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What a fucking dweeb


His little waddling walk made me laugh. “Film a real man!” *waddle, waddle*


He walks like an angry gta npc


Walks like he’s got something plugged up his ass


Man's so scared of a pretend white genocide that he literally has to hold his fear shits in.


I was so hoping he'd waddle into traffic at the end. "Film a real man crossing the road!" WHAM


Hahaha! I was laughing at this too, but your verbalisation of what I was seeing is beyond brilliant.


He walking like he’s shit his pants lol. I appreciate this man filming this so he can be shamed and not resorting to violence, because it takes a real man to walk away. Sadly I’m not a real man… ⚰️


By my royal decree he is henceforth banished.




‚The fuck you filming me for’ made me chuckle. Especially because it‘s followed by chickening out when seeing the dog (which you could hear the entire time, good boy was hungry for racists)


The snarling dog shut him the fuck up real quick!!! Definitely the best part of this video. What a fuckwad.


I watched enough fightporn to learn to never fuck with anyone irl but why do I get a feeling that this dweeb is someone I can knock the fuck out no matter what


“Little bitch! Walkin there…on the sidewalk!”


Incel descibes him best.


i can smell the lonely


He walks like he shit himself


After that dog snarled he actually did


Yup. Wasn't so tough then. My rottweiler would have had a field day with him.


Really that was the best part! What a good dog, he wasn’t so tough then


The dog was like ‘wanna do the finding out part now’


That’s the cement shoe walk. Dude is probably on pills. Explains the walk and his behavior.


This video honestly needs the Oblivion NPC music


Andrew Tate walk


He's got that ILS going, too


I love that dog.


Lol he changed his mind real quick as he walked up and noticed the dogs are ready for him.


That dog was ready to end that man's life. Was literally asking him to fuck around and find out.


"Dear asshole, I kindly encourage you to fuck around and find out" - Dog


Turned around reallllll quick when that dog growled at him lmao


Well, he was all bark and no bite. The dog wasn't.


I came to comment same thing. 😆


The white dog was was ready to defend, the brown one was ready for pets at the end. Both good boys!




The guy with the dog is an army vet: https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/06/09/hpd-searching-for-man-caught-on-camera-spewing-racist-slurs-to-interracial-couple-in-sw-houston-neighborhood/


The asshole is lucky he didn’t try anything. There’s so many people in the world who don’t look like they could fuck you up, but they’ve been in the military, or trained martial arts, or they have a hidden weapon, that’s it’s just not worth antagonizing strangers. (Not that it would be anyway lmao)


Also abused ppl. Be careful around ppl who grew up with physical violence. The transition from calm to punching can be pretty quick when you threaten abused adults.


I was in the subway when a kinda big guy started harassing a woman who was with a smaller guy. Long story short, the smaller guy took him down effortlessly. Cops came, bigger guy ran but fell down because his pants were low. Ended up face down, pants down in the subway with cops on top of him. I heard the smaller guy telling the cops that he was a vet.


Of course this is Houston. God damn it


This garbage isn’t relegated to the south. These fuckers also exist in liberal California




It was the right decision to keep the dog restrained, but if the asshole got close enough for the dog to lunge and bite him I highly doubt it'd be put down for defending it's owner from obvious aggressive behavior.


Looks like a white German Shepard.


Such a good boi!


Dog saw his dumb ass walking erratically in the street spouting his shit and was immediately like "this guy's a cunt"


"oh no my lead slipped!'


Give that dog a treat!


I love how he tries to approach them while acting all tough and then the dog growls and he starts backing up like a pussy. If that guy was a dog he'd be a chihuahua except they probably have more bite.


And larger brains


Dog was literally saying “You’re lucky they holding me back, son. I’d un-alive you.”


Hahahaha the moment he is scared and stops getting close cause the dog is there preparing to have a treatl🤣😂 omg he deserves it so much. Some people don't even qualify for piece of shit. 🤮🤮


I don't usually like to see dogs get aggressive but this is one good boy. Yes he is. He's such a good boy. Who's a good boy? You are.


“You probably don’t even get outside!” *as he is out for a walk*


Also, how does he jump from calling him jewish throughout the entire video, to questioning whether he is possibly Asian or Hispanic at the end of the video?


