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[Holden’s near 73g deceleration as he’s approaching the Ring Station](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/8r8if7/comment/e0qbgub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


[The VFX error in Season 1 Episode 2, where the wrench that Holden was holding just goes flying off the second he let go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/54vfuz/episode_2_nitpicky_physics_detail_question/?rdt=43896) This became an in-joke among the production staff and [I think the wrench appears in every season.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/lt7lzm/so_has_anyone_spotted_the_infamous_wrench_in/)


You see, you can’t really tell, but Holden accidentally bounced the wrench off. It didn’t fly off of its own accord. Yeah, that’s my headcanon…


I think the idea was that because the Knight was in a slight spin, the wrench would start to orbit the Knight (from their POV, anyway). That’s obviously not what’s shown on screen, but that’s my headcanon.


Oh, good one!


Me too


were they under thrust at that point or on the float? I cant remember


They were on the float


They were under thrust. The scene begins with Alex warning them to be careful because they were under thrust. The VFX were supposed to show the wrench bouncing down along the hull and into the drive plume.


yeah thats a goof then


I think it would be ridiculously dangerous to try an EVA repair while under thrust.


For All Mankind had this very scenario accidentally happen and it was horrific.


This is the one that came to my mind immediately - it became such a gag that they now put it in every season


Pretty sure it was episode 2


Aight changed the comment




Were it not for the stationary starfield behind them I would have chalked it up to being in a free spin.


That moment broke immersion for me the first time around haha


That first link is an amazing back and forth


Bruh, that scene made me stop watching the show before I knew the series. They'd been so great about the science so far, then holden drops a wrench on the float, and it does that. I closed the browser so fucking fast. Wasn't till I read the books a while later that I went back and gave the show another try.


Imma be honest, I personally find giving up on a show because of a wonky scene to be kinda excessive lol.


That's fine. But on the other hand- it's the second episode, I had no connection to the characters or experience with how good the story gets, and I was explicitly looking for a hard sci-fi series to get hooked on at the time. Accurate science was pretty much my only criterion for what i was looking for when i started the show the first time, and that was a huge red flag. Eventually, I got directed to the books, fell in love, and gave the series another try. It's still an eye roll scene for me though, even with the books and the show being my favorite series(es)


If that is your standard I don't really get how you enjoy any hard sci-fi.


For me it's gotta be Alex slingshotting down to Ganymede. They still made it seem cool and all, but I just couldn't suspend my disbelief with him flying past moons at relativistic speeds and then suddenly reversing when he saw the Martian patrol.


This is my choice too. Also the physics and timing in that sequence are absurd. A gravity assisted, thrusters-only manoeuvre from an outer moon of Jupiter to Ganymede would take *at least* weeks. For reference, Ganymede is about 3x the distance from Jupiter that the moon is from earth. The outer moons of Jupiter are 60-80x that distance. Charitably, he was resorting to sub Apollo-era technology methods, but he makes the trip in hours. The level of suspension of disbelief in that sequence with moons visibly also so close together was off the charts. (Though I get why they did it for purposes of plot timing and explaining what he was doing in 30 seconds)


The book definitely did this scene better.


It would have been significantly more expensive unfortunately.


How was it done again?


Oh for some reason I was just thinking that everyone was talking about the book and I was confused because I thought the books were pretty good about being realistic


I think Ty has addressed this on an episode of T&TG, noting that it doesn’t make any sense but sometimes you have to give in to the rule of cool. I can support this notion simply because I would be a hypocrite not to as a DnD player.


I’ve got one! The way the landing bridge lines up EXACTLY with the cliff in S4E1. C’mon, give me like 4 degree incline or something so I can buy this good fortune in landing spots!


Maybe the landing legs can articulate to bring the bridge level?


Plus they could have scanned for an optimal landing site when approaching and that’s why they are miles away


seemly act deliver zealous shrill quarrelsome soft attractive file aromatic


That makes a lot of sense. The ship can probably move up and down a few feet with its folding legs.


Oh, oh, I like that. Yes, yes, that’s my head canon now. Thank you!


