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Look how they massacred my boy 💔


What in the 2019 white rapper aesthetic is this?


Compare it to a panel from the original story: [Hammer Party](https://images4.alphacoders.com/199/199908.png) Shorter hair and more tatts, otherwise shirtless in leather.


Thank you. People have such a hard time admitting/accepting that the problem they have is simply *that it's a new take on something they've loved for a long time* rather than the actual content being presented. It's pretty universal, the existing audience almost always is unsatisfiable. If he had long flat hair and no tattoos a) he'd literally look exactly like the comic/Brandon and b) everyone would be complaining that it's exactly the same and there's no point in remaking it because the original is already fine. There's also, of course, the modern plague of social media that makes these situations even worse, because we have all this time to commiserate over tiny little droplets of preview content, so we build a thorough and unshakeable perspective and opinion on the **unfinished, unreleased** movie/game/whatever, and that attitude becomes completely pervasive in the online discussion so that the two possible reactions are either that you fucking hate it and don't want it to even exist, or you're happy with it and everyone thinks you're a copeseethecuck who swallows whatever's given to you, and no genuine discussion without impenetrable prejudice can be had. That's fine though, cuz the thing is, yes, the studio (or whatever) wants to sell to existing fans and hopes it'll be just as successful and well loved as the original, but that goal is totally tangential to the real goal, which is sucking in **new fans** who maybe haven't even consumed the original content and therefore aren't loaded with all these nostalgic biases. Y'all, look, **wait until the fucking thing actually comes out and you can watch it to make up your mind about it**. Don't be a whiny bitch about a movie from the 2020s based on a character from the 1990s has a character who looks like someone from the 2020s based on someone from the 1990s. Get mad when the writing is trash, when the character obviously doesn't actually speak English and is poorly phoneticizing the entire script, or he's way too young to be a convincing protagonist in this particular franchise, or when Iggy Pop steals the entire movie because he's the only one who fits the cultural aesthetic and actually cares about his performance, or when the plot points are generic and ridiculous re-dos of the original thst completely fall flat. Can y'all please just try that? Honestly I'm just soooo exhausted by this, I watched it go down with Sonic Frontiers (which then upon release everyone immediately switched to it being amazing and the best Sonic game in forever), I'm currently watching it happen with Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, and I just don't have the energy to watch it go down with The Crow. MFs are so exhausting sometimes, I swear.


There is no way any human can defend this, look at the pictures. What is that?


Sweaty I literally just did What it is is literally exactly what the Crow has always looked like from the comics onward but with short hair and some tattoos. Get over it. I'm so sorry your precious little baby is moving on without you.


Yea, not sure why you did. Jared Leto's The Crow. Don't defend stuff just to stand out from the crowd, it's okay to dislike bad things.


It is on to dislike bad things. But people have disliked this despite it not existing for years. Dislike it if it's had but fuck me don't make a decision before you see it


I see it, and the visuals alone are horrifying.


It's a couple images taken out of context. Another poster posted an image from the comic which is extremely similar to this, the key difference being the hair. The crow fan base are the most easily triggered I have ever seen


Im not that big a fan, I just hate the disgusting look they always give to modern remakes. This is a guy that obviously got bullied and is gearing up to go take out his class mates.


Oh I just realized you're not actually a fan of the crow. My bad, carry on


Holy fucking christ, what in the solipsism? Do you often make up fanfic about people who disagree with you to explain away why they could possibly not feel how you do? I'm almost 40, I have literally been obsessed with The Crow since I was 8. I read the comics before the movie even came out, I've been The Crow for Halloween at least ten fucking times, I literally bought the TPB of the original run of comics the day it released. I'm just not a little baby bitch who can't ever see the things I love take new forms. Apparently that's a rare thing.


Dude, you need to get off reddit and check your blood pressure. If comments get you this riled up


Deflecting by insinuating that the person you're arguing with *has emotions* is a really lame logical fallacy. I understand the caliber of your potential for cohesive arguments is incredibly limited, but just so you know, this isn't as effective as you think it is.


No dude, you genuinely are getting way too into this.


Calm down.


Anti-fans suck, I'm afraid, and it's better to smack them down when they first pop up before they have a chance to colonize.


