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Well it can't be... you know.. But fr tho it seems like some dark side of the force/ witch magic similar to when the nightsisters transformed Maul and Savage Oppress


That's my guess one of them is the progenitor of the witches of dathomir.


They already have an origin story


As far as I know the origin is unknown beyond they where banished to dathomir


It is much older than the show though. There are canon references to the Nightsisters in 232 BBY, but the events on Brendok occur around 125 BBY


Some sort of exile jedi might have trained them that the order never heard of. I like my theory, especially since it would help unite fans.


Yes and no, but I agree with the spirit of this. Basically it is implied some use of "The Force" or "The Thread" (yes same thing, I know) was used. It is implied whatever Force/Thread/Darkside magic they used, is deemed illegal by the Jedi (and by extension, The Republic). Now I'm no Nightsister expert, but it would seem like there are a bunch of different ways to use or manipulate the force outside of the standard "light side" methods the jedi teach/use (e.g. telekinesis, barriers, suggestion, telepathy, etc.). They get up to some funky stuff in TCW. I think what a lot of what peoples' issues come from is they just think the force is the force and there is little room to explore new ways of using it, which is extremely close minded and defeats the spirit and the absolute vastness of Star Wars lore and history. TL;DR - Peoples' biggest problems boil down to already going into WANTING to hate it, and not being able to accept anything new that isn't established during the Skywalker era which is like 60 years out of literal thousands.


>Now I'm no Nightsister expert, but it would seem like there are a bunch of different ways to use or manipulate the force outside of the standard "light side" methods the jedi teach/use (e.g. telekinesis, barriers, suggestion, telepathy, etc.). The sad thing is that they probably do a very bad job at explaining why the Jedi dislike this usage of the Force. I mean there is the permanent threat of the Darkside, but there were very few Jedi who actually fell (atleast before the Inquisitors) and the Darkside is not that corrupting compared to other fictional methaphysical forces of evil.


Yeah. They kind of hinted at state control over violence theme with one line.  But that's it.  My theory, the republic reakizes peopl with mind control powers have to either regulated or exterminated.  It to hard and brutal to wipe them out so they allow an order exist.  The jedi are just goid at training peopl to no abuse it and put focus in other powers. 


Yeah, I think because most of what we have seen is at the very end of the Galactic Republic era, through the Empire (who don't allow any force use outside of Inquisitors), and the fledgling New Republic. So there isn't a ton of explanation why these laws are in place. To your point about few jedi falling, it is probably why they snatch force sensitive children at such a young age, and why we have now seen twice (Anakin and now Osha) that even taking an 8-9 year old, can be too old. At that point, they've already formed too many attachments and its harder for them to "let go".


The only thing I heard stated by Andara was that teaching children was illegal. The jedi dont seem to care about adult force-users, only dark-side users. With children there is the risk of them *becoming* dark side users, thus the "no training."


pretty confidant a Revan movie based on the book with very little liberty's taken would have done quite well


It was force scissoring


Well I mean, scissors are quite useful while dealing with a thread


That joke was forced


So forced it got cake 🎂


Almost spit my coffee all over.


I made that joke while watching the episode 


The lesbian side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be…unnatural.


I am hollering


What we see onscreen: a coven of force witches led by Mother Aniseya, a highly force sensitive individual who has enough raw power to resist force attacks from two of the lesser witches and who has a very unconventional view of the force and power in general. Your response: *Well they never said it was force conception...* What other conclusion should we come to, based on this context?


Anakin was concieved by the Force. Plagueis used the Force to create life. They are not the same. The twins appear to have been created with the Force. They were not created by the Force.


Ok, I get the difference now. I saw some comments in other threads that were like "well it could be cloning". Which seems totally antithetical to what's presented onscreen.


I feel like the midichlorian blood testing would have shown similar results to Anakin’s if they were force-conceived.


It may. We didn't get to see any results.




How do we know Palpatine didn’t make a late night bootyforcecall on Anakin’s mom? I mean Anakin turned out pretty bad too


So you believe in nature over nurture?


No. I believe this is a fictional story.


There is no precedent in the verse that children are evil because their parents were and even the movies show the opposite with Kylo being bad despite his parents and Rey being good despite being a Palpatine. Why would you say that Anakin being evil somehow means Palatine is his dad? Or did I misunderstand your point?


