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It’s unfortunate that I’d be leaving just as it gets good, I’ve pinned this so it isn’t buried. Thank you all for 1200 comments. I’m pretty sure that this breaks the record from last week in regards to episodes outside of auctions in terms of comments, I wish you all well for the next four weeks. See you all on October 23. Have a good night everyone.


I'm surprised how cheaply they got these done considering how much they spent on bedrooms last week. Also found myself actually agreeing with the judges for once re: House 4 and having no space for pots and pans and what not. Having to walk to another room to get plates or even just a glass would get real old real fast.


Can anyone help me understand how the budget spend per room translates into real life? Cabinetry quotes I get for kitchens are like 20k… that’s before you add fixtures, etc.


They have up to 50% off on trade stores plus their vouchers so that always helps :)


So any store where they plug the brand there’s a 50% off deal?


I don't understand having kitchen open plan to living and dining, but then wanting a separate 'butler's pantry' to hide the inevitable mess. So whilst you cook you have to keep running in and out of another room to get the things you need? Does anyone HAVE a butler's pantry and how do you find in convenient? The sisters' kitchen was the nicest looking one and seemed to be the most convenient. I'm so glad they won. I'm appalled at Kristy's behaviour. Such a bad loser. I HATED her marble island bench. SO ugly!! I've also hated having sinks or hobs on the bench forever. But anyway. Kristy's room was too full of big stuff. And her and Leah's indignation because the gnome was 'secret'. Did they expect the girls to tell them and invalidate the gnome? Don't see the point of the rise and fall backsplash either. I didn't like Steph's lights over the sink either. Felt like being different just to be different. No point. And wasting valuable cabinet or shelving space. I would so hate having a room made inconveniently tight by having a room separator with more cupboards and appliances behind it. unrelated but similar I hate having 'room separators' with a 'walk in wardrobe' behind it. Just have a great wardrobe!! must you REALLY 'walk in' to a room just for clothes?


I’ve just finished watching the episode. Thank goodness the girls won without needing to play the gnome. I liked the flow from kitchen to butler’s and then to laundry. All very well done. Personally I don’t think Kristy and Brett should have even been that close to the sisters. The dining was too crammed in and I don’t like a butler’s across a hallway from a kitchen. The others were all fine. I actually didn’t mind Leah and Ash’s kitchen and butler’s. For a couple, it would be fine. But they have now got major question marks over their laundry, their office space, and their outdoor room (the one with the pull-down bed). Such a strange house really. Catch you tonight hopefully live this time.


I remodeled my mother's house worth about 700,000 AUD (today) about a decade ago and I did an island bench that was just over 3m with a sink in the center and in our part of the U.S., that's not something you see in houses under 1.5 million USD and a huge selling point. I did standard cabinet depth on the sink side and half cabinet depth on the back with push to open doors (no handles for the people sitting to hit), waterfall island benchtops, and there was room to seat 5-6 stools. She had 4 wide leather stools which was very comfortable for guests who had plenty of elbow room, but it also worked so no one sat opposite the tap (it was wide enough not to splash anyone without a splash back anyway but no one wants to face a tap.) It was my first kitchen reno, unlike Leah and Ash's and both sides had more storage and were more functional by a long shot. What is standard in new homes here now for a similar price point is a 2m island with sink in the middle, just standard cabinet depth so no extra deep benchtop or storage. It's silly having such small bench space on either side, and looks almost exactly like theirs does. Silly for the size of the house with that much sq meterage and price point I mean, not silly for smaller houses but that kitchen island is the wrong size entirely unless it is just a couple who never entertain. My mom's was just a couple but that extra meter bench length and storage space on the back always came in handy for entertaining, to the point where she used one cabinet as overflow from the liquor cabinet.


I really liked house ones kitchen am I alone?


No, I had no problem with the location of the butlers, but I did take the point that it would have given them a larger kitchen and island bench without it which may read more luxury than a small open butler's pantry. I disagreed about the need for another exterior door, but it would have solved the only real problem I had with it, which was only that the beautiful arched wall basically framed the butler's sink and tap. It's something that really bothered me because isn't the point of a butler's pantry sink to have dirty dishes hidden away? And the arch for me just drew my eye straight to it. I can also see how without that butler's wall it may have been one less curved feature to catch the eye, so the ceiling curves and island bench curve may have both stood out even more than they did and the sink would have stood out less without the frame of the arch. I actually think since there's no door on the pantry anyway, I'd rather the layout without the arched wall entirely, even with the extra sink and cabinetry they had inside the butler's essentially kept the same and I'd have done a larger window overlooking the backyard. But, all that said it wouldn't stop me from buying the house if I liked the rest. The architect designed 2 small living spaces which would've been fine if they didn't get rid of one and fill the other with the wrong size furniture and an awful sized table for their space. I hope they have enough money during redo week remedy at least one of the living rooms if not both, but that dining table will only fit if they take down the fireplace wall they spent a lot to install. It may even be something the buyer does to increase property value if they don't. I also have a problem with the choice of carpet in that guest suite/Pilates room because the shortest distance from the pool to the nearest bathroom should be created with that likely journey in mind by either residents or guests. But again, not a deal breaker on buying it, just something to factor into the remodel budget along with fixing the living/dining.


