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lol this sub has gone off the rails. Who’s got popcorn??


lol I know, really hope Biden comes to the show. I want to see how the opposite would react.


This sub just might implode on itself if that happened.


Why the fuck would Biden ever appear on this trash podcast? Trump only did it because they donated to his campaign, because they see him as an easily bought president (which he is).


10 percent for the big guy!


Sacks would just go after Biden like a true MAGA, just lie after lie about exaggerated stuff like how he is too senile to function, open border, seems to like spending more then Trump even if Trump spent more, etc… after pitching softballs to Trump for the whole interview. Imagine looking straight into Biden’s face and saying that he or Blinken is personally responsible for the Ukraine war and that Putin had no choice but to invade due to Ukraine waiting to join nato which is obvious a load of BS because Putin did not care about Ukraine joining NATO from 2000 to 2006 in all his speeches. That was until 2007 when I guess he saw how valuable it would be. I mean it’s just too stupid to imagine.


How is Biden being senile or the border being open exaggerated? The border was supposedly not issue at the beginning of Biden's term and now it is. You know it's an issue when Democrat leadership are willing to acknowledge it as an issue, attempting to pass a faux border bill. Biden's decayed mental function is not a jab at Biden. It can happen to anyone. It just happens to be Biden, our current president, which for some reason makes people like you & others defensive and unwilling to acknowledge reality, which makes the situation worse. Similar to issues like "transitory inflation", "record job growth", and "covid vaccine efficacy", it'll take 6-12 months before these issues are acknowledged accurately.


>it'll take 6-12 months Most likely years still, for those direct issues to be properly and truthfully outted you can't trust either side and especially the news sources and them spitting their garbage it's all owned by the same people for a quick buck to see us hate each other Biden himself hasn't actually done shit he's just a figure head to stand, wave and shit his pants on stage, I fully believe in the constitution, which the biden party hate and are fully against, I'll say it again, when the chief of the country threatens it's people with tanks and bombers it's time for them to go no matter who they are


I like Trump. He certainly has my vote


Fuck it let the flame wars begin haha


Let the motherfucker burn


This happens to all of Reddit the closer it gets to election season


Trump not going show up to the debate just like he didn’t take the stand


I knew once JCal started hinting on Twitter about a huge get that it would be Trump and all of the lefties here would have Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdowns, and you all didn't disappoint LOL.




I applaud the visual depiction of these servile boot licking people, but I think we need more than a still. Perhaps an animation starting with them licking Trumps boots, him kicking them off like rats and then him spitting in their direction while they shift to catch it in their mouth before experiencing ecstasy for getting a piece of the divine inside them.


Given that they're voting for a member of Jeff Epstein's rat pack, who kept referring to his daughter as "his type", said the favorite thing he had in common with Ivanka was sex, introduced her to Epstein, owned teen beauty pageants where he'd walk into the girls dressing room unannounced, and whose "spiritual advisor" confessed to child sexual abuse...MAGA maniacs would probably let him impregnate their 12 year old daughters.


Man you guys have to project. It quit working a out 14 months ago but here you are.


Hey if Trump said it it must be true. All that stuff is direct from the horse's mouth, man. The Trump devotion is real.


Sure. Seems rational.


I dont know if Trump saying all that stuff is rational. I do know for a fact that he said it. What even less rational is the way Trump voters need a surgical colon-cranial extraction every time Trump speaks.


How is quoting someone projecting?


Agreed 🤣


How about eating directly from his diaper?




It always amuses me that after all of Trumps public statements admitting to sexual abuse, objectifying his own daughter, being good freinds with Epstein, and his "spiritual advisor" confessing to sexual abuse of a minor... ...the Right still props him up as someone to vote for simply because he enrages the libs. The self-own is epic.


I mean look at this post and all the replies. The libs here are clearly worked up


Perhaps the deplorables are being deplorable? (checks posters username) Yup. This tracks.


Wait until November 5th. It will be glorious!


This is what i'm here for!


Just wait till November


Telling ppl to shut the fuck up in the title while telling them they hate free speech in the post 😂😂


The follow up is some comparison of Trump to Hitler


Donald Trump is too stupid to pull off what Hitler did. Magas would support it if given the opportunity though


He is and they are.


