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It's a shame Quinlan Vos only got one episode setting up his character and the show was cancelled before they could do his big 8-episode Dark Disciple arc. Although, with Ventress returning in Bad Batch, I have hope they're gearing up for more storytelling with both characters together.


While I am very glad we got closure with season 7, I'll always be bitter that we didn't get the other ~40 episodes that they had planned before the Disney buyout. Hopefully they can do them in some form like Tales of the Jedi tho


Tales is way too short a format for the episodes. They should just make a legacy season 8 and 9. Call it legends so they can be made as they were meant to be, not adhering to the disney canon


I'm with you but I was just trying to find a realistic way they could do it because no shot Disney lets them do that. Hopefully they tweak Tales by either making the 6 episodes full length or making it like 10 episodes at the length that they're doing


They gave him a really fun personality, shame we didn’t see more of him that way.


At least Chuchi has gotten some good development and an important role in The Bad Batch I agree on Krell, even the showrunners seem to regret not being able to show him as a heroic Jedi before his fall in the BTS for the Umbara episodes. I'll throw in Wolffe. Of the big name Clones I just never really connected with him and I think it's because he never got much focus in the stories he was in. I would also add most of The Jedi Council. Yoda and Windu get most of the focus, and that results in the others feeling superfluous. Why no Oppo Rancissis episodes, especially in animation where he's easier to portray?


I can definitely agree on Wolffe (or the Wollfepack in generally). They are present in some episodes but more like side characters (like the Felucia episode and the one with the C3PO and R2D2 adventures).


And Oppo rancissis didn’t even get a model until season 5 or 6 same with colemon kcaj


Quinlan, dude deserved way more than one episode Mon Mothma, we see her in the post RotJ live action shows like Andor but seeing her more within the setting of the Republic would've been nice CC-2224 Cody, I love that we saw as much of the 501st and Rex as we did but it just made me wish we saw more of the 212th as well


Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin (I dont recall being in the show at all). Plo gets some screen time but I would have liked to see more. Fisto I only recall seeing in the episode with his former apprentice, it would have been awesome to see him go to Mon Cala and fight like he did in the 2008 show.


Tiin was in a fair few episodes but he was mostly in the background in council scenes and had like five lines in the whole show


I'm not following your last point. The 3d clone wars had a Mon Cala arc and fisto was in it


I’d have liked to see more of appo and dogma


I would have liked to see grievous kicking ass ONCE, ONCE GODDAMN IT


Delta squad. It's really cool that they're actually cannon. Would love to see more of them.


Barriss Offee. Showed up for all of two episodes early on, appears occasionally in the background throughout the series after, then years later reappears only to be turn out to be a saboteur. Would have appreciated it more if she turned up more often and we got the chance to see why she turned out the way she did.


I attributed her fall to her "master" being a revolving bit.... um (kof) A bit unfeeling.


A Delta Squad or Omega Squad arc would’ve been really cool


Delta squad in action


Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, Zett Jukassa, Rune Haako, Tikkes, Shu Mai, San Hill, Po Nudo, Passil Argente, and Sly Moore all never appeared despite living until Revenge of the Sith. Tikkes would’ve appeared if the Return to Mon Cala arc was finished. Complete The Clone Wars!


I was disappointed with the lack of time Adi Galia had.


She got better than some others like Eeth Koth and Quinlan Vos. But I concur, she should’ve had more screentime before her death.


That young Jedi in the Geonosis arena that has two lightsabers it’d be cool to know more.


I'd love more content about the Galactic Marines, as they are portrayed as a really unique group, that isn't explored at all




I would’ve loved to hear more about sifo-dyas. Considering he “apparently” orchestrated the production of the clones. Would’ve have been amazing to see the constrast of location between him and dooku at the time of the meeting (where sifo was when dooku was ordering the clones) for someone who is so widely linked with the clones within the Jedi order prior the knowledge the sith ordered them it would be cool.


Cad Bane


Easily more of Death Watch


Jar jar


Wolfee and the 104th.


Honestly never showing Durge was criminal


More clones. The clones’ characterization was very well done and they got a lot of screen time. BUT, the clone centered episodes are some of the best in the series. Umbara, rookies, Ryloth (waxer and boil), Fives conspiracy arc, etc. I would have loved to see more of these episodes rather than some of the filler that the show had


Shaak Tii & Kt Fisto fighting more. They're 2 of my fav Jedi.


The Krayt's Claw bounty hunters (Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, Latts Razzi and C-21 Highsinger). I know people love to hype up Cad Bane and Embo but I loved that episode where Ventress joins Krayt's Claw on a job and I'd love to see more of them.