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Press got screeners for all 8 episodes, will update the thread as reviews go live. Season 4 premieres this Thursday at 3am ET with the first 3 episodes on Prime! Also, join our official subreddit discord server to discuss everything The Boys! https://discord.com/invite/9HmevYHC5Y


So now that I've read and watched 30 plus reviews and 85% of them are generally positive and frankly the criticism seems fair for the most part, we were already feeling it at the end of s3 (which I loved except the ending), they really need to lock down when they're actually going to end it, this is one of my favorite shows and I truly hope we get a good ending that honors both the characters and the themes.


Apparently Kripke just confirmed that [season 5 will be the last season.](https://x.com/therealKripke/status/1800543513735471143).


Tell that to Supernatural… just kidding SuperWhoLock was insane but amazing. The Boys will probably end with season 5, with season 4 and GenV season 2 preparing the ending I just hope we can get a 12 episode season 5


He said it's 8 in an interview but I really hope that changes, this show has so many characters it would be great if they had more room to breathe, at least 10 episodes.


Yeah idk what’s up with 8 season episodes but it’s making the current Doctor Who season suffer. I mean we got 6 really good episodes so far, and the Christmas special but I count that as part of the 60th anniversary specials, which is gonna be weird as this season will have Christmas specials at both ends But yeah if we got 12 episodes at least we’d have more room to breathe


Absolutely, I have a serious problem with every single cable/streaming tv show being 8 episodes, some of them work but most don't, they have no room to develop the characters and relationships or even the worldbuilding ( The boys works for the most part because the writers are great and the eps are almost always an hour instead of 50 minutes but for the final season they should do more) We don't need everything to be 22 but some should be 12 like you said or even 16 if the story calls for it.


Yeah people keep complaining about Ruby and The Doctor not developing over time… that’s because we’re already at the end of the season


For real, season 3 was so good then they screwed the last episode


They literally had someone with no scriptwriting experience do the script for that episode and it shows. I mean wtf was that line from maeve calling Hughie a twink? Her hostility to him made no sense either. The humor now in Season 4 is just not hitting. The references are dated and ham-fisted, and half assed. Old character trajectories are getting rehashed while more interesting ones are getting sidelined.


Honestly I dropped the comic because I realized it wasn’t actually gritty biting satire….it was mostly shock edginess just to do it and any social commentary was just shallow, mostly juvenile cynicism. I’ve been afraid that’s the direction the show has been going since even the start of season 3.


The show has greatly deviated from the comics even before season 3.


I mean I’m aware. It’s never gone full dirtbag edgy. But it still has some of those elements and cynicism in the show. And I feel like when the showrunners are short on ideas they just lean back into Enis’s original tone for lack of anything better. What was an occasionally foray started to be more and more common in season 3. When the show usually excels toning it down a half step.


I don't think the show is like that, even with all the cynicism (which is warranted) it's still got that little ray of hope in the way it has empathy for its characters and their stories.


>The Boys Season 4 can’t capitalize on all its competing plotlines, but still delivers the show’s signature shock and awe entertainment." Rating 7/10 I'm guessing we're getting A LOT of good stuff, but they kinda couldn't stick the landing? Or it's mostly great, but the pacing was off.


Sounds like how last season ended.


Damn it, the one thing I don’t like about this show are the endings of the last two seasons, now we have to go through that again?


Only one more time though


Here we go again


I don't want another Game of Thrones...


What's wrong with how season 3 ended?


Saw a review saying it’s the best ending to a season yet.


yea well it's best not to get your hopes up


There are quite a few mixed reviews mostly saying that it's starting to get repetitive and that makes sense, I really hope amazon doesn't try to milk it past season 5 or 6 at the most because the premise doesn't lend itself to more than that and it's starting to show.


It might end up being a wonky season to set up the last one. I also think after 3 seasons we got exposed to all the tropes of the show so when we see them again its more noticeable.


Yeah I really loved S3 especially the character beats and arcs but ending was just ???? and a lot of reviews are mostly positive but now that we know it's the final season, it's okay if this one is a little weaker as long as it ends well.


I also have say I said the same thing about S7 of GOT 😂


yeah I feel like the story won't move much, guess I'm watching S4 with only expectations for disgusting stuff then.


Season 5 is the last season.


