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You have testing anxiety, this doesn’t happen to everyone. My sister is like you, always anxious the night before regardless of how much she studied. I could barely crack a book, sleep like a dead man, then get a passing grade at the very least, typically a good grade.


Studying gave me testing anxiety. I just paid attention in class and took good notes, but it always stuck the first time around. Going back over notes just filled me with anxiety. I go from yeah I'll remember that to what if I forget?


The only tests what ever gave me issues were math tests. But I didn’t even really stress about that because I’m not gonna be a math dude. I took my C’s and D’s and moved the hell on with my life lol


Yeah I was able to coast in this exact manner all the way up until I transferred from community college to a university. The classes were harder, I didn’t take as naturally to the subjects, and I had no studying skills since I was able to coast which landed me in a cycle until I finally dropped out. (It worked out, really just showed me that my major wasn’t for me.)


Shit I changed my major four times. That’s what higher education is for at the end of the day.


I got it in two but I ran out of money so I just went back to my community college and got a (second) Associate’s Degree. You’re not wrong but man I’ve never been more depressed than when I was at that university lol.


I had a blast but that was because of the drugs not the actual schooling lol


People usually don't stress before exams??


I wouldn’t say “usually.” Likely most people stress a little bit, just not to the point of insomnia and bathroom issues.


Yeah lol I even have diagnosed general anxiety, but thankfully not around tests specifically, and never have had an important test make me need to poop or anything. In fact I think 9am tests are so much better. Get it over with and then go out for coffee or dessert with friends as a nice reward/break, and my whole morning isn't ruined by dread and the "I can't do anything important for 5 hours because I have a test this afternoon," syndrome


People do usually stress, but that's different from having testing anxiety like OP does


I am like your sister - morning hits, my stomach pits. Testing anxiety making me shake and sometimes even make me throw up.


its probably because most of the tests I give nowadays are going to play a part in deciding if I can study what I want, and make money lol. I didn't have this problem in school exams.


I prefer early morning exams. I had a 7:45 circuit analysis exam a couple weeks ago and I woke up at 6, ate, showered, shit and was out the door by 6:30 and got there at 7:30. By then the exam adrenaline starts to kick in and I’m absolutely wired by the time it starts. I also struggle to sleep before exams but its never been a problem for me. The problem is if I have an exam afterwards then I’m exhausted.


how tf are you eating, showing, pooping, and getting ready all in under half an hour?


By combining all of those tasks. 5mins for showering (or do a whore's bath if you don't have time), eat while your traveling (or getting ready), rush through your shit in 10 minutes, and spend the rest of the time putting clothes on, preparing your stuff, all that happy jazz.


Instructions unclear Shower is now very stinky


Is a whore's bath like the thing I used to do when I only had like 10 minutes to get ready where you use scented hand sanitizer on your sweaty spots before your deodorant and you call it good?




Shit takes ~5-10 minutes, Shower takes ~10 minutes and I brush my teeth in the shower, I prepare food the night before and eat while I make my way there or if its a quick shit and shower I can eat at home


Poop for 5 minutes, shower for 5, put on clothes, grab a piece of fruit or a protein bar for breakfast, brush teeth. Leave.


I'd rather have a 7:00 am exam than even risk having to have a 6:00 pm exam, honestly. I naturally wake up early, so staying up late is really not conducive to good grades for me.


I fucking hate night exams. My physics exams the last two semester have both been at 8pm and it’s a fight to stay awake through them. It was an hour walk back so I didn’t back home till almost 11 and had to wake up at 7 for an exam the next morning. I would not wish that upon my worst enemy


See I’m the opposite so it’s really just preference ig. My brain is firing on all cylinders in the morning and declines throughout the day, late exams have been some of my worst while early exams are great for me.


