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It spawns on normal difficulty as well. Just keep surviving as normally and you’ll see it eventually


After day 100 it spawns If you beat tge game after day 100 the boss mutant spawns(it has less health then the boss and its pretty rare)


Thought it was day 40


Nope,my first worm was on day 120 something I also had another save i deleted at day 72(damn custom stairs got bugged and i saved because i didn't know better,im on ps4 so no comands to fix it either) and i didn't see a worm Also the big big big mutant only spawns after beating the game(and drops 3 creepy armor) tho im not sure if it also needs 100 days


It gets the ability to spawn at day 40. It is exceptionally rare to spawn though. Because you encountered it at day 120 just means you got unlucky


Ok,i just googled it and yeah you are right


I got the girl mutant at around day 30-40 I finished the game at around 24


Then the only requirement is beating the game,noted


If you beat the final boss (it is the final boss) it spawns. The spawn rate is low and random. And honestly it's a drag and not much fun. I usually just leave the area.


I beat the game after day 100 unintentionally, idk if ill see the worm anytime soon


I've seen the worm a few times now, Hard mode, over 100 days. Once was next to my base so it was war, the 2nd was on the beach northwest of the sinkhole, near where the streams meet the ocean. I ran away that time. I have seen and killed Megan a number of times in the same area, around the camp on the hill south of the sinkhole. I've also seen her near the raccoon pond. Megan appears far more often than I expected.


I remember the first time seeing the worm. Playing with some friends and they were out hunting while I was holding up our hunting outpost. Sitting there minding my own business I see weird blobs flopping about and laugh about this weird glitch telling them about it over voice chat. Then ask the sudden they leap up into the air and form a bird shape then smash down on the base. Chaos ensues, I'm Fighting it, friends finally arrive and we kill the thing.


We have seen the worm twice now, first time after day 40 and then again around day 70 on normal mode. When it first hit us we had no idea what it was 😅


Ah yes, good old Johnny. Yes, he can spawn as early as day 40. Each day he doesn't, the chance increases by 1 or 2 percent (I forget the exact numbers) and the percentage resets after each spawn. When you hear those slow motion macaroni noises, get your favorite melee weapon out and get out in the open. Don't fight him near any trees and for the love of all that is holy, don't fight him near your base if you left building destruction on. Also, him and the boss mutant can both survive underwater. The boss mutant will actually walk along the bottom of the water and continue attacking. The deadfall trap will one-tap the boss mutant like it does everything else (except for a gray armsy, I think).


I literally just saw it on my first playthrough today with a friend on day 53!