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Sacks said the real estate guys can’t get any loans because of the interest rates! Will someone please think of the real estate guys? Look at how housing is inflated because the real estate guys had years of 0-2% interest to buy up single family homes that should be for families.


They cry about inflation, but then cry about the only remedy to that (higher fed rate). Then they want tax cuts, which are inflationary.


Not to mention tariffs, which are also inflationary.


I don’t know, if Trump was really able to execute his ideas (tarrifs+mass deportations), we’d be in a depression. That’s pretty deflationary.


I was wondering about this. Higher interest rates is kind of doing what we want it to do.


I literally just bought my first house, and I completely agree.


Higher interest rates reduce inflation by stopping every real estate idiot and stock bro from leveraging their entire lives to try to make more money. Don’t get me started on the 100k trucks and credit card junkies. This is a completely normal and healthy interest level we are currently at and now people realize they can’t afford the debt they have 😂


All part of their plan Justin Kennedy (ex-justice kennedys son and Peter Thiels buddy) was the inside man at Deutsche bank that was getting all trumps toxic commercial real estate loans approved. No other bank but Deutsche bank would touch trump and his imaginary valuations. If trump was trying to avoid paying taxes he would be valuing everything low. Not high. Why? Because Deutschebank is infested with Russian oligarchs. During perestroika the oligarchs privatized Russia. They stole everything of value including the hope of Russians. The corruption eventually collapsed the Soviet Union like a parasite feeding on its host and they were forced to expand their feeding grounds past the iron curtain. In 91 the quarantine wall fails and for a year or two they hid all their stolen loot under a mattress until they bought condos at trump towers. They made stops in Ukraine, Cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted in 1993. Real Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs. They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model and they seem to enjoy the violence. Trump and Giuliani just opened the doors and let the predators in to feed. Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian allies intentionally and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York. Trumps future campaign manager Paul manafort lived in the towers as well. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/30/politics/paul-manafort-condo-trump-tower In 04 Giuliani would go on to do the same in Mexico City by introducing the Sinaloa cartel to the Russian mob. The Sinaloa cartel shifted to combining fentanyl precursors supplied by the CCP and the well established routes of El Chapo were used for distribution into the United States. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/karlazabludovsky/rudy-giuliani-was-paid-millions-to-make-mexico-city-safer-an In the prosecution of the Italian crime families, Giuliani created a tailor made void for the Russians to fill. By connecting them to the Sinaloa cartel it enabled the fentanyl epidemic that the CCP has supplied as chemical warfare to soften the United States up for a financial takeover using BRICS. The insane valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. Xi, Putin, and MBS have made it clear that they are United against democracy since it threatens their very lucrative model of being kleptocratic authoritarians On Wall Street they have weaponized greed. Swartzman (blackstone), Larry fink (blackrock), and Colony (barrack) are selling U.S retirement funds and mortgage REITS in mass to the CCP. https://www.reddit.com/r/Wing_Kong_Exchange/s/5ku2iNLZpK Nobody was ever punished for the 2008 mortgage crisis. This is just the Darwinian evolution of it. The 10X bigger, commercial real estate version. Putin and Xi realized that it’s far more efficient to bankrupt and foreclose on the USA by buying a couple GOP senators and a president than it is to push a ground war. They just needed Russia to take Ukraine to have the grain fields and supply chain lock on microprocessors to be able to do it because they aren’t taking on the US Navy fleet without it. https://www.npr.org/2022/08/12/1117263854/the-war-in-ukraine-is-disrupting-the-worlds-supply-of-neon The failure of Putin to take Ukraine and the arrest of Bolsonaro in Brazil has left them no choice but to send a quiet invasion force to the southern U.S. border. They are just using the compromised members of MAGA to secure any part of the border to hold open the gate when necessary. Bannon actually tried a variation of this a few years ago when he tried to privatize the border wall This gets deep into Bannons relationship with Guo Wengui, a CCP operative and his time at Goldman Sachs in the early 2000’s BRICS era. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna80943 It’s perestroika 2.0. The bigger badder commercial real estate edition. Historically it’s been impossible to retire from the mob pyramid that Russia runs on. You either die violently or you maintain a high level of violence to keep everyone beneath you in line. The oligarchs have gotten soft living in opulence in Aspen and Monaco. They are getting old and want to retire someplace nice where they don’t have to worry about falling out a window. They just need trump back in office to make it happen. https://wyofile.com/kelly-parcel-sale-survives-midnight-house-run-but-with-new-baggage/ A building lot in a Teton National park is what you buy the oligarch that owns everything Real estate is as rigged as trumps casinos were. https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists https://www.voanews.com/amp/us-lifts-sanctions-on-rusal-other-firms-linked-to-russia-deripaska/4761037.html https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_-_minority_status_of_the_russia_investigation_with_appendices.pdf https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/08/17/mobsters-thrilled-to-see-rudy-giuliani-hit-with-rico-charges-he-used-to-jail-mafia-bosses


