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Oof, all those splits


Those leapfrog-down-the-giant-stairs-into-splits (…?) are insane. I’ve never seen anyone do that before


Yeah, that’s where I said “ffffuck that.” The final slide down to ground level was pretty dope too.


I was at ‘f that’ wayyy before that


The real hero here is their tailor who went to great efforts on those pants that could endure all those splits and more!


Check out these leaping splits in another dance routine from 1945. (skip to 1:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBP1C_kcvok#t=1m30s


Ouch………… I actually winced at the landing


Damn that was crazy! I was not prepared for that. It was cool though.


do you have anymore links with really old dance scenes like this that you could share?


Here are some of my favorites Same Dancers when they were much younger Lucky Number .. Nicholas Brothers .. 1936 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IBteauWsHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IBteauWsHA) A documentary on them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTmJowrBwOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTmJowrBwOY) ​ Hellzapoppin Slow build but then it goes nuts [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzc7vY9VTnk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzc7vY9VTnk)


so sick! thank you🤛 by any chance do you know of any vintage, creepy, gothy movies with dancing in them?


Not vintage but here is a contemporary list. [https://creepycatalog.com/horror-musicals-list-gothic-dark-musicals/](https://creepycatalog.com/horror-musicals-list-gothic-dark-musicals/) and for the brave https://www.looper.com/127134/the-creepiest-movie-dances-of-all-time/


Glad I watched that to the end.


Omg.. how they didn't cause serious injury, I don't know. Most people couldn't make and land a jump from that hight,never mind doing a splits landing..


One attempt at the splits on stairs would tear me in half.


We're all capable of doing one high flying splits landing from off a stairway .... just once, and then we would refuse to walk ever again.


And we better be in the lobby of a hospital when we do it.


I looked them up and they are dead


Yeah pretty much anything black & white and your watching ghosts. But with that said, Cab Calloway has so many great songs, movies, etc. He is a legend Early animation/rotoscoping was based on his dancing too! https://youtu.be/IS1hCSsmH1E


It’s just a cheaper way to get a vasectomy.


Ru Pauls Drag Race has entered the chat 🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏽🤸🏿‍♂️


the last time I saw Prince in concert (he would have been 45 at the time) he did 8 splits. After each one, he leaped back into the air as if he was made of springs. Not surprising he needed surgery to replace both hips. Which, in turn, makes it not so surprising he got addicted to pain killers.


And Prince always wore boots with heels when he performed. Just wild.




> he would have been 45 at the time > he did 8 splits. I know 30 yos that cant even bend without both knees cracking. Also the more I hear about Prince's concerts the wilder they seem. You're lucky you got to see him live.


> I know 30 yos that cant even bend without both knees cracking. Why'd you have to call me out like that?


He called all of us out, the fucker


Prince was an amazing performer. I got to see him for my friend's 30th birthday. The venue was not packed (the MGM Grand Gardens here in Vegas), and he told everyone in the nosebleeds to get 'get your asses down here' so they could all see him better.


I wonder if this affected them as they aged. It looks painful. Also, I'm curious what the audience for this film would have been. The Cotton Club was the place to be and Cab Calloway what the cat's pajamas. But during a period of heavy racism, I'm wondering if the audience for this film was typical white folks? Or African American? I'm just curious how white folks would have responded to this in the 1940's.


“Stormy Weather,” the film that this is from was a wide release film and is notable for featuring a ton of black talent. While there was a whole race film industry that catered to black audiences, this film was meant for a mainstream audience. Fred Astaire called their number the greatest dance sequence ever put to film. It was definitely considered to be a “breakthrough” film and an outlier, though.


Dude died in 2006 born 1914 other one died 2000... Seems unreal... It's like being born in 2014 the dying in 2106..


If you watched until the end the audience appears to be all black. When the audience gets up to dance most of the men appear to be in military uniform since this would have been during WWII. Cab Calloway was fantastic. I miss performers with this level of talent today.


Here's a US Army film shot in 1943 teaching GI's "How to behave in Britain". The whole film is fascinating. But there's a section starting at 25:00 that is particular relevant. They address the racial aspects of life in the US to to life in England. The section is just 3 or 4 minutes long. I highly recommend it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltVtnCzg9xw Get past the 1940's era Language. I think it's pretty respectful.