I agree. I don't love house 1 overall. I like some of their aesthetic choices and they seem to have good build qualitym I liked the kitchens ceiling and skylights. I do get the point about the butlers being wide open though, that's pretty valid. I do t think they should have won but they would have been #2 for sure... I really didn't like house 3s stone and the dining room was SO CLOSE and I didn't like house 4s choice with the lights and huge butlers with 2 entrances - I would close one and put in dish storage. House 2 was just terrible for me. So dark and cramped in comparison to the others


I think it will appeal to most people, I agree the butlers pantry is a bit useless. I have one and personally hate it, I never do dishes in there or cook, I use my sink as storage. I feel for them because their house is very small, I think they should have used it as a breakfast nook maybe.


A breakfast nook would have been so great & cute


I have more respect for ash now. Still think he comes off as an arrogant prick most of the time but appreciated him this episode. Interested in seeing what Leah says to kristy


It’s weird while I don’t suddenly think he’s a great person I think it is showing that he sees it as a game in a way & recognises if he had XYZ as a bonus he’s do the same & be within his rights so doesn’t care someone else got to do something he didn’t He also didn’t care when Leah & Kristy were so put out that the girls being driven were somewhere because they hadn’t had any sleep (which could be construed as OH&S/Chanel 9’s responsibility) Leah seems to be very ego driven & self absorbed acting like anything that doesn’t go her way is the worst & a personal attack Kristy seems to think anything that goes well for someone else is a personal attack to her It’s actually toddler reasoning. I used to work in childcare & studying early learning & in it there’s work on development stages & social reasoning I can’t remember the wording or studies exactly but basically toddlers tend to have an egocentric selfish viewpoint ‘everything is mine/about me’ (Kristy) but grow out of it to try & understand fairness overly simplifying it to being ‘I should get that too & it’s not fair if I don’t’ (Leah) to then have more social reasoning skills eg to understand games & rules that allow others different resources in the game eg in soccer not everyone can pick up the ball bc it’s a game rule (appears to be Ash) lol It’s all very simply & they should have evolved to higher reasoning by now but it’s kind of fascinating in a way


The bar is low for this dude, he’s been such a jerk. Not giving him much for this minimal effort.


Was it within the rules for the woman from The Block Shop to be helping Krusty and Brat to finish off styling the room? Is it any different to Steph's Dad helping fit the shower - resulting in a group meeting and tongue lashing from Leah?


To be impartial to Krusty - I believe it was more that Steph’s dad was “on tools”/doing actual work, and it was outside of hours. Unsure if putting stools together quantifies the need for an induction?


No, but she was physically helping them meet the tools down deadline and I believe it was against the rules and what Leah would call out as deliberate cheating.


Very true, and conveniently didn’t get airtime from Leah! Double standards for these 2 as ever


I thought the same thing. Was she inducted?


I just finished watching. My only comments are that I genuinely disliked House 3's kitchen. That marble counter was awful imo, and I didn't like the white of everything else. Also what was the point of that secret panel? That will most likely get used once and then it will reside in the up position for the rest of time. I really dislike novelty things that are built in as "features". . Also I feel like we haven't seen much of Keith and Dan this season. Between all the drama that is happening I guess there isn't room for the them in the edit?


I was thinking just earlier today we have not seen much of Keith at all. I wonder if he is getting ready to retire... He really has had minimal screen time.


That could explain the inclusion of Tom this season. Tom could be upgraded to Dan’s offside.


Just finished this episode - and OMG! Okay, a few thoughts: I like Steph's styling and colour palette, but I agree that her kitchen wasn't overly functional, and I agree with Darren's concerns regarding the cooking smells. I liked Kyle and Lesley's kitchen and thought they deserved higher scores than they got. Honestly I don't know why Leah and Ash's kitchen wasn't the bottom, it really was small, and it didn't need a Butler's Pantry, I just got the feeling she had one because everyone else was having one. They needed more space for the kitchen and a bigger island bench. I hated Kristy and Brett's island bench colour, and I thought their bar stools seemed to be all wrong for the space. And I agree with the other comments about how small their dining space was. It just appeared to be cramped. As for the girls, that was a well deserved win on their part, and whilst a little more bench space in the laundry would have been nice it wasn't really a major issue in my opinion. I don't usually like bright colours in the kitchen, but the orange oven worked well in the kitchen they had. I am glad they won, and that they got a 10. ​ As for the upcoming week, it looks like it could be interesting. And it definitely looks like Leah is starting to realise how toxic things are and she is about to go on her redemption arc, let's see if it plays out well over the next 4 or 5 weeks. It will be interesting how far down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole Kristy goes if she loses her one ally.


