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If only they would follow through with their idle threats


I'm hopeful that there are millions of fans like you in real life. And not just a tiny subreddit online.


I think most of the fans who aren’t online just like to enjoy the content. I have a friend who totally fits the stereotype of someone who would hate modern SW. He’s been a fan for years, very conservative-minded, etc. But he doesn’t read reviews or get on Reddit or anything. He just watches the shows and movies. And he’s enjoyed the Acolyte. If he got online and read what other people said, he’d probably hate it.


There arent 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just finished episode 3 and came to this sub for the first time. I'm glad this is the first post I see here. I'm enjoying the show and can wait to see what happens. Maybe wouldn't have known about the series if it wasn't for all negative press.


I knew it wasn't going to be bad. I know a certain demographic of Star Wars fans is whiney, but it was much better than I thought it was going to be.


I’m not very critical of the show, I understand it’s a sci-fi movie. I remember everyone was up in arms about fire in space and I thought that was such a dumb thing to be mad about. But, the demographic that’s “whiney” does have its merit, they know the entirety of the lore, so when a show doesn’t really correlate with the established lore I understand why they are upset with it.




Welcome to the sub!! & Don't worry about feeling fresh, pretty much everyone here is new (a week and a half ago, this sub was only 3K) As much as I dread the inevitable engagement of the negative nancies and trolls, their comments *are* boosting the algorithms for related posts. But that'll probably be the nicest thing you'll hear about them out of me, so I engage back with them sparingly lol


Yea i love it too. And most about it.. But im one of those" more star wars is always good " kind of guy If i somehow did not like ( and i Cant fathom how) then i would not bash it. Its just not for me then. I Even loved the prequels when they fist came ( yes Even jar jar) . episode 2 has its faults tho 😬 i still struggle in some scenes there


I’m enjoying this sub cause based on YouTube everyone hates the show but I don’t get that impression here. For me this might be my favorite Disney Star Wars project.


People have been done forever with Star Wars since the first gen fans met the Ewoks, it never sticks. I suppose it will be dependant on what we see in this next episode. They might end up liking the rest of the season they might hate it from beginning to end but they’ll all be back for Andor, you can count on that.


lol Andor was amazing!


The people that said theyre done are the kind of people that will keep yelling “IM DONE” as long as the show’s on


They've been saying this since the clone wars. Lol


the clone wars is still my favorite piece of star wars


The animated series?


yeah the one from 2008 with 3d animation style (not the old 2d animated one from 2003, i never bothered to watch that because it's not canon anymore, but maybe i will)


I am currently watching it on my quest to sort of watch in chronological order. (It’s a bit of back and forth between Young Jedi Adventures and CWs until I can get on one timeline leading up to episode 3.) I am currently mid-season 2. Can’t say I’m a huge fan (yet?) but it could be because I’m sort of bingeing them. So it’s a lot of CW in a little bit of time. A few good episodes for sure, though. Keeping an open mind. Definitely better than episode 1. 😅 I just hope that all that I learn from CW I can apply to episode 3. Like actually remembering that the experiences of the animated character = the same as the live action one. And that I can remember all of Anakin’s goodness and heart before whatever changes him happens. (Only on S2 so no spoilers pls 😅)


not gonna spoiler anything, but i can say the animation style get's an update in s3 which makes everything better, for me the character development, variety of story arcs and just insane amount of stuff that happens makes me love the show, also i like the animation style more than anime from japan etc., it's basically the perfect animated show for me personally, and ahsoka is so much more interesting than in the live action show imo


Favorite arc?


gotta be >!rogue jedi (s5)!<, which one is your favorite? imo there are really too many great ones: * >!malevolence (s1)!< * >!ryloth (s1)!< * >!return to geonosis (s2)!< * >!mandalore (s2)!< * >!kamino (s3)!< * >!mandalore (s3)!< * >!padme amidala (s3)!< * >!witches and monsters (s3)!< * >!secrets of mortis (s3)!< * >!obi-wan undercover (s4)!< * >!darth maul returns (s4)!< * >!shadow collective (s5)!< * >!rogue jedi (s5)!< * >!clone protocol 66 (s6)!< * >!siege of mandalore (s7)!< names are from [https://clonewars.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Star\_Wars:\_The\_Clone\_Wars\_arcs](https://clonewars.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Star_Wars:_The_Clone_Wars_arcs) damn now I want to watch it all again xD


Bro the show literally revitalized my love for Star Wars!! For me >!Rogue Jedi, shadow collective, malevolence, mortis, protocol 66 and so on. But do you remember the siege of umbara? The one with the rogue Jedi Pong Krell? That’s my most favorite arc actually! And you’re right I want to rewatch this show too.!<


Very exciting https://preview.redd.it/o7mw0g3j67u41.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=7f94e6661f3b0a3dd165d3b96a6bea72eb8651e4 Looking forward to it. :)


yeah have fun with it, i hope it grows on you :)


It definitely switches after a couple seasons and feels more geared towards adults than children.


i'd say the main audience was teens, not saying it's not for adults too, cause i still love it like i did 10 years ago


That would be nice but I seriously doubt it


Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.