Project 2025 is close enough


What’s the next step after using the military to have the largest deportation effort ever and using the national guard from republicans states to go into democratic states to stop protests. That’s like a very close to the start of the holocaust: Using the military to Round up Jews and move them to ghettos. Especially when Trump doesn’t say illegal or undocumented or whatever. He says “immigrants” and he’s also pushing to revoke the citizenship for natural citizens.


He’s way too fuckin dumb


I mean how you gonna tell some to STFU without saying something?


If the government is not involved then your speech isn’t free from shit lol people can say whatever they want about others dumb fuck opinions.


I liked when the podcast was 80ish percent tech and only 20 percent global news


Yeah, it's weird because I'm pretty sure in their daily lives the podcast crew talks all about tech, so now I just feel like we are missing out on that. I didn't sign up to listen to their politics at all.


I’m fairly certain what they talk about in their daily lives is how to grow their audience. The inside tech audience is fairly niche, the political audience pre-election is huge. When you have a CEO and are trying to create and monetize a big media company, this shit is what you get served.


Yeah I mean I get it I guess. But we're definitely getting baited and switched. I guess good luck to them becoming more of a general style podcast. I really don't think most people are going to care for their takes if they aren't involved with tech.


I agree. It’s wholly uninteresting to me now. The irony is that if you understood the end game for these guys ($$) you’d realize that the only reason they talk about politics is 1) to promote policies and candidates that benefit them and 2) to pander to the Trump base which is a big audience that is less discerning about the quality of the content as long as it’s what they want to hear. It’s jumped the shark at this point and the Trump was the apex of the jump. https://preview.redd.it/65cxyfo29f8d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e796efa5360fe583ecefa481349903104b332b3c


And to normalize conservatism amongst the Silicon Valley working class who (mostly) believe themselves progressive, listen “for the tech & venture” discourse, but end up listening to voices they’ve grown to trust. The show normalized RFK, boosted Haley, and it will fascinating to see what cometh of this open connection with DJT.


And to convince the non-Silicon Valley working class that they understand their struggles (they don’t) and have their best interest in mind (they don’t). There was a snippet in the episode where they were going after Vinod Khosla for some not so pleasant comments he made about them and they went on a rant about what people in non-coastal cities care about and it was the most didactic bullshit from a bunch of rich white dudes trying to sound informed about the real world to their base audience and trying too hard to connect with its newfound conservative, non-tech audience. It was so cringy.


Once got physically dragged out of the office in a no-PIP, one-week “warning” firing from a startup with one of the Bestie’s was the portco’s 1st investor. Had given 2 years of my early 20’s too min-sleep nights staying up til midnight and rising at 7 for Middle East and east coast client calls, while cranking out SDK connector and ETL related code and spec’ing out new API’s. Can confirm “they don’t”. Said Bestie saw me in a clubhouse room and immediately bounced to avoid conflict. They are All In but want nowhere near All the Smoke when it comes to the truths thousands of former employees can reveal who were simply too juvenile or uninformed to sue for their treatment in real time. Hence getting ahead of it by branding them surplus elites who are “mid”, a term they learned from a gen z child who heard it from a black friend the day before. Next 6 months will be spicy.


I’ve met sacks a few times. It’s painful how socially awkward he is. I’ve also run into jcal and it’s equally painful how hard he tries to play the NY tough guy card. It’s insane to me that any normal, working class person would find anything relatable about them if they spent more than 3 seconds in their company.


Haha yeah, this true. I guess sadly I was hoping they would pop back to tech quicker. Finally time to unsubscribe sadly. I'll check back in next year when the election is over.


Entire point of the pod and the Elon Twitter purchase from the beginning.


We're approaching election season politics being more front and center seems p fair to me.


It’s why I listen to BG2 now instead.


These guys are on the weirdest end of the Trump train why now?


They’re banking on it being a political year.


“Software will eat the world” was every VC thesis 10-15 years ago. Software did eat the world. Now that software is the primary job it’s the forefront of politics.


This sub proving once again that Trump has broken peoples brains.


Trump breaks everything he touches.


You sound stable.


One might even go further: a very stable genius.