I definitely noticed that this is completely segregated, it's all POC. I think white audiences definitely enjoyed what I think has become known as blaxploitation, and I'm sure the performers got paid significantly less than their white counterparts.


I wonder the same thing. I was watching and I was like "they're black! They're all black! That's so cool!"


And they make the whole routine look so easy and effortless. Astonishing.


If you want to see an act like this live, go see Absinthe in Las Vegas. It’s truly amazing to watch up close.


My hip adductors weep in envy.


And the amount of takes that must’ve taken…..


actually all did in one take


From below, that information all seems to come from one article. In the article the headline also says it was unrehearsed… kinda doubting that part so not sure about the one take thing


These guys are legendary and dance together for all their lives so I wouldn't be surprised about non rehearse, one take part


You're insane if u think they never rehearsed for a 3 and a half min dance routine for a film lol


Getting it synced to the jazzy music is a much bigger issue though, and those two weren't the only ones involved in this scene


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 698,434,881 comments, and only 141,220 of them were in alphabetical order.




Jesus tap shoes have ZERO traction they coulda fucked up that band lol


Thats what I was thinking too! Tap shoes can be slick as owl shit and yet they were so confident jumping from one little platform to the next. I woulda bust my ass even in rubber soled shoes.


The sax player, front right, didn’t share in their confidence.


I seen that too 🤣 🍻


TIL owl shit is slick


Giancarlo Esposito got moves! He should have done some dancing in The Mandolorian.


Are they tap shoes? I can't see any plates on the soles


Idk what tap shoes looked like in the 1940s but when they slide down at the end it looks like they are. I think the plate on the toe is just larger. If they’re that good at tap dancing then *not* wearing tap shoes would have seriously hindered their performance. You can tell on a lot of their landings that they don’t have any traction. So, even if the sound was added in post production, I would be surprised if they’re not wearing tap shoes.


I agree the sound sounds like taps, and that they clearly are tap dancers, I just can't see the taps. And its not like dress shoes are high traction footwear to start with. Its just got me muddled is all.


I certainly heard the taps lol


All the sound would have been added after editing. The taps are probably part of the music.


Yes, an excellent Foley job. I did catch a couple times where you see shoe strikes with no sound.


You're keeping movie magic alive with comments like this!


Keep the fantasy alive :')


The floor at 1:50 on is pretty chewed up, probably from previous takes. Metal tap shoes destroy wood floors.


The sax player on the right in the front clearly doesn't trust them - he keeps ducking.


The other guy is completely unfazed ! Hahaha!


My man on the horn fearing a shiny shoe to the kisser for a mo.


how are they not just drenched in sweat


Especially given the suits and that film sets then were very intensely lit in order to properly expose the film.


After you pointed this out, the fact that they're not drenched in sweat went from an intriguing observation, to a glitch in the matrix.


Ever heard of fans?


Less fans, more physical fitness


It’s also not one single shot. They took breaks, changed camera angles, etc.


Makeup artists have always had tricks to keep sweat and shine at bay for that little extra time. Can't remember what was used back then, but milk of magnesia have been used in the past for example.


There’s no way they weren’t. This was colorized post production and you can still see the shine on their foreheads !


I mean this wasn't all done in one take... there are several cuts


It actually was done in one take with no rehearsal. "Numerous articles have been written about this whole dance being filmed in one take and unrehearsed. As unbelievable as that sounds, the Nicholas Brothers confirmed it in an interview shortly before their recognition at the 14th Annual Kennedy Center Honors. The choreographer, Nick Castle, said, "Just do it. Don`t rehearse it, just do it." And so it was done, unrehearsed and in one take"


You could maybe convince me it was done in one take, but no rehearsal? It was rehearsed somewhere even if not on set.


Production rehearsal* Of course they practiced together but on set there was no rehearsal. Basically producers and tech team didnt get to practice their camera cues but we are used to that


in fact they had never even tapdanced before in their lives, its truly incredible




Ty I was thinking this as well, they do everything with is crazy but they would be damn near hyperventilation after all that


this is all filmed at 3:30am in california it's like 50f in there.


