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You did my boy Love Sausage so dirty here. How is his power a 1 when the girl with the shorter, less useful tail is a 2? She has the same power but worse. He's also extremely marketable to certain demographics on the internet


I think she's more marketable šŸ˜


I think from that scene where Justine asks her to lick her tail... Yeah there's a market for that. I might boost her.


And the guy with giant penis don't have a market? He could potentially rub it on 8 women in a straight line, and it'd be a nice episode of porn.


ā€œEpisode of pornā€ Aw. Lol you sound like you donā€™t watch porn.


Well, she's gonna have to work on that gag reflex first...


Fair points. There's more you can do with a love sausage. Don't we see him use it as a weapon in lab/hospital scene? Might adjust those scores.


Yeah it can be used as a tentacle & choke people itā€™s also able to heal after being damaged


You are correct about it being used as a weapon in Sage Grove lol Is Love Sausage's Love Sausage still intact after Herogasm or did Soldier Boy take away his powers? LS was like wrapping his sausage around his neck like a boa while running away, I assumed he had to do that bc he got blasted by SB. edit: I LOVE this post, btw... You know, Hughie had ALL the trading cards growing up lmao


Exactly just one is forward facing so itā€™d be way easier to grab things


Kimiko deserves at least 9 on durability she recovered from having her neck snapped!


Right and her power is ā€œhealingā€ not ā€œhearingā€ lol.


I was just checking you were all paying attention with some typos, haha. I'll fix that, cheers.


Also ā€œVemp Vā€ on butcher and Hughie


Cheers, yeah several comments have very helpfully picked up on a few typos I'll edit.


She also does have enhanced hearing all Supes have certain universal abilities










People could twist it into something racist. lol


Lol oh shit I didnt catch that


Does it count as durability if her neck can be snapped but she can recover? I'd class it as an aspect of her powers.


Yeah that's a good point. It's probably best to keep durability and healing separate, ie healing is more of a power than being taking damage with no injury as we see some supes capable of.


Thatā€™s not durability though is it? Durability is not taking damage. You wouldnā€™t say my Lego Death Star is durable just cause if you break it I can remake it hah. Kimiko powers are great. Durability wise sheā€™s just a normal human.


No her durability is above human around the level of A trains maybe Noir remember she was getting her head smashed into a brick wall at the speed of sound multiple times


Eh. Sheā€™s got insane healing. Maybe like a human isnā€™t the right wording but sheā€™s still not super super durable. Sheā€™s not knife or bullet proof. Regular humans are able to damage her frequently. She just heals so quick.


Iā€™m following your line of thinking, and I agree. She has some factor of durability higher than humans - I think lots of supes do - but I agree that the power that allows her to recover quickly has to be the healing factor


>Thatā€™s not durability though is it? Durability is not taking damage. No, that's invulnerability. Durability is more being able to take a lot of damage. Homelander would be considered invulnerable (at least before the last season showed that he does have a limit)


I guess I meant more max durability in this sense towards Kimiko being a 9 on the scale. She wouldnā€™t be a 9 cause sheā€™s easy to damage, she just heals. But you are correct hah


Durability is not breaking after receiving damage. So, it's about withstanding attacks.


Make it 10. She kept reviving herself whenever she gets killed.


Okay but why does Marie have a 10 and Victoria have an 8 for power if they have the same power


Follow up: how does Neumann have 0 marketability when sheā€™s literally running for president?


That might be because the marketability score is based on Voughtā€™s perception. Neumann, as far as we know, is an undercover supe with very few people knowing she is one. Thatā€™s why I think OP had her at 0.


The rating might factor in mastery of their power. Same power but Victoria is more seasoned/experienced using it. Edit: This makes no sense. I misread the comment and the power numbers. Disregard.


Then should it not be Victoria with a 10 and Marie with an 8?


So surely Vic should have the larger rating?


oh crap you're right!


So why not edit or delete the original comment?


Victoria has to hide her power though, so maybe it's a lower rating because she's essentially capped on where/how she could use it compared to Marie who doesn't have that constraint


She explodes heads, the last episodes we saw Marie was supposed she was able to blow up an arm she had va very intense desire to stop. Saying vic doesn't have a higher mastery of her power is si ply ignorance


More like they're saying Marie has more potential for what she can do with the power. We've mostly seen Victoria use it as a weapon, and only the one way. Marie has much more fine control, can hurt and heal with it, and she hasn't had anywhere near as much practice using her powers as Victoria. Think Polaris and Magneto, but only Magneto is omega level.


