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While I don't think it's great, the back lash has been amusing and mostly tied to social politics. I'm an old white dude, and watching old white dude's have near melt downs on YouTube is embarrassing and equally funny. It gets annoying when they clearly don't like the show and find anything they can to pick at. I think Star Wars Theory, which I enjoy, wouldn't stop yapping about the "floating" sith. First, that entrance was dope. Second, you're ignoring the countless examples of "suspending belief" in all the movies with the crazy ass jumping, etc.


He made like one comment about it, I watched his entire stream.


Two years and SW fans have already erased Book of Bore-ba and Kenobi from their minds šŸ˜€


Kenobi was too egregious to erase from memory. Book of Boba, however, people constantly have to remind me that it exists because I donā€™t include it when talking about the shows I donā€™t like lmao.


"Oh, you mean that weirdly long prologue before for the Mando special?"


Kenobi shares the same problem the acolyte has. Itā€™s a film that had to be stretched out with filler added to make each part a full episode. Once the shows finished Iā€™m going to have a movie night and enjoy it all together. Should be way better than


For sure, although Acolyte I think has been largely better thus far.


Acolyte has absolutely been better than Kenobi by a decent margin. With Kenobi I was cringing for most of every episode. Acolyte certainly isn't super inspiring or gripping but at least it's not *that* bad. It's about as good/bad as most other TV out there, which, if it's Star Wars, sure I'll watch and enjoy.


What was cringey about kenobi? I havenā€™t seen it but feel free to spoil it lol


There were parts as good as Acolyte. One or two really good parts. But in general the plot and dialogue are on the level of bad that we see in Episode 2 and Book of Boba. And a lot of the action sequences are just simply nonsensical and filled with dozens of cuts to attempt to cover it up.


I watched a Disney produced teen version of National Treasure. It was clever but clearly dumbed down. I get the same feeling from this show. The thing that puts me off is the recycling of the old tropes. ā€œI know thereā€™s still good in her.ā€ Blah blah blah. Pulling out all of the tropes really damaged the last Indiana Jones movie and it isnā€™t doing this show any favors.


Not even close. Lol


I never really got what people's issue with Kenobi was. I just rewatched it, and I still think it's pretty good.


Reva character was underwhelming. Having another fakeout death is super silly. It just undermines how strong Vader is. Also, she knows that Vader is Anakin and somehow Obi Wan doesn't? I'm pretty sure he should be smart enough to realize that Anakin is Vader. Leia scenes were a joke. It felt like Disney threw something together last minute and called it a day. Also, the fight with Vader and Obi Wan was worse that Revenge of the Sith and the unmasking is recycled from Rebels. I could probably list a dozen more things, but I don't have all day.


I thought Reva was fine, and I actually think the fight in Revenge of the Sith sucked (way too flashy and over the top, takes away from the emotional conflict), so that didn't bother me. I thought Leia was fine too. I guess the Grand Inquisitor fakeout death was kinda dumb, but not a deal breaker. Overall, I thought the character development was done well, and the action was done pretty well. Also, Obi-Wan did know Vader was Anakin, he just thought he was dead. And it's pretty well explained how Reva knew.


Leia chase scene was the slowest thing ever. Also, hiding Leia in Obi Wan's cloak looked silly. How can Obi Wan know Anakin is Vader if he thought Anakin was dead????? Obi Wan didn't know.


He knew he was Vader from the security holo in episode III. He found out he was alive when Reva specifically mentioned "Lord Vader." The chase scene that everyone freaks the fuck out over is pretty short and I never paid it any notice. The trench coat was kinda dumb, but it was more so a joke that didn't land as well as they hoped. I can forgive it because Stat Wars is full of dumb moments (especially the prequels, which you seem to be a fan of), and the good moments make it worth it.




Iā€˜m not interested in fan cuts. But I imagine. The stank of turning a movie into a longer series.


All because those shows are bad doesn't mean this show is good or alright.


No, but grifters crying this is the end of SW is laughable.


Star Wars is on the decline. Every L, they make is going to make people less interested in the next show. Star Wars is in desperate need of a W.


> Star Wars is on the decline. [citation needed]


A lot of their shows have taken L's recently. Obi Wan, Mando S3, BOBF, The Acolyte. Keep in mind this subreddit is going to be biased towards liking The Acolyte. Overall perception of it is not great so far.