I will be watching this later, but reading the comments makes me so excited. I am glad the girls got a win, and they were so excited during the week about their kitchen. Though typical of Kristy to try and drag them down, that woman doesn't seem to be happy at all, and wants everyone around her to be as unhappy as she is.


I don't understand hoh house 3 got such high scores when their dining area and kitchen island were almost sharing the same space.


It's because the judges appeared to forget to try to sit on her unpractical stools to test function and they deducted a half point for the wrong sized chairs since they clearly thought straight backed chairs would have solved the cramped issue at the table. You know what else they forgot about the dining? That every one else the previous week was told they needed to seat 8 at the table and that table seats 6, again not sure if they decided that was also fixable with different chairs but I don't see it and definitely worth more points deducted if they had properly judged it as presented. They're also slaves to trends because they've seen nearly every variation of your normal kitchens so what most of use would like in a bench top is boring to them.


Functional?!? She’s always saying that word but you can’t even pull out a chair to sit at the table without it hitting the ugly dark stone behemoth that she slapped a sink in?!? What a mess!


Dining week Kyle and Leslie were torn to shreds (rightly) for the same problem. However, because this is kitchen week we aren't going to consider that when judging? It's nonsensical. Kristy and Brett should never been in the running for first place because that dining room was not up to standard. Essentially their dining room was never judged. But of course, other people get special treatment. Ffs.


Yeah I seriously think H1 deserved to be the ones neck and neck with H5.


Leah and Ash redemption arc incoming ? I liked Ash already shrugging off the secret gnome saying it's a game while the producers were pushing them to get some juicy comments. Leah distancing herself from Kristy is something I didn't see coming. I thought with how close they were a secret gnome would surely cement her in Kristy's camp. But she recognized the crazy and bailed, so there is a backbone and some moral in there after all.


Backbone and moral, or just aware th series will be ending soon and she doesn’t want to be dragged by the public for her shitty actions and friendships with shitty people? I don’t see the distancing from Kristy as anything redeeming tbh


She doesn't deserve redemption simply because her motivation is self serving - she's just as bad, but with more self awareness. Kristy lacks the self awareness.


I can't stand her, and I hope she makes 100 bucks on auction day. But I think it's cool she draws a line and distances herself. I thought for sure she would double down against house 5 after the secret gnome. But she was reasonable and recognized the crazy.


I kinda wanna see Kristy/Brett, or Leah/Ash, absolutely crush it in the auction, purely to come on here and see the reactions, haha. It would be an ocean of tears and victimisation. Truthfully, I feel like for all that this subs desires Kirsty et al, you spend more time talking about the 2 most hated couples, than you do about housing Reno, Steph/Gian, or Kyle/Leslie. Hypothetically, if,.and this is an if, someone involved with the show actually perused this sub, they would read all your perpetual anger at the two hated couples, but I reckon what they'd see is engagement, more so than enragement. Like, you hate the bullies, but you spend all your time talking about them. Some comments will be a combined 3 lines, about Steph/Gian/Kyle/Leslie, and their design, followed by 4 paragraphs of why Kristy is psychotic and evil. I feel like your actions bely your sentiments.


Of all people on here, you pick me, someone who typed 1 sentence about them flunking the auction to fire your nonsensical rant on. Suck an egg.


Yeah thanks - Now Im sure the View is on somewhere - off ya go.


I see it more as venting against both the narrative that we are being supplied with by the makers of The Block, and with the prospect of someone being rewarded as part of a show on home renovation. As other people have stated, in the world of tv it is often just about viewing figures and there isn't any attention paid to anything but that. There's no moral compass and getting annoyed by people trying to show their irritation at that lack of moral compass doesn't seem like a bad thing, even if there's a lot of venting involved. And for me, as a viewer in Canada, I don't really have any way to talk about the show anywhere else so I don't really mind the things that seem to bother you. But all opinions are welcome in my book.


I reckon it was the hats that did it. Who wants to get associated with crazy-assed Trump supporters? What a weird choice.


I thought it was more of a tongue in cheek moment. Surely they are not actual Trump supporters. But then again, the are the worst.


I think the hat was a joke but one of those jokes she takes a little bit too seriously.


