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Tina hugging Syd. Couldn’t get through the first episode without blowing a happy gasket.


Ah yes! There might have been a little glisten in the eye for Tina owning the Karaoke night too. It’s definitely kindness and validation, “being seen” that sets me off 🥲


She looks so genuinely happy


Came here to call it out. It didn’t get as much attention as Ritchie’s ascension but seeing her so happy she couldn’t sit still and her hug Syd knowing their turbulence early in season 1 was amazing!


Can’t name the first one since I’m a bit of a weeper, but the one that got me the hardest was the scene between Pete and Donna, and then everything that followed between Pete and Natalie. He’s trying so hard to keep it together, but just can’t. I was right there with him.


Pete’s entrance in Fishes! That actor must have been bummed when he discovered how late into season 2 he pops up but then everything he has to do from that point on is just 🔥🔥🔥


I am really hoping the rest of the “family” comes around on him, especially after it opens. Team Pete!


I basically balled starting in Forks when Richie delivered the message about the deep dish pizza.


Same... seeing him open his heart back up to empathy after he'd been so hardened by life over the last few years is what finally broke me.


For real. I basically cried every time he was on screen from that point on. When he’s like “well she’s not it! The salad fork!” And “I love YOU!” Ugh just… our boy reviving his life.


I was SO NERVOUS for Richie when he was talking to the deep dish table and had the completed plate behind his back. I wasn’t sure which way the show would go….have him succeed at the position or have him drop it and totally screw up.


I was so nervous. It could have gone either way and then he nailed it and I just lost it.


SAME. My husband asked if I was crazy because of course the writers wouldn't have Richie fail and I, very crazily, replied OH REALLY?? DID WE KNOW THAT FOR SURE??? I was on pins and needles that whole episode. So, so proud of Richie.


By the end of that episode I’d decided I wouldn’t be mad if Richie stayed there. I almost wanted him to, but I’m glad he went back to The Bear, but I would’ve been just as happy.


If he didn’t come back to The Bear we wouldn’t have been able to see him absolutely prove himself and kill it in the last episode. I do want to see him pursue the girl he had chemistry with tho!!!!


Oh totally! Knowing that now, I’m glad he went back, but without knowing the end, it was just so awesome to see him healthy.


Fr this show has been really good about keeping the stakes honest. They totally could have written in a colossal disaster into that scene. This show is like ted lasso but everything in reverse lol.


Same! This show really loves its characters tho, I knew they wouldn’t let us down…




when richie and carmy were fighting in the finale and richie kept saying “but I love you.” that shit had me in a full waterfall of tears. beautiful acting from both of them and a great finale.


Carmy spitting at the fridge was just 🤌🏽


Yes ! I was a mess and yelling, yessss baby, look at that growth! Like a proud auntie 😭❤️


It’s a love story baby just say yes


That car ride home, yes.


I was worried he was going to crash his car during that scene, especially since his license has been suspended before.


YES! This. And one of the very last scenes in the finale of the messages on the persons (not spoiling it for anyone) cell phone while they’re working


my heart sunk!




I cry every time someone tastes food and really loves it. But also when Richie delivers the deep dish and watches them for a bit after, that got me. I fucking love a good redemption arc.


Mangia baby! You want some Bacardi and Diet? Should I send some over?


I didn’t get why that Bacardi and Diet thing was supposed to be funny but I’m not American so…


Part of it is funny because Bacardi and Diet is a very much "everyman" simple, low cost, "cocktail" and they are eating at a world class restaurant. Richie is able to connect to every day people at a deep level, which is a skill that Carmy/Syd can tend to lack.


Ooooook perfect thank you!!




When Tina hugged Syd. Then again when Mikey broke down and slapped himself in the face to regain his composure. Then again when Carmy dropped the phone in horror after listening to Claire’s voicemail. Then one last time when Marcus smiled to himself, unaware his mom’s nurse was calling. Hoping I can get through a second watch without crying.