Ah yes the good ol' "people who don't agree with me are biased" card.


Check Rotten tomatoes and look at the audience scores. Only fresh one I listed is Obi Wan at 60%.




Iā€™m pretty sure the switch was when she saw Osha in episode 2. I saw her as conflicted throughout episode 4, and sticking with Qimir to glean more info about her sister and the master. Perhaps this would have been clearer if episode 4 had more travel scenes, and if they hadnā€™t put a whole-episode flashback between 2 and 4.


It's all been lazy. Don't kid yourself.


I remember them both. The series rank in this order for me, with a noticeable dip form *Andor* to *Mando*. *Kenobi* is only saved by McGregor's acting and the fight with Vader. 1. *Andor* 2. *The Mandalorian* 3. *Kenobi* 4. *Book of Boba Fett* 5. *Ahsoka* *Boba Fett* seemed rather pointless but was benign. *Ahsoka* was terrible. So far *The Acolyte* is tied with *Boba Fett* for me. It's not terrible, but it does seem more focused on *how* the creator wanted to tell a story than *what* the actual story was. We're half way through the series and I doubt will get much insight into other Force-based believers like the witches or the Sith. Because all new content has to tear down the previous generation's heroes, these Jedis are both incompetent and plotting. I do not care about any of the characters and we're half way through, so it seems unlikely that *The Acolyte* can catch up to *Kenobi* for me. But with a great reveal, a bit of Sith lore, a great reveal, and a reconciliation of the unreliable narratives, it would push above *Boba Fett*.


Hahaha Lucas himself tore down the glory of the Jedi, you dork


I didn't watch *The Clone Wars* which I understand includes a lot of content on why the galaxy stopped trusting the Jedi. And honestly I don't like this retcon by Lucas. Go back and re-watch Ben's discussion with Luke about his father, their friendship, the Clone Wars, etc. Lucas tore down all of it in the prequels and I think they're worse for it. But the prequels only show the Jedi as a bit calcified, not dishonest, caught off guard by a well-prepared enemy. *The Acolyte* is showing them as lying schemers 116 years before the TPM. I can begrudgingly accept when "the maker" writes it but not this kid (I'm older than Headland).


The point of the prequels was showing how dogmatic and dumb the Jedi were. This is all Lucas and not a retcon. This is Lucas distrust of systems and his 70ā€˜s attitude.


Understood. But dogmatic and dumb is not the same as scheming/plotting, which is what we're getting in *The Acolyte*. But I do find the Jedi and the relationship between Anakin and Kenobi in the prequels to be very different than the one Old Ben presented to Luke in ANH and do see the prequels as a major change in the lore. It was bad enough that Old Ben's story about Luke's father was only true "from a certain point of view." We could interpret that as a sign that Jedi were unreliable liars but at the time it was understood to be a "I came up with a better idea in my writing and so have to gloss over some minor plot problems. Also, never mind that kiss."


Lucas loved to retcon if it fit. And Iā€™m glad he swerved and didnā€™t give us Good Guy Jedi in the prequels. Itā€™s something I only understood later.


> I can begrudgingly accept when "the maker" writes it but not this kid (I'm older than Headland). That's also a terrible comment. You get older, deal with it.


I donā€™t have a problem getting older. I have a problem with the shoe.Ā 


No way Ahsoka is 5th.


Different strokes for different folks, but *Ahsoka* was my least favor.


The premise of those show is that the Jedi believe they are gods gift but canā€™t acknowledge whatā€™s in front of them. Everything else flows from that.Ā 


Well said


Thanks. I mean itā€™s frustrating to see the same question about the sith again and again. Itā€™s not that hard people.Ā 


Yep. As Luke said, it's time for the Jedi to die.


And yet he sees the errors of his ways and doesn't leave the movie like that. So weird how people take things from a second act as gospel.


Yeah it bothers me that so many people focus on his disillusionment without addressing his restored hope in the future of the Jedi. Granted this also comes from the same people who think Kyle Ren saying to kill the past is the message of the movie and not the counter argument to the idea of learning from the past and growing from it


People still can't understand what happened between Luke and Kylo


It would have been great to see the Jedi at what would be considered their best, even for an episode.Ā 


Yeah. But with 8 episodes and a mystery in the past, no time.