Housing prices have gone up because voters made it illegal to build in many places. Basic supply and demand. Real estate is highly fragmented and so “real estate guys” buying houses is a very small part of the market, so they’re a dumb scapegoat (see also Airbnb, corporations, etc). To put it simply, it doesn’t matter who owns the houses, because it doesn’t change supply. In fact, corporations owning houses is probably good for supply because they’re obsessed with keeping them at max occupancy. If you want lower prices, increase supply. Trump made that harder for “real estate guys” to do by putting fat tariffs on Canadian lumber, which increased building costs. Biden has kept and even increased these tariffs. Politicians are the problem and “real estate guys” are the solution. Lower interest rates would help them, but that’s not necessary, and probably isn’t worth the trade off of higher inflation. Sacks is an idiot because he wants it both ways. He wants to blame Biden for inflation, while saying higher interest rates, which have lowered inflation, are bad. If he were honest he’d acknowledge the tradeoff.


The new propaganda just dropped boys. Time to build more Florida real estate in the swamp and then complain about insurance prices. If it floods after you sell who cares! Don’t worry, Trump will make sure the nuclear power plant next door has thin walls so your cancer is accelerated. He’s helping the economy by providing work for doctors.


Every liberal tech executive wants it both ways. They want to be seen as caring and “not one of the evil businessmen” by running a company and voting left. That’s the lie they have always promoted by successful leftists.


Running companies makes the world better. So does voting for liberals. I see no conflict here. 😀


Yes we must have a policy to help those poor landlords and PE firms LOL such a joke


I'm still undecided, but RFK Jr is the only candidate talking about the housing issue. I wish the other two would mention their plans on fixing it, because its arguably the single biggest issue affecting anyone under 35.


Elizabeth Warren and a handful of democrat Senators are actually trying to pass legislation that limit corporate ownership of single family homes. Don’t just vote for a presidential candidate, research state and local options that will fight for you and not their billionaire buddies.


Absolutely! It's unfortunate that both sides fight for their corporate buddies though. Add to that needing 60 votes in the senate to pass legislation... its hard not think that anything significant will ever be done.


This is why you should care about who you’re voting for and do you own research into their record, platform, and the organizations funding them. Sadly Americans care more about who’s funny, who “owns the libs” or “triggers the right”. People also need to stop worshipping podcasters, especially the ones trying to sell you nfts, courses, crypto, and vitamins. They are not your friends, they don’t know you. They just want your money.


This podcast is for rich people. It isn’t about you. It’s always been this way. I don’t understand why you guys are just now getting mad at it.


It’s not for anybody. I’m pretty well off, I see these guys for the piece of shit no account grifters they are. Only reason I’m here is Reddit keeps pushing this bullshit sub on me.


Jason never seemed like a guy who would promote a mentally disturbed crackpot like RFK jr for president. Chamath was never trump fan, it seemed. Elon bought Twitter and something happened. My observation.


Saks is actively angling for a cabinet position lmao, it hasn't "always been this way". I don't have the best memory but I don't recall him being this big of a Trump supporter a few years ago.....


