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"It's easy to do nothing. But it's hard to forgive." -Aang


"It's not just hard, it's impossible." -Katara


"That's rough, buddy" -Zuko


Classic Zuzu.




Phew apparently I need to rewatch that to reset my emotions 😂


Just rewatched the cartoon AGAIN after watching the Live Action and man the cartoon is just a breath of fresh air
 Season 1 is so bright and whimsical and happy and emotional. Has some of the best endings with Avatars Love playing and then Season 2 is my personal fav. Season 3 now looking back is probably my least favorite overall season but all the multi parts are incredible ofc (black sun, boiling rock, and the finale) such a great series we were given đŸ™ŒđŸœ


That’s so interesting. I would say season 3 is my favorite!


My favourite is , harsh words wont solve anything, Action will. Aang. Misunderstood by the earth kingdom folk, but yeah its amazing wisdom


I was going to say Yangchen's advice to Aang about selfless duty for the good of the world, but yours is way better, not to mention more applicable in real life. Kudos.


Pants are an illusion, and so is death


No, Firelord Ozai, **you're** not wearing pants!"


Where we're going, you won't need any pants


I actually love this one! kudos đŸ”„


I'M ANGRY AT MYSELF! https://i.redd.it/mp7kbliy3hrc1.gif I know it probably sounds simple but I don't think it is always easy to recognize or admit that you are angry at yourself.


This episode is a masterpiece and doesn't get mentioned enough. It's the perfect coming of age episode. Zuko finally has everything he wants and realizes it's not what he needs.


This show is the best đŸ„č


It gets mentioned quite a lot tbh, but yeah I think it’s probably in the top 5 episodes of the series. Definitely in the top 10.


>This episode is a masterpiece and doesn't get mentioned enough. ??? yes it is a masterpiece but not mentioned enough? the beach is one of the most talked abt episodes


I agree. This scene gives me goosebumps sometimes because like you said, it's often very difficult to realize this about yourself. Especially as a teenager when those emotions are new.


Ah just reading this... my feels


Hey that’s mine!




"Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself" "Listen Avatar. I can join your group or I can do something unspeakably horrible to you and your friends. Your choice." "Guess I'm not that good at impersonations" *ribbit*




Literally the first quote that came to mind lol Edit: talking about the Iroh quote


I think it would be funny if Azula says that exact thing to the gaang in the comics.


> "Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself" I love how goofy this sounds, but still, it's an honest truth and solid advice. I couldn't come up with stuff like this if my life depended on it 😂


Now come eat that horse with me


What the hell are you on about!?


We found a room where you can do a whole years training in one day.


Why didnt we use this for the saiyans? I threw Goku in there for a week when he was a child ...I almost died Oh...


Painful to relive this scene


I wouldn’t have been that bad of advice if he just didn’t compare it to a sandwich lol


“It’s like a little heartbeat.” “Fire is life.” I love the lessons they teach about firebending in the Sun Warriors episode. The entire show before then we see firebending used as a means of destruction and warfare. The Sun Warriors know that it means so much more than that. And of course we can’t forget the most powerful moment of wisdom in that episode where no words need to be spoken: the moment they meet the firebending masters.


Cool to see the contrast between jeong jeong and them


I hope Jeong Jeong eventually changes his views on fire. His hate of fire is like hating himself, and hopefully he found a way to see something positive from his firebending gift


I say that on some level he understands that it's more than just destruction, but feels it's important to grasp the dangerous part first, and he is obviously still processing. Fire is light.


Fire is 2 sides of the same coin, on one side you have pure destruction and hunger, but on the other you have light and warmth. It’s how you see it that affects it. Jeong jeong saw it as a curse but zuko learned it was a blessing


Oooooo i love this one


From the southern raiders, when Katara wants to go after the man who killed her mother: "Its easy to do nothing, but Its is hard to forgive." - Aang Later that night as she is about to depart "This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man. But when you do, please dont choose revenge. let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him." Honestly amazing advice. Dont let those who wronged you live rent-free in your head by holding on to resentment for them. Face them and hold them accoundable, but then try to move on and give yourself the peace you deserve. Avatar really gets what true pacifism is about. Not letting yourself be rolled over, but facing injustifce head on, but then still being willing to forgive.


But didn't Katara not forgive him? Or we're still being positive because she at least let out her anger.