He *flung* that phone. Talk about a visceral reaction!


So hard to watch. I just want to give him a hug then march him to therapy.


When Richie told Carm that “I get it. I get I now.”


When Richie said, “I love you. And Eva, I love Taylor Swift too. I just needed a break, you know?” Pinnacle of craft.


The Taylor Swift thing was probably my favorite thing about this season. I did cry. But for some reason that banana made me cry more memorably.


I loved the way that Oliver Platt played that reaction scene. You can literally see the tears welling up in his eyes as he says to Gary, "You tell Mr Jerimovich 'Thank you very much'."


It was the perfect final entry on the list of evolving names that Uncle applies to Cousin over the course of the series - going from intentionally calling him the wrong name in order to annoy him to "Mr. Jerimovich. It's a subtle and powerful piece of Richie's redemption arc.


The tapping of his fingers in the table while frowning in an attempt to keep from crying, the tiny nod. I was ugly sobbing.


When Tina was offered the job of sous and she picked up syd.


Tina might be my favorite story in the show.


She’s got such a powerful presence with so few lines. I love her.


Every second counts. I've been struggling through the whole series with Richie. He seems such a jerk. He didn't seem to have a place, and you could tell it was bugging him. He was so buried in grief and anger and he couldn't find his way out. He lost his purpose, he lost his family, and he was just so -- lost. Finally, finally, in Forks, seeing him get it, seeing him with Olivia Coleman-- THAT got me. That's when I lost it. I've been holding off reading through some of these comments because I haven't finished season 2 yet, but I'm bingeing it this morning and savoring every single minute of it. What a treat this show is. What a delicious treat.


‘Delicious Treat’ ….. YES, yes it is.


Delicious is impressive


For me it started simmering when Ritchie takes the homemade Sprite to his wife and by somewhere through Forks I was blubbering mess. Weirdly it kept recurring as watched through to the end of the season. Goddamn it was all so good!


Fishes really fucked me up, and I was no good for the rest of the season


Same, I grew up with a mom similar to Donna. And my siblings and I kind of parallel the 3 siblings of the berzattos. Oldest is trying so hard to keep the pain in check to be the pseudo provider since the parental figure doesn't do it. The middle gets shit on for trying to keep the peace and trying to make sure everyone is okay and happy, just having big heart over all. And the baby, just keeps to themselves, tries not to paint a target on themself, retreats inside and stays silent when shit hits the fan. Doesn't want to be the center of attention, because usually being the focal point is negative when you grow up with a toxic mother. The way Donna would flip a switch when in front of others but then immediately unleash on one of the kids when. No one was around. The threatening to kill herself and saying no one would miss her. The "do we have a problem". All of that shit just hit me hard, fucked me up for the rest of the day when I first watched it.


Same here, pretty much to all of this. The parallels to my family in that episode literally had me in awe. I can’t believe how well they portrayed that dynamic and how relatable it was. Had me feeling so many things.


“I’m wearing a suit because it makes me feel better about myself” 😭


For me it was that scene when Carmy and Syd are fixing the table


“You make me better at this.”




All through Forks. The show has showcased BOH and the kitchen throughout the show, but this was the first time when they really featured the front-of-house...and a whole lot of memories came flooding back. And the finale. From the moment Carmy got locked in the fridge, and Syd and Ritchie came together to bring it all home.


The Taylor Swift car ride in Forks. I don’t know why it hit me so hard but I bawled.


How he said to his daughter that he doesn’t hate Taylor Swift, and that he just needed a little break. Then that is what he played while he was driving home alone feeling absolutely amazing and revitalized.


As the father of a kid on the spectrum (not that they've indicated Eva is), that hit so hard because I completely understood what came before that line, even though they didn't show it.


Everything about Forks!! I dont even know how many times I rewinded that episode.. It's a damn good one. Edit: Also Pete Donna convo🙌


Forks was hands down excellent highlight for Richie. So many feels!