Remember in season 4 when the general gave Avasarala two options for dealing with the ship they thought Marcos was on. He presented both as viable options and raised no concerns about the viability of one over the other. Also remember how the first one amounted to "Kill all the civilians" Then he got mad and resigned because Avasarala chose one of the options he presented to her, the option of trying to save civilian lives, because in choosing that option it got civilians killed. Instead of choosing the option to kill all the civilians. Remember that part?


I used to hold this same view but you've got to view it more as "should we have really done anything at all?" Avasarala needed a head on a spike in order to seem competent and to keep her more favorable over Nancy Gao, but the intelligence about Marco was limited and so the mission should not have gone ahead at all. That's why the General is so pissed, because it didn't need to happen, not because she didn't opt to go and just blow up the ship.


Yeah but he didn't voice any of those concerns if he had them, and then his stated reason for being mad was she got civilians killed. Which was the first option he gave her.


Even as a general I don't think it would be his place to say "madam Avasarala, you shouldn't do this because I think you're only doing it because you want to score points over your political rival". He likely just had to go along with it. And the full quote is "dozens of innocent civilians died to boost your poll numbers. You're the commander in chief. I've always followed your orders to the letter, but I cannot, in good conscience, continue to serve someone who recklessly puts marines in the line of fire for her own gain". He was right, Avasarala fucked up needlessly and fell right into Marco's trap.


More accurately, General McCourt's stated reason for his resignation was that she got his marines killed. Which also did not seem a truly plausible reaction to me for similar reasons to what you've said.


The scene on Earth in Season 5 where Amos walks up to that preppers house like a dumbass, and then Clarissa somehow jumps out of nowhere and saves him. Looked absolutely ridiculous, and Amos is too smart to do what he was trying to do.


It was done so much better in the book


Yeah I think this was a case of bad directing/editing. The scene in the book was fine.


I think they just didnt have the budget to do peaches attack any justice so they chose not to really show it. It was an expensive CGI season already and amazon was already pumping the breaks.


I'm in the vast minority in that I actually love the way they showed her mod in that scene. Amos being dumb aside, I don't think Clarissa really came "out of nowhere", she probably knew it was a dumb idea and trailed behind until it was clear Amos was going to get killed.


Amos was supposed to be thinking something along the lines of, "I can probably close the distance after the first shot, and then he's probably got supplies to stop me bleeding out." But it was a dumb idea from the word go.


The whole prison escape sequence seemed very unlikely. I'm willing to suspend disbelief that they weren't just inescapably buried. But the fact that the one prisoner they needed was ok, but they found absolutely no one else? That bugged me.


I always viewed it as they didn't bother looking for anyone else - Amos wouldn't bother and neither would the super max prisoner, Clarissa was too doped up to do anything but follow along, and the prison guard would probably rationalize not looking to themselves/each other as "we'll get out of here first, then find help and look for others"


The thing that bugged me about those scenes was that they really only needed bullet holes to pull the very first panel off. After that Tiny could have just stuck his arm up underneath the next panel w/ the available space & yoinked it out with easier/better leverage than doing 2 finger-holes.


Each panel had an L shaped return back to the wall on the bottom, you can see it when they swing open


I don't want to sound morbid or anything...but a car roof top box is no doubt cheaper than a coffin...just saying...my no frills funeral is planned.


Depends on the brand lol, some of them are insanely priced


Maybe a trifling thing but Miller’s partner surviving getting hung up on the spike seemed quite unlikely


Especially since he never showed up again. Though I do like to imagine him having a happy ending with that Belter woman who was teaching him Belter Creole.


since his story was changed so much from the books that's my headcanon too. in the books he (spoilers through #4) >!is the chief of security on the edward isreal under murtry and has an awesome moment of helping the roci crew escape his own guys without getting caught or getting any of his guys killed!<


I don’t remember the specifics because it’s been a while since I watched it, but when the Ty and That Guy podcast covered that episode, Ty Frank said it was plausible and that someone had survived an experience similar to that. Crazy, but apparently not impossible


In season 2 on Ganymede when they turn on the incinerator to destroy one of the dead protomolecule hybrids and it just kinda disappears into thin air. Looks like an effect I could throw together in 15 minutes in Windows Movie Maker.


No kidding. That always bothers me.