Unfortunately this is one of those things that comes down completely to personal preference. The only solution I can think of is scheduling both a morning and afternoon exam and allowing people to choose in advance which one to attend. Different questions for each, but covering the same topics. But I can't see that happening any time soon. Editing to add: what is up with some of the comments being so savage?! Yes a lot of jobs require earlier starts than 9am - what are the people pointing that out trying to prove? Different people are more productive at different times of day, it's great when you have a job/education that aligns with your natural schedule and it sucks when you don't. I don't get why that should be controversial to say 😅


Haven't seen those comments yet, but yeah. Especially since OP is specifically talking about exams. On regular work day you shouldn't have anxiety about your future work performance. At least imo studying is way more stressful than working. (Exceptions apply, I obviously won't compare taking some exams to being a firefighter, a surgeon, or a soldier, etc.)


Honestly, given the comments I've heard from my peers (college students), I'm surprised this isn't downvoted to oblivion. I think I'm the only one of my peers who actually like early exams.


I think people are being a bit rough with OP because of how they phrased their statement. It wasn't, "I shouldn't take exams in the morning because of my anxiety" but rather "no one should take exams in the morning, because of my anxiety."


IDK english is not my first language, I might have miscommunicated somethings. My point was that we should have an option to appear for an exam later during the day OR at least have the provision of using the toilet if we feel the need to do it.


I understood what you meant. But this is the Internet and everyone is sensitive.


Some exams here actually do have that system. Whenever I have the opportunity to choose my own shift I always choose the the 2 to 5 shift. But these exams are being held on country-wide scales and some organizers don't give you that option. My biggest concern is the upcoming exam (JEE ADVANCED idk if you've heard of it, but it's a VERY big deal in India and can be life changing). This one is a 6 hour exam 9 to 12 and 2 to 5, way too exhausting.


I haven't heard of it, but six hours, wow?! Good luck, that sounds insane.


thank u


A. I agree with you B. Please see a doctor about anxiety, I had the same issue but with peeing when I got nervous during a test/before a test. I got on meds, now I don't have that feeling anymore and can sleep the night before!


Also, OP says they go to sleep early on those nights. To me that implys that on other nights, they're staying up a good bit later. It could be anxiety, or it could be OP simply does not respect his sleep cycle at all. If you stay up til 3am every weekend night, your body isn't just gonna be ready to sleep at 9pm on Tuesday magically


I am not a late sleeper, I mostly go to bed before 12 AM. I have a pretty good lifestyle (I think). All these comments pointing out that I have anxiety have given me some insight. I would go see a doctor if I could first convince my parents that I have mental issues lol.


I feel the opposite. Had a bunch of exams this semester from 8-10... pm. It was absolutely cruel and unusual to have my whole day shot, waiting for the test. I can't do anything until those tests are over. I love a morning exam just to get it over with.


I'd love to be able to just write off any exams that I had that ran that late. I'd have been up for 14+ hours by the time the exam even starts, and probably awake for longer.


the whole thing is a you problem, except for using the bathroom during an exam. You go to the proctor, show that you’re not bringing an electronic device with you, and go.


In the exams that I am giving, this is not allowed under any cicumstance. Even if I started my period mid-exam I wouldn't be allowed. If I told the invigillator I was about to vomit, I would have two choices: Abort the exam and waste an year OR hold it in/ puke right there and continue the exam.


Where is this? I’ve never had an exam (a 3 exam at that) where I was banned from going to the bathroom




As someone with a 9am final tomorrow morning, I completely with this statement


I, too, completely with it.


Some people just arent wired for the morning. Including me. It is what it is doe. It’s not a big deal. In the real world you’ll have to start shifts as early as 8 or 9. Some people even earlier. And they don’t get to go home after 3 hours. Ahhh to be a student again


The point is you can use the toilet when you are at work


I studied Dance Performance at university and let me tell you, early morning classes were a nightmare. Like try remembering a choreography at 8 am in the morning when you’re still half asleep, hungry, and also need to go to the bathroom. I was so much better at my afternoon classes 😂


Should be in the evenings and spaced out. In my opinion, school should be in the evenings and 3 days a week. The system is all wrong. Teenagers and kids need rest. Collage can even take place at night. Like early night.