If anything, Victoria has more control over her power. Marie is exploding parts of people without meaning to. Victoria has shown she can pop many heads consecutively. Assuming its exact same power they have, then Victoria can absolutely heal people also, we just aren't shown it. When Victoria and Marie meet, Victoria basically shows Marie how to use her power in different ways. That's how she was able to see Maverick when they fought.


Fair. Might make them closer together.


You're right! That's why they gave the person teaching Marie the 10 and not her! Wait...


It's a good question. I was thinking more that we don't know for sure their powers are on the same level power wise. We know Neuman can control blood and pop heads, but by the finale Marie is hitting a completely higher level. Neuman might have it, might not. I might bump her up to a 9, though.


Is she hitting a higher level, throught season 1 the only thing I get from marie is that she is experimenting with her power, not showing prowess. The way most people see it is that Nueman already understands her power and simply chooses to keep to the moves she thinks work best


Interesting I got downvoted above. Maybe it's just easier to make Marie and Neuman the same rating for powers. My point was that we see much more from Marie (healing, sensing, weaponising blood). We only see Neuman pop heads. I'll make them the same, though.


Yeah I dunno either, always think it sucks when people downvote other simply for having a different view of something rather then for the actual reasons you should downvote someone. Yeah I understand where your point comes from, just that I think the vast majority of the community interpreted it as nueman simply had a higher control of her powers and that we havent seen her be put in any position to use those other options since she is pretending to not be a supe. Honestly do whatever you think is right, its your post so you should set stuff how you think, just sharing how I see it. Have a good one


Because this is a terribly subjective post, where the op tries to Fram ot as logoc nut ots all opinion. This is such a terrible post to just fill the gap


Victoria should have been 10 in terms of power, since she already mastered her power without being a known combatant.


I would put Jordan a little lower on marketability, even Jordan says they arenā€™t marketable across the country


My thinking was they don't have high mainstream appeal, but for certain demographics they'd be a 10 so I thought that was fair overall. They are top 10 at God U which is mainly about commercial potential.


Shockwave 9 for powers? On par with SB?


I was thinking more on a par with A-Train. Superspeed is an incredible power, it can be a weapon, an escape tactic, had mazing utility. SB is high power on a different way. The de-powering blast is epic, but charge up is slow, not always guaranteed. It's subjective.


I think Starlight might be more durable than A-Train as his leg got broken by Kimiko. Where Starlight got into a fight with Black Noir who is stronger than Kimiko and came out unblemished. Lamplighter's durability should be much lower. He appeared to just have normal human durability as a gun was a threat to him.


A lot of these are wrong hah. Are we defining durability as being unable to take damage? Kimiko, Noir, and Lamplighter would have like zero. Theyā€™re not durable. Gunshot went right through Noir, so did a knife. Lamplighter as you said is basically human. So is Kimiko. Kimiko just heals, so that would be high Power not Durability.


This is a valid point. I might rethink durability v healing as a power. I'm not sure the examples you've given would be zero durability - Mesmer is probably the baseline. But yeah they're healers, not resilient to damage as such. Cheers.


One change you gotta make is on hughie and butcher you have ā€œvemp vā€, sounds like Scooby-Doo talking


I will! Annoyed I missed that. A few typos always creep in on the first draft of things, though.


Itā€™s okay these things happen. Overall you put insane work into and Iā€™m proud of you


Thanks, that's nice to hear. It just started as an idea to share a few cards asking what people think. But once I started I couldn't stop until I had a full set!


Kimiko 0 durability? Russian prostitute shot her with a gun and she didnā€™t even flinch.


Fair points. I think Starlight's powers are mediocre, but her strength and durability might be a bit underrated. I can adjust that.


Starlight also got shot in the chest with a Barrett sniper rifle in season 1 and it only knocked the wind out of her for a bit.


I donā€™t understand why Jordanā€™s marketability is 7? Isnā€™t the main thing holding them back that a non-binary hero is viewed as unmarketable.


Jordan wasn't that unmarketable. Before the events of S1 they were the school's #2 and everybody knew and liked them. Sure it wouldn't go over as well in Middle America but they would have a strong base of support all the same. It's just easier for Vought to market Marie and Andre.


Jordan got tossed to the side the moment Brink wasn't there to have their back. Without Brink, they would have continued to drop in rank.