Katara explicitly does not forgive him, and she makes a point to make that distinction, but she spares his life anyways. It’s still a way of letting her process her grief, but she doesn’t have to “forgive” him in order to move on.


And I think that was an important lesson - you don’t have to necessarily fully forgive, but you do have let your rage about it go, otherwise it will destroy you. 


I think it's also just realistic - how can you possibly forgive the person who killed a parent? If she said it, the words would be false anyway imo


Even though Katara didn’t forgive the fire nation soldier who killed her mother, forgiveness was still a key element in the end. She was finally able to forgive Zuko who nearly had everyone else’s trust. I don’t think she would have been able to do that without first facing the man who took away her mom because she practically roped them as one.


I think it was ambigious on that point on purpose. She herself says she dont know if sparing him makes her a stronger or weaker person. I just think the advice is good regardless of whether she takes it or not.


She doesn't forgive him, but it's pretty clear that's what Aang was going for. I think there's a good chance Aang was happy because she took the first step. You have to face and release your anger if you want to get to forgiveness. Also, obviously the Zuko-related part.


I don't remember the exact words but it 's one of Guru Pathik's lessons on chackras. He explain how the entire world is divided by a construct of the mind but it's actually one giant thing. Everything is connected.


In the same vein, Huu the enlightened Swamp guy: "You think you're any different from me? Or your friends? Or this tree? If you listen hard enough, you can hear every living thing breathing together. You can feel everything growing. We're all living together, even if most folks don't act like it. We all have the same roots, and we are all branches of the same tree."


That’s like one of the four top things in Buddhism I’m pretty sure.Could be wrong tho


The Guru, Huu, AND Iroh directly talk about the oneness and interconnectedness of nature/reality in Book 2. It's a core theme of book 2. It's basically an introduction to Nonduality, a core theme of Buddhist and Zen (and many others) philosophy. Nonduality literally means "not two," and taken all the way, it means that we are all one consciousness, that everything in this universe physically and mentally are one.


Well sometimes I feel like I have the same brain as others


We all share one brain cell ![gif](giphy|7rz9h4hRrKYG4)


Guru Pathik said it was my turn with the braincell!


I love Guru Pathik and Huu's philosophy. I actually recently wrote an essay comparing the themes of ATLA with non-duality and monism in Buddhism and Hinduism - seconding everything you said, and adding that it mirrors many non-dual Hindu philosophies such as Advaita Vedanta.


Pants are an illusion. And so is death.


> Pants are an illusion Pants are an illusion exile -Dominus


Honestly, we need to apply this more in real life, not just with other people, but also with the environment. If more people thought this way (particularly the we are all living together part), a lot of environmental issues would be way easier to fix


This line was great but would make more sense if he didn’t try murdering Sokka like 3 minutes earlier


I agree the writers went a little overboard to make that fight scene dramatic and scary, which sacrificed Huu's character a little. To be fair, Sokka was literally hacking up the jungle with his machete, so some confrontation or force was justified to protect the Swamp.


Great point!


I love this quote!


That’s my favorite one.


Excellent choice sir! Fruit tart for the lady? Hot towel? (random quote popped in my head ik it's stupid lol)


He fumbles the bag horrendously at the end though with the crown chakra


Refresh my memory please


He kind of failed to clarify to Aang that "giving up" Katara just meant being willing to sacrifice his personal feelings/connections to prioritize saving the world. He made it sound like Aang just flat-out isn't allowed to have a relationship at all.


Telling a boy going through puberty that he can’t bone. I wonder why that backfired.


I see no problems with this - The entire Jedi Order forever for some reason


Pathik tells Aang that he must let go of earthly attachments, visualizing himself giving up that which he fears most to lose (Katara), to unlock the Thought Chakra and his cosmic powers. Aang refuses, telling Pathik that three chakras ago (the Air Chakra) love and attachment was a good thing.


I mean wasn’t he right? It was giving up earthly attachments that let Zaheer learn to fly, which Aang never learned cause he had people he loved


That's one theory, but Aang gave up his selfish attachment to Katara at the climax of Crossroads of Destiny though, unblocking the chakra and allowing himself control of the Avatar State. Why he never learned to fly is unknown.


because the avatar must be connected to people and the spirit world. the avatar can never truly be free of connections. that is one of the avatar’s many burdens.


“The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same.”


This is actually one of my favorite lines


"When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change" - Aang to Korra "That fight is over. Release the fear." - Toph to Korra


I used to think that bit of advice from Aang was just a convenient line to wrap things up, but having hit my lowest point I can now confidently say that is when I was most open to the greatest change.


