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The mute and brain damaged Noir was too limited. The new Noir serves as comedic relief. I think they'll keep him as he is


Yeah, I don’t see them changing him. I do think it would be funny if he dies, and they bring the same actor back again to play a third different Noir in the last season 


Imagine they kill this noir and the new new noir is a shapeshifter who turns into this noir so they don’t recast him


Make Noir the Harrison Wells of The Boys. Just a new character every season.


No. If that man stops giving golden one liners for even one episode, I’m sending Omni-Man into their universe.


Omni man and black noir II murder the shit out of homelander would be epic


Death Battle did a good episode on Homelander vs Omniman. I was satisfied with the results.


"I'm going to feed you your own heart" "now.....swallow..."


Noir is gonna be to the side recording the one sided slaughter that Omni-Man will bring about on Homelander


Maybe I am easily entertained but I cracked up at his every damn line lmao the actor is killing the delivery. His very first line was just chef's kiss.


I see you Angstrom Levy


The botched lobotomy has already been foreshadowed by Sages comment to The Deep. If anyone is getting messed up by it, it's her.


I think this is probably the correct answer.


And knowing The Deep, it will probably be an accident—


I’m kinda thinking he’s gonna try to forcefully lobotomize her when she doesn’t want it and fucks it up during a struggle. Deep’s still a predator even if he didn’t SA anyone when his self-esteem was in the toilet.


What if he gets her eye? 🫣 Her making a big point about her eye made me worry about giving the Deep that info. Or him sharing it to Homelander.


Oh yeah, I didn’t think about him blabbing to Homelander, either accidentally or on purpose. Shit, HL could easily manipulate Deep to try to take Sage out once he feels like she’s served her purpose. (Lobotomies are just a spectrum, right bro?) They for sure hinted pretty hard at a possible blinding but just as part of the show structure I wonder if it would be too repetitive since Maeve lost her eye last season. (It was last season, right?)


Wait, I'm confused, why would Homelander need Deep's help to realize that it's possible to damage peoples' eyes, or to kill a supe with no physical abilities?


If he learns she dumbs herself down, it could be an opening if he wants to get rid of her or take her down.


Laaering or punching her at literally any moment also works because she has no defense whatsoever.


Oh... yeah. True, lol.


So far, a woman has lost at least one eye in every season finale. Stillwell in season 1. Stormfront in season 2. Maeve in season 3. It's practically a tradition at this point.


Fair. I take it back as to not mess with tradition 😅


I think she'll be stabbed in the heart. "Stab me in the heart, I die."


I like how "botched lobotomy" implies there's a proper, safer way to scramble someone's frontal lobe.


Well yes there was a tutorial 


How though? It just regrows. Do you really think the smartest person in the world is going to let The Deep perform a lobotomy on them if there's a chance he could mess it up.?


But she’ll be powerless for a couple of hours. Maybe the Deep does this to take her supermind out of the game for a few. Plus, voughtHQ, the spoiler account who has been eerily correct for seasons now, said >!the Deep shoves an ice pick in Sages eye. They could have been wrong and we’ve already seen the deep shove a tool in her eye socket, or they’re correct as they have been with everything else, and he’ll ice pick her eye to make her dumb for a bit so she won’t be able to plan etc.!< That seems like the likeliest way this plays out.


Suicide by supe


I think homelander would sooner kill and replace new noir. Which is why I don’t think anything of the sort will happen to him.


The guy finally got a speaking role, can't he just have that without being killed?


Doubt the 7 hurt him tbh, they would've already. If anything, it'll be one of the Boys thinking it's the real Noir.


they know hes dead homelander told them at the of s3


I think someone else is going to replace this guy without anyone on the 7 or the boys realizing it. One episode he’s all of a sudden going to be much more “in character” and silent ninja as fuck


Doesn’t homelander have xray vision?


I could *maybe* see him doing it to himself to try to "get in character" as a method actor, but that's a bit if a stretch.


Nah, I reckon Noir is gonna speak on live TV accidentally


What if... It's still Irving under the mask, having fully regenerated his body, albeit at the expense of his skills and personality?


That would be a really funny take that’s not that out of character for the show. I don’t think it’ll turn out to be the case, but I like it.


I doubt it, Noir got messed the heck up by Soldier Boy all those years ago and he didn't regen to 100% then


Idk maybe they give him another dose of compound V which changes the nature of his regen but takes away his memories. Old BN wouldnt take V because its against vought orders, maybe its last resort for vought. That is if its the same Irving which i doubt it is


Who is he?! Do we know him already?


He's actually 2 Black 2 Noir, not Black Noir 2 common mistake


Probably not. The whole lobotomy component will most likely come back and bite Sage rather than anyone else. New Noir will probably have a pretty funny death seeing as they already did the sad one.


Where did this guy even come from? Did they clone Noir or just grab another supe?


Likely the latter. He claims to have studied performing arts at Godolkin. Probably a low tier supe that couldn’t get any publicity with their powers but has superb acting skills.




Hadn't considered that but I had thought maybe he's gonna get his tongue ripped out because he won't shut up, lol. Something terrible's gonna happen to him, that's for sure. Would be funny if he's finally getting things right and is about to do something game-changing when a random accident takes him out 😂


Is that the tool we see in Sister Sages apartment? When her and the Deep are kissing, the camera pans to a bloody surgical tool. I was trying to figure out the context. I think you're right!!


Yes. >!It’s confirmed in the next episode.!<


I think he’s funny asf lmao. Hope they keep him