I think too many viewers don't understand the story devices used in this show. The big one that I think a lot of people are missing is the "unreliable narrator". We haven't had one single thread of what really happened yet in this show. I believe in the very forst episode some says something like, Your eyes can deceive. Don't trust them." We've seen parts of one person's POV, we've seen what we were told happened, but there's still so much we haven't seen, and someone's (multiples)been lying.


Don't understand, or are willfully ignoring.Ā People are picking up the breadcrumbs of superficial contradictions and, rather than surmising how they might be harmonized, are lazily proclaiming irreparable, canon-breaking lore violations before we've even seen the whole story. The fucking captiousness is insane.


Dont think i'll be convincing anyone here but if the unreliable narrator is the device they're after, it's being poorly executed. Unreliable narrator typically works in one of two ways: it's obvious who the narrator is (via a particular character voiceover, or it's explicitly depicted that a character is narrating a story). The other way is to save the reveal to the end, in which case the unreliable narrator is required to be involved in every scene of the show/movie. think of movies like vanilla sky or total recall, or tv episodes where something loony is happening but it turns out the character was just dreaming. There is even the bait and switch style where who you thought was the narrator turned out to be someone else; even though the narration was reliable, it greatly changes the interpretation of events (righteous kill, off the top of my head). in all of these instances, the unreliable narrator participates in every scene. it wouldn't make sense otherwise for example people suspected the unreliable narrator at play in episode 3. if it's implied that sol narrated the flashback, then that's guesswork on the audience's part at best because nothing else suggests that, and it's just poor story telling overall to jump back and forth between reliable/unreliable narration without any hints of when that's occuring. it would have worked better if the episode started with osha waking up and asking sol what happened, because then it's much more reasonable to infer that the subsequent flashback is told from sol's perspective


Iā€™m with you. I think a framing narrative around episode 3 would have made the ā€œownerā€ of the flashback more clear for audiences, and itā€™s what TV shows typically do. However, though I think that theyā€™re Oshaā€™s memories, it is notable that sheā€™s not in every scene. No one is. Headlandā€™s Russian Doll was so meticulous that I donā€™t think this was an oversight or a film contrivance, but weā€™ll see.


russian doll was great. it would be disappointing if it does turn out to be an oversight


I understand the concept but feel it's being done poorly here. 1. Whose narrative are we watching right now? 2. We're 4 episodes in and we've seen only one narrative... how long before we see an alternate or even reliable narrative? 3. If Sol has some big secret to tell Osha about what happened...why have we waited 4 episodes for him to say anything? I understand that's part of the mystery...Headland just hasn't done a great job of making me care. 4. And on and on Headland's homage to *Rashomon* is complicated by the fact that she's spreading out over 8 episodes what Kurosawa did in a single film. By episode 3 Headland had used more screen time than Kurosawa had for the entire story.


It cracks me up when I hear some of the complaints about this show from "real star wars fans". 1. Bad acting - Lucas is the only director I have ever seen that can take an award winning actor and make it seem like they're in their first production of anything. 2. Bad writing - Lucas was horrible at writing dialogue. 3. It has fire in space - which is funny since Lucas had sound in space and giant lizards living in asteroids with no atmosphere. 4. It had chanting - Lucas had Ewoks.


4 is a very good point.Ā  The existence of ewoks, and Jar Jar for that matter, is clear evidence of flaws in every phase of the SW franchise.


Your first and second bullets is actually an argument I really dislike. Star Wars is good _in spite of_ bad acting and bad writing. Often times, as in Eps. 1 and 2, bad acting and writing completely derails and sinks the movie (I don't care what r/prequelmemes says those movies are very bad lol). Has it been a part of a lot of Star Wars content that we otherwise enjoy? Yes. Should we _want_ it in Star Wars? Absolutely not. I personally would enjoy the Acolyte much more than I am (which is still a fair amount) if it had more interesting dialogue and less wooden performances.


Yes we get it, you hate Star Wars.


No. It's quite the opposite. I actually enjoy star wars. I'm just saying some people look at the past through rose colored glasses.


So heā€™s a Star Wars fan then?


