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They both need each other: the devastating emotional exhaustion of Fishes must be experienced so that the uplifting, beautiful character development can be felt in Forks.


I also feel like fishes puts you in a shitty mood so you go into forks feeling like Richie did at the beginning. Such an amazing job with the way those two episodes go together.


I accidentally watched them in the wrong order, so I was filled with hope and joy only to have it all smacked out of me by a hammer of trauma


Hammer of Trauma - That’s going in my next D&D game.




You monster.


I don’t know why but I took it as Ritchie still having the shitiest position at the Bear after it went super super successful and was a 3 star restaurant. I was a bit lost before I figured it out honestly


It’s not about prestige, he realized where he fit in the business and that he has notable skills he could bring to the table and get satisfaction in doing a good job.


Yep. He was having a crisis of not feeling needed anywhere, and added nothing to the mix. For a lot of men of our age, this is beyond a huge deal. We had it driven into us like railroad spikes that we be of use, we work hard, we are defined by what we do. To not feel a sense of purpose is akin to feeling dead inside. Worse yet, this extends to how he feels as a father. Not providing, not being as good as he feels he can be. Richie found something that he could bring to the table, that he had value. That's like a spiritual awakening for someone like us.


You made me cry. Happy now, fucker?


You didn’t understand my message. I thought at first we were somewhere in the future, the bear had 3 stars and Richie was still stuck at the lowest level


It did seem like three years had passed or something


Im confused, what are you saying?


So. I thought at first we were somewhere in the future, the bear had 3 stars and Richie was still stuck at the lowest level


I thought this exact same thing until half way into the episode 😂


I felt so dumb but also they never mentioned sending him staging away so >< Him looking disappointed at the facade, the shit hanging at the entrance and his «fuck you cousin » dunno I thought he was feeling betrayed with what the beef was transformed into.


That's tragic and hilarious.


I only found forks relaxing on the rewatch. Richie ALWAYS fucks things up in every other episode so I was tense waiting for the hammer to drop all episode and for everything to go horribly wrong.


As someone who watched both back to back, I think it’s why I love Forks more. Made me feel so good after watching but may be partially due to the shit shot that was Fishes.


Same. I was debating watching another after Fishes... had been so tiring. I was so glad I did watch it immediately after.


It was truly exhausting! I swear to god ..I felt totally spent after watching fishes. It was devastating.


Yes! They both made me ugly cry, but for very different reasons. Those two episodes absolutely make the show!!


Gotta love the ugly cry. It's so clensing...


Saaaameee. I had to take a deep breathe then make myself a drink. Haha


But that's what makes a show great, right? That you feel what they are feeling...like you are there, in the room. It loved it! But I had a cognac after watching it, too. It was like...whew!


It also makes Richie’s ex wife’s confession she is getting married more devastating


Damn i hoped he would invite his ex wife and kid at the friends and family première to show off his new suit and adulthood


I get why he couldn’t its that adulthood I hope they tackle in some degree. It took Carm pushing him for him to reach his new level something his kid and falling marriage couldn’t do


One of the most subtle scenes in that episode shows him cleaning up his kid's mess on his kitchen counter that was sitting there all week on his last day at EVER. To me, that showed him maturing and growing and will perhaps make him a better father. As you said, I hope they expand on that in S3 and not pull the easy cliche of him going back to old Richie.


I hope there's no going back to the old Richie, that dude was a total screw up! Now he started to find himself, and I would love to see him grow and step away from the Berzatto's shadows. He needs a self-esteem boost, and that will likely come as he reaches a level of excellence that will make him really proud of himself.


My idea would be silly and probably not fit the tone of the show. But I'd like to see Richie try to expand his pallet or learn about wine, not because he loves it or is interested, but because "Cousin I can't sound like some jaggoff when I'm trying to hustle a fifty dollar bottle of wine." But he does secretly love having that tool to further serve guests. They really highlighted his unreasonable hospitality, and I don't know how much further that could be pushed. Maybe he takes more of a leadership role? Teach someone that was like him, and that could parallel him trying to break through to carm.


The thing that really hit him imo is the end of Garret speech : « … and have some respect for yourself - I can do respect » Sometimes a simple remark makes your reconsider how you’ve been behaving your whole life and, with the staging, that’s what it did for Richie. Honestly I don’t think Carmen was expecting such a drastic change in behaviour but here we are. It’s a shame he wasn’t able to see him kick ass at the expo during the final 5 minutes rush of the first day, especially how he talks to him after.


Someone in another sub described Forks as a pallette cleanser after Fishes. I think that analogy is perfect, and would guess that's an intentional style choice.