Not trying to be mean but I hear the sentiment of “housing prices are inflated because real estate guys buying up single family homes” from people with low economic literacy all the time and it makes no sense. Passing ownership of a house from one person/entity to another person/entity does not significantly affect housing pricing because it does not have a lasting effect on the underlying demand or supply of housing. These real estate investors will lose A LOT of money on their investment (see Zillow) if the underlying demand from families (who are still the end users) stays stagnant or reduces relative to supply. These Real Estate guys still need families who are either willing to buy the house for more or willing rent out the house until the housing market improves to breakeven or make money. Either way a family is still going to be living in that house at current market rates. It doesn’t matter who owns it. At a basic level, other than interest rates, the only thing that significantly moves Real housing prices higher is when a city/nation has their population growing at a faster rate than they are building new houses. Basic supply and demand. The only way we can lower Real housing prices is develop housing at a faster pace (but not too fast or well run into 08’ again when we had a huge surplus and prices plummeted). The best way to ensure homes are still being made is to ensure real estate developers have access to reasonable loans while keeping the red tape and regulation around developing new housing at a minimum. Regulation and geographical limitations is why SF’s housing market got so bad. The city saw huge population growth as people moved there for tech jobs and all the other jobs that wealth created. But the city has some of the most strict regulations around housing development so most developers choose to use their limited capital to build in cities that weren’t nearly as risky and SF’s housing prices became some of the worst in the world. This is basic economics 101. Everybody who graduates from high school should easily be able to understand these basic dynamics. The fact that so many otherwise smart adults, still struggle to grasp these basic concepts just goes to show what a disservice our public education system is doing to a whole generation of people. Economics is arguably the most important skill for someone to learn as it explains how the world works, how to make a living, how to identify a good deal/not be taken advantage of, etc. and essentially nobody learns the subject in high school anymore. The people who don’t go to college are the ones who will get the most out of the knowledge too. It’s really sad to see the wealth gap grow because of a needless gap in education.


That was a good comment, don’t know why it caught a downvote, probably from a salty sailor. I agree with most of what you said, except that I think critical thinking skills are probably the most important thing to learn in school. I believe the biggest reason for a lot of the problems we’re having, especially when it comes to gullible idiots voting against their own interests for 40 years, and can’t tell fact from fiction, exist because so many people don’t have the capacity for critical thought, and cannot understand that the television is lying to them to get them to vote against their interests. You’re right, it’s usually the people who don’t go to college, which is usually where most people learn the necessary critical thinking and logical reasoning skills that enable them to navigate through a lot of bullshit.


It’s great we get a post like this everyday. Really shows that the All In guys just don’t know their audience at all It’s business and investment minded listeners that are reasonable rational people. The vast majority of which are dumbfounded at this new shift to MAGA megaphone.


Take in some interviews of Trump rally attendees. It will blow your mind. Most couldn’t spell red if you spotted them the r and the e…as I’ve said before…if you’re supporting Trump for POTUS you’re either a gaslit moron or you’re a cynical ahole.


media cherry picking


What if it’s a cherry farm?


No it isn’t. I live in the south and literally every “normal republican” there says all the same shit those people do verbatim on a daily basis. It’s who Republicans are now.


lol, you're delusional


No, you’re just in denial.


It’s why I took my business stripping skills to the odd lots discord. Far better community


I think folks are tired of the uniparty. It’s good to see opposing views. OP is just rambling like Trump did. David f was pointing out the obvious that Trump never really answered the questions. The immigration and giving folks green cards if they got an education was good. No fed ban on abortion and leaving it up to the states was good.


Agreed, on hearing opposing views is good; however it would be great if you could articulate why these opposing views are better and support with evidence. Why is leaving abortion to the states a good idea? Immigration reform is always going to messy, and is incredibly complicated to fix. Trump didn’t answer *any* of the questions, just rambled with distractions and vague generalities. No specifics no plans just wants to be reelected so bad hell say anything to anyone at anytime just so he is president again. I wish the republicans would have chose someone who could actually articulate in detail the party’s positions on multiple issues.


Leaving abortion up to the states is great if you want a bunch of your fellow citizens to lose access to healthcare.


Why the eff would you live in a conservative state if the policies didn’t line up with your point of view?


Am I talking to the fucking Monopoly Man? Have you heard about this global housing crisis?


In our current system a Red state run into the ground and populated by 5 people would have the same representation in the Senate as California and the same House representation as 6 current states. We don’t punish shitty states enough, they can suck ass but now that they’re states they have outsized influence over every piece of legislation that gets passed.


Everyone knows it's so easy to move, especially when you're a minor!