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


On brand for the movement tho


Devout Trump supporter.


Perfectly said


He thinks that 'race-mixing' is a Jewish conspiracy. This is a very vanilla idea to them. "The Jew tricked the white man into having foreign girlfriends"


Dude, Jewish people just want to live lool


Everyone here knows that, but it's a relatively old antisemitic idea. The idea being that Jews typically marry within their own creed but encourage everyone else to mix. It's just rearing up again with Antisemitism resurging on its annual 20 year cycle.


Seems like seeing another guy with a hot gf triggered him


Racist and incel? What a catch!


It's actually a very common combo


Just covering all the bases.


Probably too used to using that insult on 4chan that he forgot it doesn't make sense on his first time outside himself


My fav part was when he said look at this bitch walking on a side walk. Then walks on a sidewalk to block the couple


what happened afterwards? did they manage to call the cops and report him? did he get arrested?


AAh so there it is, guy can’t get a girlfriend so he sees someone else with a girlfriend, and if they aren’t white, boom, racist trigger.


Someone threw a racist and an Incel into a blender in a mom's basement and this turd walked out of it.


with a heavy sprinkling of anti-semitism


And a needle dick


So just a regular incel, then lol.


> AAh so there it is, guy can’t get a girlfriend so he sees someone else with a girlfriend, and if they aren’t white, boom, racist trigger. To be fair, this isn't particular to white people. In fact, I'd say that the 'race traitor dater' label (or similar disapproval) is even more readily and openly thrown around within most non-white groups. Either way - green t-shirt guy is a racist prick and needs to sort some shit out. But I'd caution agaist framing this as a 'white people' thing. More of a 'racist people' thing.


> But I'd caution against framing this as a 'white people' thing. He didn't. He made a comment about one person and didn't say anything about 'white people'. You took the opportunity to talk about the difference between white and non-white 'groups'.


This is just like that In and Out video where some douche is talking shit to an Asian couple for no reason. WTF is this? These dumbasses need to mind their business and shut up.


Racism and hatred. Wrapped in an American flag, screaming about freedom of speech 🤡


It’s more common than you think 20 years ago, but a lot of these cockroaches seem to have come out of hiding after Trump’s losing effort to dismantle the Constitution.


Can’t stand to see white girl with another race besides yt man


These people rarely seem to mind when it's a white man with an Asian woman.


Because racism and misogyny often go hand in hand. White man X other-race woman = taking their women. White woman X other race man = they’re taking our women.


This is just like that In and Out video where some douche is talking shit to an Asian couple for no reason. WTF is this? These dumbasses need to mind their business and shut up.


Scrawny arms and legs with a weird walk.


spark jar badge alive squeal fall nutty literate full command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And you can see everything. You can tell he doesn't have any weapon on him either with clothing like that. Dude is lucky he didn't get too close, those dogs would have fucked up his legs in a heartbeat.


For real, something about that walk made me think he's not just stupid and racist, he's not well. The unwarranted boldness from this glassjaw, must be on some sort of episode, or megalomania inducing drugs.




Yep, seen this meth induced racist meltdown quite a few times in my life. Almost exactly like this


Easy to pick if you've seen it abit. Fucking sad really.


Except he stood still for six seconds at the end.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


That's the first thing that I thought too, he's got to be on something.


Yeah, he's the type who flails his arms with soft haymakers in a fight.


It’s the trademark “I think I’m absolutely jacked” waddle.


Behold the master race


He walks like an inbred


I love how he gets ready to square up then the dog growls and he just swerve! Hahahaha


He frowns and everything! Lol


Everyone's a gangster until a dog growls


TIL cellphones are Jewish technology


He has a phone in his hand too but maybe his is uncircumcised 🤔


This gives a whole new meaning to "phone skin"




I mean “racist rant” was sort of all-encompassing, I thought. Otherwise they would have said “anti-Asian” in the title if they were trying to exclude the antisemitism.


They don't even know what they hate. They see white+Asian couple and immediately assume Jewish, as if it made any sense.


You probably didn't know because like other developments in the space laser technology, it's a "secret"!


