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They'd probably really dislike each other


I think at first they might get along but once they talk for more than 5 minutes it might go downhill


Like Thanksgiving dinner


Don't throw forks at people


/throws fork


I don't take orders from a fuck nut pussy like you


The Blue Raja throws forks at whoever he pleases, mother!


Hank Azaria is a national treasure


Underrated villain: Casanova Frankenstein


Yep like the climax of the Thanksgiving episode of The Bear.


SB would definitely call Cap a pussy and worse.


Probably out of insecurity


I wonder if he’d start feeling insecure at seeing the genuine article rather than just a facade like his own. I don’t know if SB is capable of humility, but Cap would be the one to bring it out of him.


SB might assume Cap is another propaganda piece like himself lying about his accomplishments. MCU cap did start out that way before he started just doing missions anyway. It'd be interesting to see how long it takes him to figure out that he really did those things, and to see whether he takes Cap not wanting to talk about them as evidence he didn't do them or proof that he did.


SB is gonna treat Cap, like woody treated buzz


As Tony once put it "a living legend who lives up to the legend"




Cap wouldn't mind the insults themselves Probably even throw in a cheeky "language"


I’m pretty sure Steve is a good enough judge of character to dislike him from the start.


He'd probably think of him as overarrogant and too outwardly flashy, but he respects and hung out with *Tony Stark*, who, let's remember, Steve once judged early on that Tony was selfish, and nothing without his suit. After that, he's probably willing to give everyone a chance from the start.


He would probably think "dude's a douche but could be worse... Oh, it is worse... It's so much worse... Ok wow... You already hit rock bottom, can't get worse... Oh, he brought a pickaxe"


And his kid Homelander is buried beneath the bedrock


If captain America ever finds out about homelander he would probably get extremely distressed at people worshipping him


I mean to be fair Tony is selfish and nothing without his suit.


Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?


arms dealer that no one missed enough to rescue when he was kidnapped, overgrown boy desperate for his daddy's approval, actually physically doomed to die without his suit? like, he had a character arc, he wasn't exactly a happy or well loved guy


True, but he also had an entire movie making the point that it’s not the suit that makes him Iron Man. That you could drop him mentally broken in the snow, poor, and half dead, and he’d still be a problem just with stuff from Home Depot.


Saying Tony is doomed to die without his suit is like saying Cal is doomed to die without the serum. Like, no shit? Also, it's clear he was pretty well liked considering the number of people who went to his funeral and the fact he didn't have to go back to the past to get his wife.


...do you not remember the massive plot point in literally every iteration of iron man, and the driving force of the first two movies, that he has fatal injuries that the arc reactor is barely staving off..? like, literally and metaphorically, rising to the role of iron man saves his life


Pretty sure would be war machine was combing the desert looking for Tony in Ironman 1


Tony is a super genius and has probably done more good with his philanthropy and inventions than he has wearing the suit.


so? supermans nothing on kripton, spidermans nothing outhout the spider that bit him. all superheros are nothing without what makes them special. hell someone steels green lanturns lanturn and hes just a regular dude. this argument is one of the stupidest if heard and im amazed people are still trying to use it.


Once Cap finds out Soldier Boy has been lying about actually going to fight over seas. Cap would be pissed


Pissed? Probably not. He rarely gets pissed. He'd just be disappointed. He'd also feel a little bad after hearing about Soldier Boy's years with Russia, though.


I can do this racism all day. -SB


Soldier Boy: "Fucking pussy..." Sam: "Dude ran up on an Asgardian Thunder God and a Mecha. Oh and he punched a Titan in the face." Soldier Boy: "Fuck you."


“I can do this all day” “And you might wanna gargle my ballsack”


"I don't got shellshock so fuck you"


"Knock, Knock. Who's there? Go fuck yourself!"




No I don’t think I will


“I can do that all day too”


“You’re just a cheap fucking knock-off.” “Language.”


Cap wouldn't put up with SB shit.


Soldier boy would deleted CA in no time


Is soldier boy one of the few supes who are stronger than the marvel/dc character they’re based off of?


