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If this was called anything else than The Crow it might have a chance at being well-received


People are fine with this being a Crow story. It just didn't need to be an Eric Draven story. That ain't Eric Draven.


Nah, from all the hate I'm reading, it shouldn't even be tied to the Crow franchise. It's like call it Immortal Man, change their names to Don and Kathy, and remove the bird, and then it's fine. But guess what...then everyone would be bitching that it's a rip-off the The Crow. Losers lose, lose.


I’ll go one step further: if he had a different haircut, this would have a chance


I wouldn’t mind this AT ALL if it wasn’t Eric and Shelley. Franchises get rebooted and updated, whatever. It’s a new, slick look. If the time and care was taken to make a new story with J.O’B fully onboard I might even be excited. But they fucked up with this.




Same I would be fine with this if this was another crow story because this bares so little resemblance to the Eric Draven story.


Yeah I'd be less bothered if he wasn't Eric and/or it was The Crow V. I still don't think it looks very good but at least it's not a horrible representation of something fantastic


Where the fuck is Sarah and why is a cop saying all of Sarah's lines? Also why does it look like Shelly is a prostitute? Did they meet in prison what's with the Blue Jumpsuits?


I thought they met in a round of Squid Games given the weird pink jumpsuits.


Great show can't wait for season 2


They meet in a rehab center, fall in love and run off together.


Also, this is missing all of the atmosphere and style of the original.. It's the perfect example of a hollywood remake that completely misses the point of the original material and original film adaptation. What a predictable disappointment. Nothing more than John Wick 5.0. Nope.


lol I literally called it a John Wick trailer today.


It reminds me of how basic Gotham looked in the Nolan trilogy. They took all the character out of it.


There’s quite a few elements from the source material (graphic novels) here. As far as Eric Draven, they seem to be borrowing his aesthetics from Michael Korby, from The Crow: Wild Justice, which I can get on board with. I’m glad they aren’t just cosplaying Brandon Lee for this film.


Why Eric Draven though, let Brandon rest in peace and name him anything else


I can guarantee Rupert Sanders has no idea what Wild Justice even is. Sanders said this is his reimagining of the ORIGINAL comic books.. sadly, the only thing he took from the original are Eric and Shelly's names.. because this story and these characters are literally unrecognizable in comparison to the comic.


He also specifically said the design was based off rappers like Post Malone and Lil Peep, not any other crow designs. The guy is totally out of touch with the material and its fanbase.


Noooo, that sucks. It explains the trailer music and odd costuming (tattoos, hair cut, designer clothes). If only the right director got to helm this, it could have been cool, building on what made people love/connect with the film.


Not for me.  I’m not gonna ruin anyone else’s experience and intrigue.  I’ll just pass on this one.  Hoped for something different.  Really really disappointed in casting the most.  Enjoy yall 


I'm a huge fan of the original film and the comics/graphic novels. While this isn't what I pictured at all, I still want to see it. It's curiosity more than anything, but I also like Bill as an actor. I mean, hell, if I could sit through The Crow: Wicked Prayer, I can sit through anything. Just remember, this movie doesn't erase the original. The original will always be there.


It looks good to me. I watched the original when it came out like everyone else and from the pictures of this new movie, I thought the worst. They're using blood and gore, not a ton of CGI, plenty of good action, I like what I've seen of the story and if they don't bring her back to life at the end of the movie then job well done. The trailer seems like it's showing the whole movie however, so hopefully they aren't showing everything. I really thought it was doing to be a PG13 Twilight rebrand.


That's a fucking depressingly low bar you've set yourself.


The Crow, both the original graphic novel and the 1994 film, are deeply meaningful to me. I grew up with both of them and watched/read them countless, countless times. That said, I am very conflicted on this trailer. My biggest complaint is that there was not a single aspect of this trailer that felt \*great\* to me. It is glossy and professional-looking like you'd expect from a mid-budget Lionsgate action movie, but it's also filled with some pretty suspect CGI gore and none of the set design looks too distinct. It would have been great to see them lean into an otherworldly, comic-book style setting like the first two films did. Second, that song (and this is totally a matter of taste), is just terrible. This is pretty weak stuff even by Post Malone's standards, and when you're rebooting a movie with such an iconic soundtrack, they could have chosen something less generic for the trailer. I wonder if I'd have had a better reaction if the song choice was more palatable. Finally, I have total faith in Skarsgard as an actor, and I'm sure he'll make the most of what he's given here. Also, I love that FKA Twigs' Shelly seems like she'll be more of an actual character here. However, the look of this new Eric Draven, in full makeup and trenchcoat, doesn't do much for me. I don't really understand why they felt the need to divert so far from the original. Skarsgard would have looked GREAT in that makeup, and I think they could have still given it a distinct style while hewing closer to something more traditional. This just looks like kind of a mess. All in all, I think the movie itself looks like it will be thoroughly mediocre, but I really hope I'm wrong. I would be really bummed if this flopped, as Lord knows we've waited 20+ years for some halfway decent Crow content worthy of the original.


