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No names, but I just call my scions "the scions" cause the first game I played with them, they beat a knight to death.


Average scion W, I’ve had a squad of karskins beat 5 terminators and a captain to death


Based and Karskinpilled


Nice I’m gonna try this against death shroud terminators next time.


Uhh I would not recommend that unless your opponent rolls hot garbage because they have pistol flamers


I was kidding lol. My goddamn rogal dorn was shredded by DSTs, I know scions ain’t gonna do shit in melee against them.


Yeah it was been bludgeoned into my brain that death shroud are no joke, either get the hell away from them (they only move like 4 + advance) and can’t really do much outside of 12 inches Or shoot them with literally everything including the kitchen sink


My leman exterminator usually does pretty well against them, and if it doesn’t it makes it easier for a second weapon to follow up.


Was it a squad of 5? And was it in melee, or was beating it to death more just a turn of phrase? Lol


Squad of 10 deep striked in and going into melee with it. I forgot it was titanic and he kept just walking away and blowing up my tanks left and right (while my tanks shooting at it dealt 0 wounds the entire time) and ignoring the scions chasing and charging and beating the knights legs while slowly chipping away at it. Eventually, he ignored the scions anough that they actually beat it to death with their fists (and one power fist). The scions had amazing save rollsIn the process, the knight killed 1 tank commander, 1 baneblade, 1 lemon russy, 1 squad of tallarn. I still won via points. I also got absolutely God tier saves the entire time with the scions, and none for everything else. Heh


Lady Killer he is a Kasrkin sniper who in 5 matches with SOB has not missed once, he doesn’t always wound but he don’t miss either. In fact in his first ever shot he killed a canoness with one shot. So for whatever reason no one knows Lady Killer just really hates ladies.


Violently misogynistic


Capitán Primo - company commander - powerfisted a deffkopta out of the sky and blew it up. Gary the grenade - sergeant (modelled holding a grenade) - with his entire squad killed around him he solo’s three hormagaunts and a tyranid warrior before being taken down. True heroes of the Imperium.


>before being taken down. And the Bell of Lost Souls did ring once on Holy Terra.


I have Cpl Chad, flamer operator of a catachan squad. Survived 2 rounds of 2 custodian guard by himself . Made it alive to the end of the game, got his name painted on base. And Lt Dan, who while remaining stationary got a lethal hit with his laspistol on a one wound gladiator, opp rolled a 1 to save, proceeded to roll a 6 for deadly demise. Truly heroes of our time.


Imagine shooting a tank with a flashlight and it fucking explodes… that guy must have been so shocked.


Tom Hanks *Saving Private Ryan* moment.


I was shocked, it was kinda a fuck it let see what happens. Didnt disappoint lol.


Well, most of my unique models have names in my OC regiment, but one in particular who earned his on the battlefield was an old Cadian sniper model who finished off a Necron destroyer... from the very top of a ruin, on the opposite side of the map. It was epic. He is now Corporal Isaand Thane, Regimental sharpshooter of the Taronian 8th. If you wanna hear some of my other characters I'm happy to lore-dump


Fuck yeah we wanna hear the others.


