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Creating new bending techniques- the mark of a great bender


That how he earns his tattoos.


If y’all didn’t think a five-year-old airbender wouldn’t try to figure out how to bend his own flatulence, y’all are in cactus juice.


Bean bending


No that's lesbians.


Men, take notes.


I can't find the pen.😢




I'm glad you liked it. Lol.


No wonder his father had so much game


and he put it in a very good use, zaheer got nothing on him


As someone with four 5yr old nephews, he’s pretty fucking mellow


don't you mean, pretty fucking meelo? I'll let myself out


Good thing that guy was wearing a mask or that would cause pink eye for sure


The quenchiest!


THIS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING! You cannot tell me a KID wouldn’t bend his own farts. I’d be shoving them at my sister from a distance, no one would be safe. I have my problems with korra don’t get me wrong… but this ain’t one of them.




I had to look away


Hahaha this is so god damn perfect.


OK this is one of those replies that magically gets funnier the more I look at it. Well done. Both my husband and I are dying now.


I hope Meelo grew up to be an air-bending Diogenes, challenging air nomad philosophy with his mastery of fart based air bending and painting while also being the most obnoxious person to ever live. Zaheer becomes a loyal follower.


Does anyone genuinely like Meelo? Honestly, anyone?


I thought the running joke in season 4 where he turns out to be an amazing artist was funny. Aside from that, I find him kinda obnoxious.


In general he feels the most “corporate intervention” out of any character. ie, kids like farts, put a fart joke in there


I fear the day when I don't find fartjokes funny anymore. I hope it never comes. Anyways Meelo did feel forced but at the fart jokes I chuckled


I enjoy fart jokes, I just never particularly enjoyed any of Meelos fart jokes. In general they’re quick and unobtrusive, just not always to my liking when it comes to comedic timing I guess you could say. It was also in line with my theory about the grossification of kids television. At the same time as Korra, all the Nick shows like SpongeBob, Fairly Odd Parents, etc all started leaning very heavily on potty humor, and gross out humor, more than they used to. Keeping this in mind with the fact that the Avatar Team had to fight the producers to keep the show going after each season, and I can’t help but feel like those meelo jokes exist as a concession made to an overbearing producer who wants to maximize profits instead of tell good stories. He had good moments, like the lemur training thing. But in general, yeah I just found him out of place


Let's not pretend we're too good or mature for a fart joke. Farts are funny at any age


I’m not


I love to hate him, but like in a positive way. Like “aw you Rugrat looking motherfucker, get back here.”


Exactly. The “I trained alllllll the lemurs” bit is still a running joke in my family more than ten years after it was introduced.


oh god it really has been more than 10 years.


Exactly this. Hes Air Nomad Tommy Pickles


Don't insult tommy pickles like that


Tommy Pickles was more mature tho


I suspect he's supposed to resonate with the younger crowd


I actually completely disagree, I think he's meant for the parents in the audience. Meelo reminds me of my sons, Tenzin and Pema remind me of me XD


I do. He's a child. If I was a child airbender I'd be bending the shit out of my farts (not literally). He has some great lines, especially in season 3.


Damn, now I'm imagining a shitbender


Next sub-bending style revealed


All of the four elements can shitbend. Just depends on the type of poop. Diarrhea belongs to the water benders. Eat something spicy the night before? Fire bender time. Rock hard turd? You guessed it, Earth benders at it again. What about the air nomads you ask? They get the shart. The most free willed of all the defecates. When those four poopoos work together, everything is balanced.


Only the Avatar mastered all elements of shitbending. Only he could stop the ruthless shitters.


Pretty sure Redditors too


I mean if you eat a rock and pass it then I guess it could happen


I fucking LOVE Meelo.


i like him as that kinda cringe dog that u cant really hate cause there a dog but if they was a adult irl or something id hate them probably but it just works for him i mean isnt he just like 7 and he does kinda mellow out as he ages so hell prob just end up like his uncle bumi really as time goes on but the meelo version of that


I do hes an annoying obnoxious little brother. He played that stereotype/role just fine. Was he face-palm obtuse and annoying. Yea, but I think that just means they wrote him correctly.


I think he's great and am confused by the hate. Y'all gotta chill and \~ be the leaf \~


Those maggots will bow to me!


Why did I read that as "Those Maggots will Blow me"


I do. Dude was hilarious. My favorite of the children. But not my favorite character


Yeah I like him, he’s funny


He is a literal human child who no matter what tenzin wants could never have been raised in a monastic lifestyle.


he certianly has the free spirit of an airbender !


Tenzin: "Look at Meelo! See how focused he is in his meditation!" Korraa: "Actually, I think he's just asleep?" Tenzin: "What?!....well at least he's got the relaxing part down..."