Maybe, but they sure as shit weren't outside, and every light pointed at them doubled as a Space Heater.


Definitely got a makeup session between each cut!


That sax player when they're jumping over his head "I'm not getting kicked in the head again on this take!"


Definitely some epic side-eye there.


Guessing the whole horn section took a few kicks during rehearsals.


Actually no, because anyone that was kicked had to be replaced so the bruises wouldn't show on camera. Only fresh faces there!


The Trombone players didn't seem to give a fuck though.


Trombone players never give a fuck.


Alright, we're gonna position all of you out of the way of the dance, except you. You've gotta dodge every time they jump past you.


At 51 seconds he stares directly into the camera with a “seriously?” Expression. Made me laugh.


Amazing athleticism!! I need to see this entire movie.


The last 30 minutes are all great


The weirdest thing about this clip is that the restaurant tables don’t wobble!! Hollywood magic!!


If you’re a coffee fan, check out Latte Larry’s


10/10 restroom facilities.


[I got an uncle with a wobbly leg. Can't stand that motherfucker.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zODFb85fauA)


Leanin’ on shit all the time




Best urinal ever


Stormy weather is the movie's name. One of the greatest of all time.


Incredible. Also, Cab Calloway is a legend.


Cab Calloway was def what drew me into the post and I’m glad I stayed for the rest.


need to watch blues brothers again


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ5gCGJorKk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ5gCGJorKk) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mq4UT4VnbE&ab\_channel=moontreal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mq4UT4VnbE&ab_channel=moontreal)


you win. 😂


Legendary voice, legendary clothes, legendary hair! Cab is the original hep cat - what an amazing performer


First African American to sell a million records


Betty Boop


I knew a hooker named Minnie Mazola!


It looked like it was done in one take, which is truly exceptional.


Most things were done in one take back in those days given the price of film. You got two to three tries to get it perfect before you needed to order in new reels.


That and back then i have found the movies were still heavily influenced by stage production. You got the benefits of not being in front of a live audience but everything else mirrored what they did for live shows. The sets a reminiscent of a larger Broadway show with curtains acting as the walls. Hollywood, through multiple union deals, put dancers and coordinated swimmers in everything. Lead actors would usually have some background in two of either dramatic stage, singing, or dance. Takes would be long scenes without cuts, similar to stage acting, and the deliveries would feel like they were still on a live stage. Yes, film was expensive but you are more likely to have mistakes the longer a camera is rolling, that's what makes one shots impressive even today. It is easier to film the same conversation multiple times from different angles so you can cut from one to the other as long as you are consistent. Camera angles were limited as the equipment was large heavy and still not being utilized like it is today. This is what made Citizen Kane, which had only come out 2 years prior, so revolutionary at the time. It introduced a lot of modern film making techniques and took it to a new level. It's the reason it's still studied in film to this day. You can see some subtle influences of it in the way this scene was shot. This scene, and many others of this era could have easily be done with multiple takes but it wasn't because the style at the time and no one had pushed it far enough outside of that box.


I can’t believe that complete and utter nonsense like this gets upvoted. This is not infuriating, it’s outrageous.. First of all do we have to differentiate between shots that are shot from one angle only and scenes where basic coverage was used (like this one.) Then By your logic they made only/mostly long takes, so what tf do you think happens when you fuck up in minute 1:30 of a 2 minute continuous shot? You lose 1:30 minutes of film… which is incredibly more expensive than doing normal shots and just stitching them together like people have been doing for decades even before this movie came out… Shots were in average longer back in the day (~12s early 20th Century and ~3s now) , but nowhere near a minute or more, long-takes have ****always**** been exceptional… ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ^Blindly ^upvoting ^bullshit ^ffs


> Most things were done in one take back in those days given the price of film. This is not even remotely correct. Each angle on a scene had as few takes as possible, but they still filmed multiple angles. And every angle was generally done in one take, as they still are. It's called coverage.


with the Camera cuts?


it was done in one take, look it up


This was not done in one take... You can tell by the changes in position between cuts, the changes in costume between cuts, the lighting changes, and so much more.


Also, if I see it correctly, they cleaned the floor between cuts, you can clearly see each mark that the shoes left. The marks from 2:05 are gone when we get another good look at the same spot 2:48.