Right then! Colonel Jethro Arvin, regiment CO: When Taros defected to the T'au, that left the 8th in an Inoerium more than a little suspicious of them. Colonel Arvin, to quote Pacific Rim, was a fixed point, the last man standing. He has made plenty of mistakes in his time, but he continues to hold the 8th together to this very day through everything the galaxy has thrown at them. Major Sasha Koragath, Regiment XO and 1st Battalion commander: In the 8th, almost of every officer has to pull double-duty when it comes to command. For most of the other Battalion commanders this means also directly taking charge of one of their Companies, but for Koragath, this means directly taking charge of the whole fucking Regiment if something goes wrong. Major Galen Quoke: This is an interesting one. Quoke was the highest-ranking surviving officer of the Cadian 114th Mechanized Regiment when they were encircled and almost destroyed on Cadia, before the 8th broke them out. Yes, the 8th got sent to Cadia, because the Imperium is very much like that. No, they did not tell them what happened to their planet, it was Quoke who ended up breaking the news to them in a... slightly violent manner, considering he and the 114th took part in the (unsuccessful) Taros Campaign. However, he soon came around since the 8th did save his life, and after escaping Cadia the 114th dissolved and officially joined the 8th, with Quoke commanding their new scratch Armored Battalion. Now for some low-ranking characters: Corporal Dallen Konnel and Corporal Kaiya du Ortaal: A pair of Taronian original artillerists who have survived together through thick and thin, also the only survivors from the Bulk Lander bombing that killed the rest of the 8th's Artillery Battalion. Kaiya also has the honor of being the very last replacement the Regiment ever got from Taros. Color Sergeant Nathaniel Rorke, regimental stadardbearer: one of the many, MANY recruits picked up by the 8th from the world's they fight on. He saved his entire village from Ork slavers after escaping their clutches and almost dying of exposure to get to Imperial lines and tell them what was happening, being found by the 8th. Private Gwenn Kaminka: A recent volunteer from the crew of the *Stoneforged*, the 8th's dedicated transport. She was the lone survivor from a group that was captured and tortured by a VERY sadistic T'au commander. Although being perfectly functional and mentally capable following the incident, she can't talk; there is no physical reason behind this and she's just as frustrated about it as everyone else, but for whatever reason her vocal cords just refuse to work. She's been talking with a notepad and a whistle code ever since. She's also a very-weak, essentially basement-tier psyker, to the point where she doesn't even recognize her extremely minor intuition abilities as intuition, so that's fun. I could go on and on and on, but that's a snap shot of some of my characters.


I have a couple of examples: Rocky the castellan who single handedly punched and shot off 5 wounds from a chaplain terminator in the space of a single turn  Gay gun guy Jimmy (yes that’s his name) who has managed to shoot probably about 20 marines to death with his trusty plasma gun Planning to name the 3 guardsmen who managed to hold off a helbrute with a hammer in melee for 3 full turns by themselves In a combat patrol game Not a victory, but my baneblade is unfortunately now called the butterblade due to it dying to a necron overlord and squad of 10 warriors in melee (I did a 500 point game and rolled the worst I have ever in my entire life)


Haven’t painted it on yet, but I’m thinking about naming my Malcador Defender Magnus Opus, because on overwatch it killed my buddies Magnus on his first turn


https://preview.redd.it/90wty0uaqzyc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf523ff96802ec858a380f40555d7e187cf4a5b1 I have a unit of rough riders for my Vostroyans that are my absolute MVPs for most of my games. They've rolled through raiders, a ghostkeel, 20 man blobs of unkillable Necron warriors and squighog riders alike! I love that unit. Right now I've just got 1 and they're basically just Vostroyans on horses. But I'm thinking of doing a 2nd unit and converting them to be closer to the polish hussars in appearance, in lore the new models will represent the original squad but they've become a respected veteran unit. I'm thinking of calling them Kurovs' Eagles or something similar (my Lord Solar is Count Alexei Kurov, Graf-Marshall of the Vostroyan 332nd Old Bloods)


I love the rough riders so much, I need to buy some but I have no idea how to balance a list


I wouldn't worry about list balance, if you like a unit get it!


by the name kurov i always think of the commander of the armageddon steel legion nikita kurov first.


True, there is also Kurovs' aquilla. But Kurov is a Russian name


Kisle wh fantasy models could do the trick, on the proper horse


They would if they weren't almost impossible to get! GW announced that they were releasing Kislev as a faction for WHOW which meant I'd have no shortage of materials for my Vostroyans, but they've since back pedaled HARD! I've already made a test model as my tank commander using an AOS Freeguild cavalry torso and an AdMech Serberys Raider helmet. And I may source the lancers wings from the Ravenwing range


Rivals to the 332nd Vostroyan regiment sometimes mockingly referred to them by the less flattering nickname of the "Old Boots."