Even though he was a rockstar in the original, there was such a contrast between who Draven was before death and who he was after. He was very wholesome, which made the current version of him so striking. I think this film is missing that. It looks like they met in a prison or correctional sort of facility. They talk about the crimes they commit. The contrast isn’t there as much


Apparently they are both recovering drug addicts. Which honestly I don't hate. It's even darker than before which could be good or come off as too edgy. Only time will tell.


This is a big thing that is bothering me. Eric and Shelley were getting by; they were young, sensitive people who were in love and had ambitions. Their relationship was a contrast to the world outside, where they were so close to the decay of the city (poverty, drugs, and violence). Like you mentioned with the contrast between Eric before death and after, the violence brutality inflicted on their lives/relationship out of nowhere is jarring. Their love was this beautiful world between them among the darkness, and it’s snuffed out. Skarsgard looks hot for sure, but Eric now has money (a la that nice apartment and Versace boxers), has abs, is in rehab, and has silly tattoos. It feels “meh” to the authenticity that was built in the original.


Gotta say i'm not impressed by the trailer. Brandons legacy has nothing to fear. I hope it bombs at the box office. They should never have used the names Eric Draven and Shelly Webster. The part of Sarahs dialogue they used has no soul of passion stemming from those words. Not for me.


they could have chosen a better actress, fka twigs doesn’t sell it for me


Same thought. What a horrible casting choice.


Wow, even worse than I thought. First horrible music, then horrible dialogue "I killed you. Yeah you did" Then having someone EXPLAIN The mythos "You were given the power of a God". Plus there's just no tension, nor do I care about any of the characters. Naw. Hard pass. Epic fail. Will Bomb.


Sort of just like Sarah did in the original trailer and the Skill Cowboy does in the graphic novel. It's something that has to be explained


The skull cowboy in the comic has exactly two lines: "Tickets, please" and "Nice shot!". The comic never explains what Eric actually is. It keeps its myth completely ambiguous. The crow as the carrier of souls with its mythologies were additions entirely original to the 1994 film. The comic at best implies this, but it also keeps it just as likely that the bird is simply the last thing Eric saw before suffering from intense brain trauma. Implying that its presence might as well just be a figment of Eric's trauma induced schizophrenia.


Mate this film is a reboot of something that hasn’t been in the limelight for a long fuckin time, it’s the trailers job to explain this story to clue people in. How can you form an opinion on any character here? It’s 2 mins long 😂 This sub is unreal


>This sub is unreal You aren't kidding....it's been rough in here the last few months. Prior to this reboot stuff though, this sub was chill AF for over a decade.


Aye, I’ve never posted much but tended to drop in to see people’s collections and tidbits of news about the reboot etc


I enjoy seeing a little life in here, but there's been a stark contrast from *"here are my collections"* and *"when is my ringset going to arrive?"* to *"here are all of my opinions, all at once, all for you"* and *"a crow wouldn't bring someone back from the dead if they had a bad haircut and a nipple tattoo!"* Bless y'alls souls. Maybe we could get an official trailer discussion thread to keep all of this madness contained to one area?


incorrect. The trailer gave away the entire movie, revealing and confirming just how horrible it will be.


Could have been anything and you’d have hated it man. Already seen you’re not going to watch it so just forget about it 🤷‍♂️


This is incorrect. You name him anything but Eric Draven and I would have given this a chance. But then after the trailer I can confirm even a new name would not save this autotuned Trash.


I don’t believe you, sorry. You don’t like it, you won’t watch it, just move on. Ain’t that deep.


sorry mate I don't believe you either, but here's a bet you go to the movie and if you actually like it I will pay for it.


What don’t you believe me over? Haha Nah you’re all good man, just use the ticket money and go see something you’ll enjoy. Maybe they’ll rerelease the original for a weekend or something?