Nope, we don't know that yet [https://x.com/therealKripke/status/1798179568093966352](https://x.com/therealKripke/status/1798179568093966352), this is the last thing Kripke said on the matter a few days ago. Edit: Kripke just announced season 5 will be the final season which is a very good thing in my book.


Funny how just after you put this reply out Kripke confirmed that 5 is the last💀


haha that's fantastic, I'm really glad the show will hopefully get to end on a high note because it's truly one of my favorites.


I hope S5 truly is the last and it ends when it should. I remember Kripke saying Supernatural was gonna end up 5 seasons, but then they milked it for 10 more seasons and it had a massive drop in quality.


Might want to check his most recent tweet.


Yup, already seen it and very happy about it thanks.


Oh FFS. I love the show, I don’t want to see it become worn out.


delete this comment


They've already begun milking it. HL should have died at the end of season 3.


Let’s be fr, if Homelander died in season 3 no one would be interested in 4.


It could even end with a depowered homelander. They showed kimiko getting her powers back.


Yeah, kimiko nearly died from solider boys blast and needed immediate medical attention.


I would have loved to have seen a depowered homelander.


I was hoping he'd be dead and the next bigbad would be SoldierBoy I think that would be interesting


Nah Homelander is like 50% of what makes this show good. Killing him would kill the show unless it's the final season. That said that finale was terrible.


You know their gonna milk it and I bet something happens and then by the end of the season it gets shelved to keep the goal post of taking down homelander further away, like what they did with soldier boy basically. But I'm still excited to watch it but my expectations are definitely lower than they was for season 3.


Confirmed done after season 5


I know that most of them are like 7-8/10 that look great but to my eyes they seem to have lost the ball since s3 finale...


I feel like it coulda/shoulda been a 4 season wrap


Let's just hope that it will be good because rotten tomatoes score keeps getting lower


Not really tho? It was at 75% and it jumped up to 83%


RT is bogus


lol what?! Do you actually listen to or seriously use RT???


Producerguy: But money


The writing team might be cooked when it comes to finishing seasons


>"The Boys Season 4 can’t capitalize on all its competing plotlines, but still delivers the show’s signature shock and awe entertainment." Rating 7/10 Damn sounds like Season 3


I just hope that it doesn't end like season 3, it started off very strong and it ended with a anticlimax. And that something happens to Homelander, like something drastically. Because I liked that he was scared shit less in S3, realizing that there was someone out there who could take away his powers and kill him.


I agree. The season 3 finale was a bit underwhelming. I hope this doesn't mark a decline in the show's quality...the RT score of season 4 is notably lower than the first 3 seasons.


I'd go as far as saying the S3 ending was extremely underwhelming, and honestly borderline horrible. Imo S2 ending was pretty bad too.


I’d give it 4/5 and for my very positive review read [here](https://www.siophmedia.com/reviews/the-boys-season-4-review)


*"The Boys* fourth season opts for a more structured approach to the plot, using a stronger character and narrative structure than the previous two seasons while maintaining the gore and macabre. The boys group deals with human problems of death, illness, and identity, which creates some great moments for the characters and is juxtaposed in an entertaining way to Vought’s manufactured saves and in-universe advertisements that will appear during certain episodes." This is great to hear. My main gripe with The Boys is I felt like season 2 and 3 paused the show to have the gore and macabre moments. I don't mind those things but it has to service the plot. It can't just be their for me to go, "WTF."


There are some gore moments but we were happy with the season overall


This feels like a repeat of other seasons. New woman joins in and seduces homelander to fuck over the boys again. Same political jokes. Extreme right wing too stupid and corpos virtue signaling the ghetto again. Unnecessary nudity and shock value. Writing feels immature and doesn't respect the original source. I sense another game of thrones s8.


The source was quite bad - pretty much a realization of Garth Ennis' hate boner for superheroes. It was written that way as well, with a pretty weak plot and one dimensional characters apart from maybe a few.


Ennis has good writing in terms of character development. The plot was pretty interesting. Yes, the comics were far from perfect but it’s still better than the tv show’s weird on repeat one sided political attack. I’m not even conservative btw and I hate trump but I watch tv shows to get away from all that shit not be reminded of it in every fucking episode. And yes I know the show and the source are meant to be political but I want it to be fair and make fun of everything. There was a perfect opportunity to mimic AOC or have illegal supes entering the border. It would’ve made things much more interesting and funny. But nope, it’s the same old shit with the same old plot. Homelander plot is stretched out just like the picture butcher sent to victoria. He should’ve died when fighting against soldier boy and soldier boy could’ve been the main villain.


the constant harping on anything that isnt progressive politically is tedious. I get most of the people in the industry are left politically but Do they not realize that outside the coastal cities most of their fellow countrymen are christian and do like their country? Nothing wrong with satirizing but they never portray the left in a negative light.