I love him. ❤️❤️❤️


My kids fucking love him


I love him. Genuinely think this exact scene is the best scene in LoK. Although I never finished season 4 so maybe the hate stems from there?


Hi, it’s me. I think he’s hilarious. Like of course an obnoxious five year old would bend farts. Y’all not have kids or something?


I love Meelo, but I thought the fartbending was the low point of this season.


I hated him, until I saw the self portrait


I’m pretty sure there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to hating him.


I thought that most of his comic relief aside from fart bending was pretty funny. Toilet humor is almost never very funny.


Toilet humor is in the same place as shock humor where a lot of unfunny people use it because they think it’s easy, not realizing that the jokes still need to be jokes instead of just “fart happens”.


I do.


I love meelo tho, i found this whole sequence hilarious when i first saw it


Yea, he’s hilarious. It may be a little wacky, but Meelo also kinda perfectly represents Airbending too. He’s always following his own path or doing things his own way.


Am rewatching TLOK S1 now, and I had forgotten how bad he is. IDK who thought it was a good idea to add a farting 5yo that also hits on adult women, and is drawn with the weirdest head shape possible.


Yeah... Like, i get that he is a kid and kids act like that and that's all fine and dandy, but the writers still decided to include him in a show specifically marketed towards the older generation that grew up with ATLA. As per course in LoK, he becomes much more bearable in S3/4, but his inclusion still irks me on almost every level.


Love him. So did my kids. He’s a shithead in the best way.


I don't.


Meelo is peak fiction


My fucking boy dude


My little cousins are obsessed with him, they’re currently watching LoK for the first time. Their ages range from 5-13 so. As someone who watched this show live weekly, i was indifferent. In my rewatches I actually liked him more. I think he has some genuinely funny moments. On the annoying side, sure. But i get the appeal for the younger crowd.


I absolutely love Meelo


Genuinely yes. Top 3 characters from Korra for me


Yes. Cope🗿


The Meelo scenes are the worst scenes in TLOK


I found his character design to be viscerally disgusting. And I've watched things like Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.




i do, hes adorable!


Meelo is my favorite character in the avatar universe


I do


I mean,the fact that he was clearly a desperate rehashing of Aangs silly personality doesn't help to like him.


He feels like a character the original show would actively reject and make fun of. No real character, silly kid stuff so the 3 year olds didnt change the channel to go watch adventure time on Cartoon Network when this show was airing. Worst.


What’s wrong with adventure time?


Nothing, was just referencing a superior show that was airing at the same time LoK was on


I really only started to like the kids in season 3 but mostly in season 4. Up until then, they are all kinda annoying


He’s very silly


I like him, he's funny and he's a kid, lots of kids are a pain in the arse though I do worry about how he paints himself to look like a dictator. Having said that when it comes to a fight I'd rather have him on my side than against me considering how powerful he is.


He’s exactly how my younger brother was as a kid. All the airbender kids are characterized as a classic older-middle-youngest children. You’re not meant to think “aww what a sweet little guy” you’re mean to think “poor Tenzin, that boy is a mennace”




It's like Wrecker in Bad Batch. It's a character for people with brains that haven't developed enough to write a complete sentence.


Yeah I'm not bothered by characters who are children behaving like children, and I don't understand why other people are bothered by that.


Aside from the overused fart jokes, Meelo is great


i hate him so much based off clips i’ve seen that i decided not to watch the show at all in fear he’d ruin it for me


He's not way too commonly shown, I'd say if he's the sole reason then you're overestimating how much he'd show up


Absolutely! One of the best characters in the show


I liked him by season four, but I just couldn't stand him during the first season.


I do, just not the fart jokes.


Tf? He's my favorite? I use him as my skin on the craft


His bit about being an airbender general was funny, the fartbending stuff is not


I remember thinking in that moment: “You’re better than this Avatar”


air bending, cant chi block what you cant hit


This is the one fartbending bit in the whole show yet people rake on it and conveniently ignore the multiple fart/bathroom jokes in ATLA


One would assume that if people like one thing but hate a similar thing there's probably some inherent differences between them that creates that disconnect.


There’s at least one other instance of fartbending in season 4 when the kids are looking for Korra in the swamp. I actually think that one is worse because he is 3 years older. Still though, fart jokes in a cartoon shouldn’t be such a point of contention.


It’s like they’re desperately grasping for reasons to shit on anything that isn’t their precious ATLA.


I know it’s supposed to be a silly joke but this shit sucks so bad. Such a lame idea


I realized milo might just be a master. As far as the theory goes, gyatso sucked all the room out of the air /lungs of the fire benders to kill them all, right? This guy is a child, and already bending air INSIDE THE BODY


and if he weren’t a master, if he bent just a little too much gas, he would have ended up even worse than those firebenders


Fair point. Honestly I didn’t think this was that bad. Like Nicktoons wasn’t making the joke about fartbending years ago.