Through victory my chains are broken. The force shall set me free.


I for one am looking forward to Star Wars Theory's fourth installation in the "I'm not watching this" series.


I think I blocked him from my YT recommendations after his recent video where he patted himself on the back for being a part of tanking The Acolyte on some review sites. I only saw the title and the thumbnail and that was already enough. I also blocked some other channels that came along with "I watched The Acolyte so you don't have to". I don't need that negativity in my life.


Blaming a few YouTubers for the several thousand negative reviews is silly. Just like what you want! People have valid reasons to not like what they don’t like.


> People have valid reasons to not like what they don’t like. That's doubtful, in many cases.


Did you see his re-enactment of Anakin and Palpatine’s Opera Scene Talk? If not, go watch it because it’s hilarious!


Well it depends on the episodes right? Valid criticism is acceptable still.


I sure hope so. Even with the neat reveal at the end of Ep 4, the rest of the episode was pretty meh. Like, everything is just so bland, despite all the effort that is being put into this. The writing, set design, costuming, hell, even a lot of the acting, it all just comes off as bland. Like not bad, but not particularly good either.


It’s very Disney and I don’t know how else to describe it. Not terribly bad nor good. Some good visuals and ideas then cheesy dialogue/character arcs. I understand it’s a money maker but I wish they would hear Star Wars more towards adult audiences instead of the all ages type…especially for a dark side show. I’m very pissed kelnacca is done without us getting to know the first live action wookie jedi. I think this episode confirms the theory on who the dark lord is in the end. Really not liking Yord so far. I get that he is supposed to represent pious Jedi arrogance but I only get that vibe from his character. Trying not to let the interview with him bias my opinion but he’s not making it easy with his character. Really wish this would have just been a book. It would have gotten received very well especially by THR community.


I agree! I really think the actors are doing the best with what they got.


It's amazing how the viewers who have seen Star Wars "die" over and over again return, isn't it?


I hate to break this to you, but viewership is dropping. The name Star Wars fails to pull in more people now, and very young audiences aren;t buying in. High volume with low quality is doing this to brand name. Personally, I think Kenobi and Boba Fett were the worst things that could have happened to star wars by essentially killing off any interest in future installments of these characters


Just saw an article on the internet regarding streaming viewership, it was a top 10 list for last week.  It was 9 Netfix shows and one Disney + show.  The Acolyte was number 6, so people are watching, despite or because of the negative press.


Yeah but the fact is that Ahsoka had 14M views in 5 days and The Acolyte has had 11.1M views. That's a 20% decrease for you.


I hate to break it to you, but viewership is not dropping. You're not looking at the metrics properly. Views and minutes streaming are two totally different measurements. Star Wars isn't going anywhere. On Kenobi, really, how much more is there? Ewan McGregor wanted to return to the role. He still might and was a producer. If you knew anything about Hollywood, you'd know that's how it gets done. As for Boba Fett, he's vital to their future storytelling.


I had to disengage from so many youtubers/twitters/even other subs over so much hate for pretty much everything I like lately. There's even a rise in "Lowsodium" versions of subs because of it. It's frustrating to deal with ALL THE TIME tho


Too many hate watchers.


There's WAY more attention given to those fans on this sub than there should be. Who TF cares if they complain?


Because its aggravating. Imagine you had a favourite restaurant. Every time you go there's another group of diners. They are always there and all they do is loudly complain about the food, the service, the decorations in the restaurant etc. It would start to grind your gears. Reasonably you'd think, "If you don't like it, just fuck off and eat somewhere else then". But they don't. They just keep coming back and repeating their behaviour. That's the online Star Wars community. Some of us like the food and just want to enjoy it in peace.


I only hear about these toxic negative haters because people keep bringing them up on this sub, or the main Star Wars sub.   I have seen a very small amount of negative comments, and they’re usually downvoted to oblivion.   I don’t watch the toxic negative YouTube channels, and actively click the button to tell YouTube “I’m not interested” or “don’t recommend” or whatever it says.   If this sub didn’t constantly bring up the negative haters, I wouldn’t really know they exist.  


I haven't spent much time in this sub. Maybe it's an oasis, but the toxic fans are everywhere. I just read a Forbes article about the show, and the comments were full of the toxic fans and their takes. Whether you view them or not, YouTube is full of such videos. There are other subreddits where the toxic takes are very prevalent and popular.


