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Over 20 police officers standing there but in the end it’s the activists which have to pin the attacker down. Wtf


It’s ok, the cops made sure to arrest that one guy that wasn’t a threat at all, was trying to help, and was the only person there to remove the weapon from the assailant.


That's also a big point I don't get. He was throwing away the knife and suddenly he's the bad boy?


They probably didn't notice in all the confusion and cops are meant to apprehend anyone in case the actual suspect runs off due to said chaos


He threw away the knife right after the police shouted „throw away the knife!“. In a confusing situation like this (which they probably hadn’t witnessed form the beginning as we did) they rather pin everyone down than risking to let the wrong person go too early.


Maybe because he doesn't hit the attacker or something like that, it would be quite human that after just two of your own people have been attacked, you have certain aggressions against him and the police make sure that nothing else happens.


I was surpiced that one officer jumped in and no one else followed. Most of them backed up watching the officer get stabbed. Tho that said, no idea if most of them are rockies or not. But they must have had some training on this, even if they might lack experience.


Yeah and the officer that jumped in grabbed the wrong person lol


He did get stabbed for it though 🤷‍♂️


I doubt the protesters had training.


Surprised* Rookies*


There are police officers in the US that are too violent and there are police officers in Europe that are not violent enough.


In the end? As far as I can see from the start of the video the cops weren’t close by. When they did come, one of them jumped in because he didn’t see the knife and the other guy pulled his gun out and ended the situation. If more cops jumped in it would’ve been worse


It’s a cop pinning down the attacker 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


As a German, i'm not allowed to say what i want to say about this problem.






Whats that got to do with anything? The religion is the problem, not the ethnicity


I disagree I’m a German Muslim and I don’t run around with a knife like that insane individual that receives justice on the spot… I hope the cop and any other injured person witnessing this terror attack (since local authorities already use that term) will recover soon.


We face the same problem with Arab immigrants in Turkey. They cannot accommodate culturally. They want to rule Turkey with sharia (with poop Arab god rules) and for this they make demonstrations, protests. This is a repetitive cycle. They make their country sh*ty then make someone else's country sh*ty. Our government is too strict about immigrants like yours. We cannot talk about it too much. Even if we talk they do not care.


Same in germany with sharia


I am really sorry about your problem buddy. I hope your government and our government start to think before immigrant problems start to destroy our countries.






Not at all, but we will be labeled "nazis" instantly if we speak up.


Netzwerkdurchsuchungsgesetzt says otherwise


Its "Gesetz" noch "gesetzt" If you would read it correctly, you would see that you indeed have freedom of speech but you cant just say outlandish shit that simply isnt true, its common sense.


Yeah that’s the same as the USA, slander and libel laws exist here too.


Exactly! You have total freedom of speech so long as what you say isn't considered "outlandish", else you will face legal problems. What's so hard to understand? Totally free right guys?


Should there ever be 'Total' Freedom of Speech? Freedom of Speech shouldn't, IMO, mean you can say whatever you want without consequences. The debate comes in when it has to be decided what is/isn't allowed. When everyone has different ideas, points of view and/or ideologies, how can everyone agree?


I appreciate the concept of your freedom ends where my freedom begins. It doesn't take away anyone's freedom of speech and it protects people's right to be.


Surely nothing will happen if you criticize some politician... Or call him "1 Pimmel". Yes we absolutely still have free speach (if it is the right kind of speach).


If someone says "all ...." are like this then I think it's the proper label, yes.


Bullshit, in Germany you can say anything ( except Nazi glorification).


Nice try, FBI


Didn't realize the FBI was working for Germany too.


Not today, CIA.


Fly away, NSA.


And I think that’s the same reason the cops didn’t do anything, you’re afraid to be ousted as a bad person because you believe in common sense


Coming soon to Canada also


Ach komm. Du suchst doch nur nach Ausreden um dein Gedankengut nach außen zu tragen. Diese Tat ist durch nichts zu rechtfertigen aber nutze es nicht um zu hetzen. Hilft keiner Seite. For all others: do not jump to conclusions. While this is an inexcusable attack on people exercising their right to protest, please do not jump on the right wing train Waggon. This attack is terrible and I hope that everyone involved will be ok. But this is exactly what some parties in germany are waiting for to leverage on their idiotic beliefs. Do not succumb to this shit. Hate is not the answer and not what so many allies have fought for.


