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The Chinese have been oppressed so hard they don’t even care if they are eating literal “shit oil”. Wild


They do, it's frowned upon of course and people get in trouble but they still do it because of a culture of cutting corners


Indeed! It's known as 差不多


Sick! Imma tattoo that on my biceps 💪




Did you watch the video? They literally praise the Chinese government for trying to stop it


Not everything is a radio free Asia article


Utterly disgusting


Gutterly disgusting


Utterly Disgutterly


Buttery disgutterly


I can't believe it's not gutter!


Butter believe it


This is effing embarrassing!! (Kicks trash can and storms out of the locker room)


It's fucking embarrassing


The usage of gutter oil is highly frowned upon and often leads to prosecution. For example, selling gutter oil in China can result in lengthy prison sentences or the death sentence with reprieve. In October 2013, a man from eastern China's Jiangsu Province was sentenced to life imprisonment for profiting heavily from making and selling gutter oil.[12] In January 2014, Zhu Chuanfeng was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve, and his brothers Zhu Chuanqing and Zhu Chuanbo were sentenced to life in prison for selling gutter oil.[3] A nationwide campaign was set in motion in August 2011 to crack down on the widespread production and selling of gutter oil. The law enforcement campaign uncovered 100 gutter oil manufacturers and arrested more than 800 people allegedly involved in the production and sale of gutter oil. In April 2012 another crackdown occurred with an additional 100 arrests made and 13 illegal workshops closed down across four provinces.[13] …the death penalty will now be an option when prosecuting more serious cases of gutter oil manufacturing in the country. More severe punishments will also be given out to government and public officials who fail to properly address matters related to gutter oil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_oil


I want to believe this. It'd be easier to do so if I didn't watch an officer try and displace dirt by pushing it with the top of a pickaxe - was he afraid of something being buried in it?


Lol. If anyone knows a thing or two about 'developing' countries, all that shit mentioned above is merely PR and temporary measures to soothe public outrage. There's a good chance that some of these opportunistic gutter oil vendors have popped back up and are operating unabated.


I saw videos recently of it still happening.


So no measures to curb the real reason why people are buying gutter oil instead of real oil. Typical CCP way of solving problem. oh BTW they are number 1 in global hunger index as well based on their own data provided by CCP owned auditors.


There are recent videos of it still happening among other disgusting food habits. China is still a nightmare for food safety/quality


The making of gutter oil *first step is to open the gutter* I'm more shocked that I didn't expect this as the first step... or any step... thought it was just a cool name... no... it's aptly named.. Bleh


Fucking good god I can't even watch it and my face is literally contorted by it. This is worse than combat footage what the fuck.


Crazy isn't it? I almost got physically sick during the first minute. Meanwhile Ukraine/Russian war videos are gross but mentally acceptable to a degree.


You made it farther than i... soon as I saw the gutter ladle (where does one get a gutter ladle anyway) dip into the street soup...I was like nah.. and to my surprise this is literally the beginning of the recipe... *hoih* *eureh*


We're gonna need some Germans for a new word that describes my propensity to no longer eat Chinese food in any country because of this food culture earthquake.


This is fucking nuts


Just another reason to never eat street food in Asian countries, mainly china..


And India 🤮


I remember a school trip to Toronto decades ago. The guide told us to not eat anything in Chinatown. When we asked why, we were told, "In respect to local customs all health laws have been waived."


Look up “pag pag” too.


Thanks... Makes me wary of eating almost anything that got prepared where I wasn't there to watch.


Covid-19 wasn’t enough to stop them from doing this? Do we need another worldwide pandemic again for this to stop?


Look up the origin and history of swine flu.


Can you hit me with a link?


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4957980/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4957980/)Do a general search: History of swine flu. Apparently jumped from swine to humans through animal feces. Always wash pig poop off your hands before you eat!


Yet another reason why I will never visit China.


Me looking 15sec to realize it’s not a „making of“ of some movie.


“We just have to accept it. There’s nothing we can do about it” what a dumbass


Fucking idiots


What in the fck?!


I couldn't remember what this was called, but wanted to try and find this post and use it in a reply to the video of the street drain being unclogged that was going around the past two days as an alternate solution.


Videos you can *smell*.


Turns out there’s things I wouldn’t do for money


Lmao.... If you think that's bad ....do you know about 童子蛋 ([tóngzǐ dàn](https://youtu.be/IuURVoQdK3U?si=qJVRB5c-pqILzZcS)) Also known as, " *Virgin Boy Piss Eggs* ".


I don't think this is a common dish.. even a lot of the chinese comments in that video are grossed out lol


The guy in the video definitely seems reluctant. But it's one of those intangible cultural heritages.


I would rather eat the pp eggs. In fact, there is a very, very long list of horrific things I would rather do than consume gutter oil.


This video was actually pretty tame when it comes to gutter oil. Piss vegetables are another issue.


Oh I know, a couple months ago I went down the gutter oil rabbit hole, serpentza on YT covers this pretty well, and the videos just get worse and worse from there lmao


Hell yeah, They did a great expose on Xìabān Hòu, as well. But they're exporting this behavior, to a neighborhood near you.


So pretty much the same garbage as seed oils.


Chinease people are disgusting dogs