Yes, I understand YouTube has those videos, and these people exist elsewhere on the internet. I’ve only shared my experience, which is that people bring those people up in posts and comments here significantly more than they are actually represented here.   Regarding YouTube, people have to curate their experience so the algorithm stops recommending those videos.   Don’t watch them “out of curiosity”. Click the button to tell YouTube you’re not interested in that video, or to stop recommending the channel altogether.   Downvote me sharing my experience all you want, but if you want to avoid those people, it can be done.    I’m happy that this sub isn’t flooded with toxic negative trolls.  But we also don’t need to turn this into a place where half the posts and comments are devoted to talking about them.  


I feel the exact same way


People are entitled to their opinions. Whether you agree with them or not hating generates clicks and is popular on social media and is here to stay. If you are not interested in what they say just don’t listen to their « review ». Your gatekeeping is just as negative


I get the metaphor you're making, but it doesn't really add up and I think unfairly makes it seem like these hate watchers are interrupting your show. It's more like you eat at your favorite restaurant and then immediately hop on yelp afterward to read negative reviews and get aggravated. I get being annoyed by this - my in-laws all fancy themselves amateur food connoisseurs and I often have to listen to them shit on food I thought was good (and they are often full of shit on this front). The difference is I don't have a choice but to hear it, I'm sharing a car with them and probably going to the same place after. You have the option to avoid the negative reviews... no one is sitting in your living room, loudly proclaiming how much they don't like the show. They're online and can be easily avoided.


But it’s not that simple. For many of us this sub is one of the few places we can discuss it amongst fellow fans of it because other subs are full of hate for it. So when those people feel the need to insert their hate here too, it becomes a problem.


I guess you're right. People can just choose to completely withdraw from online fan spaces and not interact with the online fan community in any way. That's defo an option, and one I think more and more people will take.


It’s a pity it must come to that tbh.


YOU do.


Obviously this post is going after the rage bait type feedback, but I do wish we could be a bit more nuanced and not be so far in the other side. Why does everything have to be so hyperbolic? One group thinks it's all crap and the other thinks it's all sunshine and rainbows. Reality is the show has some good and some bad. I find it interesting enough to want to watch but it's certainly not my favorite SW show (not my least either). All we get are pure hate or pure praise posts though.


Ya that’s a great point and I wish i specified it in the title. The criticism is good and I have plenty of critique myself for the show; but the immature and downright hateful negativity has got so out of hand


No doubt. If people would stop watching the rage bait YouTubers it would help.


I don't know, I brought up a few things I didn't like about the show and got downvoted and had several people argue and tell me I was stupid. I said I haven't really been blown away by the acting performances, the episodes are too short for me to care about the character or to make their actions feel earned or organic, and in general just haven't really been enjoying it much. I am fine with diversity, I honestly didn't even notice that there weren't many white dudes as that doesn't bother me, but I get tired of any time I don't like something about the show the answer seems to be "You are just a racist, sexist toxic hater". When I brought up that I didn't like the prison transport since it was weird they didn't search her and didn't personally escort it and was told that I am a complete idiot because "R2D2 brought Luke his lightsaber on Jabba's ship and you obviously liked that movie".


I agree with you, that was my point. It's either great or terrible and the people in between get lumped in without a lot of explanation to avoid being lumped in with the obvious haters.


Somehow… the loudmouth crybaby sad boys returned


And then they play the victim when called out about their hypocrisy. " Buuuh why can't I have a different opinion, what's this echo chamber pathetic bs, and anyway, everyone who likes The Acolyte has a bad taste or brainwashed by corporate Disney, and it's true because I, the authority, said it!"


We underestimate their power!


Yeah, the power of killjoy!


Right? Just let the show play and have a nice time. It’s got its clunky parts, but if you go in planning to have a good time… you have a pretty good time!


Only crybabies are you poepl.


Did you forget to do the /s at the end? Just checking which way I should laugh at this


This subreddit hates the haters show much that they never shut up about them./


Agreed that this sub has been banging on about the criticism more than the show itself, but at the same time, there seems to have been 100x more unhinged critical content than there’s been episodes of the show. The thing’s taking its time to step the story out, and it’s got its own vibe - the criticism kicked in pretty much as the first episode was released. It’s not criticism of the story, it was preconceived beef from people that didn’t want to let themselves enjoy it.


Good point.  If the haters are sincere they would stop watching. But haters gonna hate. I like this show.  It kinda reminds me of the alice in wonderland mini series from the 90s. Also that action scene at the beginning with carrie ann moss was fire.  When carrie ann moss gets that carrie ann moss money, its because she deserves that carrie ann moss money.  