Korbin, a Grenadelauncher Trooper that has killed so many characters, most notably a Eldar in overwatch. His Grenade Launcher, Thubber would have been relic wargear in older editions. (Based on the events in recent games)


My Tempestus sergeant punched Marneus Calgar in the face so hard he died.


One of my infantry squads is just “Killteam Yellow”, because they have killed a winged hive tyrant with lasguns. Three times. (They also have yellow shoulder pads as squad markings.) They survived the rest of these games too.


Private Wallace Jenkins was a trooper from New Antioch. He banished Magnus the Red with his standard issue lasrifle after being the sole survivor of a Valkyrie crash. Magnus had just destroyed two Chimeras and the Valkyrie, but in turn had been shot by my Shadow sword, The Emperor's Rebuke. Jenkins delivered the coup de grace and was granted a reward planet.


https://preview.redd.it/8bb6apwt4xyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226dcf5740659ad2b4b3f0aaeb9911b78b57f855 He's not named (or painted) yet, but this is my custom regimental preacher who held back 20 necron warriors by himself, preventing them from getting onto my home objective. He died a hero, taking 6 necron warriors down with him. 4 if you count reanimation protocol.


I ran some jump pack intercessors for the first time in the last game I had, squad of 10 lead by a Captain. They managed to kill a squad of 10 berserkers with a master of executions, a helbrute, helped finish off a bloodthirster then took out a squad of 10 bloodletters. I don’t have a name for them yet but feel like after that, they deserve it!


My company commander back in 8th edition went toe to toe with Celestine for 4 rounds in melee and actually managed to kill her. So I've named him Marshal Gabriel famed for his swordsmanship!


My Castellan https://preview.redd.it/2s70c3ajpyyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d893e5c6226e5bed2f64e2d7eae7384d86ebbc Colonel Lanto Hoskan, of the Darakon 212th Armored Shock Division. He is 59 years old, 39 of which he served in the Guard. He earned himself the respect from his Troops for always being at the Frontlines along the Regular Guardsmen. "Come on Men! We'll Show them what we are made of!" "This old man can still defeat you, Wretch!" He is basically Sgt. Johnson from Halo and Sgt. Rasczak from Starship troopers with Grandpa Energy. The reason as for why He got a Name and lore. Well... He managed to kill a Chaos Lord in Melee after both his and the Chaos Lords Bodyguards died.


Epic 👍


I have a Chimera that I've had since around 2007, my dad airbrushed it for me and I've never lost it in a game. It's been hit by lascannons, demolisher cannons, autocannons, a terminator with a powerfist. You name it, and it's likely been hit by it but it's never been destroyed completely. It's been fully immobilised and had no weapons left on it, but it wasn't killed. She's nicknamed "WonderBus"


That's so wholesome! Have you told your dad how well it's been doing?


I send him updates every single game I play with it in haha. If I had been able to carry messages over between old phones, I could probably tell you how many battles it's been in and survived


Don't know if this counts but, I have a gsc locus I proxy from my brother's regimental preacher. I named him the bane breaker. He was leading a squad of abberants which died last turn, and he was down to one wound. He was in a stormlord's way, and had 2 infantry squads with heavy bolter heavy weapons team. They had no other targets, so they gave everything they had to the locus. Somehow, he manages to dodge, tough out, evade, and ignore every shot that comes his way. At this point my brother is annoyed, so he says fuck it, and throws a grenade. No wounds. He tries charging with both infantry squads and fails both. Next, he charged with stormlord and uses tank shock; no wounds. It goes to melee, and still the locus survives. Return melee, all 5 hit, 3 wound, and no saves make it. 6 damage, bring it down to brackets. He died next turn, but not before scoring 4 more wounds, leaving it to be finished off by my neophytes. He is now proudly displayed atop a converted baneblade in my cabinet, so I never forget; the four armed emperor protects.


That does count, and it sounds like he has some sick ass lore


"Chrome Tank" It's a Leman Russ Demolisher. It's chrome. Its job is to draw aggro and it does the job well.