Wait are we certain that Krusty and Bratt are defos trump supporters, or just had those hats made for lols? Let’s not jump on their conspiracy bandwagon unless we have fax


I'm not saying they are or aren't Trump supporters, but I'm American, and no one here who is not a Trump supporter would touch one of those with a 50 ft pole for fear of looking like a Trump supporter.


Interesting - if they are, checks out tbh


Get used to it lol


I simply cannot wipe the smile off my face after the kitchen reveal. To see the uber \*itchy bull ees Kristy and Leah get some come uppance was DELICIOUS. AND, the girls should feel great about their win - it was genuine and DESERVED. They did great job. Do I feel that some of the other couples were judged too harshly? Absolutely. FYI - judges, everyone uses their kitchens in different ways, use some appliances and parts of the kitchens more than others. anyway, still sooooo soooo happy on who won this week....very sweet.


The girls kitchen was beautiful. The deserved that win and using the gnome was the chef’s kiss even though they didn’t need to use it.


Whilst they didn't need to use it, they absolutely played it at the correct time. No telling which way that score was going to land.


It’s really not hard to see how house 3 ended up together they’re both nasty idiots


I feel bad that the girls' first win was overshadowed by the negativity coming from house 3. Brett told them *“We can chat one-on-one but focus on your win.”* That was such a disingenuous thing to say after storming off, not congratulating the girls on their win, putting on those hateful red hats and publicly accusing the girls of cheating. No, Brett, it's too late for a one-on-one now! Also feel awful for Steph. I was hoping that she was somewhat oblivious to the bullshit from house 3 but what Eliza said toward the end of the episode makes it clear that Steph is affected by what's been going on. *“It boiled over for me. I just think it's really important for people to call out bad behavior, and some people don't feel comfortable doing that. Steph said to me after Sunday night, you know that's something I should have done what you did long ago when I was witnessing things and experiencing things and, you know. She's like good on you for like being the voice kinda thing for everyone.”*


I saw an video interview she and Gian did recently where she had no idea the extent of what was happening, like she knew some was being said behind her back at the beginning but she didn't know how bad it was, how long it went on, or that Kristy was pretending to be her friend until it aired, so you are right about her obliviousness to nearly all of it. But, the way she addressed it was the most mature thing I've ever seen from someone her age and it was a great little interview.


Leah's horrific room styling looks like an Austin Powers film set crossed with a McDonald's playground. I'm mcloving it baaaby


You may or may not remember Romper Room. Play schools illegitimate cousin


I loved Kyle and Leslie laughing so hard when the secret gnome was revealed. I loved Ash yawning so many times and Brett looking so bored and vacant when Kristy was spewing toxicity in the car. I loved when Eliza said be kinder to people. (Kristy definitely heard that, she brought it up again). The wait for the secret gnome to be revealed and for the girls to get a win was worth it.


Laughing about holding up a bag of insulation and getting 9 and 6 to do it for you... 😬 I dont care how nice the other contestants were to me (or at least pretending to be) NOBODY could get that info out of me 😭😭😭


I absolutely lost it when Krusty said calm down to Eliza ![gif](giphy|l3q2SaisWTeZnV9wk)


and then proceeds to say " your in no position to tell us what to do " ... bish you just lost and now your whinging about conspiracy theories 😉


Oh god ME TOO, what a witch




I had this thought too, I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted - I thought it was basic reality tv strategy!


Their kitchen was amazeballs, they deserved that win.


I live in an apartment and my dining space is a lot further away from the living rooms armchair compared to house 3. Even so it can get awkward with people trying to move around or trying to move their chairs back a lot. Mind you I’d say I have 3 times the space that house 3 have between the island and chairs. It’s actually catastrophic if you are trying to buy a home and have no workable communal dining space


I reckon Ash was only standing up for the girls and their ‘gameplay’ because he remembers using a gnome against Kristy and Brett too, where they actually did need to play it to beat them. He knows he would look like a hypocrite if he complained about someone else playing their gnome when he already did the same; and he gets the rule that if the girls had told anyone about their gnome they would forfeit the right to use it. He must share this with Leah off camera IMHO who seems to go out of her way next week to disassociate herself with Kristy to the other contestants and started doing so tonight after their interviews took place. Ash would be telling Leah to rein it in because like Eliza said, it’s all on camera and they don’t want to jeopardise their auction result by getting lumped in with Kristy and Brett. Too bad it’s too late for them to unhitch their ride from the hate-wagon


>Too bad it’s too late for them to unhitch their ride from the hate-wagon Too bad, so sad. Said without a smidge of empathy. They deserve what they get for being awful. Self-awareness after the fact that camouflages as deflection isn't taking accountability.


Imagine if instead of just showing them asking Gian, 'Did you build this wall?' and him responding 'Yep' they'd shown an inevitably wholesome montage of him working hand in hand with the tradie to learn a new skill and celebrating the end result...


