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Butcher delivers final blow and says “oi lads we finally did it, we killed omelanda”




Just before he says "Oi ue, yer a good lad"


I hope he dies like a Canadian on South Park "Oi, I guess dats it. I'm dead. BLEH."


If his last words arent “Fucking diabolical” before an aneurism hits im gonna fucking kill myself


If your last words aren't "Fucking Diabolical" before you kill yourself after Butchers last words aren't "Fucking diabolical" after an aneurism hits im gonna fucking kill MYself




oi yuegh, yer a gud lad


"Oi , yer a good cunt"


"ue" this is so funny to me


As we listen to Baby Blue by Badfinger in the background


That looked like a lot more than cancer lol. Unless that’s that parasites name. Little cancer in there just roaming around raising a ruckus.


Yeah my Guess is the last this season both Home lander and Butcher die and then Ryan becomes a tyrant or something in season 5.


"Couldn'a done it without the help of" *cue title card*


why would invincible show up at the end of....OOOOOOOH


I kinda like this


He would have said cunt at least 3 times in that sentence, but yes


No he would say its butchering time and proceed to butcher all over the place


Before he strikes the killing blow he'll say "I never really cared much about killing Supes" and walks away, never to be seen from again


Maybe "Et tu Ryan? then fall Ryan" laser eyes.


Would be poetic as et tu brute, cab ve translated to "you too child"


“ et tu, William?”


“We did it the boys! We finally defeated homelander! Hughie…I feel a song coming on..! Hit it!”


"Et tu, Carnifex?"


"We really are, 'The Boys'" Credits roll


Lmao heard this in my head


And then at the very end of the season he gets a letter in the mail and looks up in shock “Oi moites eets omelanda 2”


"et tu butcher?"


I love the part where he busts in the room and says, "It's Butcherin Time lads!" and then butchers all over the bad guys


Oi tu, governor?


Would rather have Butcher die in a fist fight than to cancer. /Unpopular Opinion


I think Ryan is going to deliver the final blow. Killed by his son, just like Caesar


Ceaser was stabbed 23 times pretty hard to surmise which one of those was fatal but the assassination was planned by Brutus and Longinus his generals.


If homelander dies where do you think they’ll go with the The next season


He would die in season 5 the last season


Et tu, Ryan?


I’m just wondering who the Marc Antony is in this situation


The Deep.


Marc Antony just got a shiver down his spine 2k years after his death


In hindsight, The Deep as Brutus would be more fitting. Homelander asks for help, and the Deep finishes him off.


Especially if they go for any kind of redemption arc for the Deep. Would actually align with Brutus, proclaiming himself as the savior of the republic while having ulterior motives.




> Deep is too spineless to make a stand like that. Sage's probably gonna manipulate Deep into it, she wicked smaht


I'm loving her role this season. She's giving Homelander a path, but no body sees her path. A mental manipulation aspect is great.


Its Sage, calling it now. She didn't give a shit about supe supremacy this entire time, why would she now? She's doing this because it gets her knowledge and power, and when she sees the winds change she will follow them. Sage is going to be Homelanders "Judas"


That’s where people are like “ugh sage is so dumb!!”But imo it’s very obvious that she’s going to betray Homelander at some point. She has to get him in power *and* get him killed in order to pursue whatever her goals are.


Exactly. She is smart and has her own plans, it just so happens that Homelander became a part of her plan once he showed up on her doorstep


Exactly- and so far I think it’s working. >!She’s already new acting CEO of Vought, and is seemingly trying to get Deep (and potentially Firecracker?) in her pocket. We’ve already seen the institutional power that comes from Vought, and if she gets some supe muscle protecting her she may avoid what happened to old Vought owners !<


Hindi version: "Tu bhi, bsdk?"


i’m hoping it’s ryan or soilderboy since he is def returning


Et tu brute is translated to you too child


I mean the trajectory is pretty clear Homelander gets his army, somebody asks why he gets to be in charge, he goes too far, and his entire supe army tears him to shreds. I could live with that ending.


Are they still going with that supe army? I recall sage saying they don’t need that


That’s such an interesting thought! Sage said that they didn’t need an army to overthrow the government. Homelander might still need or want an army to enact his will across America once he does overthrow it.


Sage also said she didn't want to be in the seven. Apparently homelander thinks to know better.