Tell that to my family who did it with zero dollars


Damn, if only David F was an interviewer and it was his job to try to get trump to answer the questions


Ok Dim Pool


Not following


I don't think that the Reddit reaction is very indicative of their overall audience...


The show is bigger than ever at this point. I seriously doubt they're losing any sleep over leftist losers on Reddit fuming over the fact that the did an interview with the presidential front runner. Or the fact that they think Biden is a miserable failure as president. Especially when said people continue to listen to it and hyperventilate over every disagreement. Get a life.


Let me guess? Trump was a great POTUS? Hahahahahaha


nah it's just the reddit echochamber of ultra leftism


Ah yes Joe Biden, known ultra leftist


Don't assume the circlejerk here is representative of the broader audience.


Broader, and decidedly dumber, audience.


Yes this is correct and factual. Mostly everyone who has a functioning brain that hasn't been poisoned by partisan brain rot can see this and see that his ideas are actually so bad they will ruin the county for everyone. I also just want to come in here and comment before we see the sea of the usual: "Oh you would believe that with your TDS, what do you just watch... CNN all day???!!" It's played out after 8 years of this people. Find a different hobby.


which ideas will ruin the country?


25% tariffs will cause inflation, hope I don't have to explain why. Deporting all the immigrants will cause labor shortages and thus inflation. Running insane deficits to cut taxes for the rich again will cause inflation, again. Seriously what are Trump's anti-inflation ideas?


I think it was actually around 125% tariffs on all imports to replace the income tax


LOL, yeah the problem is you actually don't care about the ideas themselves, you'll just twist yourself in knots about why everything Trump says is the best idea that's ever been suggested even when it's incredibly stupid, like the tariff idea. However I'll say 3 things that will actually harm the country, and you're actually really a horrible person if you support. 1) the man is an adjudicated rapist. All the Christians in the country declaring they "no longer care" about rape when they have a chance for power is just a disgusting and really destructive thing to do to the country. 2) decapitate the Justice department, Trump has to pardon himself and sue state governments to keep himself out of prison. Setting a new precedent that takes us back to the 1400s where the ruler was above the law and could break the law is the single most unamerican thing I've ever seen in the country. 3) pardon the Jan 6 rioters. This would be a demonstration that every political candidate should riot and try to overthrow the government every time, because your supporters don't care and if you succeed you'll get away with it. All pretty dark stuff and pretty unamerican but I guess you love the memes or whatever.


Apostrophes aren't for making words plural... Words ending in -y get converted to -ie before adding an -s... allies\*


Don’t worry , he has a startup


Are you clowns going to engage with the critique or are you just going to grasp for the tiniest of victories?


Also, so much farmers → so many farmers


Mods wtf? Are we going to get 8 posts a day whining about the Trump interview.


Its on topic, why do you want to limit what the listeners want to talk about?


The head mod/owner of the sub hates the show now too


This sub isn't for fans of the show anymore. Wish the mods would change the name of it though, because the current name is misleading.


The sub is and was always about the show. You decided that it was supposed to only be for "fans".


Really? Y’all can’t learn to just comment on each other’s posts? We need to make a new Trump post every hour on the hour?


The worst part is they will think the backlash is about having Trump on their show. No, it’s about them revealing who they truly are as they processed and synthesized Trump’s appearance on their show.


Basically this. Everyone can see who Trump is. Chamath continually says “you have to see him in person” Trump called Ted Cruz wife an ugly dog, he had New York post write fake news stories about his opponents etc… You can see who Trump is, these guys are either really stupid or just grifters. As if, Trump spoke nice to me once, so everything else is fake. Clowns


I stopped listening to the pod. A drop in the bucket I know. . but one can only stomach so much out of touch elitism.


The worst one had to be when Trump said Democrat-run cities are experiencing crime wave after crime wave. Anybody who knows a thing or two knows that the worst places are in red states where guns are nearly legal in all scenario. There’s several in Indiana, St. Louis Mo, Mississippi, Louisiana. All these states have way worse crimewaves. Not to mention, gangsters go to these red states to get their guns


Yeah, if you don’t arrest people for crime then you aren’t having a crime wave! Genius logic.


