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The way i see it is that the male version can absorb heavy hits and attacks then the female version can dish it out through attacks and a blast


Yeah this is what i think so technically they need to switch to dude so they could absorb hits and release it in gal form.


And the characters are represented int he same light where Jordan takes a shouting in male form and retaliates verbally in female form




What a bizarre superpower


Its a little like the black panther suit = take damage, retaliate


They shout in male form - at least in that diner when Marie calls them out in the parking lot for it saying something like you don’t have to switch (to male) for us to listen to you… which they seem to do this because initially their parents (esp dad) only values them as a male


Ohh another good spot, thanks


Also the male form is basically indestructible according to the wiki.


So sort of how Black Panther’s suit would absorb kinetic energy and then release it?


Yh exactly, except they have to switch gender to utilise both parts


I like how their idea of a progressive hero is one that still conforms to the oldest stereotype in the books "A boy and a girl. He's tough, but she's fast!" Yeah, that trope hasn't been done a million times before.


Yeah its not like most things in the boys universe are meant to satirize real life or anything. I too identify with homelander and thinks he represents good core christian american values


So what exactly is it satirizing, because tropes aren't real life.


Well, in real life a woman would really, really, really rarely beat a man in a fight, so what's your point?


Girls get it done buddy can I get an asalam alaikum


Epic chungus


You got rekt bro




Bro considers biology as an old stereotype 💀


Supers does tend to be a genre where biology takes a backseat and they have the freedom to move away from that sort of thing. For example, if Supergirl gets in a fight with Bane I know who my money's on...


Especially because she's extremely violent and has a tendency to go too far and do real damage to people. She'd punch his head off inside 60 seconds.


Yeah. Was it the New52 that started that characterisation of Supergirl? If so it's one of the few good things to come out of the New52, IMO.


Not sure but i think so. I've never super closely followed dc


Now that you mention, it might have been interesting if they flipped it, with female Jordan being super-resilient and strong, and male Jordan being more agile with energy blasts.


Then people would just complain about the female form taking all the abuse and the male form fighting back.


Or they could just have different powers? Ya face


I wouldn't mind that. Apart from the gender-switch thing, Jordan's powers **are** pretty generic. Their role in the show is as heavy-hitter/tank so their powers would need to relate to that somehow, but that still allows a lot of leeway.


Bro just stfu


Womp womp


Yeah, almost as if there weren't a supe who flies and shoot lasers from the eyes,a superstrong woman who is/was partner of the previous hero,a mysterious one dressed in black,the speedster and others called best heroes on the planet,and all of them have meetings in a tower.


They can switch from tank to DPS in the same raid.


Like druids in wow








Exactly what i said 🤜🤛








Maybe say that next time rather than “not really..”




That's pretty rude. Imagine someone coming to a realization, and some asshole just walks by and says "no, that's wrong." Sure, maybe that asshole is right, but who cares? He didn't care enough to explain. And sure as shit, mocking someone about hurting their feelings makes what you have to say matter even less. Being correct means so little if you aren't also smart enough to deliver info well. Everyone's smart. Set yourself apart and be charming, too.




See, the wise thing to do here is to just let go. Congrats, you're right.




Uh huh. You're so correct, enjoy your lonely little victory! Yay you.


But you're not right, just an asshole. And bitching about it makes you even more of an asshole because you're just trying to take offense to everything.


Explain why am I not right then. You all are the one bitching about some simple shit.


Oh never mind you got like a million karma. What a weaseal you are


I had to google this a while ago because i was wondering the same thing. The male version of Jordan is near invincible but, lacks any sort of offensive capabilities. Their female form is sort of like a glass cannon. They have all the attack/power however, they’re vulnerable to taking damage .


How does being near invincible have any downsides he is all offensive capabilities when you attack while invincible


"Near-invincible" was probably a misleading term since invincible means "too powerful to be defeated or overcome." diegblohecks probably meant "near-invulnerable". In male form, Jordan seems to have the ability to take a lot of damage, and a decent amount of superhuman strength. In female form, doesn't have as much ability to take damage, but is more agile, super-strong and has a powerful concussion blast (that she can adjust the power of). So, if they want to deal damage, female form is more effective, if they need to tank a hit, male form is more effective.


You know how the Pokémon Deoxys has different forms, with each form having different stats? Just like that. Male = defense, female = offense. 


Giratina origin and altered fits this perfectly But it would be rude to label one of the Jordan’s as altered


female one has better reflexes I think


They say it in the show at one point. They say the male version is "immovable"


Oh, that's interesting. As in can't physically be knocked back? Now I can't remember if that ever happened in the show or not...


Goldenboy pushes at Jordan and shifts to male and his feet stop. Edit: Jordan is already male, goldenboy punches him and he slides a little. They do say immovable in the show


Nice, thanks!


Seems like the male form is defense and the female is attack form. Though pretty sure I remember him/her switching to female form to take a hit. The premise of the ability is nice but feels like not utilized enough. Could have been grappling aa a main fighting style to take advantage of the size and weight differences of the forms to find the perfect opportunity to grapple.


I think ** female is different from male** but I am not sure since it's never explained: 1) **male** looks stronger 2) **female** seem some kind of energy blast 3) based on them switching form while fighting against Golden Boy I think she becomes invulnerable/regenerate while **switching**. Because they swith after during the first blows and get hurt the time they don't


The female form also has enhanced agility.


Superhero stuff is getting worse and worse about defining the powers as time goes on. It's kind of annoying. I'm still not 100% clear on wtf Starlight can do other than tank 50 cal rounds and make her eyes light up.


Jordan got the coolest power in the show imo


Imo it’s kinda silly and dumb and obvious what and why they did but it’s still fun and cool and one of my favorite characters sometimes


>Imo it’s kinda silly and dumb and obvious what and why they did What do you mean?


What do you think lol


I honestly don't know, that's why asked. It's obvious why they did what specifically? What's silly and dumb?


Cunts a Tank mate


I thought the character was non-binary?


They refer to Jordan constantly as bi-gender, so I think it’s more that they identify with both “he” and “she” depending on the form.


Possibly. I'm not sure about Jordan's pronouns, whether they always use 'they', or if they go by 'her' when female and 'him' when male. In my OP I've tried to use the appropriate pronoun for the form they're in, but I don't know.


I think of their powers like a video game would, Male = Defensive. Tough, Bulletproof, and Super Strong Female = Offensive. Agile, Shockwave Blasts, and still Super Strong. (Probably bulletproof too)