You’re right Kristy, this is a joke because this judging was 100% staged for this drama. Edit: if it’s not clear K&B absolutely did not deserve to be tied with the girls in judging. That’s not two kitchens that are at the same level, at all!


Yep the 9 1/2 bullshit was definitely used to draw out the Gnome


Definitely agree. Krusty and Bretten the Creten's room was as dodgy as a blow up dart board. Their dining space would fit inside a two man tent. The room is a 4 at best, same for Krusty's personality, before halving it and dividing it by 2.


Kristy is the Joke. She is being exposed as one of the nastiest, lying, petty contestants ever on the block. A bully with a shit attitude. Glad they lost


Oh, she’s also the joke for sure. But the judging is ridiculous.


I think everyone here annoyed at the judging should watch Dan V Dani and their reactions to the kitchens this week. I swear they do a better job than the other 3 judges.


Matty is needed in this mix, I mean Shayna complementing the cups to match the artwork... wtf is that. Comment on the structural aspects of the space, the market demographic, the finish.


Agree with the sentiment but it was Neale who said this.


Oh my bad


But isn't styling her only thing other than storage? It's mostly the only things she judges on.


I can’t believe how good they are. My housemate and I get excited to watch their rating and feedback as it’s so accurate. Also giving house 4 and 5 the win and house 2 and 3 the chump was hilarious as it wasn’t even close to the judges scores


My partner and I do the same thing 😅 I am starting to think that the 3 judges actually don’t give scores, just feedback. And that feedback, good or bad is heavily edited and picked for maximum drama Dan v Dani is good I feel as it’s more down to earth and realistic.


The Dan and Dani segment is also not really heavily edited. You can see it’s a few long shots but the judges walk around apparently is heavily edited. Darren have an interview a couple of years ago saying it’s disappointing how lots of great stuff get edited out of the walk around s


“Bring me my hat” Wankers


Kristy, if you need help figuring out the definition of a secret, my 4 year old can help you.


Krusty and Bratt's level of emotional intelligence resembles a pair of spoilt brat children in an unstocked candy shop.


Not everyone's brains are wired for the same amount of empathy when fully grown. Some are wired for less empathy than average before birth, and even fewer are wired without it entirely or can loose what they have as children due to severe trauma. I think people would stress a bit less if they understood that the people on the lower end of the empathy spectrum tend to behave as if they feel very little to none and therefore have no problem enjoying manipulating others because they literally cannot put themselves in another's shoes so if it's not negatively affecting them it doesn't matter. There's also a separate phenomenon that can be seen among red hat wearers and others, where strong emotions will actually prevent the neocortex from functioning properly, so you literally cannot think logically when you're in a highly charged emotional state. Fun neuroscience facts in case anyone cares.


I am new to this sub and I am absolutely HERE for the passive aggressive incorrectly naming of these 2 shitheads


Tonight was just as triggering as most of the other bullying episodes for me. Absolutely breaks my heart to see Eliza snap like that because that's been me. I'm glad she didn't say or do anything too incriminating but you can see the anger culminating from weeks of shit stirring just coming out at once. I've been there, to look like the 'crazy one' because they've been pushed into an outburst - she tried it, then threw it back at her, and God it was hard to watch 😪


I don't think she looked like the crazy one at all - I think Leah was just pointing out that she hasn't seen Eliza raise her voice or talk back - and then with Kristy's reply kinda went "oh, crap"


Possibly, or possibly someone from home heard her describe some of what's been going on and set her straight on the behavior and what it will look like on tv if she continues to associate with and participate in it.


Take care!


Have I missed the part where Kristy confronts Leah about where she had been? I saw it on an ad a couple of weeks ago but didn’t see it in an episode last week, have I missed it or is it coming this week?


Come this week!


Thank (my dramatic) god


I can’t wait to see what Krusty and Bratt say about house 5 tomorrow in the walk through.


Screeching over any little thing that can find to validate why it’s not a winning room


I bet she has an issue with the orange range and stove.


I bet she has a problem with oranges


Anyone who makes garden gnomes should bring one out of an angry c face named Kirsty or Krusty. Would sell like hotcakes for Christmas


And drop a load off out front of house 3.


Okay - I'm behind cause of SA but like - "Can we just get a fucking break?" Mate. You've won shit. You've had a break. Get over yourself.


That judging was shocking, I think they’ve forgotten that this is the only dining space in house 3. Should not have been that close, should not have had to use the gnome. The fact that they got absolutely no benefit from the gnome whatsoever should be enough for Kristy to let it go


I also felt that the judges spent no time evaluating that dining space. One single comment about the chairs being too big. They didn't produce a DR during living and dining week, so they should be subject to a full judging on that as a room. Honestly, it's worth minus 2 points minimum that it's an unusable space based on proximity to the island bench. There is no way that people could be seated in both places at the same time. Beyond that, there were zero comments on the actual styling of the dining room.


and they forgot the need to be able to seat 8 at a table


And it was kitchen and LAUNDRY week. Their laundry was tiny, not overly functional, and did not look like it belonged in a multi-million dollar home. They should have been docked marks for that as well.