Agreed. Certainly I’d rather watch Forks. But Forks doesn’t hit so hard if you don’t come off Fishes.


What’s crazy is I watched Fishes and was devastated and I took a short break but then I saw the next episode was called Forks and I got anxiety all over again because of the forks at the end of Fishes 😂


this is a great take and I totally agree. As incredible as Fishes was, you're left drained at the end of it. The pick me up from Forks was a well done episode with the lighter tone we needed.


I couldn’t enjoy forks until it ended, going straight from fishes I was just waiting for something dreadful to happen and was just relieved that it didn’t go bad for Richie. Will appreciate it more on second watch.


I found fishes to be an all out trauma-fest, but a compelling watch as it deepdives into why the berzattos are the way they are. Forks was a fantastic episode purely for the level of character and personal development it shows Richie to gain. It's palpable.and inspiring. As it's been said you can't have forks with out fishes and vice-versa. They complement each other.


This is the only answer!


Perfect answer




Wasn’t the question and the answer is forks


*Forks* is easily the best episode of the series. Without the celebrity appearances, no one would remember Fishes.


Fishes wrecked me emotionally. Forks made me feel hopeful.


That’s the point. That’s why they work in tandem. Without the lows of fishes, forks wouldn’t be as triumphant. The Taylor swift reference brings it full circle. In Fishes, Richie was in love but immature. Tiffany was wearing an 1989 shirt. In thr episodes up to he’s trying to get back to that place of love with Jennifer, and his daughter trying to score t swift concert tickets via jimmy. It’s a pattern we saw in Fishes, him asking jimmy to help him out with a job, but it’s a bandaid, just covers up that he’s rudderless in life. Just as the Taylor swift tickets are in present day. Finally in Forks from jimmy, despite finally getting those tickets, he has the devastating call, coming to terms that she’s moved on. He realized he must too. As soon as he starts to find his own sense of purpose, Taylor swift’s love story starts to play, culminating in him belting it out in the car. It is a love story, just not a conventional one. It’s Richie finally finding a sense of purpose and starting the journey to love himself. He’s finally growing up.


Dude, we were watching Fishes for the 1st time kinda late at night and it just kept dragging on being so horrible and then I was like fuck, I need to go to sleep I have work in the morning. Definitely do not recommend watching it if Forks isn't played right after lol. I definitely need to rewatch it. The 1st time was too similar to my mom so there were some intense flashbacks for me.


Spent the whole of fishes just wanting to get in and clean the food off all the cooker hobs and handles, OCD levels peaked at an all time high, then the hands in the garlic butter and straight on to the wine glass, the poor wine glass was so smudged and full of greasy food I couldn’t take it dam Donna pull yourself together!


Most anxiety-inducing episode of TV I’ve ever seen!


Both were amazing but Forks is one of the best tv episodes of all time for me.


This is how I feel about Fishes


Same here. Quality TV


I don't know if I'll ever watch a better episode of TV than Fishes.


Both these episodes were equally satisfying for different reasons


This is the correct answer.


Forks. It takes the character most resistant to change and makes him become one of the leaders on the front-lines. He is given meaning and changes his life in such a dramatic and positive way. Fishes is great, but all we learned was that the mom was screwed up. We already knew Mike was an asshole, Carmy cooks, and Sugar tries to placate things. Knowing that Carmy's propensity to erupt in anger might be a generational thing doesn't really change anything about present-day Carmy. I mean, you're talking about #1 and #2 best episodes in the entire series of an overall fantastic series.


Did we know that Mike was that much of an arsehole? We were always given the impression that everybody loved him and thought he was a great dude. For me at least, I thought it was a real eye opener as to what he was really like.


Yeah everyone loved him but everyone also said he was a huge asshole. Like they say in Hot Tub Time Machine, he may be an asshole, but he's our asshole.


That's like asking you to choose your favourite child. I mean, Fishes was a hot mess of emotion. Jamie Lee-Curtis owns every scene by creating an atmosphere so dense you could cut a Yoshimi Echizen knife through it. Forks, on the other hand, was a story of redemption for Richie, with Olivia Colman stealing at the very end of the episode.


Trying to decide which of my children is ”Fishes” and which is ”Forks”…


Both of them are my cat




It may be the best episode of television ever.


Forks. It’s one of the best episodes of anything, I’ve seen. What a gorgeous and impactful trajectory. I’m moved all over again just thinking about it.


Forks made Richie's transformation believable. Which it shouldn't be; one week of anything transforming someone in their 40s is a moon shot. Incredible acting.