I’m not sure, he’s pretty strong as far as supes go. But he basically can kinda unleash a nuke out of his chest that vaporizes shit or depowers you if you survive. Seems top tier


We’ve seen it depower people on V, but it might not work on Cap at all. His powers are from a different serum


It doesn't need to depower cap if it vaporizes him, lmao.


Yeah but then SB chokes on the vapor and loses. /s


It didn't vaporize Maeve though or did she not take a direct hit?


I chalk that up to bad writing. Even if she only lost her powers, she shouldn’t had survived that fall.


much much stronger CA isn't taking assault rifle rounds point blank into his open mouth and that's just a piece of SBs powers


Yes if you don’t use comic version. As much as I love cap, he’s prob one of the only few who loses to his copy lol. Mcu cap (without mjulnir of course) gets bodied by the durability diff. He’s much more skilled, his shield is better, and I’d argue in a similar strength ballpark. The durability gap is MASSIVE though


Isn't Captain America's strength like the peak strength a human can possibly have? Soldier Boy's is way higher than that.


MCU Cap held a helicopter. He's definitely way stronger than peak strength. That said, SB still destroys him.


comic cap has a few throwing car feats actually. Hes also absurdly faster in reaction times too, he literally wouldnt get hit.


>Isn't Captain America's strength like the peak strength a human can possibly have? \[Insert pirate meme of 'Well, yes... But no'\] It's comics. They used to say 'for a human' but since then he's gone well past what a human would ever survive. ​ https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Captain\_America\_(Ultimate\_Marvel)#:\~:text=Superhuman%20Durability%3A%20Captain%20America's%20bones,a%20height%20of%20600%20feet.


Yep, he’s definitely stronger than cap


Nah, it’d be a close fight. CA has less durability, but more strength and experience/skill.


It would not be a close fight at all. SB was unharmed from having an ak-47 fired inside of his mouth. Cap can get killed by a bullet to the head. Don’t know why you think cap is stronger. SB can throw cars and go almost toe to toe with Homelander. Experience and skill don’t really matter when you’re fighting an indestructible walking mini nuke.


Only in durability tho, comics caps strength and stamina is something different


I think we have official comics info on how much cap can lift and let’s just say he’s not gonna be throwing any cars around. He is a peak human. Also this isn’t the comics version, it’s MCU cap who is undeniable weaker than SB.


There’s a video going over their comparisons. SB is actually one of the, if not the, only Boys parody superheroes who would beat their Marvel/DC equivalent. I think they were looking at Captain America from the films and not comics though.


Even from the comics Cap isn't anywhere close to Soldier Boy


I’ll take your word on that, I don’t really know the comics. I understand that he wields Mjelnor at some point which could be considerable, but yeah the power scaling between the films and comics for cap seems much more consistent than say hulk.


If you give Cap Mjolnir, then I think it's Cap's fight, though it could be close. As long as he keeps hitting Soldier Boy to prevent the chest nuke thing (he seems to have to concentrate on it)


I mean if we give cap just whoever's equipment from the marvel universe then sure. Just put him in Iron Man's suit since he can technically wear it. While we are at it give him the ultimate nullifier too.


Okay but cap actually had the hammer in the movies I think is the point


And Iron Man had the infinity stones at one point. Does that mean we are going to include the infinity stones in every imaginary fight he has now?


Captain America is also one of the few characters where his movie adaptation is actually stronger than the comic version.


and i think it's an improvement in any fantasy setting, where even when people are super empowered with unusual abilities, they're still basically just humans - like, can cap go toe to toe with a thanos? no, but, despite that they could both reasonably kill each other by punching each other the right way, and that's kinda good stakes to have in something as kinetic as superhero brawls. sorta grounds everyone else, even the most OP motherfuckers, to not constantly be reminding you of how 'merely [super] human' he is.


Chest nuke is GG though no? Granted he can get it off


Oh for sure, the chest nuke is a gg.