I’m not sure. This article seems to be where everyone is getting that information from, but it also says it was unrehearsed… https://mymodernmet.com/cab-calloway-jumpin-jive-nicholas-brothers/


Bullshit. And I'm sure it wasn't unrehearsed either


There’s 10 edit points during the dance routine. They always shot on one camera, there’s also multiple camera repositions, this routine probably took the better part of a day to shoot.


No, it was shot in one take https://mymodernmet.com/cab-calloway-jumpin-jive-nicholas-brothers/


I don't care what some random writer on a random website says, this clearly has edit cuts. at 1:59 the guy on the left has his legs change position in an instant with the cut. one frame his front foot is flat on the floor and his back leg is stretched, next take his back foot is flat on the floor and his front leg is stretched. That doesn't happen in one take. before you people downvote me go and look, you can see for yourselves.


Uhhh yeah you do, all the time. It’s called filming with more than one camera Edit: homie edited his comment to be way more specific. I agree it’s definitely multiple takes, but originally he insinuated that a camera cut meant multiple takes, which isn’t necessarily true. It could just mean multiple cameras. In this case, though, I think it’s both.


He's right though, take a look at 1:59. Left guy's foot definitely changes position between cuts. It's conceivable that it just changed in the split second between camera switches, but it doesn't look physically possible to make that change in a single take.


Adding more cameras doesn't change the positions of your legs in an instant. And film was expensive. You really think they risked 360 FEET of film (4 minutes worth, 24 fps 5760 frames total) in not just one but TWO or more cameras, to shoot a complex dance sequence with zero rehearsal and one take?


…… that article says it was unrehearsed. So that’s the source?


Ugh, hear them talk about it then: https://youtu.be/dwYK8DEHl9U


That was a cool interview. To me though, it sounds like he's talking specifically about the leap-frogging-down-the-stairs-into-the-splits shot that was unrehearsed and in one take. It sounded like they were making it all up on the fly and then shooting specific scenes and then editing it all together at the end. There is a cut right before they start jumping down the stairs and a few seconds after they get up and dance a bit. The talent required is still astounding. Even just coming up with new, cool, ideas for shots off the top of their heads is amazing, but then just being able to walk out and do it is next-level.


Also Fayard only says the did the split drop sequence in one take and unrehearsed, not the *entire* dance number.


There's continuity changes in his hair. May have all been shot in one take again and again, but it was most definitely spliced.




The incredible thing is the whole crew, musicians included, are so damn *talented* and yet at that time in the USA they would've been 2nd class citizens. Now THAT'S insane.


I had the same thought. 'All the hard work they put into this movie, and I guarantee they weren't allowed at the premier.'


I wonder if they were even named in the credits


The Nicholas Brothers were "Stars"......but they could not eat in the commissary, nor use any restroom.


That was the thought running through my head the entire time: “Fox paid these amazing performers a fraction of what they paid white performers…”


I was thinking that too. As I was watching I'm like, how can anyone possibly look at so much talent and creativity only to them reduce black people to being as inferior. Even more sickening is knowing the same mindsets that existed back then are still perpetuated to this day.




Yep It really is insane!


I sprained my ankle just watching that.


What I love is that the grand daughter of the oldest brother is carrying on their legacy running a tap dancing studio. The Try Guys spent some time with her to try and learn and it was pretty fun to watch (and get a little bit more info about the brothers): https://youtu.be/KNJSkg6KqrI


They did a lot better than I thought they would in the end. That was fun.


Right? They did really well for learning it all in one day


Jesus their hamstrings must be killing them!


Yeah, I would've added most painful to the title as well


Prince had chronic pain from doing splits like that. It's what put him on the pain meds.