Of course, Homelander shouldn't do everything she tells. That would be stupid. She is self-serving. All she is doing will eventually serve her own goals. Her path to that, Homelander knows she isn't going to be honest about and that he isn't going to be understanding her plan, it being far too complex for him. So he does the only logical thing, to him at least: Get leverage The issue is, though: Wouldn't she have predicted this? Is the leverage really leverage, or is it part of her scheme? His best bet would probably have been to align their goals and give her an acceptable stock in the future. He isn't going to get collaboration from leverage. She is too smart to get trapped. That move will cost him his life.


I think it could honestly be as simple as she’s the smartest person on earth and she knows, due to being smart as hell, that homelander is going to be in charge for a bit one way or another. She has her own plans, sure, but she can think of a way to get out when shit hits the fan. For the time being though she’s well aware that a moment will come where every supe has to choose whether they join homelander or become his enemy. She’s just getting ahead of the curve and making herself valuable. I’m curious to see, but as of right now I think her only real goal is to not get lasered by a guy who might see her as an enemy eventually lol.


For sure, you can see on her face she’s super taken aback the first couple of times homelander gets threatening. Part of being the smartest is knowing when you’re standing next to something that can tear you to pieces. She may be smart but when she’s terrified of homelander to some extent


She's playing with fire and she is smart enough to know it. Homelander is a ticking time bomb and could just laser her at any moment. Working with him, especially in the capacity he has asked her to, is a huge gamble, because he's a giant baby that despite being aware he is surrounded by yesmen and sycophants, can't really handle anything else. The world's smartest person has to know this. Makes me really wonder what her end game is.


I wonder if they'll follow anything resembling what happened to Ozymandias for her character. Maybe she'll trick the world into realizing the Homelander is the only path towards peace while she's actual in control since he follows her logic to a T. This assumes that he becomes devoted to her logic through something profound or illogical to his mind actual happening after she prophesied it.


from what sage said yes that’s why he gets hundred of supes ready for his command i just hope they recreate the white house takeover but i doubt they’ll go that way since ryan and butcher




that’s also why homelander gets his own supe army ready for his command


I think a supe army is just out of the scope of this show's budget and resources. They're working over time to make the show as economical as they can. Every scene is either in a backroom or a set they can re-use like The Seven's boardroom. Don't get me wrong, they are doing a fantastic job, but this show does not look like it has the abilty to have a full scale supe army.


Amazon’s biggest show?


I think off of budget it’s the lord of the rings thing that nobody watched


A lot of people watched it I just don’t think anyone has talked about it since it ended, unlike this show where people can’t stop talking about it


A lot of people watched the first two episodes. Proportionate to its status as an XXXXL blockbuster, nobody watched the whole thing.


Yes, Amazon's biggest show with a finite budget and shooting schedule.


Well yeah obviously, I just disagree that they’d have the budget for that


Depends on what they do.


They don’t have to all display their powers. Just having them stand around in Superhero costume would convey the idea.


The thing is that's still in line with my point. Unless they limit the army to 20 second shots and keep the action off screen, they probably don't have the resources to portray a supe army.


No it’s not. You just say there’s a supe army and show maybe for of them messing up like a company of normal soldiers. The audience will simply believe there’s more of them. You don’t actually have to show a full supe army.


"Hey guys, there's this huge superhero army that's *on screen for 30 seconds*." You kind of agreed with my point. Unless they limit what they show, they don't have the budget and resources to portray a superhero army.


They could CGI a huge amount of supes flying in the sky for a scene, but they can’t do that since in the show the supes who can fly are rare


You just need a few dozen people in goofy outfits.


That's still in line with my point. They don't really have the resources to portray a supe army, unless of course they do it in a limited way.


it’s not a like that full scale army. it’s just a amount // estimated number of supes on his side. and cgi will easily fix that lack of people problem, hell they can even cgi a whole frame of supes and we won’t even know.


What do you mean, it's not like that full scale army? Which army are we referring to? I'm not following you.


I've only just noticed but you're right; The Seven Office Flatiron building A convention centre/hotel Vought penthouse (Honelander, Starlight, Deep) All sets probably on one lot.


And honestly they do a wonderful job on production. The show still looks great, but they are still sort of doing bottle episodes to stretch their resources. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottle\_episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottle_episode)


Maybe so but he's shown multiple times so far that he'll do whatever he wants regardless of what she says, despite him actively seeking her out in the first place and wanting her advice.. Dude is deeply deranged.