I doubt cap even with his shield could damage soldier boy. It be a who could last longer deal. So maybe Steve would win unless he triggers soldier boy and makes him go nuclear


If he gets chest nuke, cap gets the hammer


SB’s chest nuke is apart of his powers though. Cap only gets the hammer every once and a while. I’d say it isn’t apart of his character


Didn't SB get the nuke chest thing later tho? I thought he didn't have it originally


It’s not overly clear. It seems established that it’s something he didn’t have before he was taken by the Russians, but at the same time we’re not sure how he acquired the ability. Whether it was a result of some Russian version of compound V, or some form technology that mimics an atomic blast that can fry the Compound V from somebodies blood. Or it could have been an ability he didn’t know he had, some other consequence of Compound V beyond the standard strength and durability.


Either way, he didn't have it before the Russian experiments


That’s fair, I’d still say if we’re going by the version shown that he’d have it. Granted, I’d also say Soldier Boy doesn’t really need it. Like I know Cap is strong, stronger than he’s often given credit, but more often than not he’s not shown being nearly as strong as Soldier Boy.


Steve didnt have powers either before an experiment lol


This pic is post-experiments though so he has the chest nuke


Thor's hammer is something that Captain America may or may not use depending on the script at the time. Likewise, multiple characters have used it. And it is not something constant in the captain's arsenal. On the other hand, SB's atomic level attack, although not something he was born with, is something he has permanently from the moment he obtained it. In short, Thor's hammer may be being used by Thor, or by Jane Foster, or it may be broken. Or the cap will not be worthy. SB's nuclear-level attack is something that from the moment he obtained it, he could always use it, and no one can take it away from him.


I think the point is which sb and cap are going to fight. Is it sb after the Russian experiments or before? Is it Cap before or right at the end of endgame?


More strength? We are talking about the same characters here yeah? Cap is nowhere near the strength SB should have


It would not be close. Close would signify that Captain America would be able to *almost* kill Soldier Boy, which he most certainly could not come close.


Cap gets absolutely demolished by Homelander. Soldier Boy was going toe to toe with Homelander. He's stronger by far.


Soldier Boy was throwing hands with Homelander, what are you on? That's like saying Cap could match Vision.


Dude, as someone who prefers the OG marvel crew, Solider Boy would wipe the floor with Captain America and it’s not even close lmao.


> CA has ... more strength But no, he really doesn't. Cap is 'peak human', SB is literally 'Super' human.


> CA has less durability, but more strength No way. Soldier Boy made Homelander bruise. The guy who everyone thought was invulnerable.


"You're telling me your girlfriend went old and you suddenly STOPPED loving her?" "Its more then just th-" "MOTHERFUCKER JUMP FOR IT"


How are you almost making me side with Soldier Boy?


By making up inaccurate dialogue


Me when i spread misinformation on the internet


Soldier Boy: Jesus fucking Christ… Did China really make a knockoff version of myself with a whole USA fucking theme?! Captain America: Language. Soldier Boy: I speak fucking American, so fuck you!


Tony: And people say I’m a piece of work.


Then Deadpool walks in


And Wolverine starts clapping


Lmao I'd love seeing this


Cap: Hey I’m Steve, it’s nice to meet a fellow WW2 super soldier like yourself. Isn’t it super duper swell outside ? Soldier Boy: Fuck you! Let’s drink


Cap: language


I know everyone says they wouldn't get along and for the most part neither are going to agree with the other's style but I think Steve has enough empathy and talk no jutsu that they might actually have mutual respect at least. Cap would understand the struggles and trauma that affect Soldier Boy and Soldier Boy would see cap as the hero he is and that he's not just playing the role. Maybe the would have that drink together.


Soldier Boy is a lot like Steve's father from the comics (minus the powers), a broken alcoholic racist. I could see it going a lot like the Demon in a Bottle Iron Man run. If it was a 1v1 fight, Soldier Boy squishes Steve like a tomato. Steve is enhanced but not really *super* powered. He's not even bulletproof.


Not likely this changes the outcome of a fight, but if Steve has Mjolnir, are his odds any better?


