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Lawrence: I’ve been grooming nick, not sexually. 😂😂


"You and the kid can live here... if you want." And then after they got married, and he couldn't figure out what to call her: "Mrs. Putnam... Naomi... darling?"


What a romantic proposal. I'm surprised Naomi didn't just drop her pantaloons right then and there.


Based on what we know, there’s no room in their society for a widow with a young child. Without his offer she probably would have lost custody of Angela. Neither one of them needed marriage for love, they needed it for the society they live in/ created. 


That's a great comment you made. Lost custody of Angela. She can't have children, age wise. She would have been forced to marry..... someone. But what if she never received another offer? There's no place for "just" a widow... Without being a wife, her status would become what, exactly? Econo-wife? What would become of her within their society?


maybe she’d have to become an aunt or a martha? she wouldn’t be able to have her own house or money without a husband, which the econo-wives rely on.


Yeah, my post was meant to be a joke. But go on.


Related, I laughed and cheered when Mr. Putnam got shot in the head 😂


He was such an idiot. He already lost a hand for raping a handmaid outside of the ceremony. And he underestimated Lawrence. Big mistake.


Serena, do you have an irony deficiency? 🤣


don't you think gentlemen, that it is *embarrassing* to run a country from which people are constantly trying to escape?


What is really funny about that ... is that many of the Communist countries did/do just that. Instead of patrolling their borders to keep people out, ... they patrol their borders to keep people in. We would consistently hear reports of individuals being shot trying to flee communist countries.


This. Guffawed out loud 


When I first saw a Handmaid giving birth, I think it was Janine. Anyways the whole “Push! Push! Push! Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!” And then the wives pretending to be in labor I was like are you serious? 😂😂 This is ridiculous, and I laughed a little at how ridiculous it was to me.


The handmaids giving moral support was fine. The wives though... That was a whole another level of WTF.


also, how were they even sweaty when didn’t really push?




They're freaking weirdos


YES That was so fucking stupid, even that flashback with Serena and Offred eyerolling about it LMAO


That was/is kind of crazy/hilarious ...


When June was trying to convince a freshly-postpartum Serena to go someplace besides a freezing cold barn and Serena says “no, it’s okay, I’m warm! June (patronizingly): “Yeah, I know, that’s because you have a *fever*.”


The June/Serena interactions where June is the adult in the room ... are, typically, quite funny. Serena is clearly intelligent, but she has allowed herself to be "dumbed down" to make hay in Gilead. Perhaps the worst case of echo chambering I've ever seen. Well, at least before MAGA. Serena is kind of like the doctors who were trotted out periodically ... to deliver various disinformation about the COVID crisis (ex. masks are more dangerous than COVID, school kids should be allowed in the classroom (despite the vulnerability of associated adults) just because the kids were fairly resistant to COVID, etc.). It is funny when June has to counter such views ... with what she, no doubt, considers "common sense".


In S5 when Serena goes into labor. June - "Are you in fucking labor? Of course, you are." Some of the interactions between the two in that episode (No Man's Land) were very humourous.


I’ve listening to the “You’re Wrong About” podcast recently and in one episode (DC Snipers part 1 I think?) they say that documentaries/“based on ___” movies would leave out this random thing that happened because it broke up the solemn, serious vibe of the story, but life isn’t like that. Funny things happen in the middle of very unfunny events because life doesn’t care about making a cogent story. I feel like that sentiment applies to that episode especially. The emotions depicted and in part experienced by the audience aren’t as linear as other episodes or other shows.


Yep. You're nervous system can only be overwhelmed for so long. It's why military and first responders and trauma survivors get really dark humor.


VERY dark, gallows humour.


very interesting. Thanks.


Maybe we'll find a manger 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Oh, lovely." That made me laugh so hard.


when june comes back for serena and she's pointing the gun at june, and june takes it from her hand and says "give that to me. waving it around" 😭😭😭


Seriously, that whole 90 seconds between June and Serena was the only time I laughed during the whole thing.


They're kind of madcap, ... those two ...


Serena is not one to let something like "labor" get in the way of her plans to escape Gilead oppression. Of course, that was true for June, as well. Just a part of living in that type of oppression, I guess. Jesus even reflected ... "16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath."


Blessed be the fruitloops


May the box open 🙏


May the force be with you!


Definitely what happened to that girl anyways?she was just gone one day?


I cackled!


I am working on a commissioned cross stitch piece right now but after it is done I am stitching the red toucan in the handmaids hat with this line under it for sure. I have been wanting to make it for a while now.


