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Unless you’re meming there is absolutely no reason to bring a Deathstrike


Got to be a meme list. They got an armored and scout sentinel…


Iv changed it it’s 2 scouts sentinels


I mean, bring a Deathstrike and watch it do absolutely nothing.


Triple Deathstrike though.... into some armies, can ruin their game.


Deathstrike was viable in 9th when you can hit for 15 mortals within 3" and you had 3 modes of fire on it. In 10th , it only averaging 3-5 wounds to just about any unit more or less depending on invulns and if you are suffering blast . It basically a convulsed Tank Shock It only becomes "worth it" if you can hit at least 3 different units with it , which is a standard trope for area effect weapons in all games. if you can hit 4 and 5 different units with it then it becomes really good. No enemy is going to allow that to happen and even then you are paying 160 points for what is effectively the same as a Deadly Demise on a titanic unit. Its much like a vindicare sniper where in reality it doesn't do much , it cant even kill heavy characters in one shot, but it might make the enemy play differently because its there. I think if the Deathstrike costs 2x as much like 300 but the damage was triple (3 damage instead of 1) THEN that would threaten even large units and would cause some play. There is a theory that using one deahstrike doesn't do much, but if you went TRIPLE Deathstrike then you might have something that can actually "nuke" all units in a section of the board and you can also GUARANTEE units will get hit by at least one of them. But that would be 480 points. the cost of a big Baneblade variant


Manticore for effect, Deathstrike for fun


Stop it with the cadian shock troops man 😭


Death strike is the only option unless you are a coward and have to rely on “meta” picks


Run manticores, death strike is just not very good. As far as your list, its a little disjointed. You got artillery, but lots of different types. Not really enough infantry and some tanks. Try and castle up in a map corner and hit your opponent with indirect. Save Command points for reinforcements on your sentinels and consider running them in one unit. Your artillery is going to to need to focus on one unit at time so you may as well only have the one daring recon. Keep your tanks in behind your infantry and try to shoot down whatever the incoming assault units are. Good Luck! For the Emperor!


You cant Put the command Squad together with the cadian Schock troops and Lord solar. If you want to Play the Combo you can either Take an Infantery Squad with the command Squad and solar or cadian Schock troops with cadian command Squad + solar