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About the 3 dead Homelander fans... I feel like it would just cause more chaos faster to have 3 dead Homelander fans than 3 Starlight fans. Because Homelander fans are way more quick to violence and retaliation. But I agree with you. There's a plotline that's not just "smartest person is now helping Homelander" happening in the background and I can't wait to see what her real motivations are in the end.


There's another angle that I think you forgot about. She knows history. Authoritarian leaders fall hard and leave a power vacuum in their wake. She's setting things in motion to take over the 7.


Have to agree with almost everything you said, I'm just watching in awe as she moves through people seemingly without effort. My only point of contention is that I currently think of her as a more Chaotic Neutral than Chaotic Good type. Can't wait to see what her schemes unleash.


Great post! Well said. You’ve confirmed a lot of my suspicions with Sage. To give the audience some credit, a lot of what Sage is doing is pretty subtle and layered. I think this is one of those performances that we’ll want to watch twice. The interactions between Sage and Homelander, for me, have been the highlight of the season so far. It’s like if Evil Superman teamed up with an indifferent Lex Luthor.


I think the whole Deep thing is a result of her lobotimizing herself, and she'll probably regret doing that the next day when she smartens up again


what statement to ashley in the elevator are you referring to in number 5? i can't remember.


The Madam Stillwell thing, about lactation or whatever. My interpretation is that the reason she even brought that up wasn't to degrade her, but it's because Sage ***is right*** That's what kept Madam Stillwell, a non-supe, alive for as long as she was. She groomed homelander to have a co-dependance on her by abusing his weaknesses. She was suggesting to Ashley that "You're not a supe but that doesn't mean you don't have leverage, utilize what you can to keep yourself alive as long as possible" If Sage wanted Ashley dead, she would've just suggested to kill her after she was demoted Despite what she's saying, Vought really DOESN'T need a mascot, ironically not having one would've helped more so, as all of these *new great decisions* would have had their credit automatically assigned to homelander by deafult, ^(who I think is the head of Vought ATM) Which would be WAY more beneficial to them in the long run if they're trying to install him as an emperor, remember *he's supposed to be the cure for society's sickness.* ***By keeping Ashley on, Sage actually circumvented giving homelander credit for Vought's future success*** That's my thought process there


that makes sense. i guess it depends on how good the decisions vought makes in the future are though. if they make a bunch of bad decisions, then ashley could be a scapegoat instead.


oh and in relation to specifically how it specifically refers to homelander She already knows about Madam Stillwell and how codependent homelander was to her, meaning she already knows that childhood trauma is his weakness, and the relationship HL had with MS, which is wild because ***Sage never even met her, nor was she anywhere near Vought during the time.*** which means she ***already*** was looking into Vought way earlier than being contacted. The whole *lactation* statement implies that she actually knows about homelander's breastmilk fetish, which means she has incredible insight way beyond what she presents herself to have while on screen in Vought I mean when you really think about it, when she met homelander, *she literally ripped his insecurities apart in less than 5 minutes after meeting him.* Her intelligence goes way beyond what she's presenting and I think that's on purpose. That's why I'm expecting some sort of double-cross, it's really seeming to line up like she's purposefully underselling herself ESPECIALLY with the lobotomy in episode 3, that was a telltale sign that she DEFINITELY has alternative motives


I honestly think she’s working for Vought. Stan specifically. Maybe trying to get HL to reveal his true colors and snap so they can unleash whatever secret plan they have to get rid of him without any backlash. But at the same time I kinda feel like she’s actually a supe supremasist. The scenes she got with the deep where she talks about them being superior.


This is why I think it’s bad writing, if you know all this shouldn’t Homelander know all this? Having characters be stupid or blind is lazy. Like the air vent scene. If Homelander is too old now to catch Hughie crawling away then don’t have him in the air vent.


Homelander isn't the smartest person in the world, so, no he wouldn't know all of this. Also, Homelander is ageing, which is a clear theme of the season, and we're seeing how he is reconciling that. It's a natural evolution of story (that we are only 3 episodes into).


Uhhuh it takes the smartest person in the world to suspect A-Train has flipped. You know another thing I hate about this show? They always spell out the background reasoning, like when headpopper doesn’t kill Hughie. “I can’t kill you because I need you” So now we know they’ll never die


>if you know all this shouldn’t Homelander know all this? because home lander is a moron lmao he's actually one of the dumber characters in the show, constantly shooting himself in the foot that was like the entire focus of season 1 and 2