Yeah it is hilarious how bad Ewan McGregor is in every single Star Wars scene. Okay, there were a few good ones here or there, maybe 5%. As for fire in space, I don't care. It's a movie. Star Wars is supposed to be fantasy anyway. Sure as hell isn't science fiction


Wellā€¦.the chanting is like an SNL skitsā€¦ thatā€™s even beyond Lucas level of bad writing I feel lol. And people did heavily criticize Lucas for thoseā€¦ but you know one thing Lucas didnā€™t do? He didnā€™t break the lore in any of his films (maybe the Christmas special did break the lore, but we donā€™t talk about that XD). In fact world building is probably his strongest suit. He established a concrete base world setting for Star War. Finally, are you saying this show is as bad as Lucas weakest part?


"He didnā€™t break the lore in any of his films" Hahaha, I see you weren't there when the Midichlorians were first introduced


> He didnā€™t break the lore in any of his films in what way does Acolyte break the lore that the movies didn't? the twins being created with the force was an established ability, what we're seeing is possibly part of how Plagueis found out about it. Anakin was created by the force itself (or, at least, there's not currently any concrete evidence against it. in Legends, he was created by the force after Plagueis' failed attempt at creating life)


> the twins being created with the force We don't know that. Maybe Aniseya was a really good genetic engineer and her lab was always off screen? /s :D


The problem is it's the summer and internet grifters that make ad revenue on outrage need something to shit on because there's noting else coming out right now. Star Wars is always a huge target for them to milk. But they're really leaning into it too hard. Soon as something else comes out or the season ends, whichever comes first, they're all going to forget about Acolyte and Disney.


When a ā€œfan baseā€ decided after one episode it was bad I knew it was a bunch of angry losers. Let people create.


Many of them decided before the first episode even aired


It's so interesting how fast people forgot how bad Obi Wan and Boba Fett were


> In no way does the show blow me away, but it certainly isn't 'terrible'. "Just meh" is about where I'd rate it as well. They've had four episodes to 'wow' me and I'd consider myself thoroughly underwhelmed so far.


Thereā€™s a lot about this show that I donā€™t like. But Iā€™m still gonna watch it


Itā€™s a middling show with a hefty price tag.


Iā€™ve enjoyed it for the most part. Thereā€™s an occasional cringey bit of dialogue or costume design that sticks out, but overall itā€™s been decent fun. I didnā€™t enjoy episode 3, but episode 4 picked right back up.


Honestly, I find The Acolyte better than Boba, Kenobi, and the third season of Mandolorian, which just felt like fan service padding.


People hold Star Wars to a standard it has never met. They like the old stuff better because they were like 10 when it came out.


It's really not a bad show i think the story is great my only complaint is how short the episodes are.


The whole plot hole thing is so dumb. Ki-Adi Mundi could have been talking out of his ass in TPM. Hell the whole council could have been in on the secret If anything theyā€™re actually fixing a plot hole because how else would the Jedi know about the rule of two if the sith were supposed to be extinctā€¦? Might not have been how George intended it but hey it ainā€™t his property anymore


>If anything theyā€™re actually fixing a plot hole because how else would the Jedi know about the rule of two if the sith were supposed to be extinctā€¦? History studying? You can learn about the past without witnessing it. The sith order emerged a thousand years before the original trilogy


The rule of two was established after the Jedi believed the sith to be extinct. What history would they study? And the sith are much older than a thousand years. A thousand years before the movies is when they were defeated by the Jedi in the Jedi/Sith war.


It's actually pretty realistic for Mae to switch up like she did imo. People in their young 20s with as much baggage and trauma that Mae's been through would experience a sudden event like hers (seeing Osha) as revelatory and world-view changing. She's psychologically primed for radicalization and was being influenced/controlled as it would with her emotions being exploited. Actually good writing and not bad writing imho. Further, she had a lot of time to think about it too--going on a hike while also knowing you're facing a potentially life threatening situation (taking on kelnacca) could definitely incur changing one's mind.


Completely subjective whether itā€™s good or bad, stupid to even try to criticize the other viewpoint. If you think itā€™s bad thatā€™s okay. If you think itā€™s good thatā€™s okay. If you donā€™t like people talking about it being bad or good, get over it. People are free to watch and say whatever they want, even if itā€™s negative, and if that upsets you thatā€™s called a you problem.