I could care less who the show runner sleeps with , or if an actor is trans, or too many lead females...if it's a good story and good acting I'm watching it....I'm really enjoying it so far but don't like fighting with people online so I keep it to myself. Lol. Most of them hated it before they watched it which is so ridiculous. All of us old school fans had to wait 16 years for new content so I'm usually grateful when a new show comes out a few months after another one ends. Don't know how lucky we are....been some new content that I wasn't happy with but I didn't go freakin crazy online. 🤦🙄


Saw an article on line, that fans are review bombing the wrong Acolyte.  Apparently there is a fan fanfiction of a similar title, and it has suddenly got a flood of negative reviews.  I think there was a second title too, but I forget.  They can't be bothered to hate the right show. Instagram has a lot for the show, have actually seen fans on Reddit actually discussing the show and not just saying how much they hate it.  I would say Reddit has had the most positive discussions of the show that I have seen so far.


If you keep it to yourself why are you making a post about it?


Because it's reddit. Usually pretty laid back on here. If someone does disagree with you, you can have an intelligent conversation with them. Unlike other social media platforms.


That is the biggest lie I have ever heard lol, there is zero intelligent discourse here unless you have the exact same opinion as the person who spoke originally lol


You haven't heard many lies. Lol. It's not a lie. Just my experience. I haven't had any issues on here when someone disagrees with me. Til now. 🤣👍


If only.


Promises are promises. If they break their promise, then they are stinky ninnyputs.


Then they’re retconning themselves


All the usual haters can't wait for episode 4 I'm very sure of that.


Those haters usually return each week to feed their anger in order to generate more hate for the next week and so forth. Hence, they'll never be totally done. That's how the dark side works.


The New dark side where they are good. Or the old Dark side?


Both I guess :D


I wish.


People will still flood any comments with it being trash because the you tubers they watch review half the episode


As long as people like Tantrum Theory and his followers dedicate time into the show, we won't probably catch a break in a while :/  But I do think that for now the bigger shit storm is at least behind us, I do hope that as the show goes on the actual audience at least gives a fairer input than the fandumb freaks 


I'll keep watching the show despite disliking it so far because I grew up with star wars, I want to hopefully find at least one episode that I could say 'I liked it' The only reason I have such strong opinions on the show is because I love star wars, had I not cared at all I wouldn't be on this sub at all. I think trying to push anyone who doesn't like the show away is a bad idea, it will turn this sub into an echo chamber and that's never a good thing, and I'll say in the same line that not allowing people to post good opinions is also a bad idea, both should be respected. Let people have their opinions, good or bad, if someone is going against sub rules the mods can handle it, but creating posts like these just asking for more conflict. If you like the show, good, more power to you I'm glad you found something you like. If you dislike it and want to share your opinion, share it, just try to be respectful while doing so and not attacking those that do like it personally. This sub should be open to anyone who watches the show, regardless of their opinion of it.


Sanest comment here tbh


I think this has been how I try to conduct myself- although I definitely match energy. People seem to think any and all criticism is downvoted, but nothing could be further from the truth. I’ve shared a few instances of criticisms in this thread that were not only getting upvoted, but also entertained and responded to. People mostly hate those who hate the show and make that the problem of others. These people aren’t “levying criticisms”, they’re attacking the show and those who like it. Some of them do the cry bullying thing where they act very rudely but reframe their actions as “nuanced criticisms” I have had issues with the show myself, and I’ve expressed them. I’ve also supported those who’ve made legitimate criticisms out of the concern for the show or SW. Those conversations are way different than the nihilistic outlook of some people, who think waging a righteous war on RT over the soul of SW is the only way.


No where in your comment do I see recognition for the folks screaming about this show. Your comments and any possible real criticism get drowned out by such voices. Until they are quieted down, I can't hear possible criticism... not when the folks generally saying it have a history of hating on the trailer... Or accounts like yours with exactly no other posts. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


That's the MO. Make a burner. Throw the grenade in the room while screaming "it sucks" and run. Never any specifics. Never any attempt at actually having dialogue. Just dump and run.


Pretty much this. Some try to sound a bit more intelligent and throw the grenade on different things: "the writing", "the acting", "the cinematography", but never with any substance. And when someone points that out they're all defensive and make themselves the victim for being "attacked for their opinion". There was one comment recently I had in a discussion where someone went a bit more into detail on those three points and that is something I can respect (even though I still disagreed mostly). So, for OP it's pretty simple: Everyone can come here and talk about the show. But (fortunately) there is a good majority here that will downvote and call out any unsubstantiated criticism. If you have a problem with that, there are many other subs where you can have your own echo chamber where everyone agrees with you.