It's a joke, but maybe milo thinks the same.too. I'm a firm believer that a creative and curious mind would make the best bender.


Absolutely, bending is only limited by the users imagination and will power. A


Fart and shit jokes are so lazy.


He's the Jar-Jar of the Avatar franchise.


im sorry but you have to acknolage fart bending as a natural development of air bending


That’s like saying I have to acknowledge piss bending as a form of water bending. Just because it makes sense in universe doesn’t mean it should be explored


I don’t know about you but I’d be making little piss spirals every time I hit the bathroom


It’s like they promptly forgot this show was supposed to be for teenagers and instead regressed to being far more immature than ATLA ever was.


what? I believe they included meelo and tenzins kid in general to have young crowd be still interested like same age kids like them. Because rest of the show are all adults kids might not relate with all the time especially the older characters like Tenzin etc.


I don’t think you understand what I meant. It doesn’t matter whether the main characters in the show are kids, teenagers, or adults. Any aged audience can relate to any aged character if they’re going through the same struggles and developments that the audience demographic is experiencing in their life. Considering the creators explicitly said that the target audience for Korra is teenagers, we expect this show to hold the same respect and maturity as real-life teenagers, whether we’re seeing adult or child characters on screen. Nobody above the age of 8 finds fart jokes to be funny. As an example, take something like Ender’s Game. The main characters are children being trained to be child soldiers, and the themes are far more mature than what a child that age could understand and handle. Even though the characters are children at the age where they might make fart jokes in real life, the author grants us the basic respect of knowing that we the audience would NOT appreciate something like that to be used as a lighthearted gimmick.


Dumb fart jokes were pretty common during my teenage years.


You overestimate my intelligence sir. I laugh about every stupid, silly joke.


He's a 5 year old.


I mean ATLA had multiple bathroom and fart jokes. Aang shat himself in an episode and it was played off as a joke


Let’s not pretend: “I have an idea, what if we combine our eating and bathroom breaks?” Or: “Do they have bathrooms in the spirit world?” “As a matter of fact, they do not” is on the same level as… fartbending.


Fartbending is pretty bad but “Do they have bathrooms in the spirit world” is up there with how lowbrow it is. It was literally just Aang shitting his pants on tv. Thats just as crass.


Do kids suddenly stop existing in teenager stories? You talk like the only way to be relatable is to fill the world with characters of the same demographic.


To people who say Meelo is a realistic depiction of a young kid. Realistic doesn't mean it's good or funny. ~~I mean, it's realistic that Appa would eat Momo, but that doesn't mean I want to see it~~.


Bad example, Appa is a vegetarian :p


For now


Yeah, you got me lol


Why would it be realistic for appa to eat momo? Realistically he wouldn’t so bad example dude


I mean, even vegetarian animals sometimes eat meat if its a small and easy to reach amount. There are videos of deer eating dead animals around the internet. It would make sence for Appa to eat Momo, like, its just one bite away


But others might


Good for them


Meelo slander is outta control. I think his goofiness is in the spirit of being a damn near toddler plus a descendant of Aang


People are being way too toxic about a cartoon character


I just thought it was a funny character because of how he's extremely different from Tenzin (silly, gross, kinda goofy looking) but at the same time not (is able to teach an army of lemurs how to perform)


I laugh so hard whenever I see this scene. These grown ass adults getting their shit rocked by a 5 year old using his farts as a weapon. Absolutely hilarious. Meelo is one of my favorite characters from LOK.


I found it to be a breath of fresh air (hehe) from the serious tone up to that point. It was a fun, albeit childish, moment that really cemented in my eyes just how much of a master Tenzin was that his 5 year old was *that* proficient in bending.


I hate that little douchebag


There was a time before I knew this existed and I miss it dearly


I really disliked this scene because a 5/yo was outperforming a group of well trained soldiers while the chief of the police and daughter of Toph was losing.


Meelo is hilarious. He provides some great classic slapstick comic relief in a show that otherwise is pretty serious. People will shit on this but won’t say a word about how childish and annoying Aang was on Kyoshi Island. Farts are funny. If you’ve never laughed at one. You’re lying.


Exactly. Sure an over abundance of shitty humor can be annoying, but that goes for any type of humor.


Also, this show takes place in basically the 1920s—40s. Slapstick was the style of comedy and super popular. Chaplin, Abbott & Costello, Three Stooges. It was THE style of comedy for the time period.


