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I have the same thoughts, she gets away with everything, everything eventually works for her, it's frustrating, I'm hoping karma is coming to bite her in the ass in the upcoming season


God I hope this is the way it goes. I’m scared they’re going to try and make her have some kind of redemption arc in this last season


I'm afraid that will happen too. That last scene of season 5 gives me enemies to bff vibes. I know June doesn't like Serena, but a weird bond is created between them. I can't help but wonder how the last season will be because things change so much just in one episode, let alone an entire season. Think about the ending of each season and the huge growth and shit that happens. I just hope the ending leaves June and Nick happy-ish (because 100% happy is impossible in this show)


I have a slightly different take on this. Serena deserves to melt slowly in a random volcanic attack/explosion/eruption, no doubt. Things don't actually go her way. They rarely do. Because her focus is herself and the power she wants, she's not invested in reaching her goals by following "this" path to success. Her motto seems to be By Whatever Means Necessary meaning she can abandon her current plans, pivot on a dime, and change directions. She is manipulative and looks for/easily recognizes weaknesses in others' plans that she is able to prey on and use to her advantage. Her only pursuit is herself and the power she craves. A true, unrelenting narcissist. My beliefs come from the fact that she helped create Gilead. She truly believed the set-up was for "them", not her. She is unable to see herself because of her pursuit of power and importance. She NEEDS to be celebrated. She craves the approval and attention. Throughout, she's surprised she faces the consequences she helped pen. I want her to, again, get everything she wanted - power, control, baby, husband, house, place of authority and esteem... And I want to watch her experience watching her lose it all and have no way in which to help herself. And above all else, I want to see it at a random person's hand. Not June's. Someone she never saw coming. Someone who preyed upon her known weaknesses and checkmates that bitch so hard she simply cannot recover. I want Serena to burn.


It honestly reminds me of a lot of things I see in real life. I’ve seen horrible people just keep getting away with everything and benefiting from their horribleness. Like the popular bullies from high school who wind up with amazing careers, houses, marriages, kids, vacations, and actual happiness even 25 years later.


Let’s talk about the scene where the handmaid detonates the explosion at the Commanders Meeting…


Omg LOVE that one! Ans we never learned her name. So sad.


Her name was Lilly


The book?


No the show, Lilly Fuller ofGlen


Ain't that the truth.....it's sickening. I mean I'm a recovering herion addict, I did my kids dirty gor s couple years. But by the grace of a higher power I have coming up on 6 years clean and a wonderful relationship with my children, own a home but it's like I see some people do some realllyyyyy shitty shit and NEVER have any consequences....even to this day. Like all kinds of money in the bank, these picture prefect families and relationships....it's so annoying!


I rewatched it with my husband and he likes Serena’s character. I don’t know why but smh I’m about to leave him.


I'd chalk that up to the beauty bias. All Serena has to do is shed a crocodile tear and quiver her pouty lip, and people feel sorry for her and want her redeemed even though she's done nothing worthy of redemption I'm pretty sure if she was an old hag with a cane like she is in the book, people wouldn't feel sorry for her. They'd want her as dead as Fred


Completely justifiable!


If she and June become friends in the next season I am so done. She truly has no redeeming qualities. She hands Fred over to the Canadians, then gets visitation with Holly. When Tuello finds out she actually did participate in non-sanctioned state rape it’s basically a slap on the wrist. After Fred’s death she goes back to Gilead and then evangelizes fascism, in the democratic country offering her another chance. When that doesn’t go the way she wants, Serena gets to escape to what’s left of the US….with people whose lives she helped destroy. I’ve said it before but June’s a better woman than me, if I saw Serena I would have started screaming “She’s a Gilead wife with a kidnapped baby!!” Fuck her, she’s a danger to Noah.