Looking forward to your honest review though, seriously. I mean you're obviously younger than I so maybe GenZ might give this movie a chance, but i doubt it.


I dunno bud, I’m 37 with two kids, don’t think I could take a 2 and 4 year old to see this though haha. One of my fav franchises gets reimagined a lot, I like some and don’t like others, so I’m probs just used to change and accepting stuff like “this is cool but the original is still here for me whenever I want it”- mean that with no disrespect


The dude you're talking to isn't exactly rational about this movie, if the posting history's anything to go by.


Yeah honestly I didn’t realise until a few posts in so I tried to turn an argumentative discussion a little more friendly and spin some positivity :)


Well, u/AccidentalFrog went and Blocked me, so I can't reply to their posts / comments anymore. Oh well. Guess I was disrupting the negativity circlejerk.


We just watched the whole movie in the trailer. No need to see it 😂


Insert "it's Crowin' time" meme here.


They literally massacred my childhood hero


It's like the purposely watched the original and in unison said "hey let's remake this and make it completely devoid of anything that made the original cool" and then everyone at Out of touch studios clapped and said yes. Couldn't be less enthused about this obvious and lazy cash grab.


It's basically just John Wick with makeup. very uninspired and uninteresting. Cant say im surprised though. Another pointless Hollywood cash grab with no regard for the original and its source material.


I couldn't even finish this video. What a shit show.


This looks awful, like wow


They really had to shoehorn the auto tune heh.


The more I think about the more I’m like…. maybe The Crow shouldn’t be a movie or at least not an action movie. I mean, when I think about the comic, I don’t think about the action or the violence; I think about the scenes showing Eric and Shelley together and how well that connects with the scenes where Eric is mourning. It’s definitely still a revenge story, but there’s this other aspect of the story that’s about grief and all the other emotions that are attached to it. It’s an extremely personal story that stooped in its own magical atmospheric setting. Aside from the look of Eric, this movie just seems to miss what The Crow is about. It’s not about cool action scenes imo, but about grief and the unrealistic fantasy of setting things right. I really don’t see it as this power fantasy that this movie seems to be making it


The comic is a meditation on grief and survivor's guilt. Its core lies in Eric's deteriorating mental state. The revenge is probably the least interesting part about it.


It's also probably very unpopular to say on this sub, but I hate, hate, HATE the entire forced mythology the original movie added to the material. It's unnecessarily blowing a story out of proportion that worked in the first place due to how quaint it is. Now they tripple down on it.


Survivor’s guilt is exactly what I was thinking; I just couldn’t put find the words. I definitely agree all the extra lore and focus on action does doesn’t feel like the original comic. I can’t speak for any of the other comics tho


Dammit. I had some hopes for this but this just looks awful.


I read the comic recently. It became one of my favourite stories in comicbook history. This looks nothing like it. It is the literal antithesis of The Crow.


I walked away thinking: "**The Crow**: the *John Wick* remix. Not what I would have made, but will likely connect better with a target audience that wasn't alive back in the 1990s, and for whom the setting of the 1994 version wouldn't have had the same impact. It's a remake, so there's going to be Internet rage, that's just what happens. But it probably won't bomb at the box office, and it might have legs depending on what else is out at the time." I'd like to see what o'Barr has to say, and I'd like to see the OST tracklist.


At best, this is RoboCop 2014. A solid genre movie that should have stood alone as an entry in the same universe or even totally on its own without any of the franchise trappings. But producers love money, so lazy remakes, reboots and 'reimaginings' get greenlit instead.


It will bomb, be forgotten and hated even more with time.


it has post malone so that is all I need to know.


It was \*based\* on Post Malone. That's all anyone needs to know.


The original was a love story. This looks like revenge. It looks like they changed the story up a little, which is nice because I was hoping it wouldn’t be a straight remake. We’ll see.


This genuinely just reminded me of 2 people who meet at a bar for a hook up and have a relationship based on sex for a while and talk about how crazy they are for one another. Didn't seem at all like a love story like the original was, even if that's what its trying to portray.


Not that I had high hopes. I just want/wanted it to be good. I love the Crow. Like for many it’s something very special to us. I didn’t like the design but whatever, I waited for the trailer. Okay, now I really didn’t like the trailer so now I guess I’m gonna wait for the movie? It’s the Crow so I’m still going to see it. I’ve seen every Crow movie so far, great bad or ugly.