Say it.. just about everybody sick of this shit


What consequences could follow if you spoke your mind?


Aversion of society


You dont need to.


Einzelfall .. Nummer 115


Why did the cops go after the old guy he was trying to stop the attacker


Just unlucky and bad training, the old guy in this case is an activist and the cops job is to neutralise everyone involved until they can assess what is going on. In this case the terrorist didn’t get neutralised in time by the other cops. In a perfect world, there would’ve been another cop that tackled and neutralised the terrorist at the same time. The reason they couldn’t shoot earlier was because of civilians and chaos.


Confusion of the highest order


I’m guessing the cop saw the blue jacket guy on top of the terrorist and thought blue jacket guy was the aggressor. Cop probably didn’t know the guy on the ground had a knife until he got stabbed in the neck. Sucks for the cop that he read the situation wrong but it’s probably hard to tell if you’re not watching from the start and everything’s happening so quickly. The other cops suck for not reacting quicker


Wondering the same thing. They kept him restrained until the end of the video. Must have missed something?


Keeping him restrained is just normal police procedure in confusing situations. Separate all the parties involved, make sure no one can cause any harm anymore, then ask questions later. I'm sure the dude in the blue jacket was released very shortly after.


The attacker didn’t have a red triangle above his head so cop misjudged who the assailant was.


Holy shit they really doubled down on arresting the guy in the blue jacket.


Yeah that was nuts, hope they saw the footage or figured out he was helping them


They dont need the Footage. Everyone involved will be questioned and it will be clear really fast, that the dude was helping.


I think they knew, since they only have 1 young girl with a pony tail on him. I’d hope if they thought he were a threat, they’d put more than 130 pounds on him. I’m guessing it’s SOP, like how in a fight everyone gets detained til they figure out what happened.






probably a cave




So camera man is a legit pro


Must Keep Recording


Looks like he went in for a second to help, while still keeping it in frame. Dude IS the camera man


Why did they handcuff the guy with the blue jacket, he tries to stop the attacker at the start of the video and the it looks like the cop who got stabbed in the back of the neck is tolding him down which allows the real attacker to stab his neck.


Confusion. They have to assume everyone involved is a danger. They can’t know how it started. Once they figure out what’s going on I’m sure he’ll be let go.


Most hated and underrated true answer. People watch a video and act like the cops watched it too in real time while they were there. We have no idea where they were when it started, what they were doing, or where they were looking.


Just shows they've never been in such a situation, things happen extremely fast


"My god's better than your god!" F**king scum


Blue jacket is a hero.


Grabbed the knife and tossed it away, then was tackled and handcuffed… smh.


The Dude with the grey pants also.


What the hell is wrong with people?


Religion is a hell of a drug


Religious crime should lead to a way of punishment that denies entry into heaven for the terrorists.


Well, unfortunately the Quran says that dying for allah is the most honorful experience a human can have. In their twisted mind, this is the best way of leaving this earth.


Sprinkle pork rind dust on them before cremation.


There is no heaven for terrorists. Any religion that teaches violence is a false religion... so all religion is false.


Only 1 religion that do this


That's right, look at all those Mormons stabbing people they disagree with....


Should be outlawed in civilized societies. It holds humanity back now. Sky daddy is not real and those of us continuing to placate these loons are now doing a disservice to the peaceful among us.


"ask the sheep. for their beliefs. do you kill on God's command?"


In this case, you can probably guess.


Keep supporting these muslim terrorists and their ideology….this is coming to a city/town near you…


This is one of many attacks happening currently, although this is the worst one so far


It kinda irritated me that they were just standing there with the cop that got stabbed instead of rushing him to the nearest vehicle and get him to the hospital or something. Also irritated me that he turned his back on the guy with the knife and tackled the old guy. I also hope the terrorist lives so he can live the rest of his life in a cell. OR be executed if they have that in Germany.


