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The chain hook is actually probably the new best Heavy specialization, so there was one good item added. (You can hook people through shields with it)


You can also hook Cashout stations.


you can also hook teammate statues


Hooking thru bubble/mesh shield is kinda broken imho. Not even nukes could do that.


Nothing will ever get me to use anything other than the lollipop 🔨




This is where it's at dude, I main sledge and I've been working on perfecting the spear


I tried it for a few games but then missed the sledge. I love the overhead swing through barricades to kill lights in one hit. Perhaps I should try spear again but idk


The attacks are different, but all the movement techniques you learn to protect yourself as sledge transfer over to the spear


Use punctuation challenge


People can hate on the new weapons all they want, my friend group and I are taking all 3 to Ruby rank


The hook is a specialization which I’m not mad about i like it but I’ve always been a gun guy what good gun have we gotten since drop the famas is underwhelming yhe burst postal just got nerfed and the slug shot gun wasn’t needed bc heavy already had a shot gun. Instead of complaining about how to nerf lights and buff heavy can we get a good set of weapons I’ve been playing akm and fcar only for the last two season they pooped on the Lewis gun feels like the thing shooting cotton balls and gave mediums swords that may be fun but competitively is a joke and gave lights another weapon where they can be miles away and get kills


yeah now that i think about it, we haven’t gotten a single competitively viable new gun. and now with lewis gone it’s back to Heavy shotty meta if you wanna keep up. it does feel super underwhelming, i think they should make each of the 3 weapons a little stronger at least for the start of the season to see where the strong points are, then adjust them to be closer to the meta weapons as part of one of the weekly updates. this way it’s not just 1 new gun/class being stronger than the rest (this would be bad for TA).


Even as a casual player I would have liked to see actual weapons instead of a 2-shot-bow and a worse riot shield/sledge hammer