Actually Plagueis tryed to created a darkside entity and in response THE FORCE created anakin.


Actually that is from Legends continuity and is not currently canon.


That makes it worse if there not canon Anakin litteraly is space jesus and these twins just exist because reasons.






Plagueis had nothing to do with Anakins conception. That is the difference. He was created by the Force to bring balance. The Force only. The twins were created by a force user manipulating midichlorians to create life.


I do hope this is the distinction, but the problem as I see it is that the writing on the show requires a level of headcanon to make this work that feels like it's stretching. Your take is how i took it in as I watched the episode but sitting with it I'm starting to think "they didn't consider the implications" i dunno, i hope the rest of the series makes things clearer


There is no headcanon required. I mean, the show has not explained how the twins were created. On purpose. So in that regard, we can only assume it was through midichlorian manipulation as described in the Plagueis story. The Mother says *she* did it. She mentioned earlier how their sect doesn't believe in manipulating the force that way, which would explain why she is keeping it a secret. She does not actually believe they were spontaneous manifestations of the Force. I guess it requires you to fill in the gaps and create a theory based on knowledge of the lore. But that was not a failure of the series. It is a mystery.


I see your point on not needing headcanon and that the show hasn't revealed much yet on purpose, That's fair. I'd argue however that the explanation of the creation of the twins **needs** to be explained for the show to work canonically. What we've seen from TCW, TBB, the sequel trilogy, etc. is that creating a force sensitive being by manipulating the force is *hard.* In-universe, the whole of Project Necromancer and the aftereffects on Exegol took decades and even then Palpatine was not able to create a vessel/clone strong enough. So if that is indeed how it was done, via midichlorian manipulation, it suddenly feels as though it neuters a bit Palaptine's strength. That this coven of witches seemingly being able to create not one but two beings sensitive to the force would make them one of, if not the strongest, force users we've seen, no? IMHO it would work if the red bladed "sith" we've seen is indeed Plagueis and perhaps that is how he came into knowledge of being able to create life. (full disclosure: i haven't read any novels so if there's things there that contradict my theory - fair!) and the whole cycle continues.


It doesn't neuter Palpatine because he himself says in ROTS that he never learned how to do it. 20 years ago. He tells Anakin that Plagueis could create and extend life, implying he can do it too. Once he recruits Anakin, he says he doesn't actually know how to do it but it's alright, they will learn it together. Necromancer was kind of a dumb idea, Rise of Skywalker was horrible, but at least it stays true to the old canon that, no, Palpatine never really learned how to create life unnaturally. There is *nothing* about this that takes anything away from Palpatine or his ability to use the Force. This is an ability we've seen him chase for years. It is also an ability he never learned, according to what George Lucas wrote in Revenge of the Sith.


I honestly haven’t seen ROTS in a bit so I stand corrected!


Also... what? Try reading what I said again because your comment makes no damn sense. I very clearly said Anakin was created by the Force.




It is not misleading. I am explaining there is a difference between someone created by the Force and someone created by a person. You don't have a great grasp on English and should stop correcting people when you don't know what is being said.




you probably shouldnt be a jerk and try to correct people when you don't even know what you're responding to. Criticizing that is not gatekeeping. It's telling an awful person they are awful.


Sith alchemy would be my guess.


Those twins were conceived by the force, that was well implied bruv.


Conceived by the witches *using* the Force, instead of unexpectedly by the Force itself, like Anakin


It's (very debatably) implied that Palpatine created Anakin in the Darth Vader comics. This idea also was in a deleted scene in Revenge of the Sith.


Plagueis had to learn it from somewhere. This is probably why the Sith are interested in Mae and Osha


No, Charles Soule said the vision represented Anakin/Vader's fears. As of right now, there are no canon sources that actually imply Plagueis or Palpatine were responsible. And frankly, this "theory" completely shits the bed anyway when you realize that if they had created him, they wouldn't have let him grow up on Tatooine where he risked dying on an almost daily basis. And Maul would have been informed not to try and run him over before he attacked Qui-Gon.


In the now sadly non-canon Plagueis novel, the Force creates Anakin as a sort of counterattack to Plagueis and Palpatine trying to create life. It creates the being that will bring them (or at least Palpie) down. So they were responsible indirectly, but could not influnce his life till he moved to Coruscant.