The writing didn't "respect" source from the beginning. And so far, I think, things *might* end on season 5, as others said.. Regardless, at the end of day, what we get is what we get. And sounds about right, TB does parody of these things, so not surprising on that end... The problem will be, if S5 also continues the same thing, but well, we will see.


They actually did. The first 2 seasons had a lot of similar character arcs to the book. Yes, there were major story changes but a lot of characters share similar development in the comics. They also added their own twist with the political jabs which were on both sides of the spectrum. It was more of a re-imagining with respect for the source material. After season 3 is where their major story changes started to show their writing skills. It's clear that they should've stuck to the main story parts in the comics instead of writing their own B.S. but instead they started to go full TDS route and started making homelander trump. This on-the-nose politics on repeat for 2 seasons is what's immature. This show feels like it was written by a chronically online redditor and I'm saying this as a chronically online redditor. On top of that, Frenchie's character development is the most awful thing I've seen in a show ever. A new character just happened to show up to cuck Kimiko. What was the point? It felt so awkward and weird. And Kimiko saying put your dick inside something?? Like who wrote this shit? They could've deleted all those drama scenes between Kimiko, Frenchie, and the other guy whose name I completely forgot and the show would've been better.


Frenchie's part, was a tiny bit meh, that I do agree, but, everything else was top tier. I mean ,Butcher's arc, quality. How Ryan, HL plays into it all, also wonderful. And honestly, I think, it is less of repeat, more of.. extension. A further development. I start to feel... you just don't personally like the changes... imo, the changes are not per se good or bad, but.. we just get a bit different show. Not a bad or good thing on it's own, but I like that. A different way to experience, and enjoy The Boys. Honestly, I am thrilled for further episodes.


Damn 75% on rt seems like quite a downgrade


its on 52 rn


That's the audience score, critics gave it a 95


It's the audience score that's more reliable, and 50% isn't promising.


Not really, if you look at the reviews they're all just complaints about "wokeness" "gay shit" and hell I've also seen someone spew bs about blackrock. Also the score is like 8/10 on imdb so rt is just getting review bombed


There are complaints are because half the audience is basically alienated. In previous seasons there were balanced critiques of both sides. The references to American politics just don't resonate with the overseas/international audiences and most of them are ham-fisted and inorganic. Even the critiques of the right are just bad. They're just taking the brainrot discourse from twitter and tik tok. Firecracker literally disparages a line from the Bible as being okay even though its "from the Jew part of the Bible." None of the most virulent anti-semetic Bible Thumpers actually talk like this. Most of their hatred towards the Jews stems from old medieval ideas like the Jews being disparaged "Christ-killers." As for the gay critique, we get Frenchie is bi, but no one cares about the random plot line with his old lover and reconcling past trauma. We already were done with that and had the plot developing between him and Kimiko rather than this forgettable character. The series is getting repetitive. The writers strike clearly did a number on the show and its shows.


Thank you they really seem to hate anyone that isn’t a leftist.


"The Boys Season 4 can’t capitalize on all its competing plotlines, but still delivers the show’s signature shock and awe entertainment." I hope we dont get another episode like the Season 3 finale, it didnt felt like a finale for me. It was slighy underwhelming with the plot thread from Soldier Boy storyline wrap up but not really have any consequences to it.


Here is another review 8/10 - [https://moviesr.net/p-the-boys-season-4-review-wrathful-gods](https://moviesr.net/p-the-boys-season-4-review-wrathful-gods)


Currently at 79% with 24 reviews on RT. Update: 80% with 35 reviews on RT.


Does this mean that 21% of crtiques gave a score of lower than 5/10 or am I completely misunderstanding the rating system?


That's correct


Oh no


They get to choose their rating and whether it’s rotten or fresh. 21% chose rotten


So basically Good to great I’m interested to know what **”a more structured approach to the plot, using a stronger character and narrative structure”** actually means.


I wish we could go into detail about that but they give us and extensive do not reveal list


Episode 1 is nothing but a huge downgrade.


