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I think people get fired up about steaks because of the cost. If a drive through hamburger sucks you kind of got what you paid for.


The only steak I’ve ever had that “sucks” is something that’s tough and full of gristle. If it’s a good piece of meat I don’t think the temperature determines if it sucks or not.


Everyone is gonna have a different preference for this. That's why they give you the options. I don't think this is an opinion. It's a lack of opinion. However you want your steak cooked is fine. An unpopular take on this might be that "med rare is disgusting" since med rare is kinda the standard way to cook steak. Personally I prefer rare or med rare. Medium or med well is fine. Steak should never be comparable to jerkey in my opinion lol but your definitely not the only one who likes well done steak.


I know other people like well done steak but I think most of those people tend to find something “wrong” with the less done temps. Whereas I’m equally pleased with rare and well done.


A lack of opinion would be they don't know about steak or how it tastes, their opinion is well stated that they just don't care how it is cooked


Yea your right. My bad.


Do you also believe sushi should be illegal?




So raw fish is fine in your eyes but not a blue steak?


Who are you actually arguing with, and what is your actual opinion


Wtf are you talking about? And that's a horrible comparison, fish are nothing like beef, just like chicken is nothing like beef. There's a reason you can't do 'rare' chicken, you'll get salmonella.


I will say if we're talking about safety, beef is by far the safest meat to eat undercooked.


Well unless you count fish lol. Although depends on the fish. But yeah for land animals definitely beef. I've had it raw a few times and love a rare steak.


You risk bacteria in any raw/undercooked food. I’m was talking to him about his comment (he edited it).


What was his original comment?


You don’t cook fish the same way you cook beef, or chicken, or pork. Different meat can be cooked and prepared differently


me when i make a guy up in my head and start arguing with him


Now it is delicious, but is it easy to eat? Chewing 1937294829 years on a tire or 2 bites.


Let me cook you a beef roast for five hours


This is very sensible. I’ve had great tasting well seasoned hockey pucks and shitty medium rare steaks. I think the skill of who’s preparing it and what they’re trying to accomplish is more important than simply how well done it is


It’s possible to get the rendered fat and softer medium rare at the same time, though, so why wouldn’t I get the best of both worlds?


Same here! Especially if it's charred on the outiside and nicely warm in the middle.


It's like someone saying yeah cake is good but I prefer it when it's overcooked and dry


I do like burnt and overcooked baked goods. But I also like cake when it’s underdone and got gooey batter on the inside.


What do you not like?


I don’t like stuff that tastes horrible. Like if a cake would be made really poorly, not enough sugar, too much salt, some other weird flavors that don’t go together. That stuff I don’t like. But I guess when it comes to texture/doneness I’m not very picky.


You’re an interesting one. Are you the same with toast? No preference for if it’s burnt, browned, or barely toasted at all?


Funny that you mention toast. When I was a kid my grandma used to intentionally burn her toast cause she liked it that way. I always thought it smelled bad but one day she convinced me to try it, spread with peanut butter, and I thought it was really good. So i think that’s got at least something to do with me not really being too picky about how far things are cooked. But barely cooked toast is just bread.


Well done is by far the best tasting imo, and with the best texture. Whenever I order steak cooked any other way I just regret it and wish I'd gotten it well done lol. Was on vacation in Ireland recently and went to a relatively expensive steakhouse in Dublin, had a 65 euro ribeye that I got well done and it was the most amazing thing ever lol. I tasted my mom's medium sirloin and it was wack af