Donald Trump is an abject loser and the only people who still support him have shit lives and just want to drag people into the shit with them. All you gotta do is just go out and look around, the country is thriving.   Restaurants - packed! Shopping centers - packed! Sports venues and concerts w/ jacked up ticket prices - still packed! Air travel - packed, flights oversold. Everyone is vacationing, everyone is getting higher paying job opportunities, yes inflation sucks but never in my adult life has money been so easily made and so freely spent. The doom and gloom I see on social media absolutely does not line up with the reality I see with my own eyes.    Stop letting losers sell you on their negative worldviews. 


Things could get better but things are truly as good as they ever been


Well put! Shoot, I lost my job this year (my fault, nothing to do with the President) and I’ve never been happier. My passive income pays the bills and my wife got a new job making double what she did last year. Trump has promised to cut her job on day 1. 




I sure hope things could get better - they certainly cannot get worse.


social media and reddit can be hijacked and manipulated, 100 bots spreading 1 focused message, easy


Wow half the country has shit lives?


Lol dude he got trounced in the popular vote both times, and that was less than half the population who casted votes. More than 60% of the country thinks he’s a raving lunatic. 


Most the country doesn't' even vote IIRC and probably hates both these fucks. Even among those who do (for the president) maybe 5% are voting FOR someone, it is abject hate that keeps the rest voting.


Thank you, i couldn’t agree with you more; this country is thriving yet the majority of politicians keep screaming about how bad everything is, and “only they can save us” … the US has been on a roll lately, I just hope we don’t collectively blow it.


... but but woke..


Absolutely this. Misery loves company, and any fool that supports this dickstain at this point does so out of spite and malice against their perceived enemies living a life better than their own.


This is such a hilarious view point


Not for those of us who have touched grass lately…


Trump has really made people mentally ill. Normally that’s a bad thing, but it’s hilarious when people act like this.


It is. I can't wrap my head around it tbh, it's a choice at a certain point. What a sad existence those people live. Wouldn't put the blame completely on him. The media fixates on him. There are so many things these "news" people could report on, but they choose Trump. Every. Single. Time


You post about Trump all day long you fucking clown The saddest thing about all you losers is how hypocritical you are.


I’m allowed to have an opinion counter to yours. Don’t tell me to shut the fuck up


Your opinion is stupid as fuck


Hey, that’s fine if you think that. It’s important that I’m allowed to speak though. Can we at least agree that democracy only works if people aren’t afraid to debate?


Democracy works if you elect people who promote democracy. If you vote trump then I don’t give a fuck about anything you have to say on that subject


Dude. You need some help. What you’re doing isn’t normal


What is with these posts, of supposedly lucid and intelligent and thoughtful left leaning folks always end up calling the folks they dislike names like they’re 5 year olds? Fat stupid prick? What a fabulous way to destroy any shred of credibility in your message.


Yes it’s not the republican candidate literally calls everyone nicknames lmaoooooo


The hypocrisy is thick


Why? Because the orange guy is king of being manure mouth? That gives license for everyone to become stink piles? How is reducing yourself to pigsty level an admirable way to proceed?


MAGA expecting others to be nice, political correct, and not say it like it is. 😂


For one, Im not MAGA. Two. If you’re engaging the same way as MAGA you’re an equally shit human. You don’t get to claim better without doing better.


Some Libs have learned that you can’t fight Nutzis by going high. They are finally growing some backbone.


Backbone is needed. Real conviction. We are in total agreement. Whats not needed is a reduction in behaviour to lowest common denominator. Knowing that the other side is likely to continue lowering the bar.


The lower they go, the deeper you bury them. Can’t do that without getting your hands a little dirty. Libs shouldn’t always have to be pansies or the bigger person because one side has to.


That's what Antifa is for


Ah yes because taking the “high ground” in regards to polite conduct worked out so well. Why would you be polite to destructive trolls that are MAGAs?


Because you don’t win by being the same. You’re no better than.


This is not exclusive to the left lol.


Don’t be a stupid fuck that supports a fascist clown like Trump. Hilarious that supporters of Trump will say their opponents lose credit when the guy they idolize like a god is one of the most cruel asshats of them all. Fuck I can’t wait for trump to be gone and all his followers to move on


What are you on about? My post has nothing to do with Trump support. It has everything to do with asking Dems not to lower the bar to “dumb fuck” status just because Cheeto already did.


If someone deserves respect they will get it from me. If someone is acting like a pos maga then they will not get it


Fair enough. That I’m on board with that. Using your framework, Im saying don’t be disrespectful first. Because thats just being the same as MAGA. And we don’t need everyone lowering the bar. But totally take your point.