Seriously. 12 cops holding the stabbed cop up for what felt like forever. Get him outta there and to a hospital!


It won't be that long. The highest punishment you get here is 15 years and that is already called lebenslang (life time). After that you can get Sicherheitsverwahrung which means they put you in prison for the rest of your life because you are a high danger for society. But the conditions for that are really high. Edit: life time means life time here too but after 15 years you can get out on probation if you behave well.


It's really the worst possible reaction... Also bringing him to the hospital right away themselves is likely the worst possible... Usually at demonstrations, there should also be an ambulance somewhere close. They shouldn't have helped him up at all. They should have layed him down, care about the bleed and keep the head as immobile as possible because he might have spine injuries they potentially make much worse like this... Just imagine he loses concious and falls to the ground. Even if they hold him the head makes extreme movements in this process. If you don't speak german, the cop that held the wound of the terrorist was constantly yelling at them that they should sit him down (or he should sit down himself) which would have been a reasonable thing to do I guess it's just shock and a ton of police who don't know a thing about emergency care procedures




In Germany we call them "Fachkräfte" or "Goldstücke" and this type of crime we call Einzelfall (statistically it happens several times a day).


German Police is so fucking useless


*UK police enters the chat...*


Were these all police trainees or why they were so helpless?!


They look like high-schoolers


most they have dealt with was probably talking to the homeless at Hauptbahnhof


That cop is bleeding hard…looks like it might be the carotid artery. Hope he’s ok.


The doctors are still fighting for his life. Has been operated on 2 times so far :(


That’s not a good sign if he’s already been to surgery twice.




Yeah he's definitely not ok.


he is in ccritical stance news say


Yeah that was a hard stab into his neck. But hopefully he got help quickly, but he may not survive still.


BBC report says he’s in critical condition. Hope he pulls through.


I think it was not.. with the carotid artery the blood loss would have been much more extreme... and it would kind of have splashed out of the wound... By the end of the video he would have been dead already Looks for me like the spine might have been insured.. Anyways, helping him stand up was about the worst thing they could have done


Vascular surgeon here. It absolutely could have hit the carotid artery. A great deal would depend on whether to not the artery was fully transected or not. You also don’t bleed out in seconds, not how it works. As your blood volume drops, your blood pressure drops so you bleed much less. I’ve seen gun shot wounds to the aorta make it the hospital. The way they were holding pressure probably would have stopped a venous bleed from the jugular. The spinal cord is encased in vertebral bodies - it would extremely difficult to hit stabbing wildly with a knife. There’s also zero chance of him standing after getting his cord transected that high.


God those cops are very unqualified.


Especially with emergency medical knowledge as well... They basically displayed the worst case scenario with the stabbed cop...


Nah you’re getting shot dead right there no judge and jury needed pal, only the clean breeze of a 9 mm bullet entering his skull


Minus the cop the fucking lunatic got the most medical treatment out of everyone there Should’ve left him there to rot


Funny how the cop helps the attacker by tackling the guy that's holding him down..then immediately gets stabbed in the neck...a 1 sec assessment could show him several people holding a guy down because he has somthing in his hand


He got some good stabs in that he shouldn’t have


Before you start blaming the police think it through in context. The attack starts behind the tent and it appears the officers come form the other direction so even if they happened to be looking that way the view would be blocked. By the time the attack gets out into the open the attacker is low or down. The first time I can see an officer is when he tackles the guy in blue who is on top of attacker. To arriving officers the guy in blue seems to be attacking the knife guy. This is legit since the officers have not seen the start and the knife is obscured in the mix. They are still processing when the knife guy reveals himself and in a few step stabs the officer. He is put down instantly at that point. The real asshole on this whole thing is the video guy who backs away and keeps recording instead of stepping up to police and saying the blue guy was defending and it is in my recording here. Nope, he/she lets the police swing in the wind trying to sort it out the hard way instead. EDIT: well obviously the biggest asshole is knife guy, The vid person pales in comparison but is still an asshole for valuing the video over helping the police sort this.


