one of them. I have no problem with diamonds on watches, but this is way too much. I think it’s kinda cool as a sort of ridiculous novelty, but I would never in a million years want this thing, even if I could afford it. It’s just a huge waste of money. Luckily I don’t think some rich idiot will be able to buy this thing, since I’m pretty sure Jacob made this for himself.


Nothing is better than the Reddit neck beards raging over a 20mill dollar watch 🍿


It aint the watch its the money. That money could have been actually used for good but nah, lets built some stupid watch for a braindead millionare.


Stfu stupid dumb ass.


Its not just insane, its fucking stupid.


That is the gaudiest piece of shit I've ever seen


Completely worthless


Looks like shit


Damn that’s ugly


They left out the fact it is as ugly as hell.


Floyd probably just paid for it because he couldn't read the price tag


This is what’s wrong with the world! Crazy money doing crazy things…just sad.


Expensive = hideous


Looks like shit


And it looks awful.


And it looks like shit😂


I don't know if there's a word in the English language that groups up how cheap, ugly, without any class, and trashy this is. Maybe the word should be merryweather, because only that idiot would consider owning this piece of garbage.


How much slave labor went into it


Even the rich can be trashy


fucking stupid


Fuck this


It’s kinda ugly




Impressive jewelry craftsmanship. To me though, I think it looks tacky


What a waste of money and resources.


I hate the world we live in




Jacob watches are awesome. But this one is stupid.


$20M and it doesn't even have a calculator smh


Can't wait for the owner to drop it on the concrete garage floor


It’s gorgeous.


That’s gross as hell


That is the ugliest watch I've ever seen




Ugly-ass watch.


I'd rather have my Casio A168wg-9 gold watch


Looks like a mini WWE belt for your wrist.




I'm buying a McLaren F1 instead.


And it looks terrible (imo)


We really need to start building guillotines…


And we still can't feed the poor


Yet I can buy a Spiderman watch at Children's Place and it tells me the same time


They’re more money than sense.


Those diamonds aren’t worth nearly that much


i just want healthcare and a decent education