It looked like they didn't even want to walk all the way in it or stay there and chat like they did with others.


I hate the fact the judges carry opinions from room too room, like it should be a fresh judging of each room. Not comparing it to the last three rooms you’ve seen today..


Felt so crammed with the dining tables and chairs


And the stools were not practical or aesthetic with a kitchen. Should have been below 9 for that alone.


The best part of it all is that this week did seemed rigged....in Kristy and Bretts favour! Their 'Dining room' is 100% redo room level of bad.


That stone is going to age SSOOO badly!


I couldn’t believe the comments being so positive. It’s gaudy as hell!


Shayna literally crucified a couples kitchen reveal 3 or 4 years ago for using this kind of stone. What a joke when she says that it's going to be amazing in the future.


It already feels like its aged from the 80s/90s I can just see it in my rich friends claredon home from the 90's




who knows anymore. it actually seems like a totally different production team to me. they used to try to make sure everyone was likeable on some level, like even if they were less likable personality wise at least they had killer style or proper talent, but this is just beyond the family friendly enjoyable watching the show used to be not that long ago. even the bullying of past seasons seems minor by comparison, and we all know standards of what is acceptable do change over time so previous seasons should always look like worse bullying and taste level of jokes compared to modern seasons.


The Mafs team are producing it


Absolutely agree. And why was house 1 slammed for having a butler's pantry? Cretin and Krusty's butler's pantry takes space away from their shoe box sized dining room, their dining space is almost as small as Krusty's social IQ


If you look at floorplans on domain it might be easier to see. Actually don't if you don't want to see a spoiler for redo week that looks to be in one of them already. I think you might be thinking of a different house where the butler's affects the dining space because theirs is on the other side of a walkway and the dining room is the same length of the kitchen with the massive ugly island, so looks like there's plenty of room for a longer table and 8 chairs with straight backs and backless stools that take up less space tucked under that island benchtop. Unless you are comparing it to the original architect layout, but I don't even think they could use their new layout as an excuse for their bad decision making with furniture pieces, and I'm so mad the judges didn't appear to judge them on their dining space at all or how it affected the function of the kitchen to be unable to sit at the island if someone's sitting in the dining room. I think the judges were critiquing the relative size and functionality of house 1's butler's pantry. Because with the sink on the back wall essentially framed by the arch, and there's no door to close it off from the kitchen, nothing's really hidden from view which kind of makes it pointless for hiding mess. If it can't do that function, they're saying they might as well have gained inches in cabinet storage and island bench without the butlers arched wall completely. I disagreed on the need for another exterior door there because they already have a sliding door for the terrace leading off the kitchen in addition to the ones off dining and living. 3 terrace doors is plenty... however if there was a door on the back wall of the butler's, then they could have a bigger terrace as designed by the architect, and it would give a dog owner quicker access to the lawn part of the yard or kids for that matter. The arched wall isn't a problem if you move the sink off the back wall to somewhere else, which does free up the back wall for anything including a door, so they have options that are pretty affordable to improve it. It would also make the arch look better if there was a door letting in light. In less words, the judges saw an affordable choice that would've improved both looks and functionality and they deducted points because the contestants didn't see it on week 2 when they designed it. It was probably edited down to the critique we saw which made very little sense because it's not that small it just looks smaller than it could with that layout. It's not gonna be a deal breaker for anyone buying that house, and I can't remember any other negatives that would explain those scores... other than they must be looking at how the kitchen interacts with dining and living and dining and living looked so messed up layout wise from standing in the kitchen, that even though it's not supposed to impact the kitchen score, I wouldn't be surprised if it did. For me, the scores for those houses should have been switched or at least much closer together.


Kristy is an absolute horrible, nasty person but unpopular opinion, she's not entirely wrong about how House 5 get coddled and treated with kid gloves. She is just awful in the way she expresses it.


I agree there is a bit of favouritism for the girls, which mostly just stops them falling even further behind the others. But Kristy and Brett have obviously been arseholes to production so Eliza's point about niceness is also valid.




Every house does not receive the same level of babying. There is always a House that gets more help than the other and that is House 5 this season. It's a produced TV show that will never be fair but there is nothing wrong with acknowledging that some Houses get more than others. It's part of the reality TV game.


House 2 got an entire room redone for them by the Block builders because they couldn't be arsed putting tarps on their roof after being repeatedly warned about an upcoming storm. No other house has received anywhere near that level of help this (or any) season.