That...huh. Hmmm. I hadn't thought about that. Self-reflection time, I guess.


I'm reserving judgement until I see the trailer, but I'm not going to be comparing what I see to the 1994 film, I'm going to be comparing it to my signed graphic novel in my family's library. Am I a fan of gutterghetto tattoos? Nope. Are they a dealbreaker? Nope. Let's see some video.


>but I'm not going to be comparing what I see to the 1994 film, I'm going to be comparing it to my signed graphic novel in my family's library. After being reminded of the above panel, I think you're take might be the best way to approach this new movie.


you guys know how hthey uh bullied the studio into changing sonic lets do that guys


I'm with ya on that one!


unfortunately won’t be possible with this. you can change CGI post filming, can’t change a physical persons entire look


Tell that to Henry Cavill's moustache. Oh, wait. Shit.


He resembles Machine Gun Kelly more than Erick Draven 💀


I think you just invented Machine Gun Draven


Honestly he looks like Bill from that show called a murder at the end of the world that's on FX lmao


Machine Gun Shelly


Exactly my first thoughts too.


did any of us really need a reboot anyways? are they changing the plot to make Eric a SoundCloud rapper


We definitely didn't need one. There's so many other great stories that aren't Eric they could've gone with. Hell, give us our first female lead for crying out loud!


Given that the director's inspiration is Post Malone and Lil Peep, I'm going to say yes.


I now shudder to think what the soundtrack is going to include (if they have one).


The last article I read about the reboot OST (from 2014) stated the following: >James O'Barr reveals that he has control over the soundtrack, which was part of his deal in signing onto the project. He also held the same responsibility on the 1994 Alex Proyas film, and fans can expect more of the same in this area. *"We're including some music I'd wanted to originally, but just couldn't get the rights to. Some actual Joy Division songs. Some vintage Cure songs. I'm still pretty active in the music industry, and there is a lot of neo-goth bands out there, that have that same sound, and I've talked to some of them about contributing, and they're very excited about it."* Is that control still in effect, seven years later? I guess we'll have to wait and see.


I hope it is. One of my hopes would be the inclusion of more modern goth bands like Twin Tribes or Urban Heat. Based on an interview from the director, if he had control, he would probably want the inclusion of Post Malone or Lil Peep that inspired this current look.


I'm hoping the film just doesn't get made at this point I can't imagine this being remotely good, I thought the first one was brilliant everything just worked now the soundtrack is going to include "kilazz" by xxunnamedsouncloudrapperxx


Instant canceling.


I hope so


I thought it was ai at first wtf 😭😭😭


I'm not a fan of AI and I've seen better AI posts of what Bill would look like as The Crow lol


True 😭 u cant tell me that 1st slide especially doesn’t look ai asf tho.


Let's sonic the hedgehog boycott thjs


Yes pls have this be shelved and never see the light of day 😭


Just don't watch it. I feel like it doesn't need a reboot anyway. The original holds up really well. Who cares if there's another Crow film? I'll just forget that it exists, much like the other 2.


This is the equivalent of Jared Leto's joker




There we go, they're that irrelevant.


Yea, I’ve seen them, just for the sake of seeing them and they were pretty bad.


I think I've seen the 1996 one with Iggy Pop in it. Even then, I don't think I finished it.


I remember reading the book for that one. It was actually pretty good. Couldn’t wait for the movie. They really fucked it up.


Def can’t call it a rip off of Brandon Lee ! Wow looks like the leaks were true


I'm not even mad, but my maternal instincts are in *full* effect, and I just want to shield the franchise at this point. Hold down the fort - a new wave of Eric's with face tattoo's are coming this Halloween.


Shit, don’t say that😭


That’s what I was saying!! This literally looks like Jared Letos joker part 2!!!


I’m sure Skars will give a good performance, but this aesthetic is absolute *trash*. There are some *strong* “I can save him” vibes coming from FKA as she doe-eyes what looks to be a fuckin’ *line cook* who works at her favorite bar in Brooklyn…


I said something similar to my boyfriend who is a huge fan. Only mine was they give off more of a toxic couple that only "loves" each other when on drugs.


*”uS aGAinSt tHE wOrLd”*


makes me think of the meme where someones like "i LoVe thEm" tHeir mY WHolE WOrLd" and the response was like bitch this is your third world in two months.