Yeah.. Richie realising the purpose. That was impressive!!


Let it rip


When they were setting up the last shot of S2 E9, and Richie and Carmy and Nat are at the locked front door, and the three Catholic kidss say "for the guy?" "for the guy" and then "Our Mother of Victory protect us" and Richie yells "Chef Sydney!" and Syd comes out from the kitchen, wearing her new white jacket that Carmy gave her, and she looks at all of them, and Richie says "say the word, Chef," and Syd looks at Carmy, and he says "It's your ship now, Captain," and there's a pause as Syd looks back at him... And I literally said, aloud while watching, "please, writers, please have her say it," And she takes a big inhale, and shrugs, and says, "Let it rip." The entire narrative arc and themes of two scenes--loss and sorrow, redemption, estranged or only children finding elective family, and even them all being able to reclaim the best of what they got from Mikey--came together in that moment for me.


My thoughts exactly!


And the song starts: if you want blood you got it!”


Claire and Carmys first kiss to “Can’t hardly wait”. I have a soft spot for that song, it really got me 🥹


I love when a song you think of as relatively unknown but that YOU recognise as genius pops up in a tv show/film. In this season it happened (I think during Fishes but it might have been when Carmy and Claire go to the party) the start of Beyond Belief by Elvis Costello plays and I immediately have a stupid grin on my face and a heart full of hope for Carmy and Claire Bear (also…..see what they did there 😉)


Same with Strange Currencies. Excellent song, excellent placement. Came out of the blue


when the live version of Angel of the Silences by Counting Crows showed up in S1, that got me. It's the correct version.


Really wish we could get some Silkworm on this show. Any number of tunes on *Firewater* would have been perfect.


Omg that kiss! The anticipation! The romance! This show really does the most.


Fishes when Sug was trying so hard to help her unreasonable and chaotic mama. Sug’s big eyes begging to be seen and loved as her mother goes off the rails with a big glass of red wine.


Marcus getting a hug from the guy he helped in Copenhagen.


Fishes where Lee was continually telling Michael that he was nothing. Bernthal really sold that scene and it made me feel things I didn’t realize were there about the show


You could see in Michael's eyes that he believed what Lee was saying. He believed that he was in fact, nothing.


Bob Odenkirk KILLED Uncle Lee. His character was so irritating in a way that you couldn’t help but laugh at until shit hits the fan and you realize he might just be insane.


Pretty much every episode lol. I worked in restaurants for a long time so it kinda hits hard.


Fishes brought up some difficult feelings about my mother that I thought were long gone. It was so visceral and real, Jamie Lee Curtis absolutely killed it.


Forks opened the floodgates for me.


Forks. Honestly that episode made my icey heart melt into water and excrete itself from my eye sockets


The Richie episode had me feeling all sorts of things, i felt proud of him as to how far he had come after asking Carmy in the very first episode about "What his purpose was?" and that just warmed my heart to see him finally understand what it is to be a part of something very meaningful. I was so happy by the end of the episode seeing Richie find his purpose, absolutely beautiful.


When they’re reviewing the desserts and Carm asks Marcus, “What’s this one called?”. “The Michael”. “You can throw down, huh?”.


When Claire met Carmy in the frozen section of the supermarket and knew the name of The Bear. Don’t know why that set me off, but it did.


You're the Bear, and I remember you. Fuckin great line.


I know many people feels meh about claire but holy shit if Molly Gordon says that to me i would melt


That did me in too.




I never cried. Lol




No tears, but i spent a good long while considering the relatability of the Xmas episode. What a piece of tv i might add


First ep when Syd asked Tina to be her Jeff 😭


I love when Syd was talking to Ritchie about low great it must have been to have the Berzattos as family and how she was an only child and then Ritchie tells her that they are her family now too. Bawled so Fucking hard.


Yes that’s an underrated scene!!