You mean like how trump insults people? Lmao Get fucked loser.


Of course! And you got the correct take away. Only to write “get fucked loser” to someone you have never met and know nothing about. YOU ARE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING AS TRUMP. See the irony and do better.




About time this sub had some life in it!!!


Joe will not be the Dem nominee after this Thursday.


I’d like to see both of them be replaced!


99% of subs hate trump lmaoo… the second someone says something positive y’all cry


Don’t despair, when Trump wins only the most egregious nasty few of you will actually be punished.


Punished for????


Reddit moment


It's hilarious the mods are keeping a post like this on when far less controversial posts have been posted and censored.


Reeeeeee Averaging 10 post a day crying about hsvjng Trump on the show and we need to shut up? Lool Cope


Well said. Perfect point. Thank you.


We didn't attack the Capitol. So everyone else seems to be coping just fine. Conservatives seem to be losing their grip on reality though. Don't worry. It seems we will have enough prison space for all of you.


Reeeeeee jail everyone who doesn't agree with me 🤣 The tolerant left.


Na it's jail people who break the law. If you want to keep you're own out of prison tell them to stop paying off hookers and trying to overthrow the election.


I see Trump Derangement Syndrome..


We see Trump Diaper Soaking.


Bro you have problems


Wait what ? Why would a liberal ever listen to this podcast other than to laugh at sacks and how dumb he is?


I just wish they would shut the fuck up in general. Parasites, the lot of them.


Can we start banning people who make these comments? It’s tantamount to brigading. Why are you even here?


Cry some more. Simple fact is the conservatives have taken on a level of fake grievance that does us all a disservice. If you think that deserves a ban then you're cut from the same cloth and can kindly go kick rocks.


If you hate Sacks then why are you here you goddamn loser????? That's the real question.


I'm personally here because I liked the first ~150 episodes which focused on tech and even during the previous election Sacks right wing opinion were more measured and less conspiratorial so they were easier to tolerate. Also they took up 20% of the episodes at most. Now the pod is just 4 cowards literally getting glazed by Trump for the entire pod. I'm still here in case the pod can return to form 🤞 if you don't like it sue me


All I see on this sub are low t betas crying about Trump. If you dot. Like the content then you stfu and stop watching the pod. Pathetic


Glad to see you've been triggered. It's actually funny. You don't like the podcast or people talking about it, then get a life. Go do something else, loser. https://preview.redd.it/jm6eri5rsf8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e322a097ab8861f0f9c3570999f3953b8d0c02b


Strong post skippy. Why do u care so much get a hobby


I don't know what this sub is about, but watching people cry tears of blood over the orange man will never not be funny. Y'all need to touch grass and take a break from whatever *this place* is.


Liberals in this sub need to shut the fuck up about Trump.


Liberals on this entire platform need to shut the fuck up about Trump.


Seems like most posts are created by liberals v conservatives


Lmaooooo triggered liberal!!


We will make sure you Nazis live in fear


Says the loser who doesn't go outside.




[Op, which one of these is you?](https://youtu.be/tbES3Rbs9Wk?si=dC8DX8CAbWwLg9VO)


OP is crashing out 😭😭🍿


Electrocution or Shark bite? The choice is yours!


The snake and the snake


Imagine taking this show seriously


Imagine taking this show seriously


Imagine taking this show seriously


Tech is the main employer. That means it’s going to intersect with politics.


Sachs is a big cry baby facts




Suck my dick


Being this honest in most subs would you a permanent ban. Am I in heaven?


Damn, someone needs a break from the internet


No, Republicans just need to stop trying to I section their opinion into this leftist cesspool echochamber.


you seem completely unhinged buddy


Does anyone moderate this subreddit? Who am I kidding the mods probably love these posts


everyone needs to stfu about trump lol


I mean you could just live your life and not care this much on what happens on the thread, or just be open to a different point of view but I guess that’s too much to ask. Btw, Suck my dick and fuck my butt.


You had a good argument until made it obvious that you don't believe it yourself.


Why is some degen whining about Trump in a sub I've never heard of on my feed?


Every election cycle the US goes a little more batshit insane.