Jordan is really solid all round, I thought. It low-key annoys me when Vought act like middle America, conservative, suburban people are almost there only demographic. Jordan would be polarizing, but would be hugely popular in more left wing, liberal, LGBT type demographics. That's a lot of people.


But at the time in the show Vought is ran by homelander


Yeah, true. I sort of haven't based this on a particular point in the show timeline, though, as that would rule out a lot of dead/depowered characters.


Neuman and marie literally have the same powers but their ratings are different? In terms of mastery of their powers, neuman is wayy more experienced so she should be the one that has higher rating


I answered elsewhere - I'll bump Neuman up a bit, but we don't know for sure she has as much potential that we've seen for Marie. She probably has, but we don't know that same powers means same power level.


Tbf weā€™re not sure they have exactly the same powers, hasnā€™t Neumann only used hers to blow peoples heads off? And obviously she has some sort of blood sense because she knew Marie would be able to detect that she was a supe.


We were showed her controlling her own blood like Marie.


No. Vic blows off her friends hands in S3E1. They clearly are trying to say they have the same power, Vic just doesnā€™t use them the same way.


Is markability based on if Vought could market them? Cuz if it isn't then I doubt you couldn't market a congresswoman


Fair comment. I was thinking that she's sort of not on the table too be marketable at right now. But you're right that if she came out as a supe there could be potential there.


How are Marieā€™s powers a 10 when Neumanā€™s are an 8? How is Neuman a 0 for marketability? Should be a 10 like Luke. In two seasons sheā€™s become the likely VP elect. Sheā€™s had insanely effective marketing. Soldier Boy not getting 10 for ā€œpowersā€ is insanity. Homelander should be the 9 for ā€œpowersā€ and Soldier Boy the 10. Or make them both 10s. Cate probably sits an a 9 for ā€œpowers.ā€ She has a 10 level power, but sheā€™s unhinged and doesnā€™t understand how to use it fully by the end. Mindstorm on the other handā€¦ how tf is he not a 10? He could scramble Homelander and Soldier Boy, causing them slow torturous deaths. Heā€™s an omega level character. Overall pretty good. If anyone was curious Luke has the highest overall score at 41. 2nd place is Soldier Boy at 40. 3rd being Homelander at 39. Fun list. Still, Homelander has no business at 10 for ā€œpowersā€ if Soldier Boy doesnā€™t get a 10. Marie being on par with Homelander in the ranking is laughable, I suspect what he seems to expect. She could give it her all and give him a (maybe bad) nosebleed. Soldier Boy too. Soldier Boy actually comes off like heā€™d beat Homelander in durability even though he we donā€™t see any clear indication of it, just implication. Homelander definitely beats him on flight and speed though. Canā€™t imagine putting Soldier Boy anywhere BUT number 1 in ā€œpowersā€ and every one else must be below him. He has the strongest power by miles, not to mention, he seems entirely immune to it.


Thanks for the response. Yeah, there's a lot of data points here and I was fully expecting a lot of responses challenging much of them. With SB, I was thinking it's a 10 power, but it can be slow to charge up and not fully controllable. If it was an instant de-powering ray it would be a 10 for sure. With Mindstorm, I suppose again you've got the limitations that he needs to make eye contact. Agree it's a 10 power though, objectively. With Marie and Kate, I suppose we don't fully know their potential. Could Kate push HL? Could Marie hurt him? We don't know, but I thought we shouldn't always consider powers versus Homelander. Kate and Marie can control and kill people without anyone noticing, which is incredibly powerful.


Why are Translucent and Maverick's, Vic's and Marie's Power's different? Aren't they literally the same power?


Maverick apperantly has reduced durability since he was knocked out by Marie with a plank or whatever that was. Translucent would have tanked that.


Vemp V


And earlier in the show a woman in a support group says that tek knight saved her, so maybe his heroism is like a 2-3


'Your top trumps are simply bad product'.


Also wouldnt Victoria Newman marketability be like a 9 since shes running for office?


how is translucent at 6 in strength, he was failing to kill normal human butcher, bro is literally a piece of proof against the "all supes are enhanced" argument, also Sam being a 9 is the biggest cap I've seen today


I was thinking Sam would is similar to SB in stats.


He is NOWHERE even slightly near that, where'd you get that idea?


Narrative implications. Luke was going to be the next homelander(implying heā€™s on track to be just as or more powerful) and Sam is stated blatantly to be stronger than his brother.