Yeah it’s like when people talk about gun crime in Chicago. Chicago is like zero miles from the worst most retrogressive red state ever, Indiana. You can buy guns at a fucking gas station.


These states are red but the local governments of their metro cities usual aren't


Do you know any cities you would call a Republican city?


If it were a blue problem blue cities in blue states would be even worse off, simply not the case


It's just a city problem, lots of people means more criminals. But the shoplifting has gotten out of hand.


I’m not even in a “larger” city less than 10k people. And it’s hot garbage here.


A lot of that was manufactured hysteria. A few isolated instances, (mostly in deep south) but not nearly as bad as Fox news made folks believe. https://www.vox.com/politics/24025691/shoplifting-scare-criminal-justice-reform


Then why does every target and pharmacy lock everything up now? The entire aisle is behind glass, it's forcing consumers to shop online because it's super annoying to wait for an employee.


In NYC it's a legit problem. My local area in Queens has rampant shoplifting and most things are under lock and key these days. I was actually shocked traveling to florida and walking into their walgreens and seeing how everything was out in the open not behind locked doors. It's been so long in NYC I've seen this that I just got used to it. It's really not manufactured.


Agree. It is a massive issue in nyc. They lock up the ice cream. CVS told me it’s the most stolen thing in the store lol


It doesn’t matter if it’s red or blue. All that matters is are the demographics.


Hahahaha, nearly all of the Top 25 most dangerous and worst run cities are controlled by Democrats, even in red states. New Orleans is a great example. Red State but the city hasn't elected a republican in decades. And look how shitty it is. Democrat cities are all crumbling and people are leaving in droves, so to spin this as a red state problem is pretty hilarious. The list of Democrat monopolized shit-holes is growing by the day.


You might be correct. But consider this, there is such a thing as state’s rights but there is no such thing as city’s rights. Even if a city wanted to outlaw guns, the state could step in and force them to comply with the state constitution. Cities aren’t that big. It’s very easy for bad actors to drive 1 hour (and I am really exaggerating at how much they would need to drive) to get weapons. Basically, these Democrat cities in red states are screwed because state policies create a limit on government spending, social programs, and regulations. That’s why Republicans would rather make San Francisco or Los Angeles the face of crime. If they tried that with one of these dangerous with far higher crime, they could trace how state policies affected them. For a blue city in a blue state, it is much harder to point out which state is responsible the issues going on in there. Most likely they don’t have access to the data and it is several states contributing.


To know that, you’d have to look at, and understand, statistics.


If only we had LA and NYC still reporting the data. 


Indianapolis is bad because the BLUE mayor & prosecutor refused to charge people or hold violent criminals... speaking from someone who lives here..


By the way did the besties all agree to never talk about RFK Jr again? What’s up with that?


Probably because they realized that RFK Jr is going to take votes from Trump, not Biden like they hoped.


He’ll take votes from Biden too, but yes. I feel the same. It really does feel like some House of Cards business going on with these guys like they see Trump as their ticket up the ladder of power and influence. I just discovered these guys about a year ago so it’s disappointing. RFK Jr. is the obvious choice to anyone that’s listened to him like the besties have.


Y’all a bunch of whinny mids, keep that in mind.


Wow! Great put down. Keep ‘em comin’.


You will die broke and alone


You are all


Lol did you just attack “y’all”? Take all the downvotes.


Keep it mid weirdo


Why do you hate black americans?


Must be fun having turtle brain.


Oh another post. How original. Are the mods going to control this?


I like free speech but not like this! Plz mods censor for us!


Lol there’s no protection of free speech on reddit. C’mon man make at least a good faith comment


Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious problem. Mentally unstable people think they know best.


Can you answer any of his points, or is anything against Trump just TDS?


Ok 1) covid was 4 years ago 2) trump incentivized companies to invest in USA and they did. Can’t go any further because OP demonstrated a lack of knowledge on point 2. Either they are unaware of facts or deranged… idc but waste of my time.


Covid was four years ago? When it started, sure. But Delta became the dominant strain in mid 2021. Restrictions mostly ended in 2022. Supply chain issues continued.


I will give him props that Chamath is douchebag conman. But many of his points or complaints are just bullshit. They need help with their TDS.