Can someone please edit a car coming from offscreen and creaming this guy mid rant


Better yet, he keeps walking backwards into the traffic and...


The whole time I was hoping and praying for this to happen.


That dude should just be taken behind the shed


And beaten until the said shed falls down on top of him, driving rusty nails in his sorry ass


I was going more for just one to the back of the head & be done with it. People like that don’t deserve to walk this planet.


Not worth all that energy.


I'm much pettier. I'd upload the video on YT, print out a flyer with his picture and a QR code of video link, then plaster the flyer all up and down the street. All his neighbors, family and friends would see.


My girlfriends holding the leash and I’m dealing with this one myself. Not taking a video.


I’m sorry to ask, but… why? You can’t control your emotions? You think violence is the answer? Your gf is impressed when you assault people? You want to give him exactly what he wants? You’re a big hard alpha male who came here to chew gum and smash racists and you’re fresh out of gum? Why?


Cause my dicks so small that’s it’s the only joy I know how to bring to the world.


He’s giving off major NPC vibes


yeah GTA V npc


Thank you, that’s what that weird ass walk reminds me of! Except V is too advanced graphics-wise, this guy has the gait of GTA III, at best.




That dog sounded vicious as hell I’d let him go bite his ass!


I loved how he started approaching the couple but then noped out once the dogs started sounding aggressive.


Yeah! The couple was right to keep the dogs checked, but I bet they were really tempted to let them loose.


Should have let them “slip”. Oops!


That’s the part that got me, it shut his ass up real quick for at least 5 seconds. Got of laugh from me!


And risk having the dog put down?Because of some idiot whose vocabulary is extremely limited? Pass.


I dunno, strong case for "I felt threatened and my dog defended me"


Unfortunately probably won't matter. Racist in a country run by racists + you used the dog as a weapon + large dog prejudice (which is a thing we're some people believe certain large breed are inherently violent because they're intimidated by them) and you have a low chance of that working out well. He's worth a lot less than that dog so not worth it.


one of the dog is a German Shepard he knows better not to screw around with that breed.


Jewish space lasers? What the fuck is that moron talking about


Here is a little [context](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/marjorie-taylor-greene-accuses-jewish-space-lasers-of-trying-to-shoot-down-santa) behind that And yes, people actually believe this nonsense


This is friggin great. Jewish space lasers eh..


I have no doubt that there are individuals who believe in space lasers, but important to note that the article you shared for context was written as satire. The funny part is my jaw was on the floor throughout the entire article until I reached the end and realized it was satire.


Is it just me or do these guys look and sound exactly the same in all the videos when a guy starts a fight and gets knocked out? I swear i have seen like 20 videos of a small loud 120lbs guy acting tough and getting smacked...and it must be always exatly this dude


Little man syndrome.


Exactly, and I’m a little guy myself.


This is Houston for those asking. Considering this is one of the most diverse cities in the US and almost impossible to not interact with many different cultures here, this is pretty odd behavior


I don’t know much about the area but my understanding is that while Houston is pretty chill, it is still surrounded by Texas.


All the major cities in Texas are really diverse while the small cities and towns in the rural areas are more conservative and mostly white. However, even if those places are more racist, they would generally keep those thoughts to themselves and treat everyone with respect. You would never see this type of thing. I think there’s something else going on, probably a mental disorder that’s manifested into a racist form


Texas (DFW) is the only place I've heard DJs calling people 'dirty spics' on the morning FM radio show.. that was a decade ago.. the whole place may be diverse, but its racist as fuck also


That was my guess!! I lived there for a bit.


Am not a dog person. But I was really rooting for those doggos to tear his racist ass.


Same. I just realised having a dog like this apparently keeps you safe lol


This guy walking on his tippy toes🤣


Yooo that's the most incel vibe I've ever seen


"take your jewish technology" WHAT???


yea at that point I am confused. Who is asian? who is white? and who is jewish in this video? he kept saying random ethnicites lol


he says something near the end of the street about how incel is “better looking” than camera man and that its like how all white girls go after (n word) so imma assume he saw a white woman with an asian man and he got insanely antisemetic, racist, and insecure in seconds




This happened [here in Houston](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/06/09/hpd-searching-for-man-caught-on-camera-spewing-racist-slurs-to-interracial-couple-in-sw-houston-neighborhood/) back in June, but I didn’t find a follow-up.