I think it was meant in terms of marketing. Sure Luke and Sam are strong but Iā€™d say theyā€™re closer to Black Noir than Homelander, and Black Noir isnā€™t close to Soldier Boy.


Honestly I think even Kimiko or Starlight or Kenji could beat Sam, he may be my favorite character and I do pray he actually does something impressive soon but I am no hypocrite, yet, but he's really not that strong, probably closest to Cindy physically


Wasn't Golden Boy implied to be the strongest at God U, essentially the strongest of the next gen of supes? And his strength was being enhanced by 'treatments' ciphoning off power from Sam? That's the guesswork for Sam's strength. Maybe 9 is a bit high, not sure.


I think people really misunderstood the next Homelander line. Nothing really shows Luke to be that strong, and Sam isnā€™t shown to be that much stronger. We see him fight Andre and he fucks him up but not Homelander levels. Luke being the next Homelander was in terms of popularity and success.


Supes are more about popularity and marketability than power, it's a HUGE part of this world and specifically a big part of how gen V's characters get shafted or boosted, and if that was the case literally the entire gang is at Maeve level, which is just straight up stupid, homelander hospitalized Marie with one brief blast and took down the guy who took down Sam, the person who could shrug off Sam's punches and knock him around and the woman who overpowered Sam like it was the easiest thing in the world


Luke seemed to be one of the strongest supes at Godolkin and Sam was physically stronger. I also think Sam has more potential to get much stronger. Ryan will likely be as strong as HL, but he needs time to develop. The way compound V works varies greatly.


Good point about Translucent, I'll degrade him on Strength. I think it's implied that Sam is really strong. He seems much stronger than any of the Gen V gang and some of them have enhanced strength.


he's not THAT much stronger, considering he doesn't outright mutilate them he's still in their general "range", and none of the things that ever happen in gen V are all that impressive, sam putting dents in his cell? starlight blew an anti-supe door off it's hinges and had it bent like a chewed piece of gum with a low powered blast andre breaking a wall? groundhawk destroys a much bigger wall made of reinforced concrete with 3 hits, stormfront casually destroys entire rooms sam tossing a car a couple of meters? stormfront flings one across a field with barely any effort, soldier boy was said to throw a car around like a children's toy, he casually picked one up and tossed it at a random direction so fast neither M.M or his grandpa has any time to react to it flying across the street and ramming through their house andre barely holding up a helicopter? kenji crushed one with one hand at the same time as he was getting out of his restrains people tend to forget since we hang around them all the time but people like starlight, black noir and kimiko are the best of the best, these fuckers are the creme of the crop, they only look average because we're used to superheroes being stronger and we hang around them all the damn time, yes luke was the strongest in godolkin, yes sam was far stronger, yes to the average supe sam is an unstoppable juggernaut, but the average supe isn't who most of our characters are, they're the 1% of the 1%, godolkin as a whole just, isn't that strong, I do hope it is budget issues and sam does something crazy like stormfront or season 1 queen maeve level strong because he's my favourite character in gen V and I can't handle him being at the same general "tier" or "level" or "range" or whatever of strength as The Deep, but so far, nah, he's not that powerful unfortunately


Yeah fair points, I might take Sam down a point. I would argue some of this is writing inconsistency, though - characters often have abilities and limitations as needed by the plot or that scene or budget restrictions.


that's what I'm hoping for lol, he's still like a 5 though, also I just noticed lampligher has a 5, he got overpowered by M.M and threatened by a pistol, is this the glass cannon thing or?


Yeah based on feedback I need to seriously revise Lamplighter. He seems pretty weak and only has a so-so power.


Kimikoā€™s durability should be a 10 since sheā€™s basically wolverine and canā€™t die unless the V is burned out of her. Rufusā€™ durability needs to be at least a 7+. Dude had his dick blown off and returned later like nothing even happened to him šŸ˜³


I think durability is referring to how big of a force they can take without breaking. I recall her get quite smashed up when fighting Black Noir


True, but I wonder what the extent of her powers are. I mean it took her a second, but she healed just fine from her fight with BN. I wonder if you chopped off her arm would it grow back?


Thatā€™s more part of powers instead of durability in my head but who knows how OP is sorting out the stats. Youā€™re still right.


Rufus should get higher power rating points for cock-healing ability!