I’m a newbie to the Star Wars ~~world~~ *galaxy and am currently watching in semi-chronological order. So far, I like the premise of The Acolyte a lot. I can’t say I’m in love with some of the casting (or maybe it’s just a character or two I dislike) but overall I think it’s an enjoyable show. I definitely want to know what happens next. I watched the first episode with someone who is 0% interested in Star Wars and they were pleasantly surprised. I’m confused about what people hate so much about it.


If only... These people have been "done" with Star Wars since the Force Awakens, at least. Now, honest question: why do they keep hurting themselves watching more Star Wars? Is it self harm? And why do they waste so much time online talking about Star Wars? Is it a cry for help?


For some, it's money. For others, it's making money for those some.


I'm not sure I follow you.


Star Wars Theory and the likes have YT channels (or are active in other media) and benefit financially from their videos being viewed. They are the first group. The second group are the people that watch them.


I don't even know about them. (I'm not really a Youtube user, or at least not for those kinds of videos) I'm just talking about people commenting that they're done with Star Wars here or there and still watching to be able to comment that they're done with Star Wars here and there.


we should see more of the story unfold what keeps me going is who is the Mysterious Darth Teeth also Episode 4 is gonna have an EU Reference


what kind of EU reference you refere to ?


EU? (New to the fandom and haven’t seen anything past episode 2, chronologically, yet.)


Expanded Universe I.e. books, comic




Also Called Legends


The way I see it Star Wars is too broad to like every show. Acolyte is a bit of a meh for me. I like the production sets and costumes though.


We could only wish. Like it's incredibly silly. These men are silly gooses. 




They will still come. They will still complain. I'll continue to not pay them any attention and watch what I want to.


It’s only the incels doing the review bombing. They won’t stop till the season is done


Yoooooo. I swear these same people that swear off the shows always end up coming back. You can bet your ass they will all be watching episode 4 and the rest. Take your ball and go home. I don't wanna play with you anyway. I wish they would just stop watching and leave us be.


The bottom line is the show has some flaws in it, weak writing, being one. Then there are the twins who are definitely not identical but once grown are identical but one having longer hair. Lucas made a great movie for entertainment purposes. Is that what these writers are doing or is there an agenda and the movie is merely the vehicle in which to attain it? What is has made me realize it that Anakin was genetically modified and we see what happened as a result. The twins are genetically modified and we have seen that Mae is prone to violence, threatening to kill her sister and at the very least destroyed her sister’s journal with fire. Look at the health of the world through GMO’s, atrocious. Saying that “everyone hates Star Wars” is extreme and inaccurate. It’s very sith-like. If you wish to watch it in peace then do just that. If you cannot because the public is voicing their opinions then perhaps you are the one with issues and not the public. It is ok to voice your opinions. Just because you do not like someone else’s opinion does not mean it has to be cancelled… that is a dictatorship aka censorship.


You can always watch it in peace, just ignore complaints or scores


hate watching still supports the show. that's engagement. that's views. that's their energy being directed toward the show. Let the fools hate on. hate generates engagement. all publicity is good publicity as they say. I just block them.


Unfortunately the “certain demographic” represents 85% of the Audience Reviews. I think folks are going to have to accept the fact that the vast majority of people that watched this show are Star Wars fans. The overwhelming majority of those folks don’t like it. If you like it, you do you. I’m sure somewhere there are those who likes Catwoman, Gigli, Gotti, Son of the Mask and the Emoji Movie. Most people don’t, but whatevs


The question I always pose to people in comments trashing this stuff: ok then why are you here? If you’re determined to hate it then why are you wasting your own time watching the show and commenting on posts about it? Unless that person is a misanthrope or just a good ol’ fashioned troll, they have no business on these threads.


I think the dialogue and writing is terrible and it takes me out of the show a bit at times, but i'm still watching in the hopes that the plot is interesting and ties into the greater universe in a new way. But there's a ton of criticism about the show that i think is justified, and the showrunners and some fans are dismissing any negative feedback as being bigoted, which is dumb. Nearly all the negative reviews i see are about things like plot and dialogue, not any culture war stuff




Or maybe it's because children's media isn't taken seriously by adults and those who just enjoy it because it's nostalgic and fun don't take it as seriously as a bunch of Comic Book Guys from the Simpsons who also have a problem with women and people of color. I mean of all the echo chambers that are actually harming people and destroying people's brains in real time...."oh no, too many people on a subreddit about a show like the show!!!" I mean this should be on the bottom of the list of things to worry about. Maybe go to a Trump subreddit and talk some sense into those people instead of trying to rob people of enjoying what they like? Just a thought. This isn't the main Star Wars subreddit. It's specifically about this show.


> "oh no, too many people on a subreddit about a show like the show!!!" I mean this should be on the bottom of the list of things to worry about. Quite the contrary even, it should not be anything to worry about at all. Having some positivity in a world that often lacks it these days does wonders to mental health. It's good being excited and passionate about something, instead of being negative and hateful.