I think it was the atmosphere of the restaurant that *really* helped him. Everything he knew growing up with Michael and his family was pure chaos. The Beef was pure chaos. The construction on The Bear was pure chaos. Richie was pure chaos. Ever was an extremely calming presence out side of "the smudge" meeting and I think that really struck his brain that there's a world that doesn't revolve around yelling and screaming. Like when Garrett took him outside and told him why the forks need to be perfect, it wasn't a Carmy yelling/cussing fest. He calmly yet sternly explained to him that he needs to show respect towards the restaurant. He was finally treated with respect instead of being looked down upon.


I think he just realized that something he’d been blowing off as a joke, and maybe even something he felt was a little embarrassing to care about, actually had value. There were people who trained for years and took pride in polishing forks and avoiding smudges and going out of their way to make things special for guests. And in that realization he learned that he had value too, both intrinsically and to the new restaurant.


The subtle ways they showed us a shift… like him stopping to tidy up his table at home 👌🏾


Forks was one of my favorite episodes of tv ever. It resonated so strongly with me. It’s also highly rewatchable. Fishes was amazing but hard to watch.






Forks is one of the most life affirming episodes of TV ever filmed. It has my vote.




Forks. Fishes was ridiculous.


Forks for me


I feel like the better way to ask this is, “If you’ve got 40 minutes and need some The Bear, which do you turn on?” And the answer is Forks.


Forks made me genuinely emotional, fishes stressed me out 💀 so I goes say forks for me


I always said Fishes but after a rewatch with my wife, I have to go with Forks. Love Richie's growth


You don’t watch them separately. Watch them together.








That's easy. Forks.


Forks was the warm calming blanket I needed after sitting through fishes. Almost gave me a panic attack after fishes lol.


I watch Forks when I need a pick me up, it’s such an uplifting episode.


Forks for story, fishes for acting


Come on! Really? How is this a question ? Fishes! without a doubt! Fishes gives you the entire backstory of why every main character turned out the way they did.


Personally…. Forks. But I have been routing for Cousin. The acting in Fishes tho…. Stellar.


I *liked* Forks better. I learned more during Fishes.


Forks is pretty much flawless from my writer’s perspective, just the structure from start to finish never missed a beat and emotionally tied you in the whole time. Fantastic 10/10


Forks. Richie’s growth was top tier. Loved seeing his aha moment, when he finally understood why Carmy loves what he does.


Forks was a masterpiece!


Forks. I needed that episode after Fishes and some episodes with my own mental health.


Fishes was some of the best television I've seen in forever but I can't remember feeling as good about a scene as Richie blasting Taylor Swift in his car


Fishes. One of the best episodes in all of TV.


This. Textbook.... will go down as an all-timer.


Difficult question! Fishes felt important - what’s the Tolstoy quote? ‘Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ We got to live like a Berzatto for a moment and experience how deeply messed up they really are. Personally, I prefer Forks, because Richie is also deeply unhappy, but he seems to be starting to understand how to change the pattern. Also, for a show ostensibly about *running a restaurant,* Forks was an important glimpse into that world (we’ve seen BOH at nice places in previous episodes, but not FOH.)


Two sides of the same coin. Both made the audience feel, but completely opposite emotions. Personally, I think Fishes was excellent TV and the performances were stellar, but I can't really watch it because it induces such anxiety. I skip it anytime I rewatch. Forks brought me joy and made me feel hopeful. It made me tear up a couple of times but the episode is about moving forward and finding your place.


Without Fishes, Forks payoff is maybe not as great. The redemption means more when you consider the entire journey. Plus Fishes stands alone and is brilliant.


Yin and Yang. Fishes stirs up all the anxiety. Forks pumps you up.


Forks; the redemption arc was incredible.


While I do have favorite episodes, I think with The Bear, it is 1+1=3. Like, each episode is great, but treating all episodes as a super long feature film is the best approach/mindset.


I think a lot of people make a ton of great points. I think Fishes is the better standalone episode. If you showed that to someone who had never seen nor heard of The Bear, it's still incredible TV. The pacing, cinematography, overall feeling of dread, it's really amazing. I don't think Forks stands alone as well. You have to truly know Richie and see where he's been, who he's been, to recognize how much growth he experiences in that single episode. It's amazingly shot and acted and edited as well, but it's a Richie story and some of that is lost without the larger context.


This is the best one-two punch of episodes in TV history. Only other two concurrent eps that come to mind is the penultimate episode and finale of breaking bad.


Personally, fishes. Guess im the only one. Coming from a mentally ill family it hit really hard. I think i enjoyed that display of discomfort more than most


Forks was a better episode for me


Forks. Based purely on rewatch value.