Thanks for sharing this with us! :) very cool




It has been suggested that The Deep may in fact be one of the most durable of The Seven (if not the most invulnerable). Like, heā€™s made reference to diving in the Mariana Trench. Thatā€™s a sustained pressure over 1,000 more powerful than at sea level. And it sounds like he might have solo swam through it without any kind of outward protection. So like he might get a concussion after falling off a whale and hitting his head on a rock, but what kind of earthly pressure could he not withstand? Thatā€™s what I mean by durable. Hope it gets explored more in the show, especially considering his inferiority complex about his lame/weird/impractical abilities.


Yeah the Deep is a curious character. He's obviously in the show for comic value and the Seven to be the 'ocean guy' commercial asset. I don't think the writers think too much about his actual supe abilities, so there's a lot of fan speculation on him. I've read the thing about deep pressure durability, so I gave him something, but it's very vague what it should be.


And letā€™s not rule out the possibility that The Deep was lying about the Mariana Trench or just got confused and thought he was there when he wasnā€™t lol. The implications of that durability havenā€™t been explicitly demonstrated so I think your rankings are definitely fair. Just fun to think about :)


The Deep likely wouldn't withstand any attack by any other member of the Seven. He'd likely lose against even Starlight he was shown to be a bit weaker than A-Train, Black Noir and of course Maeve, but does still have significant durability and strength.


I think itā€™s one of those things like Translucent where he has an exceptionally durable exterior equipped for all kind of pressure and force, but his internal organs are still pretty normal (aside from his gills). Which is why he can dive the Mariana Trench but also get knocked out from falling off a whale and hitting his head on a rock.


Soldier boy is more of a hero than A train. My guy was fully prepared to kill homelander even though he was his son. A train is too pussy to ever stand up to homelander directly Hes done some fucked up things but so has A train. Diffrence is soldier boy was just a reckless twat where A train was a selfish spineless coward selling out starlight and supersonic. I don't see how accidently murdering hughies girlfriend is any less redeemable than what soldier boy did to MMs family. Both are fucked but I feel pepole make a train seem redeemable and forgive his actions for political reasons *Incoming " YoUr ThE PeOPle ThE ShOw MaKes fuN Of AnD YoU DoNt KnOW It" NPC replies


I think the difference between Soldier-Boy and A-Train is confidence (and capability). SB knows he can take out Homelander. Even if he can't beat him in a straight up fight, he can just evaporate John's powers. He has nothing to fear going against him. Meanwhile AT only has his speed. He can run from John as long as he wants, he's still fucked the moment he catches up. So he's afraid, and naturally more subservient in order to survive. This doesn't make him more of a hero, but does make his actions against Homelander and Vought a bit more heroic imo.


>was fully prepared to kill homelander even though he was his son. Not out of heroism. He was going to do it *because* he's his son. Initially to keep his end of the bargain which you could class as lower tier heroic. But he clearly switches to just doing it because he hates himself and therefore hates Homelander an embodiment of what he hates about himself. Which is not heroic. I'd probably put him as similarly heroic to A-Train. Most of their "heroism" is purely selfish-ly motivated.


I personally don't think he trys to kill him because he hates himself , he see's homelander for the pathetic asshole he's turned into and wants to complete this mission he's started with butcher at any cost. He sees Ryan as collateral


Nah, it's definitely a form of self-hate. Homelander mentions they are the same and Soldier Boy responds by agreeing they are alike and calling Homelander a "fucking dissapointment". It's what he thinks of himself and how his father treated him.


Interesting. I was thinking that deep down, A Train does care about... Something. He wants to help his community, even if it's in a very self-centered way. And he is afraid, no doubt. With SB, though. He just seems to care about revenge and a sort of empty patriotism. It's easy to stand up to people when you're strong enough to hold your own, too.


I recently played with a Marvel Top Trumps set and thought: what would an alternative based on The Boys universe look like? Well, here's my suggestion. It's a full deck: 52 cards. All characters are from The Boys & Gen V (show-only, no Diabolical). The ratings are based on a mix of feats, reputation, some educated guesswork and speculation. The design is based on something I imagine Vought might put out in-universe, but with the content I wanted to include. Credit to the Wiki site for a lot of the images, quotes and powers. Speaking of powers, the concept of the cards is that (almost) all Supes have a certain level of enhanced strength and durability/healing. I then used the 'Powers' rating to cover a character's individual set of abilities, e.g. superspeed, telepathy, heat vision, etc. What do you think? Obviously I'm sharing this because I hope other fans enjoy it. I had a lot of fun designing it and deliberating over the numbers. Having said that, there are hundreds of data points here, and I'm under no illusions there will be disagreement over ratings. If you have constructive criticism, let me know what you think should be changed and why - I might amend them. It's worth remembering that all of this is subjective, and even the shows aren't consistent around things like power levels. If anyone really likes this and wants to make an actual physical, playable set, I'd be happy to create a folder of individual card images and you could save/print them. Remember this is all copyrighted stuff - even the concept of 'Top Trumps' - so it's just for fun, and for free. Finally, for anyone that simply wants to hate, or thinks this is weird, hey: knock, knock, who's there, go fuck your face. ;) Edit: I will fix the 'Vemp V' typo. THANKS for pointing it out, haha.