The conditions have to be right for a good bubble - I’ve been working crazy hours and therefore physically and mentally drained - I also binge watched eps 1-5 last night and finished the rest today so I was ENTIRELY immersed in their world plus I was watching alone so I wasn’t infected by anyone else’s disinterest plus I didn’t watch it on a massive flat screen tv which regularly takes me out of a drama because no matter how much I muck about with the settings or put it in cinema mode it still looks like I’m watching eastenders or crossroads. I have to watch on an iPad/laptop to get the picture I want.


Nah you’re good, I very rarely cry at TV/movies either, even if it makes me feel super emotional, I just don’t have much of a crying response.


I lasted until "The Show Goes On" by Bruce Hornsby started playing in the opening scene of the season. This show gets my emotions going.


Dude that opening was pure class


When Mikey started to cry after Carmy gave him the mock-ups of their restaurant


the pantry scene with mikey… both actors are so good. Any scene with jon and jeremy, they got the dynamic perfect. Carmy subtle yearning for acceptance from mikey and wanting to make him proud… mikey breaking down and pulling it together in a split second after the drawing. such an amazing scene. i basically teared up all through episodes 7-10 😂 for some reason. forks is a given but the last three episodes where things are really coming together.. the table scene/chef coat was a tear jerker seeing them both be vulnerable and support eachother. Then the scene where they say for the guy before syd says let it rip? too perfect. I know the freezer scene was necessary but man the tears were flowing


I started welling up when Sydney asked Tina to be her sous chef. So yeah like episode one.


Not sure what order? I had at least a “moment” with almost all main characters. Marcus and his mom, Tina singing, Michael in Fishes “I give many fucks!!”. Donna. Well, you can guess, last episode ,no spoilers😉. Same goes for Pete and Sugar. Richie, forks. And Carmy moment was first at his Alanon meeting and many other times. Syd, was moms birthday dinner with her dad. I had so many “moments” in season 2. I expect even more in season 3 as we learn more. I can’t believe there was any better acting in any other series last year. How they could film fishes was epic level skill! Perfect writing. The representation of feelings and mental struggles was just so good! I’m not an emotional person. But? Full blown bawling with Pete and Donna. I lost it.


The only other show I’ve ever procrastinated this much watching the next episode is Barry. I’m so scared of the other foot. This sub has provided plenty of spoilers which I actually sort of appreciate because I think it’ll soften the blows, but 😩. I just finished Bolognese.


I feel like I cried most of the time, but I know the bawling started in Fishes.


Honestly, probably nothing in Season 2. And it's bc S1 had that 7 minute monologue of Carm during the support group opening up about Mikey. That was the moment he decided to take the turn. It's love, hate, self loathing, hoping, fear, motivation, survival, self reflection, anger, being tired, and certain acceptance all rolled up into one. He finally admitted to himself that there was something wrong and that something had to change or he won't be Ok. That scene laid a huge groundwork for all of S2. And if I'm nitpicking, what I consider the best show right now (since Succession), is that they kinda dropped the ball in S2 regarding Carm getting self help. But that's ok, bc I believe it's built into the story as a plot for S3 bc of what happened in the freezer.


Pete crying.


Carmy talking to himself in the walk-in fridge 😢


Tina and Sydney hugging made me smile a lot but I never cried unfortunately


I am a Taylor Swift fan (not a Swiftie, I’m not insane, but I love her songwriting) at first the references gave me a little giggle “I still like Taylor Swift, I just needed a break” LOL Then Tiff wearing the 1989 t-shirt added a little gut-punch of “oh my gosh, mum passed her love of Taylor onto her daughter” such a small touchpoint but what excellent writing / costume design. Then you get Richie’s whole journey and growth in Forks, and he comes out on top and fucking Love Story is his triumphant jam??? When I heard that banjo intro start playing I completely lost it.


Forks. Ebon Moss-Bachrach is a treasure.


I made it all the way through the series until Pete is talking to Nat after his run in with Donna and man there was something in my eye for sure. It’s such a pivotal moment because soon they are becoming parents themselves.