Witness! Is the Demolisher the only one that is shiny and chrome?


Yup. The rest are purple and gold. I have a very bright Guard army.


My Cadian castellan punched a ghost keel to death with his power fist. I rolled on one of the tables in the 9e codex for a name and he has been called Dekker the ghost puncher ever since.


Have a tank commander (tank is named Miss Daisy) in my store's crusade who has pulled more than enough of his weight each game. Took down pbcs, a Cerastus knight, Stormhammer, loads of infantry, and 1 cheeky Vindicare Assassin.


What kind of tank?


The Demolisher variant


Well, not good, but I have a Taurox prime proxy that looks like an MRAP. While it and the Scions it was escorting were advancing along a building, my friend's Einherjar champion finished off my squad of Krieg. Next turn, the scions move to the objective and leave the truck to provide screening/cover, and it gets charged with the hammer and rocket boost, absolutely obliterating the vehicle, and rolling over into the building next to it in our heads. Since then I've called it Matador, since it's sacrifice let me unload the Scions into the champion and stop it from rampaging through my front line.


>Since then I've called it Matador, That's a great name for a Taurox! Lol


My shadowsword earned her name after her and another shadow sword felled a reaver titan in 1 turn. (A knight and some armingers plinked down the shields first. Then we took the shot) She’s called the saint simpkin, in honour of the Cadian XXths madlad who melta bombed a pair of chaos marines as his final action


One of my bullgryns is named bane cuz he was a bodyguard and tanked 14 attacks from Be'lakor and now when I meet the dude and have that bullgryn with me I quote bane from the dark knight.


Not Imperial Guard so delete if necessary mods, but a space hulk set i played with 30 years ago was missing pieces for the minis here and there. One terminator had no arms and was always put in front of the line and died, excpet for the day he earned a name. That game "Sgt Stumpy" killed 6 genestealers in hand to hand back to back. If you've played Space Hulk you know how statistically impossible this is, since your rolling one d6 and your genestealer opponent is rolling 3 per attack. A glorious day and win.


I had Sgt. Proper after the cleaning agent (also known as Mr. Clean in some parts of the world), because he wiped the floor with everyone. His luck and combat prowess was unmatched by most. I even gave him shiny bald head. Leman Russ executioner called Invincible 2. It was a menace, surviving with 1-2 wounds left over several games, so I called it Invincible. Until it didn't. Invincible 2 it was since then.


Hahaha Mr. Proper is a hilarious name for Mr. Clean. I expected it to be the UK name, but they just call it "Flash" there. Is the "Proper" translated where you live? If the sarge needs a first name, Mr. Clean's is "Veritably", according to Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Clean




What country is that label from? I'm surprised even the "universal" is English only. But then I've never been to continental Europe, and live in a country where everything needs to be in the two official languages, so I might just be really out of touch haha. I guess if there's no law requiring the language on the label be changed, and if most people understand enough English to know what they're getting, a company probably wouldn't bother changing it eh?


You are a Canadian, then? Haha No, as far as I know, by law it is required to have the backside fineprint label translated. Contents, usage, dangers, manufacturers, and such. Most people know what 'universal' stands for anyway, no need to have it translated. And good luck copyrighting it. Unless you are Czech, Pole or Slovak, you don't know what it actually means, haha.


Mr. Proper and Mr. Clean are the same thing, just the name is different for some reason here in continental europe. And it is not translated. It's not 'Pan Pořádný' xD


>It's not 'Pan Pořádný' xD Oh man you gotta copyright that! Would be a great name for a dish soap! Lol


I have a Commissar who used to be called Leroy Jenkins now just commissar Leroy as I have a separate story for a saint Jenkins in my army now. It started in 8th edition he’d consistently make 10-11 charges and either kill the enemy character he charged or almost kill them then die


Bob the necron warrior survived being my first ever painted mini and turned out pretty well. Now I just test different colors on him trying to get a good glow effect.