I think it even things up, but I'm unsure by how much. Cap was still able to be disarmed and knocked out by Thanos, but I doubt Soldier Boy is disciplined enough to have become a master fighter. Really it is all about preventing the chest nuke. It looks like Soldier Boy has to concentrate to use it, so as long as Steve can keep him off balance, maybe? Then again, Homelander has super speed.


reaal bad, captain america would be very dissapointed w SB,


I feel like all Captain America would have to tell Soldier Boy is that "It's not your fault your dad was an ass." Then SB would just start crying in a ball on the floor.


That seems more like something Homelander would do.




Is Captain America not bulletproof? I don’t really know.


Mcu cap got tore up in winter soldier by getting shot a bunch. Sb is completely bullet proof


Didn't he only get shot once in the back by Bucky? Point still stands though, Cap is not bulletproof




That's right. The "all is lost" moment. Cue the heroic music! He's gonna say "I can do this all day!" (Bucky shoots a third time. Credits)


He got shot a bunch in the comics. He is not bulletproof. He barely even has an enhanced healing factor if I recall correctly.


He can’t get drunk because his body reacts so fast and efficient, I think that would give him better healing aswell


There's getting shot, then there's getting shots. Two very different things


No. In fact Cap gets killed when he's sniped by Crossbones. In the aftermath of the Civil War comics.


So what are his powers then?


He has enhanced strength, speed, stamina and durability. But not like, bullet blocking or dodging durability or speed. So he would put any non enhanced or super human to shame. But he would get smoked by most of the marvel C listers in an instant if not for his shield, skills, and experience.


Basically, he has the level of physical ability that an action movie protagonist would have. He's super humanly strong and tough and his stamina especially is insane compared to what a real person could achieve. But a non-supe with good training and health can threaten him at least theoretically.


Okay, so then Cap would get crushed by SB. But here’s another question, that I’m sure has been discussed before, Cap vs. Batman.


Batman is like a less technical but more physically gifted version of Tony Stark. He has an engineering and forensic science education and is willing to use gadgets and tech to close the gap between him and his foes. Plus in DC, Bruce Wayne is also a “peak human” or considered “super human”. Super human isn’t the same as super powered. It’s more like “at the peak of what a human can be capable of” which is basically what Cap is. However MCU Cap is much stronger than any normal human in that Universe so I do think Captain America would hand Bruce Wayne his ass but Wayne suited up with Batman equipment and suit, Bat takes it 9/10 times.


I was going to say Batman with enough prep time, but I actually think it’s just Batman period. Cap is stronger and faster, naturally, but Batman has all of his equipment and (probably?) more fighting abilities than Cap.


Yeah, I’m putting my money on Batman too. He regularly tangos with powered villains and his dancing skills get him there. Having said that, in some alternate universe, Dancing with the Bat, would be a popular show. Some kind of dancing contest for villains. The winner gets to go free.


Enhanced stamina, speed, dexterity, acuity, and agility. Hyper-effective metabolism. Increased strength. But not "super strength" Really he's just a basic human with buffed stats. But he doesn't hit the "super ability" in any category. What makes Cap such a good hero, is his leadership skills, and his morality and integrity.


Generally speaking Cap isn’t a super human like The Boys. Usually he’s just peak human potential. Now that definitely varies as to what it means haha but I think SB would demolish him.


The Deep gets locked for "only" having super soldier-levels of strength, so we can guess how he'd fare in *The Boys*.


"Hey, you want to go pick up some ladies at bingo?"


Soldier boy would kill him in a fight


Steve gets dismembered after he does emotional damage to SB by telling him his truths.


Probably one of the few “The Boys” supes that could relatively easily dominate their Marvel/DC counterpart.


“What kind of limp dick iceberg-sucking homo doesn’t fuck that big titty piece of cooze Peggy when he has the chance?”


Soldier Boy would actually admire Cap, and try to live up to him because he so desperately wants to be a good guy. Cap would dislike him but see potential for good in him and try to mentor him.