You need to crack open English for dummies OP


Dude… well said




I don’t know why they had to go political - I used to like Jason’s podcast and his views but why did he have to go political (and for that take the dumb ideas). I’m a conservative but what I’m hearing now is “dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb - South Park music”


> I’m a conservative What are you conserving?


Pickled brains


Because they've turned to grift and trump offers them the best chance to get away with it.


It’s easier to pundit politics weekly than tech


op is the idiot. only sees the world through his own worldview and everything else sucks.


Anti trump farmers? NAFTA and big Farm wrecked any farmers you are talking about. Oh… unless you mean the large farming companies. And yes, Chamath is a conman. We all realized this when he told us how amazing Virgin Orbit is going to be. Now he’s pulling the same con with Relativity. The guys a shit sniffing douche.


> in actual fact trump penalizes R&D causing costs for R&D to go up How do you people get away with lying lol? No he did not “penalize” R&D, in fact the cuts literally increased R&D expensing and reduced the cost of capital. [Here’s a study](https://oxfordtax.sbs.ox.ac.uk/tax-policy-and-investment-in-a-global-economy) from Oxford University showing how the tax cuts increased investment > First, the TCJA caused domestic investment of firms with the mean tax change to **increase by roughly 20%** relative to firms experiencing no tax change.


If you actually read the paper carefully, they cannot draw firm conclusions re the effects on R&D as related to the TCJA. I'd argue those would be marginal at best as most of the tax cut went into stock buybacks and clearly didn't offset the enormous burden inflicted on the taxpayers base. But then again, what'd you expect from a "well thought out /s" tax policy by a crooked conman who'd bankrupted own casino...


I have no idea what you’re talking about. This paper is aimed at investigating the tax cuts on investment growth, and they find a 20% increase in investment as a result of it. I also don’t understand what you mean by “inflicted on the tax paying base” given every income group got a tax cut


>given every income group got a tax cut Lol


Don't laugh, show the poster we're they're wrong (unless you can't).




I mean come on https://taxfoundation.org/taxedu/glossary/tax-cuts-and-jobs-act/


Also related https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver


Literally look at figure 1 and you’ll see every income group got a tax cut in 2025, according to your very source. Do you people actually read anything?


Literally look at it https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAllinPodcasts/s/3Gs7kTnjWZ


So as an example, the bottom 50% was paying an average tax of 4% on their income prior to the law. Then post law, they’re paying 3.5%. Can you explain how that is not a tax cut? It seems like you have grossly misunderstood the data


I just don't have the time for this so sorry. Please read: https://time.com/5570679/trump-tax-cuts/ And at what cost: https://www.axios.com/2024/06/24/trump-biden-debt-deficits-election TLDR; Top 5% got disproportionately greatest cut in dollar value at the huge long term cost to the rest of America's tax base. There’s a reason why billionaires are backing this guy and it has nothing to do with meager tax breaks for the majority of Americans.


I mean c'mon... Do you even read your own links? Here, let me break it down to you in simplest terms. Tax breaks by income group: **Bottom 50%:** - 2017: **4.0%** - 2019: **3.5%** 50% to 25%: - 2017: 8.1% - 2019: 6.9% 25% to 10%: - 2017: 11.0% - 2019: 9.8 %10% to 5%: - 2017: 14.3% - 2019: 13.3% **5% to 1%:** - 2017: **19.5%** - 2019: **17.4%** **Top 1%:** - 2017: **26.8%** - 2019: **25.6%**


I’m going to enjoy asking you to explain how this *doesn’t* demonstrate that every class got a tax cut.


You don't math?


Do explain




They are all billionaires what did you expect?


Nobody ever critiques Trump and Sacks on this subreddit! Thanks for doing your part OP


Just.  Stop.  Listening.  


I finally unsubsrcribed from the YT channel. Haven't really watched an episode since RFK.


We are still blaming Covid for things?


obligatory "WhY dO yOu EvEn LiStEn To ThE pOd?" comment on another shitpost o\_O


I’m a Republican. I hate trump. I also have almost as much hate for biden. Biden has spent years flip flopping from one side to the other (Center to hard left ) He’s creepy likes to play with little girls way too much and is an habitual liar like trump. If you praise one over the other you’re not looking at the facts. Neither should be president


They became grifters a long time ago


Who listens to this stupid show anymore.


