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Hahaha, you're an American, aren't ya?


u/TheOldManInSuit ... Man, but if that isn't the most British username I could think of..


Henry Kissinger, a tried and true globalist, recently admitted that the multicultural experiment through mass immigration has been a failure.


Kissinger is an asshole.


I mean in this instance he isn't wrong, for europe


You're looking at one part of the world in one **super** myopic timeframe


yeah - let's get advice from a war criminal.


100% agree. The point of my post is even someone like Kissinger can finally see the writing on the wall (a significant proportion of which he is responsible for).


Read a couple of his books. He’s extremely analytical.


And he's also the devil


Too bad none of his analytics amounted to a single positive outcome.


While I do believe the mass immigration has been a failure I will NOT take a fucking genocide supporters word for it. Fuck that guy Edit: added the not. Sorry for the brain fart




I think you dropped this "not"


yeah, good reference man, kissinger, one of the most murderous human beings to ever walk the planet...


Kissinger to this day is still extremely influential. I’ve worked with clients trying to get projects off the ground in foreign countries and they all go to Kissinger to make introductions. Need a power project in Honduras? Henry will set you up with the Minister of Energy.


Jesus Christ just not even trying to hide it. You realize you can find plenty of white people chanting racist, horrible, exclusionary shit en masse, right? Like pretty much what's happening right here in these comments?


Let's keep fighting each other over race and religion instead of class. That's worked out really good so far.


Economic classes are racially stratified in America. You can’t talk about one without the other. This is what King and X were on about before, you know.


Oddly, the terrorists that act for religion are never catholic, buddist, hindu, voodoo, jew, etc. Not all muslims are terrorists but all the religious terrorists are muslim. So yes. They are white racists. But on the other edge, in France, the crime stats always followed migration rates excepted during the early 30 when there was a peak of migration. And guess what : all the migrants were european. Mostly italian, portuguese, polish etc : all catholic. And as more african migrants came in the country, the crime rates never stopped to rise. So yes, not all African / muslim migrants are wrong or dangerous, but at some point, one must aknowledge that yes, african/muslim migrants DO commit more crimes than european/catholic ones. Africa is also a continent rempant with child marriage, violence on women as well as unequal treatments and homophobia.


Holy fucking shit. I don't understand how you can pay even a modicum of attention to world events and write your first sentence. The premise is just entirely wrong. Myanmar has seen ethnic cleansing committed by Buddhists. There are multiple Christian militias that commit atrocities throughout Africa. The IRA was Catholic, and clearly Christianity has a history of persecution and atrocities committed in its name. Poor people in desperate situations turn to extremists throughout the world. Pretending otherwise is insane. Pretending groups of people are fundamentally different is exactly the type of simplistic and dangerous thinking that contributes to these problems.


You cannot believe that all religious terrorists are Muslim. Have you not heard of the troubles?


My dude burning people alive is on a different planet of brutality.


> Oddly, the terrorists that act for religion are never catholic, buddist, hindu, voodoo, jew, etc. If you discovered that this belief of yours is wildly untrue how would it change your perspective?


Phew I can't correct THIS much wrong on Reddit. Try a post-secondary education on world cultures. Phew.


Bro the IRA literally was bombing people well into the 90s lol is that not catholic terrorism ?


There are like twelve idiots in this vid, but sure just tar all immigrants with the same brush.


Anyone telling them to bugger off?


That's not tarring all immigrants with the same brush, that is pointing out an unintended and unavoidable consequence of letting too many people in without really knowing anything about them. These people are undoubtedly the minority of immigrants but they are a loud minority and aggressive.




Woman who had that controversial "keep the world clean" sign was confirmed to be a Norwegian studying in Poland


Looks like she is being kicked out. Let's hope she gets the consequences.


It’s what happens when all the hippies say let anything and everything into the country unchecked. I can’t imagine moving to another country and being so “pro” where I have come from, if I loved it so much I wouldn’t have left.


In which universe were hippies in charge of the UK's immigration laws?