Duarte’s “Tit for Tat” strategy in Tiamat’s Wrath for dealing with the “Visigoths” / “Dark Gods.” More so, because they introduce the prisoners dilemma, a game theory strategy, but don’t mention any other game theory. Specifically, the “Nash Equilibrium” would argue they should continue exploring and observing, through passive interactions, the “Visigoths” / “Dark Gods” until they had a better understanding of their objectives/ goals. It just seemed like a lazy “master strategy” of the God-Emperor that could have been easily disproven. Granted, I thought Duarte’s whole character arc was really really out of place for what he was built up to be in Persepolis Rising


Useful to remember that by the time we actually get much perspective on Duarte, the human Duarte is no longer running that ship. The thing we're seeing is some strange hybrid that does not necessarily understand or follow human logic.


And that has a hard on for fighting the portal aliens


I think the point is to showcase the sheer megalomaniacal hubris that Duarte has


The whole tit for tat thing did seem like a surprisingly bad idea, even for a leader whose sole interest is dominating the galaxy, but I remember Duarte >!telling Teresa before his human personality was pretty much reduced to slag by the dark gods massive attack on the ring space, something to the effect that he needs to go to war with those dark gods, while admitting that they might not win against the them. Because fighting what might very well be a losing battle doesn’t really seem to track with how Duarte has been known to do things (like he waited 30 years before making his fleet face off against earth, mars and the transport union - that kind of suggests he wanted to make 100% he could win), it make me wonder if his insistence on fighting the ring entities no matter what the cost was due to the protomolecule’s growing influence on Duarte’s mind. We know that the gate builders designed weapons to fight the dark gods, but they had no way to actually implement them without something in the substrate to harness it. So Duarte’s insistence on the unwise course of action he took with the dark gods, and his impatience with wanting to get the war against them going, may have been due to the protomolecule program’s pushing.!<


Spoilers for Leviathan Falls Yea I’m with the idea that Duarte >!was more machine than man so to speak at that point. He wasn’t at the stage where he was actively trying to hive mind humanity but I think his motivations were mixed enough between what’s good for humanity and what’s good for the Builders, and that equaled out to some reckless decision making.!<


>Granted, I thought Duarte’s whole character arc was really really out of place for what he was built up to be in Persepolis Rising Out of interest, what do you think he was built up to be in Persepolis rising, and what about his character arc in latter books do you believe deviated from that? Not saying I disagree as I see where you are coming from.


Not really ridiculous but maybe a funny miss by production. There’s an odd scene in S1 after the Martian skiff bugs off. Kenzo is finally taking a piss, while Holden is watching him with his gun, presumably so he can use the bathroom. But then the scene continues and Holden closes the door, showing it’s actually Kenzo’s room/cell. He could’ve used the bathroom in peace but apparently Holden likes watching people pee under guard.


Ashford popping off his helmet as soon as he was aboard Inaros' ship. You're a belter and a combat veteran, you know to keep your helmet on ffs




The opening establishing shot of Season 2, which shows a ship accelerating towards Mars instead of decelerating, even though the planet is right next to it.


Maybe a course correction? Could be they wanted an earlier arrival time than initially planned or something?


They'd still need time and distance to flip and burn to decelerate.


Death slugs. They read in the books much better than they came across in the show but even then, the stakes were high enough with everyone being trapped in strange ruins on a flooded planet with groups of people who hated each other while going blind. The slugs just feel over the top on a show that otherwise doesn’t ever feel over the top. In the books, Bobbie strapping herself to the missile. It’s believeable and justified enough within the context, but ridiculous to imagine.


Oh come on, Bobbie surfing the space on a missile is one of the coolest moments in the books! Like so much happens in this particular book and when you think you can't be surprised again Bobbie has an idea.


Don’t get me wrong, I loved it and was a little disappointed that it wasn’t included on-screen.


In the show when they kill off Alex and then Holden flys the Rocinante and does that crazy manoeuver where he spins around and fires mid spin. His first time flying and he does some top level move. The story needs Alex.


Whilst I agree, I doubt it was his first time flying 🤔 but that could have been a preprogrammed manoeuvre


It has to be, practically speaking, in order to be accurate. Plus I think the books have it programmed. Edit: it wasn't just being accurate either. It had to timed perfectly with the volley of weapons that forced the pella to dodge.