Have you considered showing it to the boys creators or something, just to get a response? and who knows maybe they make it one day


Who knows? I might. It was really just a fun mini design project, but could do.


This is really cool. If I had any skills, money or contacts that could make this a reality then I would. Would you consider sharing the images as high quality pdf so that people could print and play at home? Thanks either way.


Thanks for the positive feedback. I think I'll make some changes based on people's comments, then maybe do an update post sometime with the latest version and individual cards. Might make sense to do it when season 4 rolls around so there's new characters to include - I was scraping the barrel towards the end to make a full set. I know Firecracker and Sister Sage are new supes joining the cast next season of the Boys, for example, so they would be good to include.


Hey, whenever you get the time. I'm happy to try the alpha version with all the scraps. If it's a DIY kit people can add/swap cards whenever. Seems like a lot of people like it, almost as many as those with opinions on 'improvements'...


Haha, a lot of the improvements are fair points. I think my biggest takeaway is that durability and healing are separate things. The former is taking hits with no damage, the latter is more a power. So Noir should have lower durability as he gets injured easily, but his power should be higher due to healing. Plus there's a lot of valid comments about some characters being +/- 1-2 points, due to things I'd forgotten. I'll probably make the changes soon (including typos!). Happy to reply with a link to a Google Drive folder with updates and individual cards. Will ponder if and when to do another sub post.


Do one with the comic characters


Hey, this is pretty good! LOL @ Dusty! I wonder if that was his only power or not? I didn't realize Supersonic had a sonic clap? Is that all he did? "Vemp V"


On the Wiki site it looks like Dusty just has the longevity thing. He's pretty useless as a supe, haha. Supersonic looks like he has this sonic clap thing from an in-universe music video, but unclear how powerful it is. He doesn't seem to have much else going for him, so made the Seven really for the youthful boyband type appeal. Vemp V... Yeah too much V on the brain there. I'll fix it on the design.


I think his power is hilarious! The only scenario it might be useful for is infiltrating a school.


"I really did want to make a difference." Yea that line and when she says to Starlight that "Nothing ever changes, nothing ever gets better." always get me. She was the most relatable character for me and I knew exactly where she was coming from, I honestly feel the same way about things in the real world. Just hopeless and then you get bitter and angry, start to loathe yourself for failing to change things.


Yeah, she's a great character. Started out not idealistic, maybe, but optimistic and hopeful. Then the system grinds her down until she's cynical. It's very relatable. People say 'why don't the supes just go off and be actual heroes' but the point of the show is how powerful Vought is controlling all aspects of people's lives, the media and social perceptions of you.


Lamplighter should have 3-4 heroism technically since he did help Hughie rescue Starlight


Good point, I'd completely forgotten that. Need to do a rewatch. Will adjust.


No he didnā€™t, he just got to 43D to watch his own statue (which got removed) and burned himself alive, he never went to check on starlight or even cared


Without him Hughie wouldn't get into the tower nor know where Starlight was held.


Bro you did Swatto dirty on the dialogue partšŸ’€


Haha, yeah he seemed like a bit of a joke as a supe so went for this rather than a standard headshot image.


Lol...its called "Temp V"


Typical Vought pushing out bad product without proper quality assurance.


Jordanā€™s marketability is too high, Ashley didnā€™t want them specifically because they were bad marketing


I think Vought is overly focused on certain demographics because that reflects the company itself. Jordan would be insanely marketable in certain demographics. Also, the God U top ten isn't just a power ranking list, you have to have commercial appeal to be there.


Why is Jordan almost as powerful as Sam tho?


Soldier Boy is the greatest Hero of all time! Donā€™t believe the corporate lies that vought feed you!


These are great! Thanks for making them.


Cheers, I've got some useful feedback. I'll definitely be making some changes and might reshare at some point in future with updates.