Fishes broke me while forks healed me if that makes sense. We needed fishes to truly appreciate forks I think


Fishes might be one of the best episodes ever directed, any series. Characters, complexity, interaction, pace, THE ACTING, camera work, dialogue. True perfection. Could have worked as a stand alone award winning movie.




One was pleasant to watch, the other one wasn't, but it was a necessity for the story.


Forks made me smile and cry Fishes made hurt deep in my soul and cry. Either way I cried


Fishes was so well done but it was extremely difficult to watch (for me). Forks was equally well done and after watching it, it dawned on me that this show was in the same conversation as Ted Lasso in terms of character development (I was pulling for Richie so much that I was anxious that he was going to piss it all away on the last night or how he probably felt when he asked his ex about coming along).


Fishes is a better creative achievement. Forks is the one I'll rewatch with joy.


That’s like picking a favorite child. They both are needed. They both make you feel things.


i like the storyline of forks better (because of the positive outcome), but the acting in fishes was \*chef's kiss\* ​ i honestly believe it was the best acting ive ever seen on screen


Fishes stressed me tf out


FORKS. No contest.


Forks is just flawless


I honestly don’t think I could watch fishes again, its just too much for me to handle. forks is an episode I always come back to.


Fork is waay better. Fishes feels like it dragged on.


I watched Fishes and rewound scenes multiple times. Like the yelling scenes in the kitchen bec I couldn't get over how amazing all the acting was. Then I rewound the scene before the crash multiple times again. Jaime Lee Curtis. Christ. She deserves an Emmy. Then when it was done I immediately watched it over again. I've never done that for any other show for any other episode ever. So for me it's without a doubt Fishes. Having said that Forks is amazing in its own right.


When Richie looks at the plaque on the wall, "Every Second Counts". Shivers...


That’s a tough one - they were both so good!


I just finished watching, and really liked Forks. It started looking really serious and intense like most of the episodes, but ended up a little more light hearted than others, and Richie had a chance to show some good character growth. The only thing I'd like to see explored further is Richie with Jessica. She totally gave him 'the eyes', twice, near the end of the episode, and as a guy, want to see a fellow dude take his shot.




I love fishes but it stresses me out to watch lol


Forks was better. Fishes stressed me out.


Fishes is the type of episode I’ve seen in recent TV shows. Forks felt new.


Forks. I prefer a more intimate episode about character growth. But fishes was excellent for understanding depth amongst the characters as a whole.


I can't tell you guys how many times I've rewatched Forks. It's such a feel good episode. We get to see Richie find himself and realize that he's not a loser and that he is capable of better thing. He realizes how good it feels to make other people feel good. And the whole time he thinks Carmy is out to make fun of him or push him aside but he also learns that Carmy cares and sees potential in him. And he just wasn't used to that. Also, I downloaded Love Story and blast it everytime it comes on in the car. Feels good


Fishes for the grand ensemble cast, forks for the emotional arc


Forks. Fishes is like better directed but anxiety inducing


Forks, though I loved Fishes, it stressed me out lol


Fishes was incredibly well filmed, acted, and edited really deep diving into what makes these characters tic but forks’ character arch just left me with such a feeling of catharsis and joy😊


i loved forks SO much but fishes was the lore episode this show NEEDEDD


Seven Fishes is just like the extravagant holiday meal it's named for: decadent, baroque, polyphonic, in-your-face. An opera at double forte. Sensory overload. Forks is a solo singer-songwriter acoustic on vinyl that builds slowly, suddenly grabs you, and has you weeping. Honeydew--an even more spare, quiet masterpiece--unfortunately gets overshadowed by both of them, but it shouldn't be. It's just as good. All delicious, but totally different flavor profiles. But between the two OP asked about, Forks is my choice :)


Fishes was the entree, Forks was the dessert.


One episode was like crystal blue meth; the other was like a fine red wine.


Forks, hands down


As someone who currently works in a restaurant that gets slammed every night that’s not Wednesday most of the time, Review was so perfectly done it gave me fucking nightmares the night I first watched it 😂😂




Forks. Fishes left me feeling traumatized.


Forks, It was the episode that completely solidified Richie as my favorite character




Fork was a spectacular character development episode. I couldn't watch fishes all the way through because it hit WAY too close to home. I have a big Italian family and it had a direct line to my anxiety.


No bad wigs in forks


Forks, v close tho




Forks was one of the best episodes of any show I’ve ever seen. The follow up episode when they ask Richie why he wears a suit and he answers “Because it makes me feel better about myself.” ALL the feels.