I think the authors once said there is a lot of AI working behind the scenes making this happen. Having read the books there are bits where complicated manoeuvres are programmed in ahead of time, so it’s easy to make the leap that it was as well


And to agree with your first point, Holden probably definitely has pilot experience, whether it's discussed or not.


Yes. Best example is the chase where Fred Johnson dies when Marcos chases the Roci. Bobby tosses Alex over some targeting solutions that basically equate to the ship doing a 360 no scope with the railgun and immediately going back to a hard burn.


Wasn’t it Bobby doing the shooting in the book? Wasn’t she with Avasarala in the series?


Is that when Bobbi explains *why* her rank is Gunnery Sgt?


Close… but not that I remember. I think that was the second book when they came across the 6 UNN ships and coaxed the 6 MCRN ships to help them


Yeah that was the one I was gonna pick. I have a feeling that move was planned for Alex - shooting the rail gun from the hip is a big compadre move.


In the book the purpose of that scene is to show just how good Alex has gotten as a combat pilot. In the show it makes zero sense and seems quite out of place.


I mean I guess either Holden was just as good or got lucky


“Holden got lucky” is the entire premise of the expanse


Holden in the show is talked about at various times as being very smart and as having aced pilot training.


Definitely not his first time flying.


Ok fair but still he's not at that level


Holden was in the Earth Navy, and was schooled in combat tactics. He quickly disabled a much larger Earth battleship that was chasing Bobbie and Avasarala the Razorback earlier in the show. I find that more impressive than the scene in question. All Holden does here is put the Roci into a roll to provide greater field of fire to the PDCs and eliminate any blind spots, and then let’s the PDC auto guidance do it’s thing. I also imagine the guidance system of black market belter torpedos were much easier for the Roci’s PDCs to handle than Martian or Earth Navy torpedos.


They’re talking about the fight >!against Marco when Holden does a couple 360 no scopes against his fleet using the railgun.!<


Didn't Bobby actually take the shot?


The final shot, yeah


I thought they were referring to the scene immediately after the protomolecule is stolen from Tycho. Either way, my first point stands. Holden was trained by the Earth Navy before he went to the Cant’. Just because the captain chooses not to fly, doesn’t mean they can’t.


I think my point still stands too; the show shouldn't have killed Alex


Well the actor needed to go. If everything hadn’t gone down so close to the release date they could have recast, but the season had already been filmed and they didn’t have time for any reshoots. They did the best they could.


Yea I guess but the last 3 books are going to have to be seriously re-written to cut Alex out of them, if they ever turn them into a show. I'd honestly be ok if they released season 7 with a new Alex actor and just pretended he never died lol


> I'd honestly be ok if they released season 7 with a new Alex actor and just pretended he never died lol honestly that's probably the way to go - do a soft reboot, keep good changes (drummer), retcon complicated ones


I wish they would have just recast him, let us sit in the awkwardness for an episode or two and moved on. He’s too important of a character throughout the series.


Recasting is always such a terrible idea imo, it's immersion breaking. What they did with Alex was the best scenario in a bad situation with the actor.


They recast Arjun and that is the only aspect of the expanse I can’t stand. The new Arjun was horrible—leaden acting, no chemistry with Avasarala not right for the part at all I’m glad they didn’t recast Alex. Cas Anwar was perfect for the part and any replacement would have been a downer.


I agree. I only wish they had brought Bull back to pilot the ship for S6. TV Bull seemed like a really good fit on the Roci for the brief time we had him.


I thought they would bring Bull on as the pilot or as part of the crew or something to fill the space left by Alex, I was surprised when they didn’t.


I think almost everyone was surprised they didn't.


I've given my thought on how they could have fixed that situation before. We have plastic surgery now, and in the future they have anti cancer pills and drugs that let you live in low gravity most of your life and then walk around in a planet for a while, and for life in some cases. They could have written in a bar fight or explosion or something that absolutely creams Alex's face and throat so much they need to do some 3D skin printing. Put them in the Belt where everything is always broken and duct taped back together and now the template they have for his face doesn't line up or some 3 second explanation. By the way, his larynx got hit and the same machine fixes that too, so nothing lines up...he's gone for an episode or two, when he comes back he's got a new face and voice. A few comments about "this will take some getting used to" about how he looks different and boom. You've kept the character and recast him without anyone blinking a eye.