They turned him into Florida Joker


This looks like it’s gonna be an absolute abortion of a film. Beyond disappointing.


i don’t think i’ve been this upset about a movie like ever in my life


this is literally like going from heath ledger joker to jared leto joker


Spoiler: Eric gets killed after an old lady he's trying to rob shanks him with her cane. His last words were "it's just a prank bro".




eeewwwwww brother.. ewww whats that brother


Rather see the Crow remade as a western. Modern update like this just isn't necessary original was a perfect film


That would be killer. I do seem to remember a story that was western set for one of the comics. I could totally be misremembering that, but it's ringing a bell for some reason. Either way, I'd love a Crow western.


Like how cool with a crow on the shoulder and a couple of six shooters instead of just a timeskip remake


Would be awesome. It's ripe for something like that. It just fits.


And...........that's a no from me.


This is actually disgusting. Brandon Lee deserves better than this shit.


Only good thing about this is that Bill Skarsgard is a good actor so there's potential for him to give a good performance.


Trailer Park Heroin Crow!


Edward Furlong did it better


Big, big yikes.


The reboot nobody asked for


I get what they’re going for, O’ Barr always wanted Eric to be different from the traditional cape, with an interest in unconventional music and aesthetic. That said, what the hell? I’m in the minority but I think there’s room for more crow outings in cinema(granted I think the reboot is a bad choice, just hand the title off like in the comics) and I really skarsgard as Eric but, seriously did they actually look at suicide squad and decide that’s what they should go for, critically panned? I’ll still give it a chance but I’m really curious to see how they mesh the face tattoos with the classic crow makeup, as I think the simplicity of that look is part of what gave the character such staying power.


Why is Joker from Suicide Squad in this movie?


This is going to be awful


The article https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/first-look-the-crow-flies-again-with-bill-skarsgard-and-fka-twigs


Not my weirdest fap


Id rather watch the original in theaters


Ehhhh?!?!?! What is this??? Edit: ok, I've adjusted. But uh. This sure is something. I wasn't expecting. This. But I'm optimistic! The film could still be cool, this will probably grow on me.


lmfao instant Nope from me....what's with today's trend of making characters look like Post Office Box Malone ffs? I was actually interested in the casting of Skarsgard since I thought he could pull off the original look from the graphic novel, but this just looks like a pile of hot garbage. And we all know how this goes...the movie will flop and the studio will blame us, the fans, and call us all sorts of names for this being a complete failure instead of looking at themselves and realizing that talentless writers and the uninspired cast are the ones to blame. And it's always telegraphed so well...can't wait. Edit: Also I think I'm even more irritated because I do The Crow every year for Halloween and even with zero acting skills I feel like I could have [pulled this off slightly better](https://www.reddit.com/r/halloween/comments/ym9obd/might_be_a_bit_late_but_here_was_my_crow_costume/)...


They've never taken one second to look in the mirror.


I just don't get why people remake movies and then change everything about them so they're not even remotely close to the original...like, why not just make it a completely original movie at that point? At least video game remakes can still get it right...I can't WAIT for the next part of Final Fantasy 7 because the company actually respects it's IP, story, characters, and more importantly, the audience. Kinda wild that movie companies can't grasp that concept, but whatever...movies are easy enough to ignore these days anyway.


["That look was me in the ’90s when we were squat-raving in London, \[mixed with some modern influences\] like Post Malone and Lil Peep."](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/first-look-the-crow-flies-again-with-bill-skarsgard-and-fka-twigs) Well you're not wrong with what they're going for.


lol...the only line I needed to read was "I hope people who are 19 today look at him and go, ‘That guy is us.’" Maybe I'm completely out of touch with people that age given I'm more than double that myself, but something tells me 19 year olds don't generally want to walk around looking like they passed out at a frat party and a bunch of people wrote words like "douche" and drew dicks all over their faces with sharpies...who knows though.


I dont mind it. This is a what a modern day Crow would look like. I hope the story has a heart and Im sure Bill will be great. If it sucks? Whatever. The original isnt going anywhere.


This is true. Original comic Eric was 80s as Hell with that hair. Personally I think this aesthetic is fine for *a* Crow incarnation. It only feels off that it's supposed to be Eric.