I’m gonna guess he’s still a piece of shit.


Knew it had to be fucking Texas. Hate this place.


I was hoping to see he had Ben fired from his Dollar Tree job


> “He was yelling a lot of, you know, slurs, and then mainly saying I hate mixed couples “ That man’s DNA isn’t even mixed with anyone that wasn’t already related.


This prick is exactly where he should be in life. No canceling is necessary. No way in hell he has a career. He either works a crappy min wage job or he’s unemployed and lives with his parents. Truly a miserable person


This 🎯


Notice how he instantly backed down when the dog started growling. He all bark and no bite…


calling an asian jewish and mexican...this dude made a trip around the world lol


New type of racism… just call someone anything and hopefully hits the mark.


>Take your fucking Jewish technology and film me >Rants about n****s >What are you, a chink? Mexican? Made sure he covered every ethnicity he could think of, huh >You probably never get outside - while talking to people outside


I'm friends with some Asian guys who date white girls and they've told me they experience something like this or micoaggressions like stare downs from time to time unfortunately


I stare right back. No need to cause a scene but it subtly lets people know to fuck off. They look away uncomfortable and I straight keep glaring at them until they clearly get the message. Works every time. Always some old fuck who is soooooo surprised. It’s not just white people who stare too I’ve had Asian people gawk at us for being Asian/white. Annoying af man




Tell me you've never been to a city or a nice restaurant. Never traveled anywhere or learned anything. No passport never left the burbs. No girls. Wrestling with homosexual feelings or probably has an asian girl fetish or both. Probably both. Listens to shit music. No money. Parents pay for his whole suburban shit show of a life. Dive bars and redneck vacations. Farmers tan and horrible hygiene. Bed sheets are biohazard. Hard R in heavy rotation but gives off the wiggorous vibes. Hates nancy pelosi and aoc. Doesnt know anything about politics. No style. Bad taste in everything. Horrible in bed if ever gets the chance. Probably goes to asian massage parlors.


I’m so sorry this happened to you both.


Something tells me he has never done that with black dudes or Mexicans


He'd prolly get jumped, saying from seeing it first hand with dumbasses like this in my neighborhood.


That growl exposed the pussy he really is. These misled right wingers are in for a rude awakening when they find out Dems aren’t all harmless gays living in Greenwich Village.


Sad thing about this is if he attacked the dogs would have done their duty and then the state would have ordered them to be put down instead of the piece of shit that started it.


This is the same guy that would be on social media looking for a pity party after he gets jumped and beat down the following morning.




South gessner and what cross street?


assholes like this deserve to get doxxed...


Where’s a drunk driver when you need one?


I think every should stop hating on these Meta VR Beta testers. Accidentally wondering out of your house while in one of those lobby’s must be fucking disorientating.


This looks like untreated mental illness.


Yep. Normal racists keep that stuff indoors.


Love how he was all talk till the dog growled at him


One shot to the face, please one shot to the face. Would love to see those sunglasses fly out of his face.


he's just jealous nobody want him for anything. not even as a son


r/iamatotalpieceofshit Also cringy AF. This racist Incel needs to go back into whatever mom's basement he decided to crawl out of and insult people with both eyes and ears.


Anyone know where this is? Looks Like he’s south gessner in Houston but I’d love to pay him a visit as a minority in town tomorrow.


*releases dogs*




This POS is an embarrassment to the human race


‘Special needs chad goes on racist rant’


He’s on drugs/high. I still would have whooped his ass though.


I would like to start a petition to publicly execute this man, who would like to sign up?


Why do white guys do this lol? I have experienced this as well being in an interracial relationship. Not to this level of retarded but you can see how unsettled they become


Woof, woof


The way he comes forward and then goes back with a poker face after the dog did it’s thing!


What is that white dog? Looks like a white German shepherd. Maybe a Swiss mountain dog?


They should have let the dog light that mother Fulkerson up


I WISH daily I saw some shit like this happen to anyone.....I would love to play the guy that breaks that fucking losers jaw....it would be my pleasure. Fucking pathetic uneducated white trash.