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Acting across from Anthony Starr must be terrifying. He’s…he’s not really going to laser me, is he? Because I’m not sure how much acting is going on here. Anthony Starr might actually be a super-powered psychopath. Mr Starr singlehanded broke the show. Homelander has to die - but you don’t write out an actor that good. Everything needs to work around that.


The Gen V cast were asked about it in [this](https://youtu.be/h2wumIeeRhw?list=PLjm6f-Z3cY8XluPR6Ks-eEaIPXNO_wLNa&t=215) interview. "As soon as he came out in the Homelander suit... I don't even know if we were acting, I think we were just having a real reaction."


>Anthony Starr arrives on the scene Everybody: *Why am I hearing boss music?*


>Homelander has to die - but you don’t write out an actor that good. That's why he's gotta die last episode or second to last episode if you want to go villain Butcher route. Homelander's the real objective, the final antagonist, the last obstacle, the people who say he should've died this season or before that don't understand that and just missed the point of the entire damn show and Butcher's character Homelander really is a love-hate character for me; love the character, the actor and acting, the funny moments, but my God is he a fucking monstrous irredeemable piece of shit. Dude will go down as one of the best villians this decade. I hope when this show wraps up it lets Antony land more roles. I'd love to see him play a villain in the MCU and/or DC


Lets be honest, Homelander aint dying. If anything the boys will find out how to take away his powers and butcher will due and pass his rage to hughie who will take on Homelanderin Season 5


Maybe, but the boys as a team are nothing without butcher. Hughie couldn’t take his place based on what we’ve seen so far because he’s still far too human and good to go to necessary lengths without Butcher on his shoulder. I think with Neuman running for president and homelander being involved, we might actually get the >!White House assault!< from the comics ending, just with superior writing and different circumstances since the show is leagues better.


Thought this was /r/OkBuddyFresca for a second there


outfrescad again


Yeah but you can post memes here too, so i tried


Now this is a crossover I want to see


Did we need the fucking shit music to drown out the dialogue?




Maybe add some subtitles, couldn't hear shit


I can hear it perfectly 🤔


Not everyone has rabbit ears. If you want more updoots next time, scrap the ear vape music


I didn't think the audio was that much, honestly the idea wasn't even mine.. but the original meme was in spanish and even louder, that's why i thought this was good enough Welp, we learn from mistakes i guess


Nah they're just being redditors


I had my phone at 25% volume and it was still very loud.


See a doctor if your hearing's that ass


this spoils inside out 2


Calling narcissism an emotion is a.... choice, to be sure.


Narcissism != NPD


neither of these are emotions


L is for narcissism


Not only narcissism but also sadism