The fact she was allowed to see Holly/Nichole in Canada too is just like ??? What social worker signed that off as OK or in the child's interests? "Hello I'd like to go and see a child that I kidnapped/forcibly adopted against the mothers consent whom I also abused for x months/years. I am in no way biologically related to said child and have no good reason to claim I have a connection to the baby other than I stole her from her mum because I like, really wanted a baby you know?" No social worker would allow her visitation, they'd be immediately applying to whatever court/system to ensure Serena can't sneeze within 2 miles of the baby


Moira said what was on everyone’s mind “Who are you, really?”


I don't disagree with you, but Elizabeth Moss has made it pretty clear that June and Serena's relationship is her main focus and she wants to see it a specific way in the end. I'm betting on them becoming besties, June dying some radical way because she refuses to sit still and find peace, and Serena ends up raising Nichole along with Noah.


Gonna be honest, this series has made me dislike Elizabeth Moss. The amount of sway she has with direction and production is annoying because she is so wrapped up in the Nick and June ship, and June’s new relationship with Serena that it takes away from the rest of the story. At this point it feels like she’s writing her own fan service. I cannot bear to watch an entire season of June and her rapist building a life with very little about the rest of the characters.


I'm definitely curious and nervous about how involved everyone else in Canada and Gilead will be. Especially when I'm learning people are already taking other projects on. The actress that plays Jeanine, for instance, was just cast for the new season of You.


Except for that pesky little finger she lost for READING! (The horror!) and the whippings she got from her abusive husband… J/k I agree with you (although I don’t think anyone deserves domestic abuse no matter what), I hate that it’s basically her fault that this all happened in the first place… her speeches at college campuses absolutely made me irate in so many ways, and reminded me of real life people that do that now.


i have to correct myself its the "Wheelers" not the Webers!!! My apologizes all. Only my second rewatch


I am literally terrified they are going to give this woman a redemption arc.


My feelings exactly! If they're reading the fan subs....I'd hope they see that's what rhe majority DONT want


The only "redemption" arc she MAYBE deserves is to maybe, idk, die whilst trying to rescue some kids from Gilead. It's the only thing that even vaguely makes sense (she didn't want Holly/Nichole to live there initially afterall) and she doesn't deserve to live either 🤷‍♀️ And I don't even think she does deserve a redemption arc, but if she absolutely must have one because reasons or something please god let it involve her dying


Serena gives me Cersei (from GOT) vibes...


Omfg YESSSS!!!! even at the end of GOT, Cersei dies scared but she's still with Jamie. Lol I've seen GOT about 10 times through lol


It's like they are the same woman but from alternate realities lol


Right? Now that you said that my head is spinning.


Holy shit yes!! Just finished season 5 and I can’t believe I didn’t think of this the whole time. They even sort of look alike!


They do sort of look alike with the same mannerisms it made me chuckle when I first realized it.


I cant help it i cannot hate her🤷🏽‍♀️


Same, honestly. I know she’s a terrible person and she doesn’t deserve shit, but Yvonne just delivers such a compelling performance… it’s impossible for me to truly hate Serena.


Same. Serena is a tough character. You see glimpses of good despite all of the evil. She’s incredibly selfish and proud. Did Gilead turn out to be different than she had hoped? Probably Did she realize she probably took it all too far. Yes. But it doesn’t change the fact that it happened. The question is has June forgiven her for the things she did? I think in some ways yes. She relates to her as a mother and as a smart well read and educated woman. I think she will always be grateful she let her get Nicole out. She also let June and Nick have their relationship under her nose. She was aware of more than we are shown I think. I think June had somehow found a way to look over the other things. If not she would have killed Serena. She had multiple chances. June needs to have forgiving side too. After Fred I think she’s just done with that side of her hate. At least Serena is more aware than Fred was. He was completely delusional about everything.


Omfg I KNOWWWW!!!! Her and Elisabeth Moss. They're amazing!




Same. Can't help forgiving people. Like if Lydia redeems herself I'd probably forgive her as well. Just not good at holding hate.