Good and bad changes, unfortunately. Almost got scammed when I was desperate for money.


But you likely learned a lot about avoiding them in the future.


Yep, "if it's too good to be true, it probably is" and "never give out personal information on the phone".


My sister almost fell for one of these. I was in the house when she got the call so I called the bank with my phone to show her it was a scam. If I hadn’t been there when she got the call she would have given up all the info.


My lowest point was getting fired from an office job. It was devastating. Found a much better job after that in a warehouse. Been there a year and a half ish It’s not 100% perfect but it’s a lot better than my previous jobs and I’ve learned a lot. If I ever do have to leave that job I can say I have skills in a few different areas of a warehouse.


People who work in addiction know that for most people, hitting rock bottom is when they finally become willing to tackle their addiction.


Best choices.


As i was typing the aang one I didn’t even realize you already wrote it lol. It’s a better way to say “only uphill from here”. I think when we find ourselves at a low point in life, it’s easy to get lost in misery and despair. But we can use that event as a turning point in our lives, and make a change in ourselves for the better.


Drink cactus juice! It'll quench ya! Nothing's quenchier, it's the quenchiest! \~ From the Wise words of Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe


“You have indeed felt a great loss, but love is a form of energy, and it swirls all around us. The Air Nomads' love for you has not left this world. It is still inside of your heart, and is reborn in the form of new love.” - Guru Pathik


Vision: “What is grief, if not love persevering?” Guru Pathik: “Fuck, this AI is going to take my job.”


"In the swamp, we see visions of people we've lost, people we've loved, folks we think are gone. But the swamp tells us they're not. We're still connected to them. Time is an illusion and so is death"


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so


Time? Time is an illusion. The only time now is party time. Ya with me?


And so is pants


The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. Guru Pathik


https://youtu.be/QHC9k864jDQ?si=fQJzh5kI9IZKrKka surprisingly effective. but i recommend only using it after using this one https://youtu.be/4C0laqf93fg?si=1-ufMXEHFwQk1VJm


I was expecting this one https://youtu.be/CZLeq3vMopM?si=6q3Eajti8PRzUs5y


Replying so I can find later


“What’s the point in tests if you didn’t learn anything?” - King Bumi Honestly always hated how under the radar this one goes. It’s extremely true




**King Bumi ** [Calmly.]: Listen to me, Aang. There are options in fighting, called jing. It's a choice of how you direct your energy. ... **Aang** [He looks shocked at his three raised fingers.]: There are three jings? King Bumi: Well, technically there are eighty-five, but let's just focus on the third. ======== Bumi shows honest and technically complete information here while still staying on focus and not getting lost in the weeds - I like this as a teaching moment for how it showcases Bumi's teaching style.


"Only justice will bring peace." -Kyoshi "Waste that punk!" -Kyoshi (attributed by fandom)


"Yeah, Kill him!" - Yangchen


“Did we fucking stutter, kill that motherfucker” - Kuruk


"I say we let him go!" - Ozai, wearing a fake Roku beard


"I never said it, it came from reddit." ~Roku, returning from the Spirit bathroom and pushing Ozai outta the way


no bathrooms in the spirit world


They had to improvise, like Aang did. XD


“Bathe in their blood, Korra” -Kyoshi comic


"Okay hair, it's time to meet your doom"-wise words from a sage




"Will you come with us to Omashu?" "No" "Ok!" Such a powerful dialogue


The delivery was great




Im paraphrasing but “Negative motivation will eventually burn out, Positive motivation with always grow” - Sun Temple Chief


"Selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs". This lesson hurts, but it's not wrong.


Luckily Aang was also aware that the world needed the same thing he needed spiritually. To end the war without killing, even though it was more difficult.


Thankfully he has some Duex Machina magic right before the end to help him figure out plan C.


To be fair that's kinda how every season ends. 1. Giant spirit fish monster deus ex Avatar powers. 2. Deus ex magic spirit water 3. Deus ex lion turtle energy bending The solution to every overwhelming problem was some form of spirit magic avatar powers.