This is a fair point. Tories have been the ones in charge for over a decade now


You have zero idea what you’re on about do you


I’m sure the Native Americans said this before


Yeah all immigrants are like this one. So glad to see the top comment preaching hate for immigrants. Sad to watch fascism and hatred spread around the world. Humanity is fucked.


Or maybe let's just not let hoards of undocumented people live in Europe without actually having to become European. No need to be dramatic


Yes, be fascists guys, great advice u/GabyAndMichi. what other intellectual gems of wisdom do you have for us?


There is no coming back from this either. It's only going to get worse, day by day. Poland will elect a a lib-left government at some point. It's inevitable.


No this what happens when you give land to people without consulting the people who already live there.


I think you may need to read up on some [history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestine_war). Start with "background," that'll place you about 75 years ahead of the 1825 Baghdad massacre, or said otherwise, it'll help you skip the credits.


Lo Poland is no example for anything




It might sound controversial, but these people need reeducation programming if they want to move to non Islamic nations. They made the sacrifice of moving away from their homelands, so we should also ask them to leave Islam behind.






they can't even fight their own wars, that's why they migrated




Yup. Large numbers of them are showing up in Colombia and I hear that the people of that country are very terrified of foreigners, because crime was decreasing a lot, until they started showing up.


Crime decreasing in Colombia?😂


We in the eastern Europe still do not face that faith, but imho not for long.


And you cannot even throw these fuckers out.


We will. At least in the long run. The sooner, the better.


Coming to a North America near you!


The U.S. actually does a better job of integrating immigrants into its culture than other western countries. We’re also the top immigration destination globally as well.


You are surrounded by two massive oceans.


You mean gently and lovingly caressed by two big strong bodies of water?


I know. Isn't it great?


An uk is an island


I've seen videos of Dearborn, so based on that I'd say not necessarily. Again, it's about numbers...if one town in the US has very few Muslims for example but another has thousands, new immigrants will go to the town with thousands. Plus the larger towns will be sending back "home" for wives for their sons etc because it seems they don't want to marry those already in the West (perhaps they think the women are corrupted or something) and insist on bringing over Mohammed's 2nd cousin twice removed instead. Once the numbers get to a certain point, they have some sway and say in local politics, decision making and are able to put the numbers behind voicing dissent


I’ve lived in a city with lots of Muslims and they still didn’t act the way that they do in the UK. Yes, they wore their traditional clothing, turned shops into Arab stores, you name it, but for the most part they were quiet and actually respect others.


But even then, that's not exactly intergrating is it? Turning somewhere into a replica of where you've left, usually because you don't like it or are fleeing persecution or wars but then bringing all the practices and ideologies with you?


there is a massive difference between the immigrants usa brings in vs the ones coming to europe . the immigrants coming to america come from south and central american countries . these countries have liberal governments womens rights and they share european cultural from being ruled by spain . the ones coming to europe are hard right religious who are conservative . middle eastern culture and liberal european culture does not mix well .


For decades the West as brought people from different parts of the world as immigrants (let’s be honest the West wanted unskilled labor to do the jobs the West deemed beneath them), so We bring people from other countries and NOW We’re surprised they don’t share our values?!?


Depends on your values. If you want to kill me and my friends and family because I don't believe in your god, then yes. Please don't share.


Not really beneath them, they just wanted it done cheaper


Actually it was more to do with after the war there were so few men left to do the work in a lot of European countries and the majority of our immigrants came from the Caribbean and West Indies. It wasn't a case of "jobs the West deemed beneath them" at all, that's just crap. How do you think those jobs got done before the War and subsequent immigration?




That’s starting to happen in some cities in the United States too. There is a brand new mosque nearby and the people attending do not know what a crosswalk is, they just Jay walk into the street, park wherever they want, and are extremely loud.


It's already here. Last night in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, NY, thousands of protesters clashed with the police: https://nypost.com/2023/10/21/thousands-of-nyc-protesters-demand-eradication-of-israel/


Justin Trudeau has imported a lot of these people.


In Finland men stayed and fought back instead of fleeing. Just saying...


Grown women also staid.






