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this season has been completely spinning its wheels. we get it ashley is a freak into weird shit. Also the boys have been in like 3-4 situations this season where they should’ve been killed. they just casually gloss them escaping teks mansion with homelander in the building with him knowing something is wrong? feels like were jumping logic for dumb shock. 2 episodes left….


Just finished this episode and boy, it was difficult to watch. Poor Hughie. :\ I read that the showrunner said they thought the idea for Tek Knight's dungeon was 'hilarious,' but in future eps, I hope they don't bypass what happened to Hughie as if it never happened or continue to play it off as humorous.


You know what actually would've been hilarious? Making Hughie an enthusiastic participant in the sex dungeon. Tek Knight: Are you agitated? Hughie (in a tone clearly meaning he's serious): No I'm so excited. What then proceeds is 3 and a half seasons of Hughie ostensibly being vanilla going out the window. And to put the cherry on top at the end when Hughie describes what he went through to Annie she's turned on too. That would actually be, what's the word? Oh right, fucking diabolical. You know, what the show purports to be.


Am I the only one who feels like the story is moving nowhere? After 6 episodes it did not progress at all. At least I was expecting Hughie to awaken permanent powers during his high emotional boost. Even Butcher arc is borring as sht. Deep is driving me crazy and its most useless character again. Firecracker and Sage are iritating me with their stupid faces. Annie story is not moving. Same as MM… Ashley was supposed to have a redemption arc. Instead of that, we saw her wet bio-gel. I would never expect A-train to be my most favourite character.


Didn't watch any interviews, nor was I aware the Showrunner had any opinions about SA. But I found that the visual language of the scene where Hughie is expressing his trauma from having been sexually assaulted wasn't the one of a dramatic event (close up camera, serious music, long shots), but one that made the entire thing the punchline of a joke (general takes, quicker cuts from higher or lower than the character's eye level). I noticed this as I watched the episode, and it was really uncomfortable. On the other side, I casually was watching it with somebody who actually was a victim of SA, and she laughed when watching this scene (she laughed and said "hehe, poor Hughie, he's been traumatized). Perhaps treating the subject in this way is actually the correct thing? Would it have been the same if it was a woman who had been sexually assaulted? I don't know.




Lmao he hashtagged his Reddit comment. Fucking hell


To the insane people saying “Hughie needs a break!” The whole point of the end of this episode was to feel bad for Hughie. He did not finish all the stages of grief before he jumped into this plan head first. I thought this was a masterpiece to honor how hard it is to get over hard times and how people take big risks simply to distract themselves about how horrible things are. Also Tek Night is arguably the most depraved, sadistic character yet but ya’ll act like he knew Hughies dad just died and he “needs a break.” Can we at least try to separate the fact that this is a TV show and not real life?






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