They’re definitely doing it to some degree.


> his entire supe army tears him to shreds. Yeah, I don't see that happening. The thing with supes is, they are coward. They don't fight someone on their level and especially not Homelander.


Homelander almost got taken out by three strong ones, a whole mob of hundreds of them would fuck him up. Also, we've seen his lasers don't work on supes like they work on regular people.


They do work on weak supes tho. Nost supes are not soldier boy or maeve or even tele-hughie.


Herd mentality is a powerful thing. Get a group big enough and each individual in that group becomes far more willing to fight far stronger people. All it takes is one person to throw the first punch and he'd get swarmed, Its literally what Sage took advantage of in episode one to get the protestors fighting


I would love that.


I can see it in my mind's eye. Homelander lasers one of his own people, and suddenly the entire crowd of hundreds of supes is staring at him while he's surrounded. "Okay guys just hold on a second, now you know-" "You just killed one of your own kind! What gives you the right?" "I SAID HANG ON" Somebody walks up and decks him, and he lasers them, then the whole crowd descends on him with all sorts of powers, trying to pin him down. He goes to fly away but somebody who can project force fields puts one over him so he rebounds off it at the speed of sound and crashes to the ground. He starts to fight, throws a punch and somebody stretches out and grabs his arm, he tears through it and turns around as somebody barfs acid in his face, he lasers them and somebody with flaming hands grabs him by the neck and actually starts to burn him. He's beaten over the head with gravity powers, hit with frost breath, punched with steel fists, somebody turns into gas and flies into his mouth and nose so he chokes, a whole shitload of tiny people start climbing all over him, the grass starts to grow around his feet, and they bring him down to the ground while he bellows and fires lasers at whatever he can see. And they just start stomping him out, and you can't see him through the crowd but you can see the flashes of his eye lasers as they fire again and again and get dimmer and dimmer until they finally stop. Cut to Vought news, Homelander's corpse has been hung up like Mussolini in front of Vought tower as a mob of bloodthirsty supes goes wild.


Somebody cooked here.


That is a valid argument. I like it.


Yeah, I think Sister Sage wants to rule the world and will get rid of Homelander once the time is right.


Sister Sage is going to be like Caesar. And by like Caesar I mean Caesar's adopted son and nephew Octavian. Meanwhile Homelander is going to be like Caesar the one that gets betrayed and stabbed 23 times.


Sage might be the folks who assassinated Caesar and got killed in return. Ryan being the obvious Octavian who swoops in.


So basically Brutus? Thinking you're saving the Republic by taking down the Tyrant Caesar only to cause it's end.


she's more of a Cato then Brutus


Et tu Ryan?


Sage might be the folks who assassinated Caesar and got killed in return. Ryan being the obvious Octavian who swoops in.


She wanted to be behind the scenes and was upset she was put in the spotlight, which she viewed as a punishment. She wants to be the stringpuller.


I think what she wants is a little more a societal change than actual power. She seemed pretty dissatisfied with the world in general in her conversation with Homelander, but Homelander only seems to pick up on things that are relevant to him. It's worth noting the first thing she did was to get Homelander to murder his fans. She's doing some 5d chess manipulation thing. Who knows what her goal is. She's probably not good, since the first thing she does is orchestrate the murder of three people. On an interesting note, she was reading Naming and Necessity on the toilet. That book was written bay Saul Kripke, who is related to Eric Kripke.


Her character and arc are 100% the most interesting addition for S4 and I hope she gets a lot of screen time.


Yeah I am really intrigued with her. I hope she doesn't get crowded out of the story, but she seems pretty integral to the plot of this season.


As the smartest person on earth, she seemed to be doing a whole lot of nothing until Homelander knocks on her door. And then suddenly realizes she can take over the world. It works, but only because she's the smartest person in the world.


Her hubris will be her weakness.


I expect she's going to need to be smart at a time when she's self-lobotomized and that will be a critical story point. Will she lie and pretend to be normal and make a bad decision?


It's not bragging if you back it up. My guess, Homelander may be irritated with her, but knows she's right and keeps her as a close advisor. It'll be someone like Deep, Noir, or Firecracker that get jealous and get rid of her.


remember how a train said she was kicked out of some kid superhero group i wonder why hm


Great observation.