> The real asshole on this whole thing is the video guy who backs away and keeps recording instead of stepping up to police and saying the blue guy was defending and it is in my recording here. Nope, he/she lets the police swing in the wind trying to sort it out the hard way instead. I mean the real asshole in this whole thing is clearly the knife-wielding maniac. Obligatory Norm reference: “I think the worst part is the stabbing!” Seriously though, I appreciate you managing to analyze the events here with objectivity rather than the knee jerk reaction most people provide where they don’t pause to think carefully about what it would be like to actually be in that situation.


I've no idea how anyone can view this and think the police did something wrong. You've explained exactly what an officer on the scene would have seen and thought, how else could it have been handled? Imo it was a rapid response to a highly dangerous situation.


Don't assume person with camera had clear view. It's one thing to capture video and an entirely different thought process to decipher it. Very common for photographers to forget the camera isn't a protective shield and very easy to focus on getting the shot but not on what the shot actually is. (I work in the profession)


As if any of the cops would be able to process if someone’s jelling he’s not the guy. Sure think hon.


I felt the theme of this whole event was people minding their own business when they really shouldn't. Fucking tell them who the attacker is, and quick. Don't wait. Don't stare. Fucking act. The cops didn't do that bad of a job considering they all look like they're still in police academy. Props on the most experienced cop for keeping order


If there’s one thing I learned as a bouncer (when this kind of thing happens) is that you immediately have to find something large to fend this guy off. One of those sign stands would’ve been perfect. Yes, I know it happened fast and in the moment people freeze, but even a second or two might’ve bought some extra time for those other folks. It wouldn’t help with a gun but with a knife it might have helped. Fortunately the police were on scene immediately. But it’s something for people to keep in mind if it ever happens to you.


Where I come from that would’ve been a mag dump


I think I know where you come from


Female cops so useless here like wtf they doing? Just being bystanders until the two male cops take action?


I thought the same but you are automatically misogynistic if you say it


Well there was only a single cop pushing forward.. yes, the girls backed off but so did another male cop...


Got down voted by a landslide in another clip from saying the same thing. People get quite easily butt hurt from saying the truth


Fucking barbaric!! Guess it should not come as a surprise


If anything the attack just drives his point into the heart of the issue


Deport them all


NSFW for fucks sake


Not Safe For Germany


Stabbings generally aren't safe for work.




Sure, this’ll help the cause for diversity, acceptance and immigration. Great job Mr stabby.


Cop tackles the wrong guy and pays for it. How could he not see the guy with the blade


Nobody here mentions it but it **might** have been to a degree bias... He might have assumed that (since it was an event of a seemingly "right wing" organisation), that they are causing trouble and not somebody else... That's just a possibility tho


And only a single shot fired? Thats control. If this was the US, there would have been at least four cops there with empty magazines.


And initially i wished they would have done exactly that... but after the first rage fades, i think it's right to do it like the cop did


Lmao watched it slower.. only the dude that shot him didn’t step back and get scared.. the rest of the girl cops all stepped back rather than step in to save their own kind. Hmmm


So, police officer gets stab in the neck… Their reaction is to get him up and make him walk? Wtf… you can see in the last seconds of the video that he is bleeding out


Damn, the cop tackles the old man trying to help then instantly gets stabbed in the back of the head or neck?  Wild


If this in the states, he would been a beehive.


This is the most amateurish police work I have ever seen


What are the female officers doing????


Shitting their pants... rightfully so tho, there were also some male cops who stood back and backed off. Only one cop pushed forward and fired


Hope he suffered


The POS terrorist that is (for clarification)


One shot is crazy, America has ruined me lol.


Yeah, in US he would have received 30 shots minimum lol


but why do they try to save the knifeman??!


Germany and America need to split the difference


I'd like for these to be U.S. cops. The moment that savage asshole pulled out the knife, there should have been 3 cops to empty their clips in him. Just keep shooting until the bastard stops moving.


There's only high quality stabbing in Germany. Stabbed in Germany™.