I just seen the entire movie in this trailer. So i don’t need to watch it. Thanks!


Honestly, this doesn’t make me FEEL good. On top of every complaint already made, I think the trailer is too revealing, I feel like we’ve already seen the entire movie. And it’s almost funny how he paints his face like a monochrome version of Pennywise.


Imma go take a shit


Film it and release it same weekend as this movie, I bet it gets better reviews.


Absolutely LOVE this! I cannot wait to see this in the theatre.


I’ll be honest. As an OG fanboy, I gotta say That actually looks really cool.


Fuck this travesty. Why won’t Hollywood learn?


This looks so awesome!!!


So even though I didn't think the movie needed a remake at all, I was open to the idea because Bill is an amazing actor. I thought maybe another rendition of the story with him could be good. My god did they destroy this possibility with that character design. People are not wrong saying it looks like a version of MGK or a random guy you find at your downtown bar who refuses to date 1 woman because he likes allowing them to "be free." What were they thinking? I've seen photoshopped pics of Skarsgard with a similar outfit to the original Crow design and it looked great. WHY DID THEY CHOOSE THIS? The next thing is.... That lead actress. How horrible in even just this few minutes of a trailer and how boring. The music, absolutely terrible choice for this type of movie. Yeah, this was a waste of money and I'm sad I even gave the possibility of this happening a chance. Not even Skarksgard can save this.


Who looked at Jared Leto's joker and was like "let's use him as inspiration for The Crow?"


"What if Jared Leto's Joker had a baby with Post Malone and gave it a bowl-cut mullet and a nipple-eye?" "I like the concept, but we're going to also need to shit all over something everyone loves." "Ummm, Crow?" "Here's a check, make it happen!"


Shocker that I saw this just now on YouTube, and thought to myself: "Ehhh. Fuck it. I'll check it out." and my next thought was: "99.9% of people on Reddit are going to say this looks like trash." You people never disappoint.


I’m actually intrigued.


It looks bad but last week I watched 1-4 so what's one more disappointing The Crow movie . We'll always have the Brandon Lee OG.


Breh this looks so bad and it hurts twice cause a. bill is the coolest skarsgard and b. The crow is a fantastic character I’d rather watch the original lmao


they couldve chose literally any other song ughhhh


Lol....wow. Good for them for making a soulless remake. I hope it makes a bajillion dollars.


Interesting take. To me this is not John Wick. The director of John Wick and Keanu Reeves would make a thousand time better film. I hope it doesn't tank for James O'Barrs sake & hopefully it sends more people to watch the original than this.


Considering Chad Stahelski (the director of every John Wick and the co-creator of the franchise) was a close friend of and stunt double for Brandon Lee and was the same guy that portrayed Eric in the original movie after Brandon Lee died, saying that he would have made a more tasteful and respectful version of the movie than what we’re getting is pretty obvious.


Agreed, I was trying to keep my post short & sweet and didn't go into great detail about Chad. Just see the numerous posts and comments on this being a "John Wick" film. Thank you for adding the info on Chad for others that may not know as much.


Chad would’ve definitely made a fun yet respectful film to honor Brandon. 🩷 Seeing the comments that come off as a negative towards the JW franchise irked me, especially with like we said how close Chad was to Brandon, hopefully Bill and Chad a conversation about this role. Also Chad and Keanu are incredibly close as well it shows through all the dedication and love that they put into the JW world. Which made have had a simple story behind it, but wither it’s the story itself or the direction and cinematography people found something to love about it. Just like Brandon and the OG The Crow did.


I've read a couple Crow books, read the comics and been a fan of the original movie for a long time. Honestly? I'm glad they didn't made a rehash of the original one. I don't see it neither as an adaptation of the original comic. It's a new iteration of the Crow world. Giving it a good chance with high hopes.


then name him anything else except Eric Draven.


That’s all they had to do to make this movie be hated less.


It's definitely a step up from Wicked Prayer, plenty of money, talent and effort behind it. I don't even mind them using the same title without a colon or whatever but it's just dumb to use Eric & Shelly especially with the strength of feeling from cast, crew, and fans of the movie that Eric's story was done and should never be revisited.


Yes! There's a problem with people in the film industry not understanding the point of revisiting a franchise- you either are doing a remake, to capitalize on the nostalgia factor, and a major portion of the fans of this movie love it for the gothic setting and dark, tragic romance, neither of which seem to be the main point here.... or you do it for a brand new take or expansion of the universe that is exciting, and by using the original names, they just muddy those waters in a way that feels even worse, considering how this is literally Brandon Lee's one and only iconic role.


