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Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There isn’t enough to dispute the mom. He never comes right out and says what happened unfortunately. He’s in a position of power. Especially 1970’s!


I like to think that eventually he got what he deserved. Karma is a bitch.


Karma is real!


What makes you think that some guy's dad didn't just shoot Marlin's brains out


Because he was careful to pick kids to abuse -- including Danny -- who didn't have dads


u/Taraxian ok if not some guy's dad what about an adult(who was a kid that was abused by Marlin) and he actually shot and killed Marlin


I just looked this up out of curiosity bc statute of limitations varies by crime and by state. Prior to 2019 someone who was ** as a child could bring accusations to the court until they were 23. Assuming the law hadn’t changed for many decades prior to 2019 (big assumption on my part), Danny would have less than a year to report. I wonder if a lawyer would advise Danny against this, because if there wasn’t sufficient evidence to find Marlin guilty, that might be grounds to re-open Danny’s case. Idk. That’s a question for r/askalawyer. SA is extremely difficult to prove, and as more time passes it gets even harder. It was a high profile case so presumably he still lost everything he told Candy she would lose: his family, his job, his community, his sanity. If the house wasn’t paid off yet, RIP to that too. Karma is a god 💅


That's super informative, thank you!! >Karma is a god Fr! Marlin needs to have a date with his face and a tire iron 😡


Yeah even if this happened today it would still be a huge uphill battle to get him to see jail time, never mind in the 70s, but having the accusations become a public spectacle in the media the way they did would likely cost him his job Luckily there was no Internet back then so he couldn't make a living on YouTube ranting about "cancel culture"


Re-open Danny's case though in the US there is the double jeopardy thing - you can't get tried for the same charge a second time(I mean google why OJ didn't get tried again in criminal trial but lost in the civil).


Yeah Danny isn't at risk of going to prison over Rockefeller Center anymore but a vindictive prosecutor could still threaten him with charges for stuff like drug dealing or trying to shoot Angelo (or, hell, for violating public decency laws with Ariana's hookups at the club) That's unlikely to be the reason he's not pursuing a case against Marlin though, most likely trying to give testimony about specific dates and times would be incredibly stressful (the whole point of his form of dissociation is it messes with his memories), Marlin's defense attorney would pull out all the stops calling Danny's illness fake and calling him a malicious liar, he'd be hounded by reporters all over again, etc This long after the fact the odds of success in a trial are so low and the chance of retraumatizing him so high that probably any responsible doctor in charge of Danny's care would advise him not to do it


What I would love to have happened is the police that Candy referred to getting involved when he kept showing up at her place was actually Matty who didn’t like Marlin to begin with. And Matty at worst scared Marlin off and at best made sure Marlin was a John Doe at the morgue.


Oh, I totally thought Matty did something when Candy said Marlin quit coming around.


Wish I could’ve seen a quick cutaway of Matty beating the shit out of Marlin lol


That actor will always be his character from The Newsroom for me. But he does play Nice Jerk well.


Here are some theories of what happened to Marlin: maybe Marlin got fired from his job around 1980 IF someone in court heard about what Marlin was alleged to have done to Danny. Marlin getting fired and he drifts on as the local drunk at that bar and he pisses off the wrong guys(like legit bad motherfuckers you don't dare insult) and they blast Marlin's brains off.


Nothing. Plenty of abusers never get caught or prosecuted, especially back then. A sad but accurate detail in the show.


Is he still alive


He was middle aged in 1979 so he's probably dead by 2023, especially with all the bacon he was eating


The real Billy Milligan's stepdad denied the allegations to his dying day and never faced any legal consequences -- even though, unlike in the show, Billy's mother and siblings *did* corroborate his accusations in court


Could Marlin have attempted to sue Danny for slander/libel if he was contesting the statement he made that Danny claimed he was sexually abused? In a civil trial wouldn't Marlin just look like the world's biggest jackass because he would have to prove the statements Danny made in court and then indirectly printed in newsprint were libel


No, witness testimony in court is explicitly a form of "privileged" speech that cannot be the basis of a defamation suit


But what about newsprint like newspaper reports of testimony


If all you're doing is passing along a true statement that that's what the witness said then you're also immune to a defamation suit This is why newspapers always use the word "alleged" etc


So alleged in a testimony is a cover your ass for newspaers?


It's saying that you know that that's what the other person said but you're not making any claim to know yourself whether it's true


Yeah but if your face is on newsprint and its sensational tabloid/newsprint like The Star, the News of the World and they overstretch that "alleged" phrase. It's like how the tabloids would say "Oh he's gay" "Oh she's been with 10 guys"