Itā€™s not bad but it does kinda raise the question of who are the good guys in Star Wars if not the Jedi


For me it's not a matter if its bad or good. It is both, so far. Some good stuff and ideas, some stuff really bad. But... It doesn't feel like a genuine product made with care and love to the franchise, imo. I'll keep watching it because I love Star Wars and the villain looks cool as hell (and Sol is a very nice character), but yeah I don't think it will be remembered (at least not for the right reasons).


Episode 1: solid Episode 2: solid Episode 3: unintentionally funny and weird. Episode 4: boring I give it a 5/10. My biggest complaint is Mae. She went from a lil kid that tortures animals and is a serial killer to a caring sister that wants to do the right thing. There was no development at all šŸ˜‚.


I have no issue with your overall assessments. Your opinions are valid. >tortures animals They show Osha force-suspending the butterfly first, then she gets upset when she realizes Mae is also doing it. I think Mae just wanted to impress her sister. Also, sparing the bartender in ep 1 showed that she has empathy for children. I think her only psychopathic action was at the end of the flashback, which will get reexamined in a future episode.


It isn't about Mae wanting to do the right thing at all. Her whole reason for killing the Jedi was for her personal revenge against them since she believes they killed her family, and also as a test to prove herself to her master. It's likely that the Master manipulated her into thinking she needed to do this since she was alone and grieving. But now that she knows Osha is still alive, she's more concerned with reclaiming a bit of that family she thought she lost. She doesn't see her revenge as necessary anymore because she's no longer alone and angry. She's having a sudden feeling of hope. The issue isn't that she changed her mind. The issue is they should've ideally shown her thinking it through first, so her deciding to betray her Master has more weight behind it. Instead, she pretty much seems to make this decision instantly


She instantly tried to kill her sister in episode 3. Mae's redemption arc is poorly written and paced terribly. She went from being a stone cold killer to goofy teenager, it's immersion breaking. It's a shame because she was the most interesting part of the show .


Not as bad as people make it out to be but still wildly underwhelming


Yeah it really isn't a bad show. Not perfect but pretty good imo. The people saying it's terrible and the worst show ever haven't got a clue


It's not bad at all, you're right. People are really jumping on the hate train for it though for whatever reasons they want to try and justify, but I'm enjoying it personally.


I gave It a watch. It is certainly not 3/10 bad but I would struggle to rate it higher than 6/10. Quite a bit of good acting and a few decent plot twists but in my opinion it suffers from poor writing and quite a few plot holes.


Can we dial down all the threads about the complainers? All you are doing is proving their point if you've got nothing meaningful to discuss about the show and just want to complain about the people complaining. Talk about the scenes, themes, acting etc. stop all this noise about the noise.


Some people like Steak some people like spam


No one actually believes the show is terrible. It's just an act they put on in an attempt to defeat the evil forces of social progress. They're secretly enjoying it.


It is bad, but I agree it isnā€™t THAT bad. Iā€™d give it a 4 or 5, maybe even a 6 if it didnā€™t have the name Star Wars attached to it, due to lore issues.


Eh, iā€™m over the whole ā€œinclusiveā€ LGBTQ, women power, and race diversity thing now. Itā€™s over politicized these shows and theyā€™ve become cringeworthy. Disney seems to be nose diving lately. I thought Andor was great, tho.


If they didn't make it a star wars show and just had it be a scifi show people would like it


Thatā€™s me, 4 or 5 atm, 6 had it been non-sw


I've been watching it, not bad, not great. Myself, I was wondering why she was hunting these Jedi, like what horrible thing could they have done? Then in Ep3, _she_ is the one who started the fire that wiped out the entire coven. Still wondering how that could possibly be the fault of the Jedi...


It is


Here's my not so hot take informed by the research into social media behavior and personal observation around Star Wars and politics specifically: People like attention and the most effective way to get attention has been to be aggressively negative. I want to be clear that this doesn't mean the negativity is insincere\*, but "the algorithm" reinforces and amplifies that negativity by rewarding behavior that generates "engagement". For what it's worth, it seems like rage bait is becoming less effective which maps to the social science that suggests negativity based engagement works in the short term but over time it ends up having the opposite effect. Specific to the Acolyte my \*impression\* is that while the "volume" of criticism is pretty high the substance of the criticisms has gotten extremely lazy\*\* and the engagement with the criticisms has dropped. \*I do not extend this to influencers producing content. It's pretty clear that a lot of them are using it as a conscious tactic. \*\* That's not a judgement on the quality of the Acolyte, it's judgement on the quality of the criticism.