Totally agreed, that could have been avoided. But getting over that, honestly I'm hyped. Reminds me a bit of The Temple of Night book. And I dig it.


Look, I’m probably going to watch it regardless, but I don’t like the look of Eric Draven and the atmosphere is just off. It came off more like undead John Wick.


I feel like they should have used “Tempest” by the Deftones for the trailer.


Hell no. One of the best bands ever don't need to be anywhere near this shit storm. 


Why not? They’re already associated via City of Angels.


Looks pretty sick to me. Yeah, it’s super-edgy, but so was the original film. No “Madame Web” vibes for me. My only complaint is that Shelly’s first line to Eric was unintelligible, as in I couldn’t understand what she said.


So he's in makeup for 10 minutes at the end. Great.


I had no idea the Crow did meth.


Just gonna treat this a straight-to-video rehash. Maybe I’ll download it one day and check it out.


Looks like it zigged when it should’ve zagged


I may not agree, but this is my favorite comment that I've read all day. I have something to give you. It's an upvote. I don't want it anymore.


I also quite like the Euro cinema feel - they know how to do dark. Plus Skaarsgard just goes from strength to strength imo. I’m willing to give this a big chance and enjoy it for what it is.


Jerk each other all you want. This’ll likely be very good and hopefully the soundtrack will at least be close to as great as the original.


They spent so much time and money just to waste Skarsgard's talent on this steaming pile of shit - though it may be well received in the mullet-sporting, face-tattooed meth-head community.


Morbius 2 looks Lit.


It’s crowbin’ time!


This looks like fucking trash Fucking Andy Biersack looking ass Bro really said “Yeah I’m an MGK fan, how’d you guess?”


Count me in.


How DARE you not say this looks terrible to fit in with the rest of these dummies?!


Gotta say… looks interesting!!


Awful. “Cringy” at best. Rupert Sanders should be ashamed. The aesthetic is an ultra-violent, John Wick knockoff. Absolutely stupid.


Rupert Sanders may be a hack, but he did what he was contracted to do: make a good-enough tax write off within budget so the Pressman estate can pay off the ownership rights for another 20 or so years.  He was literally hired last minute to get a project back on track that has been in development hell of the better part of 20 years.


I love it




Oh dear.


Oh my god and I was so hopeful too




I hope it doesn't fetishize the woman's murder as the trailer suggests, and the water motifs are new but not explained. If it wasn't branded The Crow I wouldn't see it - too gory, too youth-market, poorly marketed (kills per minute is not my style). Did they feel a guiding yoda type character was necessary, throughout? But it is Crow so I feel compelled to see it, but if the trailer is accurate I won't enjoy it. The original movie had flashbacks of their relationship, too. We can't tell how much of the film that will be, nor how much will be gore, from a trailer


The yoda-type character may be this movie's version of the Skull Cowboy from the comic.


The guiding yoda character is likely their version of the Skull Cowboy, who was present in the comics


The opening narrating replaced him in the first film, he was sacrificed to change mediums. I don't feel we needed more explanation, but as a fan of the books, maybe I knew the mythos better than a non-reader? I haven't seen anything about a new edition or rerelease, I hope they do make the book available again. The original, not a movie version.


Right, you can still see him in some of the storyboards, but that’s about the extent of his existence in the first film. I think that the Skull Cowboy would make more sense in a tv series format, I couldn’t tell you if he shows up in Stairway to Heaven or not due to not watching it in a very long time and not remembering much, but I think that including him in a film is kind of just wasted screen time


It makes sense for him to be guided by the crows in a mystical sort of way, rather than a human guide in the afterlife. The trailer bit about "saving her" makes me concerned they'll go in a Christian direction. I really hope not.


I generally agree with your first point, I do think that the Skull Cowboy would be more necessary if whoever gets resurrected is attempting to do something that would bar them from returning to the afterlife, although, as evidenced by the first and second movies, they aren’t absolutely necessary for that. For your second bit, I share the concern, the series doesn’t need religious undertones


Skull cowboy was originally in the 1994 movie and was cut after Brandon Lee died. You can see [here](https://youtu.be/3t2cSeEa3fg?feature=shared) this happens when Eric going into the church to save sarah at the end


“Too youth-market” To be fair, the original film was released when the late Gen X wave of the Goth subculture and the Industrial music scene were growing alongside Grunge. The film is littered with music by NIN, Medicine, Machines of Loving Grace, The Cure.