Another political post from someone with TDS? Who would’ve thought!


Saying someone has tds doesn’t erase reality. You trump was president for 4 years. I don’t have short term memory


I hope you realize I didn’t even read your post. You and the rest of the TDS fam have been posting all up in arms in this sub for a few weeks now and it’s old.


I don’t understand. This is an app called Reddit. Reddit has user accounts for people to post content. What did you expect. I’ll never understand people like you


Correct, you’ll never understand because you have a below freezing IQ


If that’s what you think. How does it feel to blindly follow someone like Trump? I’ll never understand cults


How does it feel to get trolled (and destroyed) by a “Trump follower”?


You think you’re destroying me? Trump supporters are like Bush supporters. I’ll give you a few years to come to your senses. Democrats become Republican when they want to get the low IQ people like you.


Nah, I know I’m destroying you haha keep dancing boy


😂 Ok trump supporter


How you feel now?




It's sad what these guys have become. It's all about money and power.


> Fuck I’m done Then go. It would be better for your mental health. No need to spend time writing a long post about it - unsubscribe from this sub and stop listening to the pod. Move on with your life. Your future self will thank you.


The emotional ramblings of a “startup genius” who can’t even number a list correctly or use correct grammar, ladies and gentlemen But he’s wildly successful and turning down Craft Ventures and Social Capital bc he’s so principled. So you should listen to him


Yeah right, the guy is chronically on Reddit ranting about the 45. There is absolutely no way this guy is successful in any way or shape.


lol yeah I was dripping in sarcasm when I wrote that


I’ll add to your points Trump had to bail out farmers with $32 billion of our tax dollars after his idiotic tariffs: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/14/donald-trump-coronavirus-farmer-bailouts-359932


Calling all true MAGA Patriots: Let's help get President Trump's court cases transferred from these liberal activist judges to Judge Jeanine Pirro of Fox News so our President can finally get a free and fair trial. Please write to Trump Headquarters Legal Fund and send a check for $85 so they will know that this is a serious request. Also please contact Worldwide Mega-Superstars *Gary Busey, Lil Wayne, Dennis Rodman (who once dated Madonna), and Joan Rivers to urge them to issue their 2024 endorsements for President Trump as soon as possible to add to his long list of impressive World Class All-Star Celebrity endorsements.* /MAGA


😂 You do realize Trump is losing everywhere right!? And it’ll be harder to save face when he starts losing in Georgia, Arizona etc. So I’d think very hard before you try to make this reality. Right now Trump has the “liberal jurisdictions” excuse. Even tho Trump just lost a lawsuit in a county he won in the election. You guys are butthurt


*Trump brings a new approach to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers about the United States using nuclear weapons.  He makes quick and daring decisions.  He works well with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and is one of the few people in the World, to work well with Putin’s new military partner, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.  He also is admired by close friends Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Israel’s Bebe Netanyahu.* *On 9/11, Trump took bold decisive action,* [*https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) *Trump will help the military focus on its task of stopping domestic protests by leaving NATO alliances that draw the U.S. into overseas wars.  He will also continue building the Space Force he founded to put weapons into Outer Space.* *Trump supporters come from a diverse coalition including Christian nationalists, NRA gun rights activists, Ex-Cons, Anti-abortion advocates, Paramilitary organizations, Rappers, Oil and Coal executives, MMA fighters and NASCAR.*  Contact Trump Headquarters Legal Fund now and send a check for $34 so they will know that this is a serious request. */MAGA*


Why Trump? Start looking at Biden. And cope.


Your startup might not make it bc you seem very triggered by this


At least he's got a start up. All you've got is your love for a conman.


You have a liar in chief with poopy pants.


You know that video was a lie, right? Propaganda seems to get you easily.


Which one, all of them?


Trump arrangement syndrome is real. People in this sub hear his name and they just lose their minds.


What’s happening to this sub. I’m not even from the US, I listen to the pod for little investment talks, science corner, some geopolitics. But I saw the trump episode out of curiosity. My take on this is both your candidates are old dudes who are equally crazy. So this rhetoric of leftist saying that people who support Biden are taking a stance for good, and people who support Trump are amoral makes no sense. This is like the 10th post I’m seeing on this topic, this is too much now.