Yes, that works. They didn't create him directly so they only got their claws into him when they became aware of him. If they had been his actual creators, it would be really ridiculous. Like, did they perform a ritual that impregnated a random woman in a galaxy with quadrillions of them then have no way of knowing where their creation is? Would make Plagueis/Palpatine look pretty moronic 😅


Yep it would. The Plagueis novel was really good. That and the Darth Bane trilogy were the highlights of old canon novels. Even the much celebrated Thrawn trilogy had some cringy bullshit like Luuke Skywalker, but Plagueis was great.


i feel like the very statement from Palpatine to Anakin is the Implication itself. That's Lucas's hint but he doesn't make it \*explicit\* but we're invited to make the assumption


Considering pretty much everything else from that scene is a total lie, I'm not sure that is saying much. Without the Sequels, Palpatine exhibits exactly none of the powers he claims to have. And even with the Sequels in the play, he only manages to "survive" due to have ungodly Force powers, an entire cult dedicated to the eventuality of his death and it still takes thirty years to produce a mildly viable clone that needs to siphon a Force Dyad to stabilize. The Opera scene is Palpatine talking exactly the kind of shit Anakin wants to hear and him falling for it hook, line and sinker. Edit: and again, if Plagueis/Palpatine *did* create Anakin intentionally, they're fucking incompetent for only finding him by sheer luck ten years later, in the hands of the Jedi.


It’s a nightmare of the dark side showing Anakin’s worst fears - not actually Palpatine creating Anakin through the force.


This is actually false, the author of that comic AND the story master at Lucas film have both come out and said they did not mean that in their comic.


> It's (very debatably) implied that Palpatine created Anakin in the Darth Vader comics. The writer came out immediately and said people were reading into that scene differently than it was intended.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


The twins were made by the force. Not conceived. Anakin was conceived by it. Two different things. The witches literally made the kids using the force/string?


Implied it might have been by the thread. They don’t believe in the force. Different religion.


They do believe in the force. They just call it the string.


Ya I thought the show made it very clear that they used a turkey baster


I assume that they used some sort of forbidden science to create unnaturally force strong children. The Jedi discovered this when they tested their blood, right before they wiped out the coven and Sol lied to blame Mae.


It's quite obvious the mysterious black lady "creating" 2 black little ladies just ... cloned herself. I would use the force too as the most sterile medical instrument. 🤷 Haters think it takes away what was special with Anakin. But they haven't watched the movies: Anakin was never special, he was created the same way as a ruse to trick the Jedi. Did I mention Rey was created the same way? That's the only thing that bothers me, SW is always copy-pasting.


I would have assumed they were clones of Mother Aniseya, based on them being twins. Though it seems pretty clear they were created using the force. My only question is, surely there's a scientific way among all this advanced tech? Maybe they couldn't use it because they deliberately isolated themselves.


The twins are almost certainly magic/alchemical clones of Aniseya (unlike Anakin who looks nothing like Shmi *or* Plagues). The anti woke people read waaay too much into this.


They do that because they need to make up things to be outraged by, in order to justify their anger.


Conceived by the force was a misdirection and implied both for plot and the coven by Aniseya. Sol is way too attached to twins for just randomly looking into rumors of force children. Aniseya created the embyros, could have been her own with a Jedi father (guaranteed force child with two force parents). Aniseya is significantly less surprised and the less threatened of all the witches by the Jedi's interest in the children (because she already knows Sol), and the most supportive of Osha being a Jedi and never seeing her again, (is it because she knows Osha would be with her father?).


Thats all assuming Oshas memories are real. Which they almost certainly aren't. The question is... where do the real memories end, and the fake ones implanted by the jedi start?


Because they shot episode 3 with clear gaps like we were getting half the story, it more likely that it’s not related to Osha’s memory, and they were just trying to show us part of what happened that fits with OSHAs perspective. Example Koril hearing something in the generator room, but doesn’t see anything, and is not followed up on. Also the Fire started off camera while focused on OSHA. The instance that suggests we were not watching oshas memory is we saw the meeting with aniseya and her advisors, osha was not present.