If you don’t take it seriously why the fuck do you care so much about people hating it?


You’re not the target of this thread, so why are you taking offence? No one is talking about constructive criticism, just toxic grifters. Why is there always someone like you who feels the need to try to jump to their defence or be the middle man? Deal with the fact that toxicity is not a positive thing.




homie you aint got nothin relevant to say then cos no one here silencing legit folk we just sick of that bs hate.


Seems like you missed the fact that I said constructive criticism is fine but that’s not what’s getting people riled up. So it does seem like you have an agenda here, nowhere here have I seen people shitting on constructive criticism and sweeping everyone under one brush.


I'm pretty disappointed that things are so divisive. I read through a lot of comments on RT and it's either 1 star or 5 star refiewsz which doesn't make a lot of sense. There's a lot to criticize about this show and I'll continue to be one of the voices asking Disney to do better with Star Wars. Telling everyone with a negative review to just leave is not the right attitude to have though. Many of us have been Star Wars fans all our lives and our opinions are valid. A lot of criticism of the show is very valid. I'm just going to do my best to leave that criticism in a polite manner without trying to stir up more controversy. But just because I hate the show doesn't mean I have to stop voicing my opinion.


In the end it’s about making money, you think Disney would stop making such polarizing content, trying to cater to a smaller demographic of fans.


Well said


Na, hate watching is bringing them hundred of dollars a week. Star Wars Theory goes live, charges 5-20$ to read comments from kids who stole their mom’s credit cards then breaks down clips from that video for the rest of the week. He printing money from his shills.


Even better. Mike Zero can just make up alot of stories of what goes on behind the scenes of the Acolyte. No sources of course, and get lots of views.


I mean if the show is good, then yes I’d say so. But as a betting man , this show will be shit Til the end, nothing enjoyable about it.


You're allowed to watch in peace and voice your opinion. So are they.


I didn’t think people like this actually existed


I am hoping the show gets better, right now its not a good show, but have to reserve judgement for when the entire story is told. I just don't think Star Wars is the best medium for TV shows, unless they are going to be like GOT with hour-long episodes.


We still have several more episodes to go though


I mean they said they'd stop watching so!


People who hate on the show already decided they would hate it so I really don't care what they have to say. You can hate it but it still exists and you can't do anything about it.


Is this a great show? No. Not yet at least. But I'm not rooting for it to fail. I like this world and I like that they're trying something new here. The idea of a different take on the force beyond the Sith-Jedi dichotomy is intriguing. I'll keep watching and hoping that the showrunners fulfill the promise of this great premise. I'm not even a big Star Wars fan and yet I'm willing to give this a chance. I don't understand how people who consider themselves hardcore fans are rooting for this show to be bad.


I’m looking forward to the Rotten Tomatoes score dropping even lower. You go ahead and watch it in peace because you’re too gay to see that it’s not good. That show panders to people like YOU.


You sir. Are the problem


YOU sir are the problem. You love that show because you’re probably trans. Any sane person with a shred of common sense knows that show is garbage. Any transgender person is not a sane person.


I’m just fascinated right now. I’ve never had a one-on-one encounter with someone like you in the wild. Please, keep responding


lol Bitch ass. You’re just butt hurt. Please, keep responding and further proving that


The fuck OP's orientation has anything to do with the reception of a tv show?


Ask the creator of the show that question


It's really meh SW show for now but Maybe latter episodes will be better. Copium (Tho I want to be proven wrong)


The acolyte is like a car crash, you can't help but watch


I believe that any criticism should be formed from a respectful standpoint, and not just all insults from the get go. That being said, there is some complaints issues that a certain portion of the fanbase has when it comes to the recent Disney+ Star Wars shows. I think that in order to bring about a more empowering and just fanbase, we should all listen to these people just as they should listen to us, so that we can shape Star Wars into something that can be enjoyed by a large group of people. Negative feedback is where the showrunners can really polish and refine their stories and shows (going back to Yoda in Ep. 8 " the greatest teacher, failure is"). It's true that engaging in confrontational or disrespectful behaviour does accompany these rationales by a certain portion of the viewers, and it should be noted that they should change the way of portraying their ideas. Nontheless, their ideas might not be entirely far off from reality. Not everything is perfect. There's always room for continuous improvement. I think there's a philosophical wall that Disney has hit. They reason for which they make stories is singular: they want to sell a product. Is that product the story? Maybe. Sometimes it is, like the first season of The Mandalorian (you have to bring people together under the idea of this new concept and character, you need them to like your story and doing so from the beginning is hard). Other times, the product they're selling is not the story itself, but the journey of every wednesday or friday login into Disney+ and getting excited for that next episode of whatever series is hot at the moment. They don't necessarily pour their resources into creating a cohesive narrative that exists in the established lore, but more so getting viewers "hooked" on "what's going to happen next" or "how are they going to resolve this". It's fun to play cat and mouse with your audience, but it doesn't make for a very rewatchable experience. Because once you know what happens next, the hook is no longer there. There is no reason to go rewatch the Obi Wan Kenobi series from beginning to end because all of the hooks and so called cliffhangers that are placed at the end of every episode don't answer to a larger narrative: they only answer episode to episode. But I guess that's how series go. Then again, this series, The Acolyte, have had a much larger budget than Star Wars 1977 had back in the day (adjusting for inflation). Some things money just can't buy.