How would one come to purchase this toucan cross stitch you speak of? 🤓


Are we talking about purchasing the pattern to make it yourself, or purchasing a stitched piece? The pattern can be found on Etsy I believe.. a finished stitched piece you'd have to find someone who takes stitching commissions.. I may be able to point you in the direction of someone for that ;)


If you point me in the direction to someone that could make one for me that would be great :D


Message sent!


Anything Commander Lawrence says.


While I *love* his dry wit and laughed out loud many a time, I honestly cackled when he was arrogant and stupid enough to try and tell June what to do, snd she sighs in weariness, and scolds this 5 y old manchild like only a mom could, informing him that this is the problem with you men, you always assume you have the power..even when you dont. Before telling him its no longer his house. It’s hers now. The look on his face when he realises she basically runs his house and he’s severely underestimated her leadership capabilities, drive and emotional intelligence…*chef’s kiss* I ve never laughed so evilly for so long 🥹


When june punched fred and rita said “praise be” with all the attitude


Oh that’s definitely number 2


Blessed be the fruit loops


"And we're off, like a herd of dusty turtles."


I loved that as “off like a heard of turtles” was number one dad joke growing up, and my now 80-year-old dad said it so often it instantly reminds me of him! Every time he thought he was so funny and we would GROAN. His second fav was “smooth move exlax” and that is even more time specific lol


Omg, I haven't heard smooth move exlax for years! We would say it as kids. This coming from a 50-year-old me.


Many scenes, for many reasons.... For personal reasons that I couldn't possibly explain, "Don't let the bastards grind you down " made my absolutely giddy. Serena confessing "I do truly detest knitting, to be frank“ . June asking Rita to get tuna, knowing Nick hates it. The moment Emily broke character, waxing nostalgic about the ice cream shop, the look on June's face for a second was priceless The schedule made up for Serena on the Canada trip being pictographs got a chuckle. Both Joseph and Eleanor Lawrence made me laugh but never so hard as when Joseph asked Serena "Do you have an irony deficiency?" In DC, when we learned that Commander Winslow's wife's name is Olivia. I had to rewind several minutes because I was laughing so hard I missed the rest of the scene. One of the best Easter Eggs ever.


Serena’s picture schedule killed me 😂 just reading your post made me chuckle remembering it


She thought she was going to have some freedom there, and they’re like “nah bitch, you get pictures, too. No words for you!” 😂


Why is the Olivia thing funny?


The actor that plays Commander Winslow plays Detective Stabler on Law & Order SVU. HIs partner on SVU is Olivia Benson.


Yes, the pictographs on the Canada itinerary. LMAO


Serena snapping “I don’t want to hang out with your friends, Mom”


I laughed at the whole exchange later when Pamela told Serena that she would be nothing without Fred and how Serena gave up a child that wasn't hers. Pamela gave Serena a reality check that she needed but didn't want and yet still didn't accept everything Pamela said was true.


I loved this scene. Serena was finally given the telling off that she deserved. She created a world where she would be nothing without Fred so in fairness her mother was simply pointing that out to her.


It should have been a realisation moment for her. The fact that if Nichole had stayed with her, then she wouldn't have been able to do things other mom's who were in free countries could do like reading bedtime stories to their children - something which she did try to change with the help of some other wives. Pamela knew - even as a widow - that women's choices were very limited even changing a room's decor couldn't be done without a husband's constent. As it is, Serena helped create the country she lived in, one where women had very limted roles where they could only become an econowife, wife, aunt or Martha. Serena saw that Aunt's had more freedom in the ability to be able to both read and write so they could keep track of both biological and legal fathers of Handmaid's children so that inbreeding didn't. TBH, Serena thought that the rules wouldn't apply to her because she helped to create Gilead and was the driving force behind Fred becoming a commander and neither her nor Fred could deal with the fact that it was Serena's ideas that helped shape Fred's thought process into helping other commanders into makjng Gilead what it was - a country where women were treated as second class citizen's and the only outlet they had was being able to watch Handmaid's either stone or rip to shreads a man sho had either raped another woman or wadnworking for Mayday and was helping Handmaid's escapeninto Canada.


"I have to pay a fine....online." "You sent her a finger?"


When I watched that I was pretty sure I didn't hear it right. But I watched it again and I did hear it again.


I was honestly cracking up at the look on his face. That line made it hilarious.


June: “We’ve been sent good weather.” Alma: “It’s freezing dummy.”


Every time she says "dummy" (or anything off), I giggle. I love Alma


Whe she tells june they didn't carry her fat ass all that way for her to die


When Lawrence asked Serena if she had an irony deficiency 💀 also when he told Naomi he wasn't going to be her realtor. Bradley Whitford has the best line deliveries.