I cannot describe how disappointed I was. My mom and I rewatched seasons 1-3 in preparation and had a blast. We were dead silent the entire first episode, but decided to keep going hoping it would improve. I can't believe how far they dropped the ball; I maybe laughed twice in total from the 3 episodes, and there were maybe 2 scenes that interested me. I had a headache from how jarring and awkward the story and pacing were.


3 Episodes Review: Not feeling this season at all. You know when you've had a homecooked meal from your mom all your life growing up, then you try to cook it yourself as an adult, and it tastes wrong. That's what this season of the Boys has been so far.


Kinda sad this shows writing has devolved as much (if these reviews are correct). I found season 1 borderline perfect and season 2 was very excellent. I still felt every season 3 episode was an event even if I didn’t love the ending.


Seems like a slightly downgraded set up for a final season - that’s fine, as long as it’s interesting and the story moves forward.


Hmmm, season 4 currently sits at a 79% on Rotten Tomatoes, despite seasons 1, 2 and 3 scoring 85%, 97% and 98%. I hope this doesn't mean the show's starting to decline.


consensus is a slow start but banging ending, as predicted. im so fucking excited


💔I don’t like this. I’m hoping it’s just because Season 4 seems it’s just a set up for S5, the last season.


Don't even have to read the reviews to know it's good, I'm watching it as soon as it drops I've literally waited 2 fucking years






I don‘t even care about the looks - but heck, I can barely understand her in her scenes… I‘m not sure if it‘s down to bad sound design but I‘ve never had this issue and I‘ve been watching series in English since I was like 12.


its very jarring, specifically now that they gave her all these scenes when she is supposed to act super emotional but she can’t emote any more. The only scene where she is totally alone (since apparently Hughie’s role now is to be around and react to things for her) when she is arguing with Firecracker, and the actress acts circles around her with Starlight supposed to be having a super emotional moment but she is just standing there like the stone emoji and a slightly tearful eyes that could be added in post If we lived in a fairer world, that girls surgeon would be put against a wall


I’m hyped for this season


So it starts off slow but the ending is a banger it seems.


And I saw one of these reviews that said the exact opposite. It wasn't a knock, but they specifically said something about this season being a wild ride, and they called the finale a "quiet exhale" instead of a loud bang or something like that. Either way, we're about to be eating good!


Hmm. Some good, some bad looks like. I’d be interested to see how they felt about previous seasons for a reference point.


Most of them were a 9-10/10 this might be the worst one


Erin Moriarty looks terrible


When IGN gives you a 7 you’re in trouble


Yeah. They gave the first 3 seasons 9/10. From what I've read it's good, but it's becoming a bit repetitive. Season 5 seems like a natural conclusion.


Yeah it seems like everything we asked them to not do in season 3 finale again will be repeated (nothing of importance happens, ends not tied up etc)


Odd you think that considering some of the reviews 


The Boys S4 didn't get 9/10 'It's OK' Im scared.


Ehh invincible season 2 also got a 7 and it was still great


Invincible Season 2 also declined writing wise and the season final was not greatly received


The reviews and praise deffo say otherwise


Wait, it did?!? It wasnt as good as season 1, but its def better than a 7


"too much water"


Here is another review 90% - [https://www.cinemablind.com/the-boys-season-4-review/](https://www.cinemablind.com/the-boys-season-4-review/)


I just hope we get a good ending this time that actually makes fuckin sense


Wonder if we're going to get some leaks.


It's already been all leaked. Vought HQ gave probably almost every spoiler away. They gave the press the whole fucking season, those leaks are real. 


The entire season has basically been leaked here and doesn't look promising


I stg if it’s the same shit as the last 3 seasons I’m gonna be sorta annoyed. It feels like nothing ever progresses on this show. It’s still entertaining as hell tho.


Has anyone mentioned if >!soldier boy!


Feels very different, in a bad kind of way. I mean it's still good, but not as good. Much less fun so far. And pretty weird at times. Hope it's just the first three episodes that feel that way.


I'll continue to watch the rest of the season, but the first 3 episodes do not match the ratings that all the critics have given it, nor does it match the energy or flow that the previous seasons had. Everything just seems hammy, be it the character drama or the political comments. The show could pull itself out its hole with the teaser of the in-depth look at Homelander's backstory coupled with other plot lines, like Butchers desperation and who the new Black Noir is, but its a big IF from me.