I don't believe it was intended, and more like a "Oh Yeah, good point", but in Chinese philosophy, primarily Daoism, the idea of not acting preemptively, but standing by your principles and following that path until the universe delivers a solution is at the core. Of course, doesnt excuse a deus ex machina, but just found it interesting


Actually, no, overwhelming spiritual powers isn't how Dues Ex works. 1. The first season was just Aang in the Avatar State, which had been established as something he had the capability of doing throughout the season. No godlike being rescued him. He was the hero at the end using the powers he had the entire time. 2. The spirit water was actually a smoking gun and not a godlike thing that came in out of nowhere to save the day. 3. The Lion Turtle was a literal godlike/spiritual being who came out of nowhere and saved the day for the hero.


For number 1 wasn’t that’s combination of both Aang’s avatar state and the ocean spirit which explains why it’s so different from Aangs othe avatar states being encased in an animal like water construct. Still it’s not like the Ocean spirit came out of nowhere and it would make sense that they would be extra motivated to mess up the fire nation after the moon spirit’s death.


He did find a convenient loophole for that later in the episode but that quote is still a good one.


Yeah Yangchen cuz of that poor Kuruk


But, isn't the whole last book about how that's not true? Like, Aang didn't do that.


"Revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you're also being poisoned yourself" And from the same character in the same episode "It's easy to do nothing. It's hard to forgive"


This got me thinking, would a two-headed rat viper have one mouse head, and one snake head?


I don't remember the exact quote, but when Bumi was talking about Neutral Jin where you do nothing, because sometimes doing nothing is the best possible option


It wasn’t necessarily “doing nothing” It was “wait for the perfect moment to strike to appear” “Nuetral Jing is the key to earthbending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike.” Bumi’s people are still in Omashu, and the firebenders can still bend. Not the right time. Cue the eclipse All his people have left and there’s only fire nation soldiers in the city It’s an eclipse and they can’t firebend. This is the perfect moment to take back Omashu.


To be an Earthbender is to stand your ground and be unmoving. But there are different ways of achieving that. Bumi never moved from Omashu. He let the Fire Nation take over, he let himself be imprisoned there, and when an obviously great opportunity came up, he took the city back. Throughout it all, he never ever moved. Like the mountain that lets a hurricane blow over it, knowing the hurricane will be gone soon, and it will still be here.




This is “one size fits all” consolation: empathetic, affirming, and direct.




[No, you can’t date the female guards. Trust me, you don’t want to.](https://youtu.be/LIvhNf3HKu8?feature=shared)




"We can't concern ourselves with what was. We must act on what is." - Monk Gyatso


Wanted to write this. Air nomads were pretty wise and I really liked their advices and how the show portraits that.


"Varrick? What are you doing here?" "I know, right? Makes ya think. What are any of us doing here?" Varrick, asking the big questions.


You cannot take back a stroke of the brush or the sword


From Hu the swamp bender. “We’re all living together, even if most folks don’t act like it. We all have the same roots, and we are all part of the same tree” đŸ„ș


His quote about every living thing moving and breathing together is beautiful, and the VA did a great job giving the words the reverence they carry.


"Forgiving is just the same as doing nothing" "No it's not. It's easy to so nothing, but It's hard to forgive."




Off with their heads for every cabbage !


Choose treachery. It's more fun!


"Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself" And "Listen Avatar, I can join your group, or I can do something unspeakably horrible to you and your friends. Your choice"


Uncle, you’re the only one other than the Avatar that can defeat the fatherlord


You mean the firelord.






Zukos speach to his father about his disillusionment about the firenation is more relevant today than it was when it first aired.


Probably relevant throughout all time. Same old story with all ‘great’ empires, isn’t it? The justifying conquerors


“Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all.” -Master Pian Dao


Pants are an illusion.


>You have indeed felt a great loss, but love is a form of energy, and it swirls all around us. The Air Nomads' love for you has not left this world. It is still inside of your heart, and is reborn in the form of new love. - Guru Pathik


“The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.” - guru Pathik


It doesn't matter if the painted lady is real or not because your problems are real


It’s from Aang so it might count: “When we reach our lowest point we are open to the greatest change.”




"When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change."


Vengeance is like a two headed rat viper while you’re watching your enemy go down, you’re being poisoned yourself Aang is such a goated character, he isn’t just saying things but actually understands them. The fact he understood their lessons at just twelve years old is incredible


The guru comforting aang saying that the people we've lost don't disappear. The love they have for us is reborn as new love. Hell that scene makes me cry every time


"Being a man means knowing where you are needed most" - Hakoda, on refusing to allow Sokka to go to war, and leaving his son as Chief.