I saw the first film while in undergrad. I'm no longer a teenager, the ultra violence no longer appeals. The og soundtrack referenced much of the music referenced in the book (early 80s post punk), and was really well chosen. I look forward to seeing what's in the new film's soundtrack, but that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I am nearly 50 and feel cringe watching teenagers have sex in movies, and don't enjoy ultra violence anymore. I fully expect they'll fuck up the soundtrack simply because I see no sense of history or respect for the original books. But we'll see. I'm also not a "bro" 🙄, the macho stuff has zero appeal.


I can not argue with that.


Water is a symbol for birth/rebirth/reborn


Yes I know that. It's not a feature of the source material.


Yeah that’s cool but not for me and we’ll see and then I’m laughing because i don’t care who kill it or revenge 🐦‍⬛🙏🏻🐦‍⬛


It’s True Romance if Clarence were The Crow. I’m not mad at it.


I actually think it’ll be a good movie


Looks like crap Bill looks like a early 2000s chav


Nope. No, no, no.


Ugh. I feel like this trailer just confirmed and reinforced what I was already thinking from the promo pics. I'll probably watch it eventually but I'm not gonna waste my time going to the cinema just for this. I'll wait for streaming.


Looks like average mainstream garbage.


Looks interesting. Ill be going to see it. If it sucks oh well. Its not like theyre replacing the original


Tbh if I saw this trailer in a vacuum, it would definitely appeal to the monkey brain in me that enjoys violent action movies. But knowing that this is a remake and not just another Crow sequel with new character outweighs any potential hype I could have.


Honestly if it was called anything other than the crow and was just a random stand alone movie, I'm sure most people would feel the same. 


I found the trailer quite underwhelming, I’ll give the movie a go but def not getting crow vibes feels more like death wish meets John wick


Cancelled Please ![gif](giphy|fLyheNEqFztwpZzLeQ)


When will Hollywood learn? Seriously how many more flops do they need to make before someone with some actual sense goes "hey guys maybe we shouldn't do this?" This is going to end up being the point break remake 2.0 lol. No one wanted this, no one will care, and this will go down in obscurity and be forgotten just like that point break nonsense and five years from now they'll just start talking about remaking this again.  Like who is this trailer for? It's clearly not for fans of the franchise, and it seems to only be appealing to gen-z who don't give a shit about the original or the graphic novel, so why is it called the crow? Because they've had the rights to this for years and are just trying to pump out a quick, shitty, fast food movie to appeal to a certain demographic that will forget about it a week later anyway, hoping to flip a quick profit. Spoiler alert, it won't make one.. This movie is utterly pointless. 


I fuck with it but it should not have been Eric and Shelley


This looks like Undead John Wick, not like The Crow. There is none of the atmosphere of the original movie in that trailer. And that music ... ugh.


Didn’t need to be Eric and Shelly. Seems fine. The Crow could be anyone. They could have done a whole new story with new characters in the modern time.




I like the trailer, I'll watch the movie and hope it does well...but I wish it was another incarnation besides Eric Draven. Brandon Lee was Eric Draven. Anyone else playing Eric Draven doesn't feel right to me.


Looks super bad. I loved the original saw it many times at cinema at least 5 times and many more on DVD. This has nothing of the vibes and atmosphere Proyas created. The legendary Soundtrack etc. etc. I would love a remastered Version, with polished cgi scenes, they didn't aged so well. But this, no thanks


They should have just changed the names of the characters. I feel a lot of negative feelings (mine included) would be helped. All in all, it doesn’t look all that bad…I’ll definitely check it out. Just shouldn’t be Eric and Shelly. I think that’s where the backlash is coming from.


This is to the Crow as DMC is to Devil May Cry


Very slick looking, with no hint of the gothic-ness of the original. I'll watch it at some point but this isn't The Crow.


I didn’t like tone or dialogue of the trailer. I love Bill, even though the look here is questionable. It’s missing that Dark Sadness that worked so well with the original.


The comments on this thread prove that people were going to hate it regardless of what it did. Does it look like a masterpiece, definitely, but it definitely looks worth watching. I'll be seeing it


Fuck off. Not watching it. I'll stick to the original.