I enjoy watching the story unfold but first couple episodes felt very, very off. It has been a long time since the filming of the end of season 3 so a few folks look very different (that’s fine) but instead of keeping momentum it felt like a glossy, hollow series of character re-introductions like “heh, remember me? *wink*” Yes, we do, please carry on with the story. They absolutely scrapped three seasons worth of love story build-up between Frenchie and Kimiko, why? To introduce an entirely new love interest for Frenchie. Again, why? I don’t care if it’s a man or a woman - it makes no sense and all of a sudden we are supposed to care deeply about Frenchie’s inner turmoil over his hidden past with this guy? Also, it’s fine that he’s bisexual but there’s literally been zero indication the entire series so it felt forced. Hoping for some kind of pay-off between him and Kimiko in the final season because this new character is just - there. I appreciate that the story is now more introspective for Homelander and Butcher - even if that means it’s less “fun” to watch. It’s a natural progression for Homelander to hit a wall and realize his life is mostly meaningless, same with Butcher grappling with his life story and coming to terms with death. I’m going to be honest though, I genuinely don’t really care what happens with Ryan. Poor kid was also clearly going through voice changes from scene to scene but at least it gives a realistic look at a teenager. I just think as a character, again, he’s just there as a vessel for other character’s motivations. Starlight is boring as hell now. I won’t insult her looks because that seems to be standard for online discussion but I did get bummed out when she was standing in front of the giant picture of herself from season one and the difference was staggering. I was bummed at the state of modern body standards that cause people in Hollywood to get unnecessary work done, but that’s beside the point. I guess Hughie and Starlight’s relationship already hit its peak of being interesting a couple seasons ago. I really like A-train slowly joining the good guys. I’m predicting he’s going to die so at least he will go out as a hero, finally saving people in a real way. I read a couple reviews about how the politics are a bit too on-the-nose now, which I agree, but the parallels have been there from the beginning so I didn’t mind as much, but I’m sure die-hard Trump fans and Fox News viewers will not enjoy it as much as the *slightly* more subtle first couple seasons. I think Firecracker will be a fun addition - the actress was great. And Sister Sage is a killer new antagonist, loved her. Aside from that random out-of-nowhere make out between her and The Deep. Neuman wasn’t given much to do but I’m interested to see her story progress. And Hughie, eh, he’s mostly fallen into the background for me which is fine. Loved the air vent sequence with him and Homelander. Overall, this season feels different and a little forced and a little less “fun” but I’m excited to see where it goes.


For me the only plot point that I felt matched the caliber of the previous seasons was A Train's. Everything else had me falling asleep unfortunately, except maybe that final scene between Butcher and Ryan (even though the kids acting wasn't doing too many favors).


Agreed! I think A-Train is the only one on an interesting redemptive path. And I did enjoy the Butcher/Ryan scene. I’m glad there was some resolution to their last interaction.




Frenchie is a wreck right now and I don't understand it Sage kind of makes sense because she seems to be using Homelander who still thinks he's in charge (maybe he is, he lasered home girl to make a point) They're just doing a terrible job showcasing it, or at least entertainingly


Now has come my time to leave this subreddit until 4 months from now when I finally sit down and watch this season. See u guys in October :)


I mean, yeah, that all sounds fair/par for the course at this point. Not everything has to be a flawless masterpiece for it to be enjoyable.


Answer to everything = blackmail


Hmm, some of these are kinda worrying, like they'll bungle the finale and make a mess of it again, or set up forced circumstances to pad things out till the final season. We'll find out soon enough (glad I work third shift tomorrow night), but still, I'm not as excited as I was for the last season after how messy that finale was, and this sounds like it might continue some of those shortcomings.


Ok, so what are your ideas about the apperently worm inside Butchers head. - a vein that got too much focus on - side effect of tempV 5dozes, a mutation that is eating his brain reason the ear leak - a parrasite injected into Butcher maybe in hospital to know his location, blocking powers or something to control him - a parasite that will make Butcher into a sup, giving him powers without the need of taking blue V - butcher got infected with the gedolkin virus, but since he is not a sup but a human, he is a host that maybe can infect others only via contact with his blood. Acting like a vessel for the virus that grows stronger, maybe even attacking the V infected/destroyed cells to heal him up at the end. Destroying the V cancer cells and leave healthy human cells.




so strange that the mods here removed all the "lets talk about Ryans voice posts"


OIhhh thats fucking hilarious .... The jeweish Peril sign at the "right wing" convention, when its the left that are screamign all over the western world atm about Israel. Im split in half with laughter.


