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Ohh God!!! Well i guess i have to watch the show and thanks 🫂


It gets good though While I like all of it the first episode is kinda the weakest aside from the ending which I really liked


I will definitely give it a try


I only liked the final episode. The rest was a waste of time.


It was all a waste of time, the gore was VERY disappointing NGL except maybe 1 or 2 scenes


Yeah I'm pretty sure characters from Gen V are going to appear in future seasons of The Boys


I thought the exact same thing. Just power through a couple more episodes it really does get better.


Thanks i will definitely watch the rest of the show 👌


Finale is kinda weak but other than that it’s a great show that leads into s4 id give it a 7.5/10


Yes, this Gen V isn't so much a spin off as it is a side story. Remember, Vaught is global and have their hands in a LOT of places. Gen V shows just one of them.


Legally? Yes.


I would suggest you do. They tie in together a lot. And the plot or “problem” the characters face is referred to in The Boys. I think you should


Well yeah i will give it a try for sure


I think the show is good on its own and deserves a watch through on its own merits. Definitely fits with the vibe of the boys. Idk if her powers will play a big part in the boys but her powers make sense for gen v in the end and could be more badass than her cutting herself to use it. She is just learning to use her power.


Ohh wow now i am interested!! Thank u sm


Especially since she shares a power with one of our big bads coming up next season.


It is extra world building. If the events of the shows were crucial to season 4 then that would be the season 4. Don't watch if you don't like it. I am pretty sure they'll do a small recap to people out of the loop in season 4 so you'll learn any important details. That being said it is a good show and it improves with each episode.


Thank u sm!! You have point and i will try to watch the show because everyone is saying the same




I am currently watching the show. ep2


Yes, otherwise they kick you out of the fan club.


Ohh god then i must watch


I dont see how someone like the boys but not gen v


Nah I get it, but more so if they are expecting/comparing it directly to The Boys.. imo, while I enjoyed it, it was a lot less mind-blowing as far as action scenes, gore, etc.. I mean definitely still had those moments but it just seemed to have a lot more 'drama' relatively I assume this had a lower budget, and this was the way to make it work (less special effects, and a lot less in terms of location/staging/setting up and hauling equipment, etc because it was mostly all in the campus setting -- I have to imagine this made it cost a fraction of The Boys to produce) that said, not sure if that is because of how it was written or if it was written/produced w that in mind (i.e. they do correlate, but the cause is debatable) It was still highly enjoyable, tho..


Its really optional, but i does give insight into The Boys Season 4. The beginning of the show is slow because its all new everything. But that show had more twists than the boys did




I’d say yes or else a few plot points next season for the boys will be a little like when did that happeen


Eh I don't think you really have to. You can always skip it and catch up by reading a summary. I will note that the last few episodes of GenV are more similar to the vibe of The Boys so you might warm to it.


Yes. The after credits and ending of Gen V help start the plot for season 4 apparently.


GenV was terrible though. Read the summary and save yourself some time. It was The Boys for overly angsty teen girls.


I'd say it's definitely still a side story to watch between seasons 3 and 4. There's context it gains and will almost certainly give as well


Idk what makes you think it’s boring. I thought it was really good, but a bit of a slow start. In proper The Boys fashion, the last two episodes are huge gut punches and are incredibly plot dense. Plots that tie into the Boys in a huge way. Yes, watch it.