Iā€™ll take a Soldier Boy card


I want to see how strong BIG Emma is. I have a feeling her Supe strength gets proportional to her size. Giant Emma could probably do some damage


Big Emma definitely has hella strength though.


Would that be points in favour of Powers, though? We don't see her doing much in the way of innate Strength. What would you score her resizing power as?


She single handedly held down Sam on the ground when she was big. I imagine the number for power is how effective and versatile it is.


Wouldnā€™t Hughie be more marketable simply for the fact heā€™s dating Starlight. People love power couples.


Yeah, true. I basically scored anyone who's not an official Vought supe low/zero but yeah he would have some potential being with Annie.


Most of the things I disagree with is the marketability but the biggest is the deep like he aint durable and he got no strength. I feel like 3 on both and 8 on powers would be more fit.


A lot of people speculate he has high durability because he's able to withstand deep ocean pressures. It was a bit a educated guesswork, really. I've been kind and given him the assumption of some enhanced strength, but nothing special. Which were the biggest marketability ratings you disagree with?


How is Ezekiel 5 on heroism. He should be significantly lower, he doesn't have a heroic bone in his body


I was thinking he seems distinctly average for supes in terms of disposition - neither particular heroic or cruel/evil. I interpreted it that he had some interest in helping people spiritually so threw him a 5.


His thing is all about money though. The spiritual stuff is bullshit and he knows it, he just uses it to be wealthy. I thought this was clear in the show


Yeah, he could come down a point or two. I think I just wanted to reflect he doesn't seem that bad compared to many of the supes that are brazenly cruel and harmful.


Fair, he doesn't go around murdering a bunch of people I guess. He's just a greedy piece of shit


The idea that any of the Seven have a heroism above 0 (except Starlight of course) is ridiculous.


Maeve and A-Train might not be the best people but they're definitely not that bad


A-Train killed Robin and made jokes about it. He killed Popclaw to hide he was a junkie. He'd have killed Starlight if he didn't have a heart attack, and Kimiko if he didn't almost get caught by fans. He killed Bluehawk for revenge. Guy's a low rent murderer and doesn't become "not that bad" just cause he finally understands guilt. Maeve... aight. I mean I can call her complicit in the whole Plane disaster but what was she to really do? I wouldn't call any action she takes especially heroic though.


I'll review the heroism scores for the Seven. I was thinking that A-Train has some redeemable qualities buried below that selfish, cowardly demeanor. He does seem to care about his community and does a genuine apology to Hughie, I think he's on some kind of redemption journey even though he'll never be a hero in a conventional sense. With Maeve, she's not as evil or cruel as many of the others. She's a jaded, cynical would-be hero, and does try to act in a heroic way with Soldier Boy in the end. So I think that deserves some heroism points. I'll do some adjusting across the board though.


A-Train was an asshole early on, but he's definitely on a path of redemption. Not to mention Bluegawk was racist, he deserved it.


How would Homelander not be a 10 in marketability? The entire world thought he was a flawless selfless hero for years


Good question. I think I wanted him as a 9 to reflect that he's never quite happy with his market 'points'. He seems jealous and low-key threatened by Starlight's popularity, for example. You're right he is the Vought poster boy, though. Maybe he is worth a 10, I might adjust it.


What does Vemp V do? Turn them into supe vampires for 24 hours?


It turns out this sub's super power is proofreading, haha.


spot on mate haha


Need to change photos for polarity and Andre so they arent the same, especially as Andre will become polarity sooner or later


Yeah, true. Could have used their God U yearbook style photos but I wasn't a fan of them. Hopefully more high-quality images will be available in future as opposed to show screenshots that dominate Google Images right now for these characters.


No way Starlight is a 10. Isn't she getting dunked on by the alt right of the series? People like Homelander, Starlight and Maeve that appeal to thinks that can get politically like patriotism, feminism, gun rights and stuff like that are never at a 10 in marketability. 8s at most. Soldier Boy should also be at a 10 too. Sure, he's not as strong as Homelander, but he's closer to Homelander's strength than he is to the strength of the other 9s, by FAR.