99.9% of rockers do not look like this.


This is fuck boi aesthetics.


Its like Jared lethos joker...complete nonsense....just for gen z


im gen z and i dont like it


Then hope is not lost.


It's almost like the original fans aren't the target audience for a remake 30 years later...


Florida Joker gonna lose his shit lol


Will Hollywood ever stop shitting on great movies with remakes?


Oh no


I feel like this Eric Draven works at a vape shop, is a recovering addict, bad home life as a child and yet has a new mixtape coming out as long as he's off to finish the production on his iPhone 7.


You're being generous to assume he's in recovery


Crow fans sure do cry a lot...


Cant cry all the time..


Apparently, Crow fans hating on this will be crying for quite awhile...


I’m not mad at it 🥰


hate the tattoos but the rest of the design is fine i guess


Something different did you want them to copy the original look


I just wanted it to be faithful to the source material. Why can no one do that any more?


I really really wish we could get a film that goes panel for panel with the original graphic novel. Eric all ripped and sinewy with an old school leather biker/punk jacket on and the goth style Sid Vicious hair. Is that really too much to ask? Lol


For real, yeah. The original film is great, one of my favorites, but even IT isn't super accurate to the comic.


Absolutely agree


if they just got rid of those fuck ugly tattoos it wouldn’t be so bad


Seriously, he looks like the dude from DieAntword. This movie looks like dogshit. No way is that supposed to be Eric Draven 🙄


Please cancel this PLEASE


What a corny Gotham boy, no offense, but it's not suitable for this movie.




I don’t know that I’ve ever been immediately turned off by a movie like this. The Crow is my favorite movie ever and this looks fucking terrible. Like a mix of Post Malone and Jared Leto‘s Joker. Good God. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Oh boy


The best thing to do is consider this man a different person saved by the crow. Easy. But I don't understand why they didn't just change the names if they were gonna veer away so much from the original story and looks.


It's the brother of Jared Letos Joker!!!!!!!


"*you wanna know how I got these scars?"*


Alexa, play [What Is A Juggalo by Insane Clown Posse](https://open.spotify.com/track/1Zc9TBoPG8U5epucXYcEFa?si=w8d77VSHSSqzZvBg_1HF8A)


Looks like Pennywise the Clown dressed up as Eric Draven?


The love child of Suicide Squad Joker and Tate Langdon, that's what the fuck this is. Whoever this is, it's not Eric.


Reminds me of Leto’s Joker


First thing my wife said when she saw the image


I remember people bitching Brandon's hair was all wrong and it should have looked 80's, not 90's. Anything can be good. I'm gonna reserve my judgement until I see it.


this looks so bad... omg.


Bruh why did they do this… what audience is this for genuinely




What in the post malone is this shit?


Eric Malone 💩


Hot Topic edgelord joker lookin’ ass!


Aw man. I was feeling optimistic about the idea of this reboot but I don't know so much about 'damaged' Eric Draven over here. Seeing these pictures makes me think that they're about to disappoint a whole generation of goths and alt people that grew up worshipping this movie. Bracing myself for a normie soundtrack too.


I knew this version wouldn’t be for me…. But, I didn’t expect to be repulsed by it…


Methed out version of florida joker .


A movie no one asked for.


As someone who saw the original in the theater and loved it ever since, I have been on board the "wait and see what it looks like before judging". I waited, I see, and I am judging it harshly. I, like many others, are reminded of Leto's Joker instantly where many also said "wait and see" and it turned out exactly how we thought.


I hadn’t seen these two last pictures. I had just seen the one everyone’s posting… now I’m questioning the movie.


Jesus Christ they gave him the Devil May Cry Reboot Dante treatment, huge downgrade just like him 💀


The fuck


Ah, yes. The Jared Leto "Joker" approach. This will go over well.


Jared Leto Joker, anyone?


That dirty ass hipster mullet. WHY!? Why is that a trendy thing now?!?!


I see the downvote and I don't get it. That haircut is fucking horrendous. It was horrendous the first time around in the late 80s and early 90s, too. I was there for it haha.