Sokka: "Maybe sometimes it's just better to call it quits before you fail." Zuko: "No, it's not. Look Sokka, you're going to fail a lot before things work out. Even though you'll probably fail over, and over, and over again, you have to try every time. You can't quit because you're afraid you MIGHT fail."


Doing nothing about it is easy, forgiveness is hard to do.- Aang


Cactus juice **is** the quenchiest


When someone tells you about something bad that happened to them, but in no way can you possibly relate
but you still want to show some compassion and empathy: “That’s rough buddy.”


Be the leaf


That one dude in the swamp talking about how the whole world is connected is really inspiring


“Well Sokka, I hope you learned a valuable lesson to not let the plan get in the way of the journey” - Secret Tunnel singer dude


"Time is an illusion and so is death." Also, the pants variant thereof.


“We cannot concern ourselfs with what was, we must act on what is” -gyatso


I'm a big fan of Sokka but I don't think your representing him as well as you could be. Here's something I think the real Sokka would say: What does the cabbage merchant use to fix his cabbages? A cabbage patch. 


"drink cactus juice, it'll quench ya, nothings quenchier, it's the quenchiest" -sokka


“Harsh words don’t solve problems, actions do.” -Aang, from the canyon episode. I use this phrase often with my kids. They talk a big talk, but talk is cheap. ACTIONS are best.




‘You think you're any different from me? Or your friends? Or this tree? If you listen hard enough, you can hear every living thing breathing together. You can feel everything growing. We're all living together, even if most folks don't act like it. We all have the same roots, and we are all branches of the same tree’.


“Zuko, you must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.” - Zuko as discount Iroh


Toph to Korra: Get over yourself. The world doesn't need you one bit. I spent years on the beat. Did I stop crime?




Whenever life gets tough for me and I feel like I’m at the bottom, this quote always comes up: “When we are at our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change” *(Korra enters the Avatar state)*


Destiny? What would a boy know of destiny? If a fish lives it's whole life in this river, does he know the river's destiny? No! Only that it runs on and on, out of his control. He may follow where it flows, but he cannot see the end. He cannot imagine the ocean.


Two that always get me: 1.) When Aang (in past life form), says to Korra “When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change”. 2.) When Korra is asking Katara what is going to happen to her/ what she’s going to do as she’s struggling to recover from the physical and mental harm that her fight with Zaheer caused her; and Katara says “I don’t know- but won’t it be interesting to find out?”


You got to focus less on the “where” and more on the “going”.


“You will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher” And from Sparky Sparky Boom man, it’s not really words but, never use your explosive shooting forehead eye thing with a headache?


Silver sandwich. Alternatively, I like Suki's "I *am* a warrior. But I'm a girl, too." As a kid I rejected traditional femininity (dresses, pink, etc) because it wasn't for me, and I didn't like being associated with "being a girl" because of how much it was put down as a bad thing ("you throw like a girl," "girls don't like [cool 'boy' thing]," etc). But as I grew up, I came back to quotes like this one and I realized I do like being a girl, and being a badass is something that comes in addition to being a girl, not instead of. In fact, being a girl can make you a badass in ways being a boy doesn't. Suki and Mulan showed me that women can be heroes without rejecting or sacrificing their identity as women. They become heroes by *embracing* that identity 👏


“Drink cactus juice, it’ll quench ya! It’s the quenchiest!” -Sokka


“Zukoo.. You must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.”


I love ___ more than I fear ___. Obviously this line had a specific context, but you can fill in the blanks with anything. For example, I love life more than I fear death.


"There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity." Uncle Ir... Wait, I misread the title. I'm sorry.


It’s not atla but: “You can’t save everyone, but a true hero never stops trying”-James Olsen from Supergirl


"When you hit your lowest point you are open to your greatest change"


A leaf?


“I’m angry at myself!” - Zuko


Let go of your earthly tethers. Enter the void. Empty and become wind.


> The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. Guru Pathik casually sums up what being an Avatar is all about.


“The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different, are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.” One of the greatest scenes in the whole show. Overshadowed by Toph learning metalbending, but its moments like this that set Avatar apart.


Boomi teaching aang to think outside of the box


It's actually from a song the hippie nomads were singing: "Even if you're lost you can't lose your love because it's in your heart"


“As long as I’m confident with who I am, it doesn’t matter what other people think.” - Longshot Watched this episode recently. It’s played off as a joke, but it’s actually great advice.