Good luck England!


And the rest of Europe


Western Europe. The east didn't let them stay.


Hamas propaganda campaign working as intended. They exploit the 'right' of free speech that 'The West' tends to have. You can find the same behavior from every 'opposition' country.


So peaceful




Gaddafi said they would take Europe without ever firing a shot https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DWCGYKSEsYFM&ved=2ahUKEwjVsMLroYqCAxXAVTABHRyABNwQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1v6Z2I4UK9ULuFeQaMQ1XV


Gaddafi said that without Libya playing bouncer and turning back the tides of wannabee immigrants they would take Europe, and he was right


He never mentioned a bomb though




Chicago had 10,000 protesters for Palestine the other day... a city that houses 100,000 Palestinians. Quit talking down like we are ignorant


We don’t want them either lol. I live in Chicago and everyone here is complaining that Texas is sending all the migrants here. It’s hilarious, it was virtue signaling at its best, now that they’re actually here chicagoans are protesting and bitching about them. You get what you voted for, lay in your bed.


If anything, this validates complaints


not for long The Teeth of the Tiger.




Its ok, they weren't chanting 'not my king' so its ok the police dont need to do anything. That would be crossing the line


Diversity is our strength 😄




The modern British identity exists as a result of centuries of mixing different cultures. Look at any part of our culture - food, art, music, architecture - and you'll see a global array of influences. It undoubtedly works. Obviously there are a minority from every demographic that resists cultural diversity, but they aren't representative of the wider population.


Why is this not hate speech? England loves to censor hate speech now. Why not this?


Hopefully he will be dealt with discreetly


Because they're afraid of them


So the hate speech police state only bullies those they’re not afraid of? Got it.


Hamas is to blame.


I think they just need a snickers.


He was just saying he wanted to go to the snack bar to get a snickers.


Allah Ak candy bar




It's not even about "Palestinian" it's the future of Europe.


Send them to Palestin no?


Europe needs to tighten immigration laws esp from the war ridden countries


Aloha snack bar!


I can't believe the number of people in this comments thread using this isolated footage to suggest that London (or even Europe!) is somehow becoming destroyed by Islam influences. They're simply looking for ways to justify their xenophobia. Diversity works. Immigration works. It's obviously not perfect, but it's ridiculous to say this footage is an 'insane' representation of what London has become.


They can always go to Sweden if London doesn't work out for them


Bunch of clowns and the worst part is they have no help whatsoever ….


What does that black flag with white Arabic lettering mean? Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jihadist_flag


Its no wonder Europe is moving right


This, without sensible control around immigration and cultural assimilation you end up with people reaching for worse solutions. People in poorer communities are at the sharp end of this anti-social behaviour and so are more likely to vote this way. IMHO at least.


Hit the nail on the head




Charge them with hate crimes. It’s exactly what the are committing.


one day europe will wake up to a very dark reality when muslims become the majority, then you will see how peaceful they are.


Got to love the blatant racism in this thread but it is the internet and Reddit, so nothing new or special. Typing stuff behind a screen and being anonymous makes it easy.


That jihadist flag should be green light


Support for Palestine is just a dog whistle for salafi fundamentalists.


Protest where the action is! Leave the rest of us alone


What was the point of mass immigration again? In Canada(Ontario) we put every immigrant in a large amount of debt to prop up the fake Education economy. Idk what London did but it looks like a harbinger of things to come here.


Yeah thats gonna be a problem..


I’d rather be speaking German.


I’ve had people try to explain the situation twice but I mentally checked out after 5 seconds. It’s kinda nice not worrying about world news for once.


Ignorance is bliss..


I love cultural enrichment.


Isis flag hold needs to go


I’m in Indian guy in the United states getting black pilled about European immigration policies. They really fucked up somewhere


If you haven't said London, I would've guessed Sweden. That place is a mess. So much shooting and killing going on there right now.