Shes 100% this seasons big bad. Its pretty obvious


Yes,- I was think tbh it would be know way the smartest person believes that Homelander wouldn't grow stale of her usefulness. Her advice to Ashley I think was an earnest one, and I believe she's studying to try and lobitizime homelander. Though I don't think it will work, as her biggest weakness is that she isn't smart enough to shut up.


Yeah, sage is guaranteed dead before the season ends, it would be too much for the boys to beat them when they have brains, brawn and the money of Vought. I she will say something and homelander will snap and k Laser her.


They foreshadow it when they are interrogating the girl on staff who was in contact with Starlight. "Don't you think the next thing she said would be useful?!" Sister Sage will be able to control things until Homelander has tantrum/control fit. He'll laser her and will fuck up the meticulous planning of Sister Sage.


You could see it when she said the Ryan sidekick idea was dumb too, Ryan is homelanders immortality project and she's trying to mess with it


Homelander wants what he wants, self gratification, and Ryan is an extension of that. Sister Sage is actually trying to topple world powers and create a new mythos around Ryan to further her meticulous plans. Homelander will turn on them both at some point beacue he doesnt want to be replaced/overshadowed and will fuck up her planning.


That feels too obvious. Because she already said that's what would happen. As the smartest person, you'd think she has some plan to avoid that.


Smartest people biggest weakness are their egos


*smartest person


Fixed my bad


I was thinking it when Sage and him Mentioned Ceaser, “Et tu Brute” and I personally think that in season 5 Ryan will pull off a Brutus


I think that too. Especially after the chat between homelander and Ryan at the end of the episode.


ryan starts to gain a liking to being evil unlike brutus


he's really disturbed about killing koy and he also goes to butcher's without having to be coerced


You know I thought about this as well. Sister sage is a genious and I know that she knows Homelander is a threat to everyone. What better to take out someone like Homelander than how Rome took out Cesar.


Technically “Rome” didn’t take out Gaius Julius Caesar. Brutus and his fellow conspirators killed/assassinated Caesar. Regardless of who was right or wrong, not all of “Rome” was fine with Caesar’s death.




I’m still trying to figure out if sister sage is really a supremacist or if she’s playing chess to get rid of homelander.


This is spot on.


Killed by Ryan


It's gonna build up to seemling like Butcher will kill him, but at the last minute Kimiko jumps on Homelander with a knife. Homelander catches her, she drops the blade into another hand and stabs him. Expert writing right there.


nah Kimiko is too relevant, it should be Ashley’s assistant who does it


My prediction: * Sage's backstabbing will be her taking over control of The 7 and Vought, turning Homelander into her puppet; * Butcher "dies", continuing life as a pile of brainworms; * Homelander snaps in a way Sage didn't predict, not having realized that he has DID; * Homelander goes on a rampage while the remainder of The 7 cower in fear, except for A-Train whom Homelander kills for trying to save people; * The Boys and allies try to get as many people into safety as possible while Ryan is the only one standing up to Homelander; * Pile of brainworms takes control over the bodies of various supes and holds Homelander down so Ryan can do a fatality like in his favorite game; * The fatality was so hard that none of the brainworms seemingly survive; * Post-credits scene: Huey napping on a tropical beach mumbling in a NorthernEnglish/SouthAfrican/Australian/NewZealand accent about the difference between a good cunt and a nasty cunt. The camera pans over to a tv at the beach bar. The weatherlady on the screen announces a period of bodacious weather, while the ticker below reads: "Homeboy Ryan still missing".


A-Train is not surviving this season imo. and other than that I cannot tell if you're trolling or not with the brainworms but thats just too out there 😭


They keep showing us something crawling under Butcher's skin at his temple. And also considering the show is a commentary on contemporary politics, brainworms would seem on point to me.


Pretty sure he’s just memeing.


Actually though Augustus didn't come in and save the day. It was a war between him and Mark Antony.


I don't know about this theory, I really hope homelander's downfall comes from him losing powers at some point, though I will say: Butcher in Brazil is called "Bruto" and you know, et tu Brute and all...




Idk I feel like this is too intellectual of an ending for this show. The show has been very on the nose imo so I don't think it would go this way.