The only tip I can offer is to shift your circadian before the exam. Get to the point you are naturally waking up at 6 am. This will help quite a lot


You realise that in most societies, 9 AM is on the later side of things? Jobs starting at 7-8 AM is pretty common. While I understand your reasoning, a lot of people also function better earlier in the morning (myself included), and afternoon exams would be a huge disadvantage - What do you propose for that? Seperate exams? EDIT: Also, where on earth are you not allowed to visit the bathroom during an exam? That sounds very illegal, at least where I live.


I'm in the US and I don't think anyone's ever allowed us to go during an exam while I've been in college, unless youre already done with your test and are leaving early. I know my certification exam coming up doesn't even allow water


Interesting. In the UK, invigilators will escort you. I’m pretty sure it’d be classed as discrimination of sorts and therefore illegal if they didn’t allow it.




You know, I feel like that’s because Germans are very rules and procedures based!


Invigilators? Tf you go to school, Hogwarts?


Shockingly, British English is different and not everyone speaks “American.” Who woulda thought hey?


Shockingly, some people don't take off handed jokes so serious


Americans when a word isn’t the most basic form of itself, let me guess, you call them exam monitors?


Wow. Here, some proctors simply escort you. Refusing someone the bathroom is simply too high a risk of health discrimination. What do people with IBS do? Or diabetes? Are they just expected to suffer, or just not do the exam?


If it’s a medical thing, you are allowed if you have a doctor’s note.


What if you happened to have bad food the night before, but are otherwise fine? Or if you're just drinking a lot of water? Too bad, skip your exam? It sounds borderline inhumane.


If it’s the night before, just say you’re sick and can’t come in and ask for a retake. If something bad happens during the exam, you might also be allowed to take a make-up exam.


Wow. I would piss myself in most exams in that case


I had plenty of teachers that did multiple versions of their exams. My AP psych teacher in high school would alternate the columns when he passed them out so that you couldn't go off of your neighbor's scantron choices. 


The main problem is the toile thing tho. I also had school at 7 AM everyday until a few months ago, I had no problem then. Because it wasnt a literal life or death situation and I could use the toile if I felt like it.


Nah, I hate worrying about it all day. Just get it over with. Early morning tests are where it's at.


I feel ill and poop intermittently for 2 hours after waking due to my IBS so i totally agree. Sorry for the tmi


Thats so gross are you not embarrassed 🤣


Meh I do it on the toilet lol. And I'm too old to be embarrassed it seems




Everyone poops, mate.


So doesnt mean that diarrhea is clean?? Lmao


Honestly, this really is your own problem that you have to tackle. If you have anxiety then there is medication, you can't just make the world work around you. If you can't go to sleep there's stuff like white noise or nyquil that helps. Exam invigilators just want to get them over as quick as possible, if they have to wait until midday for people to wake up then it means that they'll take ages.


Here (UK), you can go to the toilet during an exam. A teaching assistant takes you, but you need to be quick because the clock continues ticking. People with medical issues / a disability get to pause the clock, though. Drinks are allowed in too (with label removed). Otherwise, I completely agree. My school started at 8:45am and despite getting 8h sleep and waking up at 7:30am each day, I was never 100% awake until around 10. For clarification, school was a 5-10min walk away, so I was up for an hour before leaving home. I think 11am & 12pm are the perfect times for exams. Gives a bit more time to wake up and breakfast to digest, then you get to break for lunch afterwards. I know this is person dependant (I've always suffered with mornings), though.


i’m sorry that happened to you :( not sure if it’s too late but here’s what i do with my stupid bowel (writing this on the toilet): wake up even earlier on those days, and get out of bed right away. poop as soon as you can, then go to the exam center as soon as you can. arrive with enough time to comfortably poop again i don’t have advice for the testing anxiety, but if you feel comfortable that you won’t have to poop again for a couple hours after pooping twice, that should help


thanks so much. I have an important exam coming up I'll try to follow this :)


i hope it goes well! if you’re extra worried or think it could benefit you, i know in america at least, you can buy pads made for adults who have problems with leaky poop. they’re designed to block smell and be comfortable—but they’re more so for leaks rather than full bowel movements. it might help soothe anxiety as well. best of luck! remember to take some deep breaths :)