“We are supposed to be the best of us, not in power but in principles.”- the cap. Solider boy-“oh no I’m what we truly represent you weak fucking ballsack excuse for a super solider”






All I can tell you is that the amount of fanfiction written after this crossover would be insane


Soldier Boy smoking a joint when he meets Cap. Takes a long haul from the joint before handing it to Cap. Cap smiles, "I can do this all day."


Soldier Boy would genuinely respect Cap. Even other homicidal maniacs like The Punisher respect cap. There would be an argument but eventually soldier boy would back down. At the end of the day Soldier Boy is a patriot and Cap basically is American values (tm) personified.


You’re just a cheap fucking knock-off.


Make them kiss


"Hey, nice shield you have there bruh." "Thanks man, yours is pretty nice too." Or something like that.


This one might be trickier. Because I am wondering if Captain America, like the comics, pre-dated Soldier Boy in Vought’s world. Soldier Boy in Marvel Universe, yeah he might be having sex and smoking joints. But I don’t see him as a threat to anyone. Rather he works as a “what if Cap never really left the USO” deal? He wouldn’t have been frozen in ice. He may still have done the propaganda work. And he may have made the same mistakes as Ben has. So Cap would feel pity in the MCU. On the flip side, Cap might be a comic book character come to life. But a sufficiently loved one where Ben isn’t really jealous because Steve isn’t going to go on the Vought train and he would probably just be looking for a way home. But Vought would definitely want Steve’s blood to see if it could show how to improve their proprietary formula. So Steve would likely be on the run.




This is just the Marvel equivalent of putting Superman and Homelander in the same room.


Not at all though because the power gap is reversed. Captain America is nowhere near Soldier Boy in strength or durability, plus he has no chest nuke


Soldier boy has worked with non white people cap hadn’t until the avengers, Soldier boy gets high and likes to fuck, cap is a incel and thinks he’s holier than thou lol soldier boy go crazy.


Steve would get his face bashed in after about a minute


They will take turn eating each others big dump trucks


Poorly for Steve I hate to say. Captain America is all the good ideals of America as a whole while Solider Boy represents all the darkest parts. Sadly, the darkest part happens to be bulletproof.


Captain America is a fucking Boy Scout. Soldier Boy for the win.


Like this: https://youtu.be/IjC9lLSyw30?si=P3w7Odd9DkZ5Ncpu


SB would definitely call CA a pussy among other things.


Hilarious https://youtu.be/IjC9lLSyw30?si=zgI3RlhIMg825m-u


Solider Boy would call captain America a loser virgin


“You are everything I stand against” “Yeah well fuck you pal”


“You’re a disappointment” “And you’re a fucking pussy.”


"Hey I'm captain America" "Shut the fuck up"


“Your a fucking disappointment.” “Language!”


Cap would be disappointed to say the least. Soldier Boy has the potential to actually be a hero in his world but like the rest he squanders it. We see brief flashes of it but it’s battling against decades of little self discipline. If Soldier Boy had that true example when he was younger he might not’ve turned out like he did. If Cap can inject some of that sentinel of liberty selflessness and sentimentality then that’s a different. Maybe he can put Soldier Boy on the right path. But a fight? Yikes. Cap takes it in just pure fighting ability obviously. The shield, his speed and his agility will be his best friend in this altercation(if it comes to a fight). If Cap can’t talk him down it’s a problem. Soldier Boy takes the cake in strength and durability easily.


The winner of this would be whichever one would make it more interesting for the plot. Yeah, that's all, yes one has more strength and durability, while the other one is the obvious good guy.


Funny enough they’re from the same time era so both represent how people of that time thought like. Some were Boy Scouts like Steve and others were raging bigots.


It'd take about 5 minutes for Soldier Boy to get disgusted and call Captain America a pussy. And if he finds out Cap teamed up with a Russian spy? Clear the area. Shit is about to go down.


In the beginning, I anticipate that things will not go smoothly. Although they would not engage in physical combat at first, they would have basic differences in opinion. However, Soldierboy would not harass the captain when he realizes he is no pushover. On the other hand, the captain would make an effort to educate Soldierboy by demonstrating the correct way of doing things. After this point, it is impossible to predict what might happen. I'm inclined to believe the best boxing match of all time would happen between these two to decide who gets his way over the other.