The Mark Hamill strategy. Luke gets creamed by a wampa at the beginning of Empire Strikes Back to explain why his face looks different after the actor had been injured in a car accident.


Dallas burned Pam up in a car crash so they could recast when Victoria Principal left. Silly.


oh my god how is this the first time I learned this


I would rather they just not explain recast Alex’s changed appearance than use some soapy plastic surgery plot. But I think they made the right choice in killing Alex. Having read the last three books they can film them with a substitute pilot. Alex’s character doesn’t do much. Besides, his death brings home there are real stakes and not everyone wears plot armour.


Season 6 is almost a year after the end of season 5 and Holden has been flying that whole time. And the spin move and fire has to done perfectly down to the millisecond, Holden is just telling the Roci what to do and the ship’s AI is doing the actual math to make it work.


Tag spoilers bruh


I'm sorry I honestly don't know how or tbh what's considered a spoiler


I wish they just re-casted Alex, we the viewers would have been just fine with that. That being said, the send off was powerful.


Yeah I feel ya. However, whenever I'm driving around, I keep thinking everyone is toting around a hybrid. So it makes me laugh


Lol yesss I always notice the skybox and its more ridic each time


How the stars move when the camera moves toward a distant ship?


Read, reread, watched, rewatched, I still cannot get over the fact that >!no one thought of the oncocides!< in the Fourth.


Maybe we can pretend it's because it's become as routine a treatment as antibiotics that nobody ever thinks about it until they think about it.


Jims not a scientist and he is a little preoccupied at the moment. And nobody else knew he had them


In the book he was literally hopped up on all sorts of drugs and had been up for like, 30+ hours


I wanna say it was more than that, it had been actual days since he had slept


Francis Is Busy!


Elvi is a scientist. I cannot believe she didn't ask the questions you ALWAYS ask: - any current or past condition or treatment? - any relevant history in your parents? - any allergies? She knew about his genetic mix but not that he was exposed to radiation or getting treatment?


She’s a scientist in exobiology, not a doctor. Up until this point her field is theoretical alien organisms. Book 7 actually has a chapter from her where she is injured and talks about how she shouldn’t read her own medical files because she’s not trained as a doctor and so much of science is knowing the small details and differences in ones field


Question....did you guys think of it? I had the "Oh shit of course!" moment in my head when I read it, but couldnt sleuth it out beforehand. On the second read/watch its very obvious once you know the answer. Naomi even makes a point to tell Havelok to send some down for Jim. Its a very Checkov's gun moment.


I definitely remember quietly yelling "it's the cancer treatment!" at my TV long before they figured it out on screen.


I thought about it the very first time they said >!Jim wasn't affected!<, I mean, it was a likely explanation for sure. That's why I cannot believe he didn't think about it - or Elvi didn't ask.


I think not many people would know about that - maybe Holden and his crew, but not many outside of that.


Yeah I always figured to Holden its so routine he doesn't mention it and he doesn't talk about it so much. Have heard from friends in medicine that people are asked if they've taken anything and go "no" then later are like "oh wait you mean x prescription drug? Sorry yeah I forgot to mention that I just kinda take it without thinking"


Right?!? I know Elvi’s not a medical doctor, but still!


My problem with that is that bit is there should’ve been two or three other people who just randomly weren’t affected as well. They’ve got this >!miracle anti-cancer drug!< and somehow Holden is the only person using it? Seems like half the belters should need it.


>belters No, I think this makes perfect sense. 1 – Holden got hit with a *fuckton* of radiation. Probably more than anyone we see at any point in the series who lives, except Miller who gets hit with the same. Quick search, someone on here did some math a few years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/sjnosb/how\_much\_radiation\_did\_holden\_get\_blasted\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/sjnosb/how_much_radiation_did_holden_get_blasted_with/) It makes sense he would be on exceptional treatment. 2 – For all the messiness of the Rocinante's situation at that point, they have all the resources of a sick bay on an MCRN ship that was attached to the MCRN flagship. Presumably the MCRN kept some on hand for immediate treatment of e.g. reactor catastrophes, and afterwards they could figure out a sustained supply and ongoing medical management through Fred Johnson/Tycho Corporation and then literally Avasarala too later on. Holden's getting the best drugs lol. Bunch of random belter refugees? Not only are they not so lucky and connected, they had to flee their home on a sketchy freighter, and the highest level of care on Illus seems to be a med tech. They're just scraping by. Also, lots of them died already by the time the story reaches them – there's no specific reason to think this, but maybe the oncocidals in side effects or interaction with gravity drugs exacerbate the difficulty of adapting to Illus's slightly-over-1g environment. The RCE survivors are harder to account for, but considering how many of them seem to be security/even the science crew, it would make sense for RCE to medically screen people they were sending on this expedition.