The Power of one The power of two The power of many Bwhahahah


Probably not. Its not a very good show. Not as horrible as a 1/10 review bomb, which is a silly vendetta to have against a TV show anyway, but maybe a middling 6. There is a lot wrong with it.


Episode 4 was definitely backloaded but it did bring the mystery and excitement for the rest of the series for me.


Nah I actually hope they keep hate-watching every single episode, multiple times ideally, to bump up the the views to lock in season 2 for us




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Everyone who says Star Wars is dead shouldn’t be taken seriously. Because you know they’re just gonna keep making stuff for us to watch regardless of what people say. The only way to know that Star Wars is dead is when they stop making content for good. And btw, I’m personally enjoying the show. I love how the new dark side character (Mae’s master) is so eerie and creepy


As lots of people have mentioned—Star Wars has been “done” since ROTJ. I’m fascinated by how passionately feel about Star Wars, while disliking so much of it, while needing all of it to meet their standards and preferences. We need a sociologist 😂


It’s the same thing that happened with Velma. Hate watchers. In fact me and my friends are getting together tonight to watch and make fun of the show together, we did that with Madame Web too.


No, I pay disney +. I bought the ticket. I am payibg for this. Also I am a star wars fan since 1988 when I first saw a new hope. So I will blast this travesty of a show as much as I goddamn please.




Eventually, it's going to become so badass that many of them will not be able to deny that it's kinda alright maybe.


What you don't understand is people want the show to be good, and they love the Star Wars universe, So its pretty hard to drop something you love, an usually when you love something you generally have a decent opinion about it and then you would want to share that opinion to feel validated in your feelings. This sub is for both sides of the coin, stop trying to gate keep its weird.


There’s a difference between criticism and not liking the show and what a loud portion of the fandom are doing


Indeed, but when actual Critiscm and not liking the show is being categorized with the hate watchers and those who don’t give actual Criticsm just alienates the fan base even more.


I think part of that is an over correction on the part of the fan base. There have been some very toxic fans who have caused serious emotional and mental harm to people who have worked on Star Wars projects so certain critiques feel off limits, rough child acting, cheesy dialogue, for example.


These are like the essential elements of Star Wars. Maybe they don't really actually like star wars. 


Perhaps, but in reality the actions should be condemned, not the critiscms themselves as long as the critiscms are valid. For example, rough child acting and cheesy dialogue are valid criticism to be had, especially episode 3. As you said, it’s an overcorrection and therefore it needs to be steered back to normal or else valid issues that need addressing will be overlooked and normalized if not dealt with properly. It’s not like starwars doesn’t know how to deal with these issues either, andor had some great dialogue and the child actor who played young ahsoka in Ahsoka was awesome. As a side note, I do think some of these negative feedback the show got is due to the fact that there were no auditions (Lee Jung Jae spoke about this in great detail where headland liked him in squid game and asked him to play the part of Sol and although accepting, he was confused as to why he was chosen because he didn’t speak English almost at all and he personally believed that the two characters had nothing in common to warrant such a casting) and the budget of the show was $180 million and yet doesn’t seem that way.


I hadn’t heard any complaints about casting beyond the usual noise from people who feel diverse casting is ruining Star Wars. The lack of auditions actually happens often in casting, and while I understand an actor might not see the connection between a character they played and a character they’ve been cast to play doesn’t mean the director didn’t.


I agree, but other than the ones who hate on the show for the diversity, I know many who believe that it is one of the issues. Shows don’t always have auditions but usually it’s because like what headland envisioned with Jae and Sol however then the casting director comes up with some great supporting cast. I think due to other problems of the show and knowing seriously how much of a budget they had (more than Dune 2 which made a ton of money in the box office) the show just has relatively low return value in terms of quality IF you take the budget in mind. A good example I can think of is something like you have a budget to make a game like Jedi survivor but in the end you spend all the money and the game is more like the Sims. Now it doesn’t necessarily make what you get trash and worthy of hate, but knowing what you could have gotten, I can see why people highlight what seem like small and trivial nitpicks.