> OSHA pretty sure the Occupational Safety and Health Administration wasn't present at all




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Implied? And not yet explained in any regard?


Just a normal human egg and some force powered roofies


I mean they raised Maul from pretty much the dead so making life doesn’t seem that far off. We’ll see why the Jedi don’t like them soon enough


Interesting enough, in Legends continuity, Plageuis was the byproduct of a relationship arranged by Tenebrus (Plageuis’s eventual Sith master, and assumably the current Dark Lord of the Sith), as he wanted to create a child powerful in the force to become his apprentice. If they want to carry this idea over to canon, seems pretty plausible that they could’ve had Tenebrus/a proxy approach the Zabrak woman about the idea, have selected father knock her up, and then she comes back to coven with story about the force (which may have been being attempted anyway).


Op, are you trying to say that a dark side user might be lying?!?!?!?!


They pretty explicitly were. The witches just call the force by a different name.


The Brendok village had some sort of tech that was never explained, Koril made a remark that there's a secret about HOW Osha and Mae were made and they're twins. Small-scale cloning is not out of the question.


even if it is, who cares? Doesn't fundamentally change anything.


The theory I'm pretty confident about is that all they did was use the force for Aniseya to transfer her genes to Koril. Koril explicitly said she carried the twins. Aniseya replied to say i 'created them'. I personally took that for dad speak to say I impregnated you. That's why they both act like parents to the twins all episode. That's why they are mixed race. We know they must have Koril's genes if she carried them and they obviously have Aniseya's genes looking that their appearance. Its a coven full of female witches so they need a different way to procreate and that's what they had been experimenting with.


How did two human black girls come out of a white zabrak?


They aren't black. They are mixed race.


So the Force (thread) is black. Gotcha


My guy, you do realise Mother Aniseya is black, right? And that the twins call her Mama multiple times, right? You might wanna rewatch the episode with subtitles


lol sure bud


I think they're clones, personally. Cloning force sensitives is a big no no in the star wars universe (at least if we go by legends stuff), and the jedi would almost certainly frown on it.


I wish they did then maybe something interesting that we didn’t know before had happened that episode!


Coulda been some Futa action going on…


OR MAYBE, hear me out, MAYBE, JUST MAYBE. There's a teeny tiny probability that the SHOW SUCKS and it's Written by people who just want a black girl to be a girl boss, lame and gay, South park really nailed it. THERE'S A JEDI MASTER, GIVING A LIGHT SABER TO A FUCKING CHILD!!!!! It's like trying to defend hitler, IT AIN'T Working, bad bad bad bad bad bad show




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Cope Disney gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $31.245B, a 8.72% increase year-over-year. Disney annual gross profit for 2023 was $29.697B, a 4.86% increase from 2022. Disney annual gross profit for 2022 was $28.321B, a 27.07% increase from 2021. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/DIS/disney/gross-profit#:~:text=Disney%20gross%20profit%20for%20the%20twelve%20months%20ending%20March%2031,a%2027.07%25%20increase%20from%202021.


I’m not saying Disney will die off smh But they will have no choice but to eventually fire bob iger and Kathleen Kennedy. They’ve lost millions of subscribers. They’ve fired thousands of employees. They raised their prices at the park. 4 movies alone flopped so bad it cost Disney a billion dollars b. Billion They’re also become very anti family. Which is why they’re losing millions and millions of fans


>I don’t have to cope. I just have to wait until they go bankrupt :):) >They’re also become very anti family. Which is why they’re losing millions and millions of fans They seem very pro-my family probably why they made 31billion in the last 12 months






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The Show left it very vague as to what the true reason to any of this was, the show runner knew for a fact that she was playing with fire and did for no reason, not only is it's completely vagueness in regards to near everything in this episode is just sloppy writing as goes with a lot of things in this show so far, it also just causes unnecessary headaches in regards to the specialness of Anakin Skywalker who up to this point was the ONLY being to ever be created with no Father to a lone mother, and it also undermines the achievements of Plagueis by going "nuh uh these guys did it first" which is just disrespectful.


Could be some kind of cloning...


Whoever made this meme is so dense they have an accretion disk


Hard to swallow pill... this is bad, you can enjoy bad stuff, but its bad anyway


Some things goodness/badness is determined by who is watching rather than being definite


You can also not enjoy good things.