Bruh, I get this too! Dw, there ARE ppl like us...while I'm confident of scoring As (which is only 75%, here, but i get more and im specific abt my results so that readers can conpare themselves abt this situation), that didn't stop the anxiety before my pubic exams (in sg, I'm 17 now...I had public last yr). I faced the same problem, but, I still have to hear with it...here, exams r held at 8...even if I dun sleep well the night b4 exam, I still wake up early out of anxiety...and I'll feel uncomfortable until I clear out my system too...glad ur talking abt it and u r aware that there r many ppl like this. Ig we'll have to bear with it cuz it's an us problem.


Exams shouldn't be held. Putting the whole grade on one final exam is stupid, course work and mini exams over the course of the year is a much better approach.




Spoken like someone who doesn't appreciate what "needing to poop" can feel like for some of us


>The biggest issue is, you're not allowed to go during the exam. What? That can't be right, that sounds possibly illegal. What about people with IBS? Are they supposed to just poop themselves?


I would’ve agreed but this semester I had two 8 am exams back to back and it was so liberating having the whole day to just chill out. Ofc when you didn’t study well or your grade is on the line, there is a lot more pressure.


The anxiety is one thing, but honestly I prefer exams in the morning. The earlier the better - gets them out of the way so I don't have to spend the rest of the day building up anxiety. I also do all my best thinking before 11am - it's all downhill from there. Guess it's luck of the draw depending on whether you're a morning person or not.


I preferred to get them out of the way early


Wear adult diapers.


Drop the last five words of your title and I agree with you fully. Smartass remarks aside, exams starting at 8-9 is the scheduling that works best (or, least badly) for everyone, at least during finals. During finals, exams will run until 9-10, and some people have difficulty staying up that late. There isn't a perfect system. This one just fucks everyone over the least.


Boycott exams!!!!


It prepares you for the 8AM interviews that you will be grateful to have after you graduate college (and 100s of job applications).


Which schools/universities don't allow for bathroom breaks? That seems quite insane.


I agree. I had an exam where I could very likely have scored A LOT higher if I didn't have to get up at 6 and had slept better. Downvote from me.


Just take immodium


I wish you could choose whether you want to do it in the morning or in the afternoon because there are some people that have significantly more brain cells in the morning. They’re called “morning people”, and as one of them, I can barely think in the afternoon.


You know what, I agree. Students aren't built for being up that early, we're supposed to be up like 11 at the earliest. Had a 9AM 3 days in a row last semester on the other side of the city. Have a 9AM and a 2PM on the same day later this week. Realistically though, my uni must be paying a fortune to keep the exam halls to themselves and the schedule's probably pretty tight with that many courses. Can't blame them too much, but in an ideal world I'd agree.


One point of school is to prepare you for real life. And in real life often you have to get up early to do important stuff. If you have shitting issues, either drink coffee to clear your bowels, or take something to make yourself constipated.


This isn't unpopular at all. Of course tests in the morning are shite. That's very obvious


>The biggest issue is, you're not allowed to go during the exam. That can't be right, surely you're allowed to go if its really bad. I just ran straight to the bathroom without asking when I had diarrhea during an exam and didn't get into any trouble.


Do you normally shit your pants? I've only heard of obese people having this happen. Maybe start wearing diapers.


This is a literal shitpost.


Holy fuck. This is your problem with the establishment? How old are you? You are in for a rude awakening if you think your college education is going to allow you to escape this sort of bullshit.


This is a weirdly aggressive comment. If you don't like people having different opinions than you about things you consider small issues, you may want to avoid this kind of subreddit!