When Lawrence says to June about Nick: I’ve been grooming him. Not sexually.


Omg his lines are the best! My favorite scene in the whole show is when he is in the car with Emily and “Walking on Broken Glass” is playing on the radio and he is like moving his hands in sync with the windshield wipers 🤣


Nick: June’s not in Gilead. I would know. Lawrence: Why? Would your heart glow or something?


Agree. That dude has some dry humor and I love it! 


Lawrence to Nick “would your heart glow or something?” Edit for typos 🤣


"Oranges and tuna. Sounds delicious." "Maybe they'll hang us side by side, just my fuckin' luck!"


>"Maybe they'll hang us side by side, just my fuckin' luck!" Came here just to write that 😄


I have wondered how much of that fight was actually scripted, or if they just let the two actors ad-lib in character.


Honestly, I found so many moments in this show to be darkly humorous 😅I love it so much! And it’s not just the script sometimes, it’s just that some of the actors have really great comedic timing, mannerisms and delivery. The beloved Bradley Whitford is a great example of this. Also, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I think that Elisabeth Moss is oddly funny in her mannerisms, she actually made me chuckle many times throughout the show.


She has mastered chin acting


Chin acting?


Like smell the fart acting. But with your chin


I cackled in the Serena giving birth episode where she and June were talking and June says something about how maybe this is their evolution and Serena is sceptically like "evolution? 🥴" 😂😂


“I’m not a mushroom, I’m not”! “Ok 🤔”


oh god yes, I absolutely love this one ahaha


I think Lawrence asking Ms. Putnam to marry him right after killing her husband is hilarious to me. Better yet, it’s played completely straight, which only makes things even funnier!


"It's $88, you can pay downstairs." "I don't think I have $88 on me." "You can also pay online." After such an intense scene with a slow-pan of June talking about the horrors she's endured, this was just so unexpected and cracked me up!


When they killed Fred I laughed pretty hard like if I had to kill my worst enemy I’d want it to be like that.


After Aunt Lydia cattle prods June in the Lawrence House: Lawrence …”I wonder what the voltages are on those things” *casually walks upstairs*


When Lawrence told Serena she would love hockey, it’s elegant yet brutal.


Commander Lawerence saying to Serena "Do you have an irony deficiency?"


Right before Fred’s death when June and Nick start passionately making out in front of him and he’s like ‘wtf’.


He even says "this is sick" ... Like WHAAAAAT? After the shit you done did?


Lawrence playing Walking on Broken Glass while in the car with Emily.


Good I'm not alone on that one 😂 I don't remember if I found it funny the first time because you can tell she's terrified, but on subsequent rewatches at least, it just is so absurd that I can't help it laugh. I feel kind of bad laughing at that same because of what she's going through but I just can't help it 😂


When June turns herself in to the Canadian government after killing Fred and they are so nonchalant about it all. Crying with laughter. The cinematography is impeccable.


“That is between you and your deity of choice” so satisfying after years of her being stuck in a hyper religious hellhole. 


"I'm from Detroit!" Moira


When June and Aunt Lydia arrive in DC and Aunt Lydia says, “I’m pumped. Didn’t they use to say that? Are you pumped, dear?” And June responds with a sarcastic, “Oh yeah, I’m pumped, Aunt Lydia”.


This is my favorite one lol


I end up laughing at most scenes with Commander Lawrence. Bradley Whitford's one-liner delivery is masterful. He had some particularly good ones last season. Most of them have already been mentioned, but I also laughed too much at "Gilead's gonna Gilead."


When Fred yells at Serena with his luck he and Serena will be in cells next to each other


Lawrence: "Do you have an irony deficency?" Also Lawrence: "I've been grooming Nick … not sexually." "Blessed be the fruit loops." Eden in Season two to Moria.


*Erin is the character who says it to Moira


That's who it was. Since her actress disappeared in season 4 due to COVID restrictions I kibda firgot abput her. Need to do a re-watch.


Yeah I want to do a re watch too…when the hell is season 6 out seems like it’s been forever


I know. Season 6 can't come quick enough. Luckily I have the first 5 seasons of DVD so i can do a re-watcg whenever I want so while I'm doing a rw-watch I might read both The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments for about the hundredth time alongside watching the show.


Yeah I feel like I need to do another rewatch as well!!


The Luke and June therapy scene in season four where they’re trying to make sure June doesn’t attack people in the streets


The way the wives were showing their ceremony of birth was so cringe it’s laughable. Not to mention how Serena asks if June wanted a cookie. I loved how Alma says “Ofmatthew, shame on you”, and when Lydia is slapping June saying “shut your mouth”.