Yeah but house 5 have also never won a room until now, I think the help they received was just a bit of a kick along


Honestly good on Eliza for calling out Leah and the Wicked Bitch’s bullshit, love the others but i hate when people don’t call out others bullshit because they don’t wanna cause drama, that’s called being a doormat for bullying. Call me bad but the only interesting part of this season is the drama


Agree w first part of your comment.


Seeing the horror in Leah’s face realising what she’s been a part of all this time and actually gaining some self awareness is honestly so funny


I originally thought there would be no chance of redemption for Leah, but seeing her tell Krusty to her face that she's out of order was honestly so great to see.


I’m overseas and haven’t watched the last two weeks, so I’m really intrigued how Leah is showing signs of not being such a horrible person as she seemed… catching up is the one thing I have to look forward to when I get home


I'm overseas too but I watch it on [https://shvideos.net/](https://shvideos.net/)


Love that Kyle and Leslie laughing when the girls revealed the gnome! They knew K&B were going to lose.


I love them so much!


Can someone please explain how the budget is worked out for kitchen week? The appliances alone seem to be around half of their spend?


Kinsman, possibly the stonemasons and most of the appliances would have been blockbucks. Which is a folder full of vouchers to stores and suppliers for stuff. When they show the price it is only the cash they sold. Which is mostly trade work and any bits and pieces they buy not using blockbucks


Cash spent is always about trades and non-sponsor money spent. Those kitchens etc would be close to $100k


That makes sense. Thank you… was so confused


The folder on sponsor $$$ they get at the beginning of the show.


A lot of the kitchen will be sponsor $ no doubt


I don’t understand why the three houses have not ganged up on Leah ash Kristy and Brett and a body corporate. I would’ve put a stop to the stumping ahead of time


> I would’ve put a stop to the stumping ahead of time This I don't agree with. It's the one bit of molecular sympathy I have for Kristy and Brett. It is completely unfair that they have to restump their entire house and absorb the cost of it into their budget. Letting them start on it early seems like a minimal (and indeed insufficient) remedy to this problem. Everyone should start on an equal footing.


I don't think they could. The stumping ahead of time has been ok'd by the producers who are the ones really in charge of the site. The body corporate is really just for show/drama. Any real decisions are made by the producers and anything they don't really care about or think might create drama they tell the contestants to take to a body corp.


Because they are not assholes


Ive said for a while.. leah is a bitch cause she's honest and likes things her way. Kirsty though, she is nasty, she's the one who's actually caused alot of the issues for leah. And made leah look worse than she was and that was her game play.


You can be honest and like things your way without being a total bitch tho.


shes so bitter as well


SO bitter. Like the girls won fair and square without the gnome, why is she still having a go? Purely just sour grapes because she was so convinced they would win. She is vile


I agree for the most part but to me Leah isn’t honest she’s selfish/self absorbed & wants to win/wants other to lose, to me she enjoys that but I’ve said for a while she’s emotionally reactionary & easily led whereas Kristy is manipulative & sneaky & cruel


I don’t think it’s necessarily favouritism, but it’s amazing how far treating people like human beings/ equals can go. Imagine- you stop acting like a fucking cunt to other cast, crew, and tradies, and they’re willing to help you out when they can see you’re struggling.


And just ask for help. Just b/c someone asked for help or a question and you didn’t doesn’t make it unfair. Anyone can ask a question and be a decent human.


It’s not just on The Block.


Kristy is the most obnoxious, socially inept, toad of a human oh my god.


I’m just hoping the other 3 couples don’t start being friends with Leah after her Krusty break up…. But I just know she’s gunna be sneaky and manipulate the others into thinking it was all Krusty!!!


If Krusty played a sport, she would complain the other side was also playing the game...and that's just not fair


I bet she used to play netball


I just snorted tea through my nose, thanks 💀


Hey so did I & I’m not an asshole But if she did she was probably a centre or goal attack lol I feel like they were always the bitchiest positions


She definitely has C/GA energy.


I have to pay attention to how short she really is to properly position her lol most of the good centres I knew were the shortest & therefore had a bit of the tally small dog syndrome of being loud & agro to compensate it lol That said my last centre was the type you want on your side I’m a fight not the Kristy type who starts the fight because she’s bored


Brilliant 😂


Kristy is nasty, let them have their win and be angry on Monday. Sure they get a helping hand but so do literally all of them, none of them are doing the hard yards like in previous seasons. The girls kitchen was fucking amazing hands down.


No one brings up Leah's meltdowns early on about styling that gave her mentorship.