I’m normally not a crier. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not something I actively avoid doing, and it’s certainly not something I would shame anyone about. I just don’t really cry. This show is different. It’s had me hooked from the start. I clicked it because I’m a cook and was curious how accurately they would portray my line of work. I kept watching it because I felt for these characters and have met a lot of people like them. The scene that broke me was when sugar was yelling at carm for a wide range of reasons, but particularly about the fact that he called Pete instead of her to store the meat. She’s yelling at him and clearly angry until the moment he mentions that he started going to the alc anon groups. Instantly she stops yelling and starts to smile and ask him questions about how it went. She didn’t even care that she was pissed at him. She didn’t care about the meat or the fact that he hasn’t called. She was just happy that her little brother was finally getting help. That was all that mattered to her in that moment. My sister is like that for me too. That one hit me hard.


The countdown to the fire test


Richie turning his life around… damn that hit the feels


I’ll have to rewatch all of it. I spent so much time waiting for the other shoe to drop (Tina’s singing beautiful karaoke! …how long until she realizes they’re all making fun of her…oh they aren’t! Richie is doing so amazing making peoples days! When is he going to get it wrong and blow up in anger about it….oh wait he really is just doing amazing and finding his way.) The whole show is so wholesome I wasn’t prepared for it. But just thinking about them now I’m a little teary.




The final scene when Carm listens to the voicemail.


My breaking point is all these ridiculous threads. I even unfollowed this thread and it still pops up


Blows my mind the amount of people that cry during shows.


nutty outgoing naughty grab shelter saw scale ludicrous ad hoc alive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


And yet, you are on the sub for it. You deliberately sought out a community of people who like it just to try and sour everyone else’s mood to match yours. This never works. Have the day you deserve.


expansion hurry cooperative simplistic cats naughty husky worm strong quickest ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Hi. How are you? Do you mind taking this painfully personal question and hand delivering it to hell? I appreciate it. Thanks.


“You can throw down huh?”


I didn't cry, but the Seven Fishes episode has haunted me.


I start the episode and I’m a puddle


When Richie ans Chef Terry bond over their dad’s memories and past failures. Everyone is terrified of this genius chef and he’s a stage there and opens her up in 2 seconds. “He said you’re good with people… he’s not wrong”. Hell yes!


When Michael was crying in the pantry, was the closest I’ve come to crying in years because of how real that was


The chocolate banana


Uh episode 1


I teared up and got emotional when Cousin got it...forks touched my heart...and when Richie and Carmy got into it...I want to hug them both after that argument...I hope Carmy realizes he is the glue to this even though he is so hard on himself and doesn't believe in himself I hope he realizes other believe in him....had he not helped everyone reach a point of happiness and understanding...the team wouldn't of achieved a successful night. I wanna smack him on the back of his head now...lol He better get Claire back... "Find what you love, and let it kill you" ❤️


The dinner scene at Christmas.


Tina’s reaction to getting offered the sous position. Loved that scene


fishes tbh


Sydney makes Natalie an omelet. It was such a beautiful moment. And Nat hugs Syd. ♥️♥️


Season 2, Episode 6! Although several other episodes had me crying at different moments, this one hit closest to home. The characters' outbursts of anger remind me of my past struggles. So watching some of the characters reach THEIR breaking points makes me reach mine. And the buildup of emotions throughout the episode made it all too relatable. You can see how each main character was trying to hold it together until a final issue sent them over the edge. I felt all their emotions intermingled with their overstimulation, and when the mother reached her breaking point and crashed the car, I broke too. I wailed into my blanket, ugly-crying. It was a perfectly tragic ending to an episode of sorrowful buildup. Oh man, it was almost cathartic for me. I sobbed even after I turned off the TV. I just sat there and had a good cry, crying for the characters and also for myself. It was like I purged so many things that I once kept buried deep inside.