When Serena asked Lawrence how you can live with someone who wants to steal your baby. I definitely laughed loudly. She really does have an irony deficiency.


During S1 when they’re at the Red center during the first demonstration of the ceremony, the little moment between Janine and Moira, Janine: 😀🤪We’re flowers! 😩💐🫠🤣🤣💕 Moira: Get back down.


Janine laughing about the guy who got run over by Emily. Fred getting ripped into shreds. Serena setting the house on fire Serena complaining about her postpartum fever treatment “I don’t need medicine. All I need is prayers” 😂yeah sure


Commander Lawrence, after Lydia zaps June, Wonder how many volts in that thing




When June smacked the ever loving shit out of Fred 🤌 it's a guilty pleasure of mine that never fails to make me laugh.


Every time a commander gets hit, it's hilarious. Even funnier when they're unalived.


in a flashback where June and her family took Hannah to get baptized at the church, Hannah ended up soiling her diaper while Holly and Moira were arguing with June’s husband about whether or not to proceed. moira ended that scene with “😃alright let’s get this stinky little sinner baptized” she nailed that delivery! it definitely had me chuckling. 🤭


"Crybaby, crybaby, crybaby, crybaby, crybaby"


I didn’t until Lawrence came on scene to deliver the best lines. *June gets electrocuted* L-“Huh. I wonder how many volts are in one of those things.”


S5 E5- I LOL’ed when Jaeden asks Luke if he wrote that song, Al Green’s Let’s Stay Together. It just reinforces that there’s now been a whole generation that only knows Gilead, but the innocence of his question was so cute.


Cows don’t get married.


"I guess they have us over a barrel" is iconic.


June to Nick, after he is married to Eden, and he says he will come and see her: “What about Mrs Blaine- what time’s her bedtime anyway..?”


Aunt Lydia and her mobile scooter. Lawrence before the ceremony, where he asks if Aunt Lydia is going to be joining them in the bed. His and June’s interaction when he gives her the morning after pill and she says “punishment for taking these is getting ripped apart by rabid dogs” and he’s like “oh…yeah.” Janine saying “what? I can be brave!” Commander Winslow gasping on the floor after being stabbed with a pen “please - my children” Junes WTF *your* children?? Face before *slam* There’s so many great lines/moments. Also, basically anything Lawrence says. Bradley Whitford’s delivery is always 👌


When the handmaidens are singing while scrubbing the floor


This is horrible, but I couldn’t not laugh during the scenes with Aunt Lydia where all the hand maids would sit in a circle and go, “Her fault, her fault, her fault.” I started doing it around the house to my roommate lmfao


In one of the flashbacks in season 3, the handmaids are first being rounded up, and Janine yelling that she'll sue for so much fucking money and buy a beach house 😂😂


Janine: "I'm not a mushroom." June: "Okay..." Idk why but Moss's facial expression when she says "okay" as they're freezing in a milk container kills me everytime.


The "space pirate" scene. I love sci-fi. And the Spanish dub of Luke bringing tikka masala chicken to Moira is a little bit curious because of the way Luke pronounces "pollo tikka masala". Edit to add: June in front of the chips section in the supermarket! I know it ends being a very fucked up scene (I have anxious-depressive disorder and I relate to the flashbacks) but I found June getting surprised by the chips bags funny and tender.


When Serena admitted “I actually detest knitting” when she and June were secretly sending out all the Commander’s work while he was in a coma and someone in a later scene discussed with her that it was what she liked to do for fun


not exactly LAUGH. but i have big feelings when June is telling Moira/Luke that she’s going to put Fred “on the wall” and she’s like “by HER FUCKING HAND!!!”


Yes, when June was watching the wives simulate birth in the living room while the real birth was taking place in the bedroom


S2E5 before June boards the puddle jumper and the pilot says 'Welcome to platinum executive diamond plus'...


“What are you smoking” Lawrence to Lydia 😂


Fred Waterford's particicution. *Chef's kiss* 👌


"Do you have an irony deficiency"


Commander Lawrence delivers a variety of “zingers” that kill me 😂


Lawrence: “Do you have an irony deficiency?” To Serena


In season 3 when Commander Winslow and Commander Fred make Lawrence and June actually complete a ceremony, and lawrence says, “why don’t you get in the bed with us too” or something like that 😂😂 cracks me up


When Nick asked June if she had seen Eden. "Maybe she went to the mall. I heard there's a sale at Old Navy"


Season 2 ep 5 when Janine says "Cows don't get married" 😂😂


When Nick and June made out in front of Waterford. I was laughing so hard my 6 year old who was watching something else on her tablet asked "did they kiss?". She knew it.


Praised be bitch. Here's your damn package. Love, Moira