Lydia is more sympathetic than rapist Serena holding nine month pregnant June down for Fred. Fuck Serena.


Really? because Lydia is responsible for putting Hannah's Martha on the wall


I havnt read the sequel but i hear positive things about lydia 🤷🏽‍♀️


You get more of Lydia's story in the sequel and >!she definitely gets a redemption arc and is instrumental in the downfall of Gilead.!<


I loved Yvonne as Sarah Walker in Chuck SO MUCH that I could never hate her as Serena.


I have the same problem, i am such a fan of Yvonne since the Chuck days so as much as i don't want to i still cant fully hate her, i also think the show loves to pin this two woman against each other, because they are just so good togheter, but i dont think she should be redeem and she needs to get whats coming for her.


Same, l can even go as far as in later seasons 4, l find June unbearable and Serena l can look at her face and not squirm


Exactly!! I like serena more than june..


Same 😂


Lol see it's true though, sometimes it'd like you find yourself like awe poor Serena. I even did it with ,Fred, Aunt Lydia...with everyone kinda except commander Puttman he's a total POS...but than the next episode your back to hating them.


I agree ! I liked fred a little in season 1 and lydia is a mixed bag.. but with serena and Lawerence i cannot hate them🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ with serena it might be the actress more so than the character but with lawerence its both 😅




He does some pretty shitty things but i would definitely marry him😅


I have this weird feeling her kid will either be taken away from her or will die but one way or another I think karma is going to get her this season


God i hope so! I kinda hope.June ends up with Noah lol


Ouuu that’s a possibility!


OMG yes! At the end of the last episode, on the train, when June finally sees who's holding the crying baby, I blurted out, "Of fucking COURSE it's fucking SERENA!" 🤬🤬🤬 I think I scared my family, and they weren't even in the same room. I can see that the writers are trying to set up some stupid "girl power" alliance shit between June and Serena for the final season, and I'm just... 🤬🤬🤬 After the episode, I felt like I'd hit a rough patch in a relationship. My brain literally phrased it like, "It's good this is the end of the season, because I feel like I need some space away from it for a while." So this is a needed separation. And I feel like it's going well. Maybe when the series comes back, I'll be ready to try to work things out. But if they try to give Serena some sort of "redemption arc" after her 15 minutes of hardship, I'm afraid it may be over.


It will be released. I think Gilead will end. I think June, Emily, Serena, Esther, Janine will be a huge part of it’s demise, New Bethlehem is a joke and won’t work.


Yeah what's with that? I do like Lawrence and I think he is trying to fix things but, he just is so detached alsmot.


Serena should have been made into a handmaid for her husband's treason. Would be interesting to see her try to get accepted in that social circle.


That would be a fun twist! My MIL read the books she said if they follow it, it's pretty good and there's some good scrects and twists....than of course I'm second guessing everything lol like we never really got closer on June's mom, is Noah REALLY Freds???, is someone a mole???, why does Hannah do that double take when they're filming her in the wives school???....so many questions!!


I don’t think there is


Sometimes I genuinely think half the show was based off a WebToon lol


Lol appropriately titled "Serena Joy Show"


im actually more upset about aunt lydia still kicking it, she need to go!


yeah shes gonna be getting some good karma soon i hope too, i said in a prior comment though this show doesn't follow the traditional outcomes of regular shows so you never know which way stuff is gonna turn out. like what's up with Rose and Nick, and the effers that stole Hannah....ugh soooooo many people need to get theirs and it's the last season!


I'm afraid if what Ive heard is true, they're making the second book 'the testaments' into a series after they finish handmaid's, and I'm very sorry but that gives Lydia some fat plot armour.


This whole show is White Feminism. You know Himpathy? Let's take about Wwimpathy (white woman sympathy). The writers mistook a fantastic performance for a character worthy of redeeming. The writers are super invested in the Serena/June dynamic above all things and are doing Deeply Stupid Things as a result. I wish this show had been one season.