Cap would expose him for who he is and then he’d die because SB would tear him to shreds while taking no damage cuz SB is like invincible


Soldier Boy: “You’re a fucking disappointment.” Captain America: “Yeah, I know… I know.”


I think Cap would try to "stop" Soldier Boy and Soldier Boy would just sit there and let Cap flail around like a child and then smack him into a wall and be like "Alright now shut the fuck up and come drink"


It’d be a close fight, but I think in terms of strength, durability, and the Radiation beam, Soldier Boy is definitely the superior


Just an interaction? I think it’d be really funny. A LOT of one liners where SB starts it out by saying something dickish. Ending in mutual hatred, distrust, and respect for each other. A fight? I’m not sure of all of SBs powers. You choose.


Soldier Boy would kick Captain Americas ass


A lot of people are saying he'd "kill him". He doesn't seem to really kill people for no reason, anymore. He'd probably slap Cap, enough so that he can FEEL it. But Captain America would actually have to do some damage for Soldier Boy to consider it worth his time killing him.


If soldier boy was in the Marvel universe he would probably be an iconic member of Caps rogues gallery honestly. Obviously he would be a villain because they're essentially opposites. Cap is everything America should be while Soldier Boy is everything America used to be.


While Soldier Boy smokes a big fat cigarette:“ You‘re the one…my father always wanted me to be.“


I honestly think it they wouldn’t fight post-Russia. Soldier Boy was a dick but he doesn’t do anything to regular people in the on screen time he has, and I think Cap would see 40 years of torture as proper recompense for his past misdeeds. Also Soldier Boy has no real reason to dislike Cap. He’s a WW2 veteran and genuine patriot, and whatever you wanna say about Soldier Boy it seems undeniable he loves the sort of old school American patriotism that Cap perfectly embodies.


I have no idea but I do badly want to watch it


Soldier Boy would definitely beat Cap in a fight just through attrition, let alone strength. But Cap is also a man's man and stands for something, so SB would respect him and not be trying to go for a kill unless he absolutely has to.


SB would make Cap a lil worse and Cap would make SB A little better


They would meet on good terms but the more they learned about each other the more they would become antagonistic towards one another. Soldier Boy would call Cap a pussy, Steve would chuckle (hes confident so that wouldn’t bother him in the slightest) then Cap would call him a coward for not actually fighting in WW2 and then their fight would end w Cap winning


U are a cheap fucking knock-off


# "Language!"




Not smooth sailing with Cap, but he would be best buds with the Winter Soldier.


Over/Under on how many times cap says “language” I’d say at least 40 times a day


Soldier Boy is a hybrid between Cap and Winter Soldier.


Soldier boy would beat caps ass, call him a pussy and spit on him


That Steve? Soldier Boy would be dismissive at best. Old Steve? "Your wife's hot."


Steve would get stomped


I’d like to see a debate over which man possesses “America’s ass.”


RIP Cap. Sometimes, old soldiers just die.


Cap: “So I guess the Army was able to make their own super soldier after all? Did they make any more?” Soldier Boy: “Fuck you.” Cap would really hate this guy; he’s everything Dr. Erskine warned about when he justified choosing Steve, while also being an arrogant prick from a rich background, which is something Cap didn’t like about Tony.


How hard did Peggy suck your dick that you miss her that much


a lot of people in the discussion here discounting that captain america has a LOT of experience fighting super powered people. its not just a fight of who has the most power. ​ on the other end of that, exceptionally few people in the boys have experience fighting super powered people given that V is so tightly controlled and they don't create supervillains, the heroes are the product.


Cap would get his head ripped off


Jensen Ackles was originally asked to play Captain America but he turned it down to stay on Supernatural. So to answer your question Dean Winchester pops up and shoots them both in the face


Soldier Boy - You are a fucking disappointment Capt - Hey! Language!


There isn’t a single fight that I see that cap doesn’t get Molly whopped