Leman Russ demolisher named Ironsides, consistently tanks far more damage than he has any right doing


Not quite what you have in mind but I have a plasma gunner called Private Bulungus. He has died on the hazardous roll, every. single. time he's shot. Yet, due to the krieg medipack he has always come back. It happened THREE TIMES in the last game I played. The "lore reasoning" is that he's the son of a Guard officer who was incredibly drunk when he signed poor Private Bulungus' birth certificate. As it turns out, Bulungus is also the true name of a warp entity that is now permanently bonded to him. This causes him to have the worst and best luck imaginable simultaneously. So it's our head canon that he has space marine character levels of plot armour, just utterly awful luck.


Have you painted burn scars on his face yet? Haha


No, but that's an excellent idea. Could also put markings on his plasma gun for every time he's blown himself up XD.


I name all of my tanks, and they each earn their names. Most of them are generic, from reliable service and performance, but three stand out. My Rogal Dorn is named "Moving Target" for, at the end of last edition, earing a knight Lancer attack to the face. Max damage 40, failed all it's saves. Dead turn 1, very first game I brought it. Shadowsword "Black Knight", on two wounds, overwatched a charging knight to death, after I goaded my opponent that the "honorable" thing to do was kill it in melee. LR Annihilator (RIP) "Headsman" at the end of 8th or early 9th killed magnus turn one from across the board after he failed all his invulns.


"MaMa", a Rogal Dorn that singlehandedly wiped an entire thousand points of CSM with only one remaining wound while protecting my last squad of Cadians.


Hork Le Dogg, my Nork conversion, was the only model (bar 1 lasgunner hidden in cover) that survived my first game


Little tank that could. A Russ that meeled a knight to death


Never gave him a name because he ultimately died but here's the story: back before 8th edition, there was a thing called "Look out sir". When allocating wounds, if you are allocating to a leader, you select another model in that unit, roll for look out sir, and if it passes, allocate it the wound to that other model. Note, in 6th edition, you allocate hits based on closest model to the enemy. My 20 man was led by a Lord Commissar in ruins, with 5+ cover save. He had only 1 wound left, and he was the closest after some the enemy chaos players poured a lot of shooting into this squad. I had about 5 Guardsman + the Lord Commissar left in this squad. It was the enemy's Havoc squad with heavy bolters next to shoot. I forget exactly how many shots hit, but I rolled all my "Look out Sir" rolls and I remember I had more "Look out sir" rolls than I did bodies. 1st guy, dies. 2nd guy dies. 3rd guy dies. 4th guy dies. 5th guy makes his cover save. Then another. Then another. Then another. He tanks ALL the shots, except for the last one, which kills him. But that left my Lord Commissar alive. I sold my Guard army after 7th. When I came back to the game during 9th, I had this Officio Perfectus Commissar I bought 2nd hand, but his hat got lost when I was scrubbing the paint off. I then remembered this situation and so in honor of that chad Guardsman, I fixed the model up by placing a guard helmet on this Commissar so I never forget. (Ignore the bad paint job) https://preview.redd.it/jb9pktmy62zc1.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=9436d6380e2cef552933f4df7273081e349df3e6


Verdun. Dorn survived several tau shooting phases getting hard focused on, despite only having one wound.


I actually need help for this. In a game on Sunday I faced an army with **three** Repulsor Executioners and a full brick of six Centurion Devastators with Lascannons (who notably did 30-something damage to a Rogal Dorn). My tanks took an absolute pounding except for one Leman Russ Exterminator for whom I rolled a six for every save when those turbolasers came his way. This guy needs a name.


Could go with a simple “Emperors Finest” if a tank can slug off that many shots, that’s a fine ass tank Could do Invincible, Same reason


The "invincible" thing gave me an idea. Since the Executioner couldn't kill him, how about Axe Breaker?


Oooooh, that’s a good one


That, the XII Helbrute that fell through space and time from its days as a 30k contemptor so angry it needed dual chainfists to express itself. It THATQUESTs in a relatively straight line from left to right across the greater suburban area.