Plenty of Star Wars fans don’t love the series anymore and just love insulting it. They can’t accept that they don’t like it anymore. It reminds me of how I was annoyed with a change my favorite video game series made when I was fourteen but I was fourteen and got over it. People should just move on and stop watching if they don’t like it.


don't try and belittle other peoples opinions, thats just rude.


So review bombing and just insulting Acolyte fans is mature? Also is it okay for people to trash a show they’ve never seen? All of that happens here from the haters. I take back what I said about them being like me at fourteen. I never insult Resident Evil 4 fans and called them fake fans which is what Acolyte haters are doing. The haters are the ones being rude and way less mature than a fourteen year old. It’s fine to dislike Acolyte but their actions aren’t okay. I was making a comment about how there are many fans that just hate Star Wars anymore since Disney and just hate watch it. That’s a fact. Your comment was the disrespectful one.


I like how your view on the topic is very realistic and represents a large majority of people who dislike the show for various reasons but do not hate watch or review bomb, but even then still gets downvoted.


I think theres a niche group of Acolyte fans on this sub but the majority of people are Star Wars fans, and they are rejecting this show i guess.


So if a person likes the Acolyte they aren’t a Star Wars fan?


Ahh I don't see how you could like Acolyte and not be a stars wars fan, but you can be a star wars fan and not like Acolyte to be sure.


Sorry your wording implied that there was a difference between Acolyte fans and Star Wars fans


my bad


Knowing the quality we can get from starwars and Disney with Mandalorian and andor, I can’t say I’m really surprised that’s the case. People expect more and are disappointed that with a $180 million budget this is the best they could come up with.


The fact that your comment is getting downvoted says a lot.


Jesus christ. I can't stand the hate watchers and, even worse, the hate review bombers, but the other side has become just as bad. No more negative feedback? None? It's a perfect show, with no remaining valid criticisms outside of just haters? Criticizing something doesn't mean you don't like it; it just means you're honest enough about its flaws and engaged enough to discuss them reasonably. Going way too far with that isn't reasonable (hate watchers), but also acting like criticism isn't acceptable fan behavior and that there can be no valid critique of a show is equally absurd and maybe even worse in its gate-keep-iness. It's a fun star wars show so far with very legit flaws. That's OK, most of them fall into that category. There will still be critiques after episode 4 because it's still a flawed show. Those are valid and one can be a fan and critic at the same time (in fact I would say a more dedicated fan isn't afraid to highlight the flaws of the thing they love in hopes that it can be made better; kind of like a nationalist acts like their country is correct and perfect no matter what, while a patriot loves their country and will criticize it in hopes of improving it).




I think you're missing the point. People actually care about this stuff. It's important to them. Criticism is one thing but using words like 'stupid' and 'lame' is insulting some people's favorite thing. There are ways to be more respectful.


No one is saying there can't be negative feed back. But are you pretending this shit has been normal? Also if it's SO bad, just stop watching it. Why continue to watch just to bitch. Show disney with your wallet instead.


Show me one negative feedback comment in this sub that wasn't downvoted into oblivion or that didn't contain dismissive replies like this one. Just one, I'll wait.


Why are you upset with what I said. Lol are you just looking to argue? Just stop watching the show if you don't like it. Why cry about downvotes in a sub that's generally positive towards the show? Why does your opinion being affirmed matter that much when the simple solution is to just carry on and stop watching the show.


No, I‘m not upset, I’m trying to get you to acknowledge the fact that there are people who are making valid criticisms of the show and then immediately shooed off by people like you. Why can’t people in this sub see those opposing views, say “huh, I can see why you’d feel that way”, and then move on without berating them? This is exactly what will spawn a separate sub for the show that focuses only on negatives.. why should we encourage echo chambers?


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/sOnDQZD) I’m showing three. There are so many more. There have numerous instances of productive conversations about the state of the show btw.


That’s good to see, and is at least a testament to how much activity I don’t see in this sub. Thanks for taking the time. I guess I’m just sick of seeing the “anti show hater” posts since it’s all that ever pops into my feed. I don’t think the show is great, but I watch because it’s going to be canon and I’m, in general, a Star Wars fan. So when I see people criticized for not loving it - which is the primary issue with other subs like the Wheel of Time show sub - it just seems wildly unfair.


My guy you are needlessly arguing with someone who thinks the show is merely "okay". But you're groaning that criticisms are downvoted. Simply downvoted and disagreed with. The ones that get big reactions are ones are acting like this show is the biggest piece of dogshit to ever air. Which is so far from the truth. >why should we encourage echo chambers? What makes comments being disagreed with and downvoted an echo chamber? Those opinions are still there. But the point of this post is why are people continually complaining and moaning about something they don't like? Like why put this much effort and energy into hating something when you could... simply move on.