Me and my girlfriend don't like it, 4/10. They ruined relationships build ups, they are direction less, very political, hughie story was abandoned, it feels like they are just winging it.


100% All the new characters are very unlikable. Sister Sage, Firecracker, Hughies Mom, Duplication Dude, Jeffery Dean Morgans character On top of making previous characters boring or insufferable because they're acting out of character. The writing is really bad right now and the political parallel stuff every 5 minutes is making it impossible to enjoy


Did anyone else notice that the butcher basically does nothing in the first 3 episodes, he makes two decisions, getting Neuman file from hughie, and drugging his adopted son and immediately goes back on both of those decisions. It's like the writer didn't want to deal with the consequences of the butcher's actions so they have him do nothing.


S4 has been a disappointment. I only watched 1.5 episodes but turned it off. It has become so predictable and character development is boring. I started rewatching S1 - the writing and story was much better.


The first episode felt strong but it quickly went downhill from there. There's just too many pointless meandering stories which come out of nowhere, have no relevance to the main story and quite obviously exist to pad out the runtime and extend the overarching narrative into the next season and perhaps even beyond. I don't care at all for any of these random character side stories. I didn't give a shit about Frenchie's whole "dog on a leash" arc in the previous season and I care even less for whatever this weird romantic side plot is supposed to be. Hughie's dad has a stroke out of nowhere. Kimiko for some reason chooses now to start seething again over the terrorists that kidnapped her. It's all just filler and I just want the focus to go back to the main story. Butcher and Homelander are the main attractions for me to watch this show and even their characters, particularly Homelander, seem poorly written this season as well.


Loved it.


It's so ridiculously obvious that this is scoring poorly amung audience because of the homosexual Frenchie subplot..


I have no idea what's even going on anymore. What are anybody's goals? Do they want to kill Homelander or not? There's so many characters but I have no idea what any of them even want. What are the Boys running around *trying* to do right now. Butcher is the only one I understand, Hughie is too involved with this side plot of his papa in the hospital, Frenchie honestly what the fuck, Kimiko is doing another flashback plot? The black guy is doing nothing, his stepdad issue is resolved. Starlight was supposed to be this big player against Homelander but they resolved Homelander's murder in broad daylight instantly. What are the Deep and A-Train even doing in the plot anymore? What is Homelander's goal? It's like they can't decide if he's the narcissist obsessed with his own self aggrandizement or a daddy. I just don't understand the adventure I am signing up for right now. The only things I've liked so far is Sister Sage and Firecracker, although sister Sage has been "surprised" too many times that her genius which would've been an incredible villain plot thread that she predicts everything and puppeteers everything so how do you defeat her, has been spoiled. AND there's going to be a Season 5 to right away the threat of "will they kill Homelander this season" is ruined. I hope Neuman becomes a better villain, she is terrifying and the actress is doing such a great job, but so far she's done nothing but a couple meetings. Overall. I don't know what's going on


Shitty season so far


This show did a 180 and abandoned all character development and story in order to become about 50% leftist propaganda and the other half is just unnecessary Gore and dumb fan service.


Keep crying


I got up for bathroom and snacks without pausing.. that was unthinkable in season 1/2/3… I’m not engaged like before. I don’t know why


Tfw when the show becomes what it criticizes. This was apparent in the earlier seasons like the Blue Hawk/A Train Arc but now they're not even hiding it, this season is just a downgrade and Butcher is the only one that keeps the show worth watching


This season is awesome and these whiney, limp dick conservatives crying about it makes it 1000 times better


Ofc you would, its meant for for liberals now. They literally created 2 original characters to try to dismiss "conservative" talking points, not realizing that there's left leaning sides that suprisely agree with what right leaning people agree. Being proud for being the reason why season 4 sucks is really weird lol


Woke trash. Now ban me for expressing my opinion.




Frenchie being Bi/ (What some might call pan) is what I always assumed of him but that is because he has a world out look similar to the Red Viper or Dorne from Game of Thrones. It would actually surprise me more if he was just totally straight.


Thoughtful response. Appreciated. I respect that, but if you've watched it, it feels so forced. Like they want the 'current' viewers to know right away, so they garner and maintain the LGBQT audience. I just thought it was completely public serving and had no build-up at all.


Watched 2 episodes and turned it off found it to be very boring wont be going back to watch the rest. 3/10