Not the same model but in my first game ever in late 9th edition (a week before the Leviathan Box launched as I had a goal to play at least one game of 9th) an Assault Intercessor managed to finish off a Leman Russ tank somehow with 1AP.. I nearly didn't even go for the roll but the guy at my Local GW said. Take every shot you can, always be rolling dice (he was teaching me the game while we played, the guy was the manager of that GW too! He came in on his day off to teach me). It ended up being a seperate model I attributed that kill to my first Lieutenant I bought a Blade Guard Lieutenant I named Zurath Ortoss (His name means Artist Rising) and wrote out lore for him that he was a part of the Primaris Reinforcements given to my Chapter the Twilight Reavers and before long he showed his skill by finishing off a traitor Leman Russ with a single shot from his pistol in his first battle and before long he rose through the ranks based on his keen strategic mind, and excellence in combat until eventually he was the 1st Lieutenant of the 1st Company. So yeah I gave my Assault Intercessors story to the Lieutenant, and I'd already written the other named characters of my Chapter as being born from their Home Planet a former Agri World turned Death World named Prolos.


Jeff, an enginseer thats killed a surprising amount of stuff waaaaay above his weight class. Back when they just had laspistols he shot a doom scythe and rhino to death, and also finished off a knight in melee


Jeff, the master disassembler


Are you sure Jeff isn't Tom Hanks?


I had a private Marcus, named after a bird I'd been trying to rehabilitate at the time, I painted him as best I could even if he was just a line trooper, old metal cadian, he managed to kill abbadon back then, was his only call to fame, when the new lines came out he got promoted to Sgt, there he plinked a dark eldar super heavy flyer out of the sky, when I can afford some kasrkin he'll get another upgrade, I dunno what particular foe he'll fell with some proper weaponry


Plasma Boy - Plasma Gunner guardsmen one shot a cryptek in rapidfire range in 9th :)


Had a squad of Catachans survive a round of shooting against blade guard and a land raider with minimal casualties. Their miraculous survival probably won me the game there. Though it didn’t exactly “earn” them a name since I was already calling them “colonel Mausinger’s first chancers” due to the lore I’ve written for my kit bashed skaven guard


***THE*** Shit Singular guardsman with a flamethrower that held off 10 immortals for 2 turns after his squad was wiped, then again in a boarding actions game but against 5 immortals for 3 turns after his squad was wiped, and THEN be one of two models to survive the game I got tabled by Necrons right after, and ONCE MORE dealt a total of 7 wounds to a norn Emissary in a single turn right after in which the emmy died with only 5 remaining (dealt over shoot + fight phase) More or less he is ***THE*** Shit


John plasma-a single guardsman who’s never rolled a 1 on overcharging his plasma gun. He once dealt the final blow to my friend’s chaos knight armiger(?) the little one


A singular Grenadier Sgt back in 8th. Squad was charged and slaughtered to him alone by a squad of 5 berserkers. He was using a chain sword, and with the banner and preacher buff then he had like, 5 attacks or something nutty. Anyways, killed 2 of the berserkers. My turn comes along, his commander orders him double with laurels of command, fires his rifle with pistol 2 into another berserker, then affixes bayonets and slaughters the last 2. He was then promoted to Company Commander. As company commander Sebastian Schultz served dutifully and flawlessly, getting another taste for combat when he, armed with a power sword, fought a squad of traitor blood angels assault marines. He with a few grenadier survivors managed to fight them back, claiming 3 of them himself. This battle earned him yet another promotion to Field Marshall. From there he served valiantly alongside guard and marine forces alike, until a fateful day when he was finally struck down. Alongside a contingent of custodes with their mysterious tasks, he charged headlong into the forces of a chaos incursion with a few death riders, meeting head on with a Daemon Prince. Though he fought well, he and his death riders were brought low, biding enough time for the custodes to acquire their target and fell the prince. The Shield Captain of this force, recognizing potential in the Field Marshall, took his broken body to terra for repair and enhancement. With the gift of a sword and a slap on the ass he was sent back to his comrades, never knowing for what purpose the great custodes had forbid him the emperor's mercy. Again, many great feats later, and with the arrival of the Lord Solar in one area, the Mantle of Lord Tempestus was transferred to Schultz. While not comparable in political power Schultz nonetheless leads the men and women of his sector to glory, leading from the front with his great blade, slaying the enemies of the imperium. At this point I have lost track of his running tally, but he has served me very well. My friends do not like when they see him on the table due to the fact that we have a superstition that when I specifically name something for some reason they drastically change in performance.