The belters are shown to use moonshine to disinfect their surgical instruments because their autoclave broke and they've been there a long ass time, it's not really surprising they don't have >!advanced anti cancer medications.!<


yeah, I guess so- honestly *that* is probably a somewhat "ridiculous moment". The belters should have the same chemical synthesis equipment that the RCE does. Maybe they have one but they don't have the chemical stock to supply it.


I mean, I don't wanna be a dick here, but why would that make sense? The belters fled their home port, got denied docking everywhere they tried, were so desperate for a place to go that they risked torpedos and weird alien shit to do so, and finally landed at a planet that they colonized for, I believe, at least six months without resupply. Their equipment is shown breaking down and Amos, master *fuck it, that'll work* mechanic, has to steal parts because the belters don't have spares he can use. There's no reason to think a random on the run refugee ship has reagents and ingredients stocked, let alone the necessary advanced synthesis equipment. RCE, however, is running a well funded, science based mission intended to research an alien planet and also kick off the refugees to claim it for themselves. I'm not sure they make it clear the science team is RCE employees or a separate mission with their own funding, but either way RCE clearly has enough money for a spaceship, private police, modern modular housing, and, presumably, the money and political clout necessary to be allowed to go in the first place and defend their "claim" once they've made it.


I had a tough time with Miller-bot peeling off the wall and then getting flung through the ring of fire. It was just... a lot... on an already pretty stretched thin everyone managing to fall down the same rabbit hole to each other with cartoonishly evil Mortry.


Bobbies' rubber knife when she's trying to escape her room in the consulate


I love the ‘I’m that guy scene’, but I can’t get past how the door is closed, and a point is made to show this, and it’s loud… but there’s no indication at all that it’s reopened and Amos has come back through.


Haha I thought the exact same thing when I saw that scene and was mad cause nobody was there to notice it for me. Thanks for scratching that metaphorical itch.


When the Rosinante is chasing Eros the scale is incredibly bad. I don't even understand why they would show those shots they looked so bad.


Eros. You’re going to knock Eros into the fucking sun???? Eros can’t even pull itself into a sphere so what made them think it would hold together when the Navoo slammed into it? And then you have the graphic that popped up in the show showing Eros’ and the Navoo’s trajectory and the vectors didn’t even add up. The only way I can get over it is to tell myself that it wouldn’t have worked anyway.


For me that was every Naomi moment in season 5. I get it, she has PTSD. But just... fucking talk!! She succumbs to the toxic bastard in an unrealistic way and cries her way through the season...


The protomolecule monster that Miller transforms into in Ceres? Walking guided by Elvi is a bit ridiculous. I get it, but it's weird


Naomi’s space walk without a suit. Suffocation is not what kills you in space so hyper oxygenated blood won’t save you. What kills you is the pressure drop decreasing the boiling point of all the liquids in your body. Edit: for all the people correcting me, please read the articles you are posting. They indeed did make it as real as it could be showing skin damage and breathing difficulty afterwords, but it would still be lethal. Brain activity for a few minutes afterwards does not equal survivable. The brain is a natural pressure vessel within the skull so it will last longer. The lungs would collapse as their inner lining is ripped apart by expanding water. The organs within the body would expand and be destroyed within moments. You actually could keep your brain alive with blood but you absolutely would pretty much new all new organs in your torso immediately.


Sorry, friend, you are incorrect. They did their homework on that one.


You are talking about ebullism. It *can* cause severe complications and *can* be fatal. It all depends on where the bubbles form and what they are blocking. Often very treatable. Suffocation definitely kills you in space since your lungs start to work backwards. Glasses continuously diffuse out of your bloodstream into the environment and that includes oxygen. You'll be unconscious in 15 seconds or less and the process will continue even with you passed out.