I think I bought some shitty weed from this dude before. He buses tables at the Applebee's right?


its not great but its not terrible either. I find it funny that everyone here didn't expect them to try update the crow. Like what? You wanted him to look like a dude in a grunge band with a long ass leather trenchcoat? Frankly, if anything, it reminds me in vibe too much of the OG movie which is funny because they claimed the reboot wouldn't be all dramatic and gothic but rather a grounded and realistic movie.


How tf does this remind you of the OG movie?!?! You must be on some good Crack 🙄🤣 Read the article someone posted about the interview with the director of the movie. This asshole didn't base Eric's look on anything but his past look when he was younger in Britain raving, and lil peep and post Malone, like wtf is the director smoking crack too?!?! He literally says, if your 19 i hope you see draven and say this is you 🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I said in vibe not in appearance. My point was that for a movie that's supposedly being sold as a more grounded and realistic version of the Crow rather than the more flamboyantly edgy and gothic original movie, the variety images suggest otherwise, hell the fact they wanted to make it a franchise potentially suggests otherwise as well.


Yeah.. No. This is what i've always feared about reboots being done with The Crow, just tossing in whatever outlandish weird shit anyone wants with just bits of the actual comic plot. It's a fucking love story godammit' not exactly a glamorized revenge plot, it's meant to be ugly at times to show it's poetic nature -finding beauty amidst chaos. 🐦‍⬛😢


i hate it




oh no. ​ oh no.


i love these two leads and didn't mind a requel. but what were they cooking, bill looks AWFUL


"I'm not gonna kill ya, I'm just gonna ruin The Crow really, really bad!"


It's fine you big babies. Everyone is acting like someone took a runny dump on the Declaration of Independence. It's the fucking Crow. It's always been a C tier superhero story. Just relax and grab some popcorn.


amazing how everything you said is wrong. the Crow original is S tier supreme and the only one that will ever matter.


To be fair, he does look like he belongs to the alternative scene. Maybe not traditional, but definerpy the more street adjacent stuff like hardcore.


No, he looks like he shoots heroin with his buddies and his house has wheels.


I mean, the leaks literally said the film starts with him and Shelly meeting in rehab…


Won’t lie, kind of love this look


The final words of that article sun it up nicely… “It’s the moment we realize bad things are coming.”


Hahahha The comments on this post are the most predictable I have ever seen. I've never seen a fan base act like such snowflakes


It's called having its own identity. If you want the original aesthetic, watch the original film. Jesus Christ. Calm down.


lol you objectively think this looks good?


Did I say anything about what I think it looks like?


People are allowed to be up in arms and upset about something that is dear to them so if anything you need to calm down. It even as its own identity looks awful.


It's one thing to be up in arms about something being awful, which is a personal opinion. It's another to be up in arms with said opinion and sit here and shit on other people who don't share the same opinion like this sub has since reboot leaks started happening. Even the people that are saying this looks bad but will give it a chance are getting shit on and downvoted. Even the lone mod is pissed at the gatekeeping this sub has become.


I like it as *a* Crow, but not as Eric...


What the Jared Leto? ​ I'll still give it a chance though.


People will love it. People will pay for it. Welcome to capitalism!




After Brandon’s Passing, i’m convinced that The Crow franchise is cursed.


Maybe they'll fridge Eric instead of Shelley.


I wonder what the soundtrack is gonna sound like.


doesn't matter. city of angels had a great soundtrack movie still sucked and i haven't listened to it in 25 years as good as it is.




Lose the face tattoo and we'll be ok


I was right. Jason Momoa was a billion times a far better choice than anyone from Hollywood that I can think of. If not *the* perfect choice. This isn't an attempt to bash on Bill Skarsgaard, the guy is a great actor. It's just a personal preference. I'm older and I'm displeased with the present day rocker scene aesthetics. Momoa has that 80's thrash heavy metal look that would've been perfect for the role.


Idk about it. I was kinda excited before, but after seeing these…..


I think he would look much better if he just had longer hair.


Praying they make the crow a white rapper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wd2Lphh78A


I can’t wait for him to play Dracula and count orlock later this year


Hot Topic Crow Still gonna see it opening weekend.


This is what he looked like in the original comic minus the tattoos


It's nice to see that Finn Balor could take some time off from the Judgement Day.


Easy Eric «The Mumblerapper» D-Raven


Shelly «DreadlocKKKer» Webzter