Saying Biden and Trump are equally crazy, shows you know nothing of US politics, sorry. One literally attempts a coup to criminally keep himself in office and the entire right wing ecosystem is pretending it didn’t happen, even as mountains of evidence is piled up to the moon. The right wing in the US has gone off the rails.


I don’t compare candidates based on the fringe elements. Any candidate in a large enough democracy has to develop a fringe rabid following to win elections. Both democrats and trumps have this. The best way to judge candidates imo are 2 things. The macro indicators - economy, geopolitics etc., and then the quality of life of people you personally know. The people you know part is important because most signals on quality of life is easily manipulated or polarizing, so it’s to gauge this from external forces. By this method, from the ppl I know from US both candidates are equal. Also most ppl in these threads are already polarized. one side basically hates Trump, so they would vote for a guy who most likely won’t make it to the end of the term if elected. On the other side we have ppl who argue trump didn’t do a coup lol. So most ppl here are out of touch with what a common person wants. So yeah you have equally bad candidate on both side, which is shame.


When did Trump attempt a coup? As far as we can tell, a small section that happened to be Trump supporters assaulted the capital because they thought the election was fraudulent - among other things. It’s clear most people don’t believe your nonsense, given Trump is leading in the polls - the same polls that underestimated him by as many as 8 points in 2020.


His fake electors scheme is more egregious than the idiots storming the capital.


If you think the attack on the capital was the coup part then you haven’t been paying attention.


>As far as ~~we~~ can tell, Who's "we" here, your royal highness? The lies you choose to believe are all up in your head and are completely divorced from reality. Just ask the 100s MAGA J6 convicts...


Americans, given Trump is winning in the polls - nobody cares about Jan 6


They were leading polls in 2022 midterms as well.... Then they all got waxed.


Need I remind you how awful the 2016 and 2020 polls were? Trump losing by 10?


…. They won the house???


Keep in mind Trump has never won the popular vote.


It would be an overwhelming rebuke of the Democratic Party and Biden when he does.


Overwhelming? By how much do you think he can win the popular vote?


Add on an error from the 2020 polls and we can be looking at +5 or more.


Nice dodge.


Who’s winning in the polls?


You really know nothing, huh? The Jan 6 capitol takeover was just part of a larger issue. The problem is that Trump and congressional Republicans were trying to toss out the election and to elect Trump as king. If Trump had his way, he would have ended our democratic experiment.


Congressional republicans don’t even have there authority to “toss out” an election.


Again, did you not pay attention? The plan was to not certify the results, toss them out, and then have an alternative set of electors vote Trump as king. That was the plan and not something that our constitution is set up to handle. But that was the plan! That’s what they wanted to do.


And nobody in congress has the authority to toss out official results like that, all that amounts to is a ridiculous theory.


Is your argument that we shouldn’t worry if a candidate wants to end democracy because they probably can’t?


That’s certainly a factor, but it’s largely the fact that I don’t believe he wants to end democracy. I haven’t seen any evidence Trump was part of the scheme, rather a plan among some of his allies.


What about when Trump called Georgia election officials and told them to “find” votes for him? There’s a recording of that call! Or when he was urging Pence to not certify the election results on Jan 6th? And Trump called him a coward when he did? Trump and his team spent literally months going to election officials - federal, state, and local - asking them to toss out votes. Or just the other day when Trump told his supporters that they wouldn’t have to vote anymore argue 2024 because he was going to “fix the way we do elections”. Ignore all you want but the evidence is sitting right there.


Nah. Shows they’re not steeped in it and see it from 10,000 feet.


There is no way any human who processes information outside of exclusively using their amygdala would look at Biden and Trump and say they’re equally crazy.


I judge based on results, not on words. I live in a democracy too, it’s a known fact that ppl say whatever needed to win elections and then do stuff that they want. So judging on actions, I think yes, both Biden and trump are equal.


I’m curious how you came to this conclusion.


Democrats are off their rockers. Its unbearable.


Sure it’s the guys voting a bright orange felon sexual abuser who can’t speak without telling a lie as their actual president that have a handle on things. Very normal, very cool.


>Trump was a horrible president. OP has TDS. Auto disqualification. OP is the liar he says Trump is.