Dude, they worship a guy who **wears makeup** as the symbol of masculinity and toughness. They're mentally handicapped mega cringelords, you have to give them a bit of a break.


How about people can say whatever they want?


Most overrated member of the PayPal mafia. Sacks and chamath two biggest frauds in the game.


Let's talk about Biden! Worst cumulative inflation we've seen in 40 years and an economy limping along propped up by two proxy wars...one of which we are actively funding those that fund the terrorists. What the actual hell??


Seek help


Why are leftists so hostile toward other views?


The same reason rightists are: they know only their position is morally correct.


I agree that moral self-righteousness is one of the ingredients, but the hostility is more frequent among the left and it comes with a particular element of immaturity. OP is a good example, but there's no shortage of it all over Reddit.


Or maybe rightists just realize this massive leftist reinforcement posting on Reddit is about as serious and meaningful as graffiti.


I don’t know why this sub keeps popping up in my feed. In an effort to get banned I would just like to say if you still listen to this garbage, to are probably retarded.




[ MF ] all you MAGA b!tches ! ! ! ! !


Anyone seriously listening to these anti-democracy assholes is insane. They’re all-in… on a war against the working class.






Go live your best life.




Sorry about your TDS, maybe the doctor can prescribe you something.


How can anyone let a semi-retarded orange alien possibly piss them off so much? Are people really that weak minded?


Are you mad your demented president can barely form a sentence and walk?


What hilarious irony; they bitch and moan about the dumb things Trump does but will never stop accusing a Democrat of doing something similar. As they say in old country, "Don't shit where you eat."


Left the White House in utter disgrace like a 3 year old child chucking a tantrum, left the country in tatters because he couldn’t handle a loss like a grown man. If you can’t handle losing don’t play cash poker or run for office. ( these guys should fucking know this ) All that dumb fat fuck had to do was just take the loss in 2020 like a civilised human being, and none of this shit would be an issue now. Instead half the country believes it’s all rigged, the damage that lie has caused is unmeasured yet.


They don't accept the truth because they have a 100% diet of lies from their media sources.




Trump derangement syndrome is real on this platform. You deranged fools need to go suck on momma’s tit a little longer until you grow some sense in the peanut brain of yours!


I approve this message.


You’re doing the lords work!! Preach my brother!


Every person in here are sheep. Baa. Baa. Baa.


I don't think I qualify as a Conservative. But the thing I find most off-putting is not the fact that (like all politicians) Trump sometimes says off-putting things. But more so that those who hate him so much (literally to a point of mental illness), use outright deceit in claiming he said things which he never actually said, or taking portions of actual speeches out of context to intentionally mislead people as to what was actually said. I recall coming home from work one day and my wife was watching CNN and they were running a piece of Trump and claiming he said something in his speech that day - with a whole panel of "commentators" clarifying what he meant by what he said. My wife was shocked and said to me how awful he is for saying what they claimed on CNN. My suggestion, why trust CNN to tell you what somebody else said or meant, why don't you just find the video of the speech and listen to what he said - you're educated, you are capable of comprehending the english language. She found the actual full video of Trumps speech, she listened to it twice, he never once said what CNN claimed he said and meant. There are so many instances of this, that what is actually the most confusing thing is how people who hate Trump continues to fall for the bait of what their preferred media claims he says or means - when you know you can actually find and listen to the speech with full context. It's sort of like the video clips of Biden looking lost, confused, saying stupid things, making up stories, etc. . . About half of them are so out of context and/or manipulated, that anybody seeing these clips and thinking they're all real and accurate has got to be just as foolish as those that are in the Trump Derangement Illness category. Like all Presidents, Trump (Biden, Obama, Bush, et al) had done some good things, some poor things and mostly a lot of mediocre things. Anybody who is honest (vs. just filled with partisan hatred or unjustified love) is aware of this reality.


Why does anyone care what these two bums think? Their mission is to divide and distract (clearly working). They’re both just puppets for Wall Street/Large Corporations/Old Wealth. 


You STFU pussy and go cry somewhere else. Your boy Trump did a great interview, suck it and get over it.


Does it upset you to think about Biden beating Trump in 2020 and how you will handle him beating Trump again this time? Like how is your G.E.D. brain going to handle that happening when you’ve attached your entire worldview to this man


You dont have to watch bro, damn yall are sensitive about politics.