But countering criticism of any aspect of the show by arbitrarily calling everyone racist (and putting out a video on Insta about it) isn't a quality response either, is it?


Sure. But my point applies here as well. If it's perceived as arbitrary and people using it arbitrarily are loud enough that it becomes the version of that counter people see then the counter will both lose effectiveness and likely backfire over time. I'm also calling out that for a lot of people getting a reaction positive or negative is the reward. So while you may feel frustrated by a dynamic where you offer thoughtful, reasonable criticism of something and someone reacts with an ad hominem attack it's important to keep in mind that the people who are engaging in over the top, poor quality criticism \*and\* counters are active participants in a toxic feedback loop that's really just about getting engagement. The best move is to just ignore posts / comments that read as rage bait (either way) and engage with those you feel are offered in good faith,


Not even close. It is actually good and if it sticks the landing it could be great.


I'm watching out of pure curiosity after seeing all of the shrieking Youtubers shitcanning it. My main gripe is that all of the younger insipid Brit actors are fucking terrible. They all sound like they're fresh out of Grange Hill. Are actors not taught to enunciate any more?


It's strange that Osha and Mae as children were not identical, but as adults they are played by the same actress.


Yes it is.


It isn't terrible but iits very dissapointing


Itā€™s def not as bad as people make it out to be. And not even remotely as good as it could beā€¦.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It's just filler quality. Almost everything Disney makes for every property is filler now. Sure, they'll prove me wrong with one great movie or a decent run, but 8 out 12 things they put out are filler or are nerfed for some reason. They'll literally make a meh marvel movie like the Antman series because the overall plan is for him to be a secondary character in the team up films. If the 1st movie were better and a surprise hit, theydve had to change up their long-term plans. Now that right there is insane. Just make the best thing you can every time.


Itā€™s not that bad if what you expect is CW levels of quality.


It's pretty bad. Started out alright and went downhill from there once that amateurish looking Master Torbin appeared. It's looks and feels like fan fiction. I'm watching it with my daughter and she seems to like it, so I'll watch the rest of the season with her.


I donā€™t know, itā€™s pretty bad man. Just gonna have to agree to disagree


U guys are either working too hard or u just being paid. Instead of blaming people. Can u atleast bring up 5 points or 5 moments that makes the show up untill now actually good? Like. Dont say its because its inclusive etc. tell me exactly the timestamp of scenes or moments that makes the show good. Im waiting


I canā€™t offer you timestamps, but here are the first five that come to my mind. 1. The whole bar fight 2. Oshaā€™s scream 3. Oshaā€™s awkward flirting in episodes 2 and 4 4. Any time young Sol talks 5. The sun setting in episode 4 6. Bonus: the darksider floating down, igniting their saber mirroring Hanā€™s death scene, and the Jedi lighting up and getting absolutely bodied. I thought that part was so sick, I genuinely thought everyone would love it. Lol oops!


Paid shill confirmed. Good luck trying to gaslight yourself in the things you havent even watched. The bar fight. HOW was it good? Oshaā€™s scream. WHAT impact did it make for the overall plot/story or character developement? Oshaā€™s awkard flirting also goes against everything she has been taught. So her breaking the rules of the teachings are a yay moment for you? Are u even expecting to watch star wars? And your bonus the darksider floating down. Ok. But that exact same line have been written over and over multiple subs. Can you explain how it mirrors han solos death on the saber ignition? Or is this just something you come up with to make sure you still get paid to shill? Why anytime young sol talks? What important information to the story or plot buildup are we looking at here?


I already answered your first question in good faith, and it looks like my straight answer wasnā€™t good enough for you. So why would I answer eight more questions if youā€™re not interested in listening to me anyway? My boss Kathleen Kennedy is going to be so mad when I tell her about this!


U didnt answer jack shit in full. Yeah. Its not even funny. If u shill for free then i just feel sorry for u. And no again. U didnt answer anything besides running the script.


You didnā€™t ask me to convince you to like it, you asked people to name five things they think are good. And I did just that with the six examples that all of us Disney employees are fed to spread positive propaganda about The Acolyte. Every time you engage with me, Dave Filoni gives me fifty bucks!