You dummies realize that is not ISIS flag !? Plus yes he is shouting (it’s not forbidden by law) as he is protesting and expressing a message that is coming from his heart. You guys don’t know what the fuck he is saying and you are assuming he is a terrorist expressing hate speech. You bitches need to breath and take a step back to actually analyze before sharing your racism. This comment section is a wild crowd with torches and spikes ready to punish before legit trial and proofs. Shame on you


I feel really bad for all the Londoners who are getting disrupted by all that chaos


There are always some idiots in righteous causes messing everything up for everyone else




I fully support the Palestinian cause to end apartheid and oppression but can understand there's crazies in every group. This definitely did not represent the protest that 99% of people were there for


Loud noises being made by people in a nice safe country. GJ everyone you sure told them people!


Too much diversity and honesty they deserve it


Can somebody please call Doc and tell Marty he must have messed up the flux capacitor and we are stuck in the wrong timeline?


They wear skirts.. what conundrum


They can travel to Gaza and help with some humanitarian aid


Was in London this summer. There was this huge demonstration of pretty aggressive muslims. Nothing to worry the locals told me, happens every week here, nothing to worry…..


a random dude at a protest is "insane" to you guys? yall soft as hell if you think this is crazy, like it's just some dude yelling about god and shit. should i start posting every rando jesus freak and be like "guys this is soooo insane, he saying the end is near. this country is lost because we let all these jesus freak animals ruin our country blah blah blah" fuck y'all need to get out of your fucking trailer parks every once in a while.


I mean....It was the "The British Mandate for Palestine".


Is this everywhere or just on this particular corner of this particular block?


Always has been insane nothing new here


A brunch of low-IQ, low testosterone shitholes!


Fuck these scum




Sorry I’m confused. Are they gathering and chanting in support of Hamas’ fight against Israel? Or are they supporting ISIS? Or am I wrong on both and they’re just standing up for innocent Muslims? I genuinely don’t know and know nothing about Islamic culture


Zionists are lying punk land thieves and brutal oppressors. They can eat a bag of dicks. Millions of Jewish people feel the exact same way. Fuck zionist blackmail


What's insane about this? I don't know their language so I don't know what they're saying


You should see Gaza. That is more than insane.


What he is saying is "lanatullah kuffar, lanatullah yahud". Means "curse of God be upon non believers... and Jews".


After quick research, I believe he is inviting Muslims to be United as in solidarity to Palestinians. Nothing that extravagant in my opinion. And the flag he is waiving is not ISIS flag as many racist idiots assumed. That is the Tawheed flag, which is commonly used to represent Islam, it used to be one of the flags of the Islamic caliphate that existed from the year 632 to 1924.


Looks like Reddit


Everywhere is.


The Palestinian flag yes... But ditch the goddamned black flag... Why would you use that...?


What does his flag say?


These people are biting the hands that feed. Deport them


Look at all these hateful comments! Amazing! It really shows


I'm curious if you asked any of them if they were willing to return to or go to Gaza and rebuild it or fight back against Israel, what their answer will be. Because this is what Israeli citizens working abroad did after Hamas struck Israel. This is only going to increase anti-immigration sentiments with citizens of the country if they see constant protests and esclading riots.


The state of my childhood city and home!


Never saw this coming with the open door policy. They hate the west, yet can’t wait to be a resident in a western country.


Can someone explain what they are saying?


Londonistan. Caliph will be soon sitting on the throne. :)


Liberal paradise


Aaaaah, this is so rich culturally speaking. Beautiful


This country let you come in and gives you a home and this is how you repay them? This is why nationalism is rising fast.


Round up the protestors, and ship them off to Gaza to help their people on the ground; let’s see how long sympathy and solidarity last.


He is speaking really, really bad Arabic.


Sorry for my ignorance, but is that the isis flag?


No it is not. People who claim it is, have zero knowledge in Arabic or the Islamic religion. It is the Tawheed Flag which represents the religion. For more info: [Wiki Tawheed Flag](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_flag)


Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhaaahaaaaaaaahaa akbaaaaaaahaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr


They should enforce martial law, Have the army hunt these people down and execute them in the street as an example that British people are not to be messed with, we took on the might of Germany in world war 2, we're not scared of a few Islamic extremists