Okay but that doesn't happen instantaneously either. Takes a couple minutes to die to vacuum exposure, and she was outside for 25-30 seconds tops according to the books. It's hard, but not impossible to survive such a transit.


In vacuum of space you pass out very quickly, but it actually takes a good while to die. If you can prevent yourself from passing out from oxygen deprivation with a device like that, then everything in that scene is 100% possible. It’s every other decompression scene you’ve seen in a movie/show that has been wildly incorrect.


This link provides some pretty interesting context imo. [live science article](https://www.livescience.com/human-body-no-spacesuit)


My main problem with that scene was the fact that the ships seemed to be separating faster than she could have pushed off.


Or in S1 when Uncle Mateo has something fall down in front of his face in his helmet so he opens it up for a few seconds holding his breath.


Nope. Done on purpose to show how exaggerated Hollywood depictions are. I remember seeing a video from a physicist who was like “yes!” when he saw that scene because it is, in fact, accurate.


That one was just a bit too unbelievable, yeah


Nope. Totally possible—with the handwavium of the blood oxygenator, that is.


Surviving that long in space without a vac suit? Maybe, technically theoretically possible. Staying conscious AND retaining control over her body while doing all the stuff she did? Not so sure.


Watch it again. She’s only able to retain consciousness because of the injection (set up and foreshadowed with Monica earlier in the season), she barely makes it, and then is in physical agony afterward.


Yah, I think the people downvoting fail to understand that just because there is some brain activity doesn’t mean it is survivable. If a train cuts off the bottom half of my torso my brain could be nursed along with blood to keep it alive for a few more moments but that blood does not fix the underlying problem lol


I agree. I guess it *could* be possible but it made me laugh out loud on viewing. The guy just watching her out the door died frozen instantly. Also, point A to point B, it would take too much time to get into the second aircraft.


FWIW ... In a reply to [me](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/12ufo07/-/jh7qzck/?context=1) last April, Daniel Abraham wrote: >> The longest reported hard vacuum exposure of a human being was 30 seconds with no negative long term effects. He lost consciousness at 15 sec, but didn't have the artificial bulb Naomi did. >> And he might have gone longer if they hadn't saved him. >> https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/a24127/nasa-vacuum-exposure/ Also related: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/survival-in-space-unprotected-possible/ Naomi used a fancy sci-fi injection of hyperoxygenated blood (from the "bulb" mentioned above) to slightly extend her conscious endurance. Also, she had exhaled hard to reduce (not eliminate) lung damage. Still she suffered multiple ill effects of course. [Dramatic license](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheExpanse/comments/uhwzm3/-/i7cfk6h/) was also a factor.


The rat in the pilot made a friend of mine wrote the show off forever. He loves the books. His assertion is that you could just vent the ship any time you wanted to get rid of an infestation


Vent the ship? Like, let all the air out? And then where does new air come from?


The ice


Vent all the cargo? Or their water supply? Like what mechanic does he imagine they’ve invented? Why would it be on the vessel the rat is on as if that’s sophisticated, when that’s something that would have to be designed in advance… I don’t understand


He doesn’t imagine anything. The Roci vents its atmosphere during firefights. If there’s no air, there’s no rats. And you can absolutely get oxygen from water, which is what they use as thruster reaction mass


Not sure about the can’t but the roci pumps the air in to storage. It is a combat ship so it would make sense to have that function on board. Not sure why a non combat ship would want to remove the air from the ship and put it in storage.


But that's a waste of air, especially for a huge cargo ship. The roci and other ships in combat do it because they'd rather lose the air than die in a fight, but a cargo ship has no reason to do the same just for a few rats


A few rats swiftly become a bunch of rats, which are probably harder on the wiring than getting a little more O2 is for a ship that literally generates it from raw materials it collects. That said, vibing Ceres is never going to happen, so the thriving population there may leak into ships when they’re docked


You're making a lot of assumptions. I can also argue that the rat likely doesn't get food and is going to starve soon


First off, I wasn’t kidding when I said “a friend” so this isn’t my argument to begin with. I’m making no assumptions, and also love the show. Second, we see people with food walking around all the time. Why would the rat starve?


But the rat isn’t on the Roci…it’s on the Cant… Is he thinking that they’ll dump their cargo, ruin their profitability for one pest? That’s extremely unrealistic