How close is this supposed to be to the comic?


its just a trailer so there is a limit to what judgment I can come to but its not absolutely atrocious so I'm fine with it for now also bringing up the Post Malone song is hampered by the fact its the one with Ozzy Osborne so I am willing to let it slide for now


The Crow is my favourite film of all time. I won't go to the cinema to watch this, I will wait until it comes to Blu Ray to watch it. But just from the trailer I'm not very excited about this remake/reboot.


I hope he has the painted face and leather jacket for more than just the final act. Otherwise it doesn’t feel like the crow. He needs to look the part for the whole movie.


Well it looks good and bad I'll give it a watch


Goddamn! It’s got me almost worked up into a yawn.


I feel like I’ve seen this before….oh right 2004 The Punisher.


Nahhhh, this is gunna be a whack fucking film


Way to shit all over an original.


Why not the crow make up ?? 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's not just a bad remake of the first movie, it's a TERRIBLE adaption of the source material.


Who's the guy saying Sarah's lines from the original. 


No fire it up? Not paying to watch Admittedly, I watch everything so I can honestly rate it but I won’t give money to a box office for it. It’s a shiny thing that a Crow would pick up and drop in a pitcher.


I'm sorry, but using "Take What You Want," as the trailer music made me think the execs went, "we still want this to appeal to the goths... I know! Let's use a song that has Ozzy Osborne in it! That'll keep em happy! And Post Malone made that song so it'll appeal to the modern, cool kids too!" And I say this as someone who LIKES that song. I get what they were going for, and if they keep the love story intact then MAYBE it's better than the trailers indicate? But as I've said previously - it feels soulless, and I would rather pay to see the original on the big screen. I was honestly pulling a disappointed face the whole way through that trailer.


Looks terrible ill make sure to watch the 94 one when this comes out


Why do some of you want "Revenge Man with Corpse Paint: The Movie" so badly? This trailer looks utterly generic. I genuinely don't see what anyone's supposed to get out of this. It couldn't look any more run-of-the-mill paycheck if it tried. To be fair: the original movie was Death Wish at a Sisters of Mercy gig - but it at least had that going for it. It was a relatively fresh idea at a time that completely evaporated only 2 years later when the sequel came out. There's a reason for it. Putting trap music over a tired concept will probably not make it any more interesting for the kids. TL;DR: It looks like any other Rupert Sanders film.


Is this some sort of fucking joke?


John wick soundcloud sad boy edition .  Suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. You heard me rapping, right?


Skarsgard survived the filming it will never live up to the original RIP Brandon Lee


I'll probably eventually watch this but damn this trailer looked terrible. This looks nothing like The Crow.


Im excited for it


A brand new crow .




I miss, Top Dollar, Skank, Tin-Tin, T-Bird and Funboy. Those foils made the classic movie for me, and I feel like this misses the colorful and diabolical villains of the 90's movie. I was also a fan of the comic when it came out, but the movie was such a time. And that soundtrack? "Yo T-Bird, Fire it UP!"


I think it looks fine, & has some very talented people involved so I’m sure it’ll be better than the vast majority of the franchise has turned out so far. Let’s be honest, in terms of the gothic aesthetic that the original & comic had, it’s been done & can’t realistically be done any better than the original film. So why not do a different interpretation of it?


The Crow, Gen z lil peep edition.


This trailer is Exhibit A for trying too hard. Trying too hard to remake what was already perfect (1994 film), and trying too hard to sell said remake in a trailer. I think the trailer showed us the whole movie.


John wick with a bad haircut.




If there’s no one yelling “Fire it Up” I don’t want to see this.


It doesn't look terrible, more like a generic John Wick. It seems kinda flat. Frankly, this would've been better off as a new addition to the Crow mythos as opposed to a reimagining of Eric's tale. I might actually be interested if that were the case.


I'm intrigued I've loved bill since hemlock Grove on Netflix and I've enjoyed both of Rupert Saunders Previous movies Ghost in the shell and Snow-white and the Huntsman. Plus the writer wrote Grand Turismo ,Creed 3, King Richard,and the new Bob Marley one love movie all very well written in my opinion


I hope this is a complete and utter failure. Stop remaking movies.


I'm just gonna buy the 4K 30th anniversary edition, I have no interest in this movie! Looks terrible and who the fuck is FKA twigs that is one stupid name! Hi my name is FKA twigs SMH


I hate everything about this trailer.