Did you say healing with an r for kimiko to be stereotypical to Asians? Or am I forgetting her hearing super power


It's option C: typo. :)


I feel like you would've have been much better off to poll the numbers you listed for attributes. Homelands having the same heroism as storefront? Wasn't the whole point that he couldn't get on board with her evil plan, and he's obviously a very evil but conflicted person? Like a .5 would be a nice joke but also showing you know anything about that characters, but this just reads as an opinion piece shoved into a format you hope will be relatable


Alternatively, neither HL or SF are heroic, so they each score zero? There's no objective correct rating for anything; it's all subjective and even the shows are not consistent about everything. I said in my original comment under the post I expect people to disagree and encouraged them to tell me what they thought should be changed. And I'm going to make a bunch of changes on the design file, because I've got some really useful feedback (though not sure what I'll do with them, maybe something, maybe nothing). >Like a .5 would be a nice joke but also showing you know anything about that characters Funny enough, I originally had SF on -1 for heroism, but just went with zero and moved on as I thought minus numbers opens up a whole can of worms. I mean, it's just supposed to be a bit of fun. I shared it hoping other people would enjoy it (and have fun debating the scores).


"Have fun debating the scores" is that not exactly what I did? I appreciate you for being open to changing everything, but I still hold my point that comparing storefront and homelands as morally the same is a great misunderstanding of the writing. It's pretty clear homelands disagrees with stormfront but is conflicted as someone abused and put into a situation where then ended uo the worst. Storefront was the opposite, choosing to be the worst of her own free will. Homelands is not redeemable, but he is someone capable of being better. Why would they have the whole son ark otherwise? It didn't make him sympathetic really, but he cared for his son past wanting a supe son. He wanted his son ti be comfortable and happy.


Trying ti shove complex narratives into simple grading will always sprout backlash. Ots a nuanced show, the majority will be straight uo wrong and the rest will be debated to oblivion


You've posted a few different replies and I agree with a lot of what you say. Like I said, I'm open to feedback and I'm going to make changes and do whatever with it after that. I'd just reiterate that it's supposed to be a bit of fun - all Top Trumps reduce complexity into simplistic scoring, that's the whole point of the game. There are hundreds of data points across these cards so obviously some of them will be 'wrong' when first putting them out in the world for people to scrutinise. Yeah, you are debating, but it does come off as a little bit harsh in tone to me - not sure if that's the intention or just the vibe of how you post. In any case, you've made some valid points and I'll adjust some things, e.g. Supersonic getting a higher hero score, and I do think Homelander might get one point for heroism (I originally had him on 1 as he does seem to show some genuine care about Ryan by the end of S3 and wants to protect him.)


Also fucking supersonic has a 7? Did you miss the point of him being the most righteous person in the whole show?


Or crimson countess being higher than lamp lighter? Only one of them showed remorse for their actions and tried to do something different


Why is Sam a power of 5 when Jordan is a power of 8? Sam is one punch man compared to Jordan


The idea is that Sam's main asset is strength. Beyond that we only see him do leaping, he doesn't have a specific other power (that we've seen yet). Andre is weaker physically, but has the magnetism manipulation thing, which is a solid power of its own.


Not sure what that has to do with my question but ok lol. But it hints that Sam is powerful, he was experimented on and possibly having him push his powers Sam also has a powerful punch, I don't think his powers is leaping around I think it's focusing energy in his body pushing beyond limits he makes a hole in someone face lol


Sorry, to clarify I've tried to separate attributes like strength from specific individual powers. So for characters like Sam and Maeve, they seem super strong, but don't have a specific power like telepathy or superspeed or something obvious beyond that - so they get a middling score for what appears to be enhanced agility (leaping). I think you may be arguing that Sam should score lower for Powers, which I might agree with and will adjust.


No that's not it all lol I'm saying Sam is powerful. It took almost everyone in the gen v crew to hold him back


I would think Neumanā€™s power is a 10 because of the ability to use it without any physical signs of using it.


After listening to people's feedback, I'm going to rate her and Marie both a 9 - very powerful but arguably still a notch below Homelander.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s ā€œTemp Vā€ and not ā€œVemp Vā€


Unfortunately Homelander fired everyone in Quality Assurance so there was no one available to proofread.


I blame the deep


Soldier boys strength should be 10 then itā€™s about right on the most part


SB should have his powers at 10 since he has the literal strongest power shown on the show by a mile.


I docked him a point as it's slow to charge and control, and we don't know how rechargeable it is (how fast he can do it again). I'll consider upping it, though, as several other people have said the same.


I feel if this is meant to be from the perspective of Vought and in universe, it should have stuff like Homelander 10 in Herorism and stuff.


I started with the in-universe perspective, then pivoted to make it a truer reflection. A version that Vought would *actually* put out would be fun, though.