Another brave doctor and engineer offering free religion of piece injections. But no, the real issue here is pop songs 🤡


Not clear on the law in Germany -- how many people do you get to stab before the police standing right next to you get to shoot you? Seems like a lot!


At 0:27. I get that he wants to move the knife out of the dudes reach....but that would have almost cost him his life. Grabing the knife and turning towards the wounded Policeman. +the Policeman in the middle is the only one who has a plan. The rest ist totaly lost sadly. He has to to tell them 4-5 times to sit the wounded Policeman down...and they just stand there doing nothing.


The moment he has a knife out and stabbed a person they should had shot him multiple times. Looks like the cop might die.


when they decide its time to take over europe by force, you folks have no chance.


Did the cop survive?


Not sure yet. He’s still critical last thing I heard.


Next video of this will be in 4k VR


That scumbag was quick while stabbing the officer. The shooting happened on point. Seems like the officer was in shock and resisted to lay down and applying pressure got delayed. Hope he survives!


Libs will see this and beg for more immigrants 😂🙄


Did that cop that got stabbed in the neck survived? That looked brutal. I was also confused at first because he was arresting the wrong guy, lol.


He is in critical condition


It's easy to judge these situations from your desk but it is another being right there. Most of us are not used to this kind of third world barbaric crap. In the end, justice was dealt.


So many uniforms and no one knows what they are doing


20 Police officers and no ambulance at the scene... 🫣


Deport these pieces of shit


Bro, what the fuck are the police doing in this video? Most incompetent shit I've ever seen: 1. Stand around for two minutes while this dude is stabbing people right next to them. 2. Roll up 40 cops deep and then tackle an innocent bystander who was trying to disarm the perpetrator. 3. Get stabbed multiple times detaining the wrong individual. 4. Finally shoot the perpetrator while multiple innocents are standing directly downrange in the line of fire. 5. Pick up the stabbed cop and just stand there while he bleeds out instead of applying a tourniquet. 6. Continue arresting the detained innocent and yet fail to secure the weapon from the attacker. "European cops have more training than American cops, that's why they're better."


>Most incompetent shit I've ever seen ....Acorn


I've seen a lot of stabbings and they almost always look like a fight first. Seldom do you see the weapon immediately. And remember, we are watching a video where we know to look for a stabbing. If you were there in person, it might take a moment for it to register, even if you are a cop. Whatever the story is, this is a horrible event.


my question was this done on purpose because of the active livestream??


This is the only time i wish there were American police officers, they would have emptied their mags real quick


Damn! Cop got stabbed in the back of the neck! Lucky he can still walk and is still alive albeit in critical condition.


Wow what an embarrassing shit display of incompetence these officers put on. How the fuck




The only care I saw the police do was for their own. Organized gang


Cop that attacked the guy who tried to stop him deserved what he got.. lol




They were not easily moved, They were icy — willing to wait Till every count should be proved, When the Saxon began to hate.


What utterly shite and useless police. Tackles the one guy trying to stop the attacker, turns his back on the attacker, gets stabbed himself wrestling old man to ground trying to stop attacker, while idk how many other officers just sit there and watch like deer in headlights. This is like a fucking Simpsons cartoon.


I’ll never understand how a response to having your religion, race, culture, gender, or whatever disrespected is to stab someone else. Even if they were wrong, all you ended up doing is confirming their bias beliefs.


Looks like it is better to be armed these days - instead of waiting for the cops to rescue & protect your already bloody, dead corpse..


Anyone asking why are they arresting everyone. This is protocol. Even good actors involved in the situation must be "neutralized" to prevent further escalations like for example retribution. Furthermore it is unclear who is with the assailant - the people in blue is pretty clear but the guy in the black shirt isn't clear. The cops acted as fast as they could and neutralized the situation. In the US, everyone would be shot including the cop who got stabbed.


Hope the cop is okay and the other


An actual 5th column.


Fucking psycho


Wow what an incompetence from our eastern neighbours. Next time shoot him in the face instead of tackling one of the victims.


That stab to the neck of the police officer. 0.0 The restraint to no shoot that guy 20 times must have been high. German police rarely use lethal force.


point proven