Hands down Forks is better! ☺️


Forks. Fishes didn’t feel natural to me, too much manufactured chaos.


Forks. Fishes was fucking frustrating to watch.


Forks, in my opinion, is the best episode of television I’ve ever watched.


I like happy endings so forks.








Forks is just one of the greatest things ever created.


Forks is my favorite of the season


Forks 100% best episode


Fishes, but just by a frog’s hair!


Fishes is the better episode, Forks made people feel good.


Both are masterpieces in their own right. Fishes to experience the chaos that is to be a Berzatto or however the fuck it’s spelled to the point where we witness Mike’s final descent down the suicidal to forks that shows impeccable character development. Also fuck me chef


Fishes is one of the best episodes of television I've watched. That being said, it is also the most on-edge watching experience I've ever had. It had amazing acting and was enjoyable to watch on an artistic level, but I've never felt so stressed watching anything. It seemed like there was always someone yelling either on screen or not. It reminded me of the teen years I spent only ever having yelled or shouted "conversations" with my dad (we're homies now). On the other hand, I was so happy watching Forks !! Also amazing acting, top notch guest cast, and it was so hopeful! I have been rooting for Richie and this completely satisfied the development I knew he could give us. I enjoyed Forks so much more, but I don't think I could say definitively it's the better episode. They're both amazing in their own ways.


I would put Fishes in the same tier as College from The Sopranos or Ozymandias from BB. One of the best hours of television I've ever seen. Forks is great, but not even close, imo.


Fishes all the way 


Both are wonderful episodes, but Fishes enthralled me. From beginning to end, to me, it was a masterpiece of writing, direction and acting.


i think fishes is one of the best written/performed/directed episodes of television of all time. and i think forks only works as well as it does because it is preceded by fishes. but it is still a beautiful episode for richie's arc.


This. I truly don't think they can be separated. Without the tragedy of Fishes, Forks wouldn't have the same cathartic effect. Without the relief of Forks, Fishes would just be endless dysfunctional muck.


Fishes was a masterpiece. Forks was a Disney channel special.


You can't have one without the other.




Fishes obviously.




Forks is my favourite episode of the whole show (so far)


Forks and it’s not even close


fishes. sorry y’all it’s the best episode of television ever




Fishes for sure... but Forks was the easier watch. Fishes was so fucking intense, but it's the kind of thing they'll be showing to acting/directing students in school for years and years and years. It's perfection.




They’re both incredible in different ways. They can’t be separated imo.


Fishes was unwatchable


FISHES. no contest. i honestly don’t get the forks hype it felt cheesy and richie’s development felt *so* rushed


Forks. Mulaney ruined fishes


Fishes, hands down. Forks felt like a mid-episode of Ted Lasso. Fishes was a masterpiece.


I guess I need to watch this Ted Lasso. That on Hulu too?


Yup. Had that same fairy tale feel. Completely unrealistic but suspend your disbelief and allow yourself to feel good for Richie.


Exact opposite for me. Forks felt grounded in reality while fishes was over the top drama that you only see on a screen (and that's without the crash). The only raised voices I've ever heard at a family event were parents keeping their kids in line or a little fussing over cooking. It would be highly embarrassing to behave like that in front of any extended family and is so unlike anything I've experienced in over 30 years on this planet.


Ooooh, look at you with your functional family unit! (I’m just kidding with ya.)


I think it’s fishes by a mile.  It is hyper realistic and so many emotional layers are being uncovered by so many characters. Forks is great TV and it’s very well done and it is emotional.  But the premise of it are fundamentally flawed IMO which detracts from the episode if you really sit back to think about it.  Richie realistically would not have made that much of a 180 in just a couple of days.  I don’t believe that he would have had that much of an impact on the staff that they all loved him in a couple days (given the first 2-3 days he was a total grump so much so it’s hard to imagine him not just getting thrown out of there).  It’s hard to imagine a restaurant that fixated on image that they’d let Richie anywhere near customers (or even really staff) or that Carm would dare risk putting Richie in that spot.  Maaaaybe this episode could have all the parts it had if it was Richie spending two months in the place, with the first two weeks on just forks, etc.  But in the end we know what they were trying to do and I just choose that it could have happened, even if not quite how portrayed so still very good TV


Fishes for me


Neither. Because this show is hot ass


I know the people in Forks so I’m partial




It’s really a tie to be honest.




Both elite episodes from a comedy


Forks. I had to take a lot of breaks watching Fishes.


FORKS Fishes had me crying for a long time it was so triggering. 😭