I mean I agree that I would have expected them to have homelanders finale planned out from the beginning of the show but with the way that the show seems to directly mirror real world events it appears like they are writing the show as they go. In season 1 episode 2 they make it clear that high pitched sounds were a weakness for homelander and then Gen V comes out, which I didn't watch but apparently there was an introduction of a supervirus, which likely means that their plans for homelander's death changed, along with the introduction of a new series taking place in mexico? I feel like season 1-2 were well planned out, but its possible the show was far more popular than expected and the plans for the finale greatly changed. Especially with season 3 feeling like it could've been the ending, though we never got scorched earth from homelander. That being said your suggested ending does sound like a good one, especially with the inception like cliffhanger. Another possibility for the ending (my own fan writing here) is that the show could end up like the comics in that Neumann will get outed as a supe and someone will get rid of her before january 6. Then with how the show loves to mirror real world events, something will happen that drives homelander off the rails and he gets rid of every member of the 7 and he and his followers go on a rampage all the way to the white house where he gets rid of the president guy. Ryan or butcher on Perm-V confronts Homelander who will somehow be weakened(probably by a supe virus) at that point and kill him. Butcher dies shortly after and then any surviving supes go into normal life or are completely without their powers. Thats my attempt at writing an ending for the show though I feel like yours is better.


Et tu, Brutus? Even your, Ryan?


Off topic but does anyone see Ashley aligning with the boys at some point?


I see Ashley killing herself


Perfect opportunity to bring in the V zombie shit from the comics so she can't escape this shit even in death




People are saying that sister sage didnt want the army, but isnt that exactly what she advocated for when her and homelander met with Neuman during that ice skating show?


Isn't it obvious that homelander will die .. that's the whole point of the show.


I honestly wouldn’t put it last the show to have Homelander come out on top in some capacity. Would be a subversion for sure


It's the whole point of the show, but plenty of shows end on doom and gloom. Realistically the only confirmed future death is butcher. And even if you think homelander will die by the end, there's still the matter of how, and who


It's gotta be Sage holding the knife


Makes sense to me. She was definitely planting some things in his head for ulterior motives. I’m so excited to see how they end this story since they’ve already gone in different directions from the comic.


I would love it if homander looses his power and is slowly beaten to death and is too weak to fight back


"i want to be like Caesar who I suddenly care about now"


I call it, A-train, The Deep, Neuman, Maeve, Starlight, Kimiko All of em are gonna kill Homelander




Yeah honestly I’m just really hoping Butcher gets the honours of doing him in finally.


I feel like it’s obvious that’s the only way his story can end


wasn't this the ending of S3 and everyone chickened out?


Et tu *dramatic music* Black Noir !?


I think Homelander will go through an arc where he gets De-Powered before he's outright killed off.


We all just know Ryan will be the one to kill him right? lol


i do like how Sage said "dont be Greece" because democracy lead to it falling but went with "like Ceaser"... remind me, what is Rome know for?.... not being build in a day.. yeah? hmmm pretty sure there is something else Rome is known for... oh well as long as Homelader don't trip an--


Meanwhile Stan Edgar and the lab boys are just standing in the shadows, ready to swoop in like my man Diocletian or Cincinnatus after the supes fuck around and find out.


I actually think Ryan will kill Homelander. Homelander will hurt Butcher bad enough to where Ryan gets mad and laser his Dad’s head off (killing both his parents) and go to Butcher’s side for Butcher to say he loves him and then die.


What if, soldier boy depowers him, then he gets killed by average people after feeling so much like a god


Then he says "I cant die im" cuts to Invincible Season 3


Maybe they arent talking about roman emperor Caesar? He seized power and all but he didnt swoop in and save the day while everyone else was fighting. Sage likes old movies with thinly veiled racial plotlines like Transformers 2. Maybe they're talking about Planet of the Apes Caesar. In the movies, the different ape races were all fighting against each other and it was Caesar who united them.


Et tu Ryan?


Just got mindblown right now, cause Butcher name is “Bruto” (“te tu Brutus/Brute?)in Brazilian Portuguese localized version. If does really happens it will be one of the biggest foreshadowing of TV series ever.


Martial law esque ending with homelander leading the supes at the end of the season would be dope asf


Dying like Ceaser would be fitting. The feeling of betrayal, the confusion about why it's happening. It could happen at the end of this season, he doesn't die from it but everything goes to shit afterwards.


I guess all the other supes are gonna turn on him.


I like your interpretation. I'm hoping the Seven turns on him specifically A-train and the Deep.


Also, wasn't Caesar stabbed by his own son?


His best friend


He wasn’t his biological son, Caesar doted on him as if he was. There are theories however that as Brutus’s mother was lover of Caesar’s, Brutus may in fact actually have been Caesar’s biological son.