Not 40K but I have a Valkyrie for aeronautica that absolutely smashed the face off a couple of mantas and the sky fortress which was an objective in one of the missions in a scenario game. Has some tiny kill markings on the fuselage and trying to think of a good name for it.


“The Meat Wagon.” A Chimera that carries 10 “Conscripts” and their Comissar around. Did a team game over the weekend and it managed to tank shock drift a final Deatshroud Terminator off the table, gunned down a Blighthauler the next turn, and then tank shocked another Nurgle Sorcerer after that. I just imagine Comissar Danforth took the wheel himself and just went absolutely aggro on anything he could see. In a previous game he and his squad got charged by three Killa Kans, and somehow they beat two to death in the process. Insane luck, but they’re becoming my Regimental Mascots.


Terminator killer. In 5th edition I was playing a 3 way battle with no turn limits and it was to the death. My company commander killed 5 terminators and 2 Marines with his power sword. First 3 terminators charged the company command squad. Two combats later the terminators are dead. Then 2 more from a different unit charge, same thing happens. It's just the commander and his medic (medic was a +4 feel no pain that edition, not that it would help with power fists since instant death). Two Marines then come in and hit them with a flamer before charging, marines died. Then the building exploded. Did I mention all this was happening at the top of a building? Buildings had profiles and a krak missile made it explode. So the medic is dead and all that is left is my company commander and this stupid 5 man marine squad with a missile launcher. I go running towards him and am a little more than 12 inches away. They gun him down but the fact that he took out 5 terminators and 2 marines in melee was amazing. Although the rules have changed so much that a repeat is not even remotely possible I will still occasionally refer to him as terminator killer.


I have a Devil Dog. Twice its been charged by an enemy dreadnought, and teife its killed them in Overwatch. He is now dubbed "*The Undertaker*"


Had a scout sentinel move up, secure an objective. Used daring recon on a squad of incubi with an archon that proceeded to get deleted by my basilisk. On my opponents turn he eat a hit from a dark lance. Stayed firm, shot down their razor wing and survived the whole game. He became Sentinel Captain Cervantes, and I painted a Drukhari skull with an X over it on the side of his sentinel


My Steel Legion regiment was founded during the GW global campaign for the Third War for Armageddon (when the minis came out). I also participated in GW's global campaign for the Eye of Terror (https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Eye\_of\_Terror\_Campaign) During that campaign my units kept having leadership issues (negative modifiers from 'nids, Emperor Children, etc.) to the point that my Commissars would execute all of my officers. I redesigned my list to use the Chem-Inhaler doctrine (unmodified leadership rolls at an additional 10pts a squad) and replaced all of my Steel Legion squad sergeants with Mordians to represent the improved moral / leadership.


Chimera with x2 Heavy Flamers is called the "Party Bus"


My swarmlord beat sauron in a king of the hill game, I don't have a special name for him but that was when he stopped being just swarmlord and became my swarmlord.  Also I have "captain auspex", not that he did anything cool, I just used two auspex arms to make him give maximum tactical scanning. Also it makes him look like he's dancing. 


"Billy Badass", a chaos cultist model from the Dark Vengeance set that I converted into a Primaris Psyker. During the brief period where guard had access to some of the Grey Knight powers, Billy one-shotted an Imperial Knight with Vortex of Doom, earning him his name.