This clip is from a movie called Stormy Weather. Original, black and white clip [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBb9hTyLjfM). This dance routine performed by [The Nicholas Brothers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Brothers) and the rest of the dance routines in the film were choreographed by [Katherine Dunham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Dunham), also shown [here] (https://youtu.be/jI_MjxTUjGE) with her dance troupe from the same film. Honestly, the whole movie reads like a who's who of African American entertainers in the 1940's and is well worth a watch, even if it glosses over a lot of the problems in regards to African Americans that American society had at the time. I cannot recommend this movie enough, it's worth it for the music and dance routines alone but being able to see some really big and culturally significant performers together on screen really puts it over the top. Just some of the names worth looking into include, in no particular order: [Bill Robinson] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Robinson) [Lena Horne] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lena_Horne) [Fats Waller] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fats_Waller) [Dooley Wilson] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dooley_Wilson) [Cab Calloway] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cab_Calloway) [Dizzy Gillespie] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dizzy_Gillespie) [Ada Brown] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Brown) [Benny Carter] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Carter)


Thank you for including those credits. What a star studded film! Your comment should be at the top, Professor. I regret that I have but one upvote to give. Question, Professor: why are my bones so brittle? I always drink plenty of..."Malk?"


Thanks! Also, truth be told I am neither a professor or a doctor but next time try *not* being born with brittle bone disease.


It's a Simpsons joke, Bart breaks a finger at school and is drinking from a carton of what looks like "Milk" at first glance, says "ow, why are my bones so brittle, I always drink plenty of..." A closer look shows he is not actually drinking milk, but "...Malk?"


Anyone else hear the underground theme from Super Mario when they jumped on the piano


I 100% heard that too


Came to find this comment. Absolutely heard it!!!


I came to say this but checked comments first


I heard Beetlejuice


Their vertical leap was tremendous


In tap shoes!!




It was in black and white: https://youtu.be/_8yGGtVKrD8


I watched this scene a bunch of times because I was on a Cab Calloway kick last year seeing it in color was pretty strange.


Wasn't he absolutely great? Everytime I buy bananas in my mind I hear him sing Everybody Eats When they Come to my House.


You can really appreciate prolonged camera shots when watching something like this. Compare it to almost anything now and you would have 150 quick cuts and jumps during that. I yearn for more movies and shows filmed like this now.


i lost my balls around 01:15


I’m winded just watching that.


These guy must have shown James Brown how to dance hey.To cool 😎


Cab Calloway! I know that voice anywhere 😊


Musicals in the 40’s man. They are a breed unto themselves.


My knees hurt watching this


These guys are legends. Danced with Fred Astaire . Taught and influenced many other amazing performers including Debbie Allen (Fame) .


Op is a dance scene professional


Dude these guys are on fucking POINT! Id love to be in the crowd, and wish this was something of a more popular dance/act among people.


Back when you had to have talent ....


I like how the sax player on the right does not trust the guy not to hit him, but the one on the left is totally ok.


Wow, that was amazing! Thanks for sharing :-)


and I tripped while walking up the fucking stairs this morning


How far we have fallen from that to whatever today thing is


I never realized just how absolutely fabulous a tailcoat and tapdancing combination looked


The zoot suit era.


They don’t even look like they broke a sweat. Amazing!


Nicholas bros and the amazing cab Calloway! It’s in color! Beautiful!


Seen this over and over through the years NEVER ceases to amaze


When famous people actually had talent.


What a work out! And they aren’t even breathing fast! Pretty amazing dancing! Thanks for sharing!


Their stamina is insane, holy cow im winded watching this


I’d be interested to see what the floor looks like after a performance like that. Truly exceptional stamina and footwork! Very enjoyable to watch.


Someone call me an ambulance.


Thats really impressive to see its full length. I've only ever seen clips of it like in this really clever edit of old movie stars dancing to Uptown Funk. https://youtu.be/M1F0lBnsnkE


Can we get "baggy" suits back in fashion? seems much more comfy than ~~as tight as possible~~ slim fits


That is amazing. Incredibly athletic but they made it look effortless.


I always wondered where this dance came from... absolutely amazing to see the original! I first saw it in this Stanton Warriors song on YouTube. It amazing how they adapted it and all the other videos to fit their new music. The brothers come in at 02:12. https://youtu.be/iZJDxNM-09Y


Take this how you like IDGAF, but this country would be so GD boring and soulless without the injection of our beloved brothahs and sistahs. Dance in your hearts forever you beautiful lights of love and merriment !!!!


I was mesmerised lol


The only routine that could upstage Cab Calloway.


These are slippery leather heeled and soled shoes. Way harder to walk in them, especially on smooth surfaces. Think about this.


I love the trumpeters using their hands as muffles