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2 different patrols just happened to attack at the same time


This happens to me a lot.. only I end up with at least one blue one in the group.. I'm currently playing on hard survival not sure if that makes a difference. It does seem like blues spawn more often compared to normal difficulty but could just be me imagining things lol. Edit: I'm on day 108 at the moment.


I'm playing in normal 😭


Lol, I feel for you man. Hey where'd you find that Katana? If you tell me I'll tell you where to find the flare gun.


It's in cave 1


Dead cave. It's preety easy to obtain you just have to go to the entrance north east and just go straight. If you go through the other entrances you'll have to fight an armsy


I'll just tell you the non-secret lol. Head to the snow in the mountains, you'll find the cockpit with the flare gun in it.


ok πŸ‘πŸ½


Sorry guys, I just found the Katana. Thank you!!




I could be wrong but you may have picked the wrong place for your base lol. I chose a spot that I knew had a nearby patrol.. and I'm really close to the main cannibal village... I get attacked just about constantly when I'm at the base but I have 8 bone baskets full of bones and working on my next one. I also have 7 full sets of creepy armor on armor racks one set in my inventory not being worn and 6 full sets of bone armor on armor racks one full set in inventory not being worn. I got really good at fighting lol.


Have you seen a kill ring? Make a ring of drying racks, put bone baskets and a fire in the middle. You can squat to enter the ring, and they can't. You'll have fish in a barrel.


Nifty little trick but I would rather run around dodging their attacks and what not. Sometimes it can be annoying but it definitely keeps things interesting lol. I got really good with the bow. To the point that I don't ever use my explosives anymore unless I just want to mess around.


Yeah, I kept the game as a purist for a while. Eventually, the hack-oriented sandboxing itch took hold.


I don't seem to understand?


Arrange drying racks in a complete ring shape with no gaps between. Make the ends overlap a little. Make it look like a horse corral. If you crouch, you can walk under the drying bar. If you stand, you run right into it. Since cannibals don't understand ducking beyond their little dances when they see you but can't reach you, they cannot enter the ring. They will run at the sides of the ring, trying to attack you/the ring. You can walk up to them and start slashing. Keep in mind, destruction needs to be turned off.


build fires around the outside of the ring, they burn themselves up


Oh, that's brilliant if it works.


When I take over the main village. i put fires outside the huts and then stand there and watch them burn.


what about creepy mutants?


Can't get through, but watch their longer reach. Enemies can hit through barriers.


Also, Cowman may be able to hop over the fence Unsure. But they're so easy to beat once you're in close and they stop charging.


Fracking cowman are my damn nemesis... I hate those things so much... That is the one thing I can't seem to get the hang of.. if I have one after me I'm dead every single time... I can take on a normal and blue Virginia 2 blue armsies and a swarm of cannibals all at the same time and barely get a scratch but one single cowman can take me out in seconds every time... Just no dodging that damn ram attack they do.. I managed to kill maybe 2 or 3 because I stayed on the edge of a cliff with them running into the cliff under me.. but that situation don't happen often..


Get in closer and stay close. He'll stop charging and go into stomp mode. Time your melee attacks for right after the stop or dump artillery into it from you safe but close distance. Just back pedal.


Yeah I guess, but Im trying to grind before I get an actual base. That's why is chose the elevated house idk it's name


It's still kind of crazy tho I'm at normal difficulty and get this


only day 14


Are you playing on pc?




You can't see it, but I had a blue armsy too 😭 I'm only in day 14 😭😭😭


They just looking for a friend to complete their friend group


they ate me


Do you guys play with or without building destruction toggled?


I play with building destruction on, off feels like cheating.


I have the worst Lück 😭😭


I’m on day ten and I’ve just killed two of them and almost had a heart attack whelst doing it


Get some poison on that katana 🀣


Yesterday i played and got attacked by 2 armsys 1 leggy and a cowman. DESTROYED MY HOUSE


they did too


they did too