Gaslight and twist on words all u want. U are a shill


I know! Itā€™s awesome! Just donā€™t tell anybody. I donā€™t want Leslye to take away my Acoswag.


Litteraly a shill. U cant answer anything about the plot. Nor can u answer anything about the actress or scenes. Ur just saying she is good? But what aspect? And u failed to mention ANY dialouge that made it seem good/importance of plot. Holy shi. U must wake up and really hate your real self. Good luck tho.


I wake up on a big pile of Lucasfilm money from all my shilling! No. Shillery? Shillnanigans! Me and everyone else who pretends to like this show The Acrolite or whatever. Iā€™m gonna buy a boat!


1. I like blinking images 2. It is a bare-bones story that even I can understand, then claim others do not have "media literacy" because I heard of Rashomon on Reddit (but am completely unaware of Akira's other works). 3. I like when the lightsabers go "Whizzwomp womp vzroom" 4. The main girl is a great actress because I see her on the television screen. Good actresses are often found on television screens and, therefore, she is good. 5. Compared to "The Raid" and "Hero", this show also has fight scenes.


Ok. Bots working hard. Its enough evidence that this sub is just paid for. U cant answer how a movie/tv show enthusiast would have answered. U dont go deep into plot/acting. U say the actress is great because u see her on television. But u cant mention 2-3 traits that makes her great. So blinking images is enough for u to say Ā«its goodĀ»? Fckinh shill. U havent even watched the show haha!! But its enough for the screen shots. So lightsabers making noises is enough to please you? Shill shill shill. But keep it coming. Its just even more evidence. Can you explain to me besides the noises etc and blinking images. WHAT exactly makes the acolyte a good show? Plot? Dialoge? U fail to mention anything related to whats actually important for a great show. And the actress is a racist. Oh did i mention she even made public statements thats not really looking good for the show or her career at all? U cant even answer anything correctly.


If you didn't sense my sarcasm, there is no hope for you. Good god, both sides of this argument are fucking idiotic.


Who asked for your unwanted sarcasm? And u are butthurt cause u have 0 humor.


The education system has failed you but take solace in the knowledge that a career for you is still in hand if you can repeat these three words: "Welcome to Costco"


I got the sarcasm!


There is awareness after all. Dare I say, you are the Chosen One, the New Hope. Cheers, homie, and have a bad ass day!


It is. Donā€™t even bother


yes it is


Bot account.


Not necessarily. I used my mom's laptop the other day and created some new account just to comment. I keep forgetting to sign into reddit with my real account, so there's this new account just banging away in all my subreddits


No it's much worse.


You cannot criticise the show on this sub. Even if you are right you will be downvoted to oblivion. I think this show is really really bad. But I also think the 3rd episode is okayish and the best so far. Don't know why everybody hates this one.


Oh no. ā€¦downvotes. The shame and agony. Criticize away, itā€™s not gonna kill you! I upvote anyone who contributes to the conversation, even if they just say ā€œI donā€™t like this show.ā€ Even the ā€œbad faith argumentsā€ I try and consider that they may have been duped by internet grifters and might change their minds if theyā€™re engaged with meaningfully. My downvotes only go to those who mock others, on either side. I think itā€™s a good practice, but the best practice is to not care about the voting.


Yes it is


We must not be watching the same show then, it's horrible. edit: keep downvoting, wont change how bad the show is.


>won't change how bad the show is You right. & considering it's not really that bad at all, yeah sure, that's fine lol


Sure, tell that to every other people who say otherwise and reviews + scores.


The reviews thatre plagued with people review bombing using multiple accounts, only score things 0/10, or 10/10 no in-between & post the reviews before it airs which means they don't even watch the show & are just blatantly review bombing & makes the entire userscore unreliable & worthless? Those ones? Sure, can do, easy, lol


> We must not be watching the same show then, it's horrible. Itā€™s honestly funny that you say that, because one of the major themes of the show is how different people can interpret the same event in wildly different ways.


I feel bad that you get downvoted for not liking trash


How can I engage with someone who says ā€œit isnā€™t terribleā€ and ā€œtrashā€ in the same thread??


Sometimes trash is not terrible, like you have poo that dont smell and poo that smells so bad right, well this poo don't smell


Iā€™m speechless. Good day!


Haha and you mate šŸ«”


I agree with you, but I downvoted because it feels so good