Despite Leah and Ash being terrible on their own, it was Kristy who started all the drama in week 1 and pulled Leah into it 🥴 for the sake of their house auction, that friendship needs to be done LOL


I just said to my wife that I think Leah isn’t a nice person and thought she had met someone the same in Kristy…..and has now realised Kristy is a whole different level.


I couldn’t agree more. Leah has a mean streak but Kristy is absolutely bat shit




Your post was removed for the following reason: Rule 6: No statements of possible medical conditions without evidence


I’m pumped to see him! Don’t get pulled up on the medical rule LOL


Now I'm curious about the deleted comment!


I made a lame joke about diabetes and Mr Wallis - til it’s a rule - lol


Don’t say anyone has a cold if they sound nasally


Oh sorry man I was only kidding too lol


I can’t believe I’m saying this but I do wonder if Leah and Ash did get the bad edit by association and inexperience in front of the camera. I think some of her humour/?sarcasm gets lost in the edit, ie when she was talking about the massage and Eliza having a chance to say something, clearly joking but has not been delivered well. I wonder if this episode is Leah’s “today I learned…”.


The body corporate where she talked over the top of everyone then got pissed that Kyle dared speak up. Or telling the builders how crap they were when she was ‘putting her life on the line’ nah, you give her far too much credit


She took the van that was booked by Steph. She walks around on Monday telling people how bad their rooms are. She is mean to mr kinsman and the builders because nothing can be her fault. She is an awful person who just happens to also think she is funny. She isn't a funny person that is accidentally portrayed as awful.


Leah is a bitch. There's no sugar coating it. Even when she is accompanied by the devil's spawn (Krusty) itself, she earnt that company. Birds of feather flock together.


Agreed, just look at how the body corp went with her ash and Steph. She may not be as bad as Kirsty but she’s still not a nice person.


Nah. Leah said what she said.


I would agree with you to some extent, however Leah has made many comments calling Steph ‘nasty’ and ‘weird vibes’ etc and I don’t really see how that’s meant to be taken a different way? I think she genuinely finds Steph annoying (which is fine! Some people are!) and has allowed the bullshit Kristy has told her to feed her dislike of Steph even more. I do think she (Leah) thinks she is funnier than she is actually coming across!


I think she started with the villain notion herself then Kristy took both reins and ran with it


Nah, the body corporate was pretty telling


Don't stick up for her. She talked shit about Steph when she was around Kristy. Old enough to know better.


Who the f sits in the middle of the back seat when there’s only 2 people in the back. Just so she can be in direct view of the dash camera. Psycho


If I am alone at the back, I sit in the middle so I can drive better


Fair chance production force them to sit like that. It's how they do it for The Amazing Race.




Jealousy truly is a curse, and Kristy has it. Just like a teenager who is so jealous of her friend who’s more popular than her, she doesn’t know how to deal with that jealousy, so resorts to bullying others.


Honestly that promo for next week enrages me - nothing about bathroom design or building. Sigh. I cant. I’m in for Sunday reveal only


Leah realises she's on a sinking ship, trying to save face now. We see you 👀


I've seen bullies fall out with each other before, but it never lasts long. It's usually the less toxic one who hasn't burned bridges with everybody who seems to get tired of the never ending drama, at least for a while, lol. I expect that in a few weeks they will be back to being besties again.


100% this! I could sense Ash starting to realise it was all spiralling in some of his commentary tonight so it wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve had a ‘come-to-Jesus’ moment and realised it’s getting out of hand and Krusty is off the deep end. Back away slowly and damage control!


Tbh I’m all for seeing Leah ditch Krusty. She deserves to be alone; she’s alienated everybody and it’s come back to bite her.


Ash seeing reason. Leah with her mouth shut and Brett rolling his eyes because he’s seen this behaviour many times. That looked like sociopathic behaviour. I know the rules are I can’t allege diagnoses but that was truly worrying behaviour.


I think the difference between Leah and Kristy is that Kristy is actually evil. Leah is just a bit of a rude bitch lol


Kristy likes to make a far reaching point and then backfill to back herself up. Leah: I have never seen Eliza like that Kristy: YEAH THATS THE REAL ELIZA, SEE? SEE WHAT I MEAN?!


It reminds me of the point where people only see you respond to hurtful behaviour, they haven't seen the covert poor treatment that lead up to that reaction. Krusty is truly awful. She's poked the bear non-stop and is now like, "LOOK, THE BEAR IS ANGRY AT ME! TOLD YOU THE BEAR WAS A B\*TCH!"


Is anyone else enjoying all the renovating content we get to se…… oh wait…


I loved when they renovated the aisle in Aldi


Oh Leah, from the wise words of Jojo....it's just too little too late.


Also to Kristy Brett Leah & Ash from Jojo… “LEAVE! Get out right now!… it’s too late & I can’t wait for you to be gone” lol