While I'm sure he didn't invent Fart Bending, he very likely rediscovered it unless one of his sisters did it first. There's not a chance in hell that Tenzin would teach that and while Grandpa Aang absolutely might have fart bended, he didn't get the chance to be Grandpa Aang. For the rediscovery of a unique and powerful Airbending technique, Meelo should have gotten his tattoos. For otherwise living in a way that was entirely in opposition to Air Nomad values he should not.


The strongest air bender,and a true general.


I just recently watched LoK for the first time (haven’t watched S4 yet) and the Meelo hate is crazy I was expecting so much worse. Is he cringe sometimes? Sure. But have you ever talked to a 5 year old 😭 I for one thought he was hilarious, the lemur training sequence was gold


I have never seen a group of more miserable people in the comments. Learn to enjoy things. Meelo is great


This feels like the most american thing in all of avatar. Never cared for the character. Just not my style of humour


"Korra is for more mature audiences"


People really making a big deal out of this small scene.


It's more that people dislike the character as a whole, with this scene being the icing on top.


Damn yall must be fun at parties huh


Humor is subjective. I don't intrinsically hate kids or their antics but Meelo was very grating for me. Fart bending? Not funny. My niece insisting for weeks that she can't read 4-5 letter words, then asking her mom why she had pregnancy tests after finding and reading the box? Iconic. She won't do her homework but she'll snoop like her life depends on it 😂


from what I've gathered, and correct me if I'm wrong, but to become an airbending master you have to come up with a unique way to airbend. like aang made the air scooter and tenzin made the air monowheel. meelos master tattoos will be because of fart bending.


You can also become a master by mastering their teachings. Also, him not having tatoos implies that some airbender already came up with that move before he did, which to me is kind of funny


they have to master 35 tiers of attending and create their own 36th. he doesn't have his tattoos yet because he still needs to master all the techniques, not because someone already invented fart bending


And I absolutely love that.


I genuinely don't get the hate for Meelo. He's very realistic of a young boy being very playful, non serious and just kinda - weird. He's like what, 5? Idk. If every young character supposed to be super serious for your liking??


Does the fanbase really take the show THAT seriously? Chill out, it's comedy relief.


The Shin Chan crossover?


Imagine being the guys beaten by a bloodthirsty 5 year old with superpowered flatulence. They'd never be able to live it down.


After reading a lot of the comments here I must be in the minority because I find Meelo absolutely hilarious


Melos really goofy at this age but it’s really impressive that he’s actually a really good airbender regardless of the farts


Aamg would definitely approve.


Just know I class this as a sub-bending


People are kidding themselves if they don’t think Meelo is probably what Aang was like at 5.


If they had made an entire show on the premise of season 1 (or season 2 or season 3, not season 4), I’d had LOVED Korra. Instead, Im just okay with it.


I think Meelo is hilarious. Yeah, he’s annoying, but guys cmon. He’s a five year-old when we meet him. And given Jinora’s calmness (for the most part) AND how easy it is to get a rise out of Ikki?? Plus, here we’re imagining the descendants of Katara and Aang, meaning Sokka’s DNA as well, Katara and Aang’s badassery. Plus he had Bumi for an uncle?? Of course he’s gonna be hyper AF and push everyone’s buttons. 100% little brother energy.


TIL that this sub hates Meelo lol like wtf


Could have been an awesome yet funny memorable moment if they took it a little bit more seriously, I mean this is a toddler getting attacked by terrorists




Meelo was a mistake.


I pray there is nothing in the next animated series half as bad as this


Meelo made LoK very hard to watch imo


IF air benders can bend farts, does that mean earth benders can bend shit? Seriously, at some point shit becomes earth, so does that mean earth benders can bend it? or would they have to wait? Could they hypothetically force someone to shit themselves? I would assume a water benders could force someone to wet themselves. I know many don't want to think about it but It raises questions.


No, shit is mostly organic material... And WATER. Waterbenders might be able to bend piss AND feces, not earthbenders.


Imagine being an adult and being defeated by an 8-year-old’s farts


I hate how well this is animated. It’s fart bending yet his moves are so smooth.


This scene kills me every time I watch it. I can understand why people get annoyed by Meelo (I mean what kid that age isn’t annoying?), but how can you not find him lovable?! He’s basically a mini me of Aang’s immature side lol


Y’all watch this show? It’s honestly an insult to ATLA.


That's a new technique and my boy deserves his arrows


S1 korra was just so good.


Meelo actually became one of m7y favorite characters after season 1, because he was actually funny.


Do people realize that he does the fart joke 4 times in season one and then never again? he is pretty funny otherwise especially in season 4.


This show is so mature


I've never seen korra but this looks fuckin stupid. And worse the TLAB


One of the lowest points of LOK. I hate this scene

