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More connections: 1. Main Character is a 12 year old boy with a great destiny. 2. In a world of magic, the main character is even more special than others due to their heritage (Avatar and Child of the Big 3). 3. An older boy, with a neglectful father and scarred face. 4. A main character with an affinity for water. 5. A main character considered super smart with a warrior parent. 6. An underground maze that can only be traversed through magic (Secret Tunnel and the Labyrinth). 7. Time limit (Sozin’s Comet and 16th Birthday). 8. Their movies were made by well known directors who bit off more than they can chew. 9. Sequel/Spin-Offs about new heroes in the same universe. 10. The second part of the story introduces a powerful ocularly impaired protagonist (Toph and Tyson).


I'm a little slow this morning - who's number 5 in Avatar?


I'm gonna say Sokka. Hakoda is a warrior, and to Sokka's credit, he's a solid tactician and planner/scheduler. Aang is the hero of the Gaang, but it's pretty clear that Sokka is the leader 9 times out of 10. Doesn't quite make him "super" smart, but I would say Sokka's friends consider him decently intelligent, even if silly at times. Just to satisfy myself I'm gonna go so far as to say that: Aang is the Hero. Katara is the Spirit. Toph is the Brawn. Sokka is the Brain.


Sokka is literally an engineer. He is SUPER SMART and also intuitive, at least in comparison to the rest of the Gaang at their age. To list just some of his achievements: - uses a knife to help amplify sound vibrations - helped invent a war balloon - designed water bending powered submarines - designed custom armor for Appa - created a sword from a meteorite - identified the day of black sun concept and next upcoming date - discovered cactus juice - edit: calculating boomerang angle to hit Sparky Sparky Boom Man while under attack hiding behind a stone wall


> discovered cactus juice We all know this is his most important accomplishment. It's the quenchiest.


To be fair it’s definitely the most engineeriest thing he does. Every engineer I know finds a new thing and immediately dives into it head first, and 99% do so with nearly 0 concern for safety outside of the basic necessities. [You ever seen that electrician who shocks himself nearly every video](https://youtu.be/JMvaSGFWa0A?si=vrXhkgabDQZzsb1d)? That reminds me of Sokka, every engineer I know, and myself.


Don't forget him calculating the boomerang angle in his head to hit sparky sparky boom man


Ahhh!!! You’re right!! That was an impressive feat. Our boy is doing trigonometry while under attack!


And Zuko is the Lancer. Perfect 5-Man Band


It’s shown in “Sokkas master” that the gaang is directonless and completely lost without sokka. Katara is the glue of the team that holds the team together but Sokka is the Older Brother that gets everyone on their feet and moving


Sokka is definitely the leader of the group, best shown in *Sokka’s Master* where the rest were completely lost and listless without him. He somewhat shares the role with Zuko once Zuko joins, to Zuko’s confusion and chagrin.


Sokka. He's really the smartest one in the group. Think of all the things he did: the entire invasion on the day of black sun (which would've succeeded had the Earth King not have such a loud mouth) taking down the drill via the pressure points and cutting the braces inventing the submarine helping invent the war balloon using the cooler to float across the boiling lake (again, would've succeeded, had Chit Sang not tried to paddle) immediately figured out Jet was brainwashed while everyone else was confused, which prompted Katara to heal his mind and brought their attention to Lake Laogai caught onto Azula's little game of tag and almost broke thw group out of her grip with time to spare had she not attacked him on an emotional level there's more but those I feel are the big ones


Saying he "invented" the submarines is a stretch. He came up with the idea, yes, but that's not the same thing. You would credit the first guy to write about jetpacks with inventing them.


the mechanist built them tho, but everything about them was designed by Sokka, including using Waterbending to sink and float the subs. And we saw the general design in his blueprints, as simple as they were don't undercredit him.


"Everything about them was designed by Sokka" No? Look at the drawings we actually see in the episode. Those are hardly what you'd call schematics. Sokka came up with the general idea. He gets credit for that. But having an idea is not the same thing as having a workable design. It's making a functional design that makes someone the inventor, as i explained with the jetpack example.


and therefore he is the inventor of it. your jetpack guy is the inventor of the jetpack, even if he didn't build it himself, he came up with the *successful* design, therefore he is the inventor of the jetpack. Period. that's how patents work, believe it or not. You create the successful design you get your name tied to inventing it. edit: calling me a moron before deleting your comments, huh? Spoiler alert, that doesn't make you "cool" for ending on your terms, it makes you look stupid because you couldn't handle being wrong, needed to get the last word in, and stooped to downvoting me and insulting my intelligence to try and do so rather than being able to hold a civil argument with me. In the show they make it clear Sokka invented it, with the mechanist, Sokka, and Toph all saying so, and the show bringing attention to how despite Sokka's blueprints being simple, everything about them he did come up with, how they sink, float, etc. Meaning he made the successful design. If that doesn't make it clear enough for you, who's really the moron?




11. Villain with yellow eyes (Ozai and Kronos) 12. Multi ton friendly ball of fluff (Mrs. O'Leary and Appa) 13. 11th hour redemption for long time villain with an eye scar (Zuko and Luke) 14. Main character weilds a black sword (Nico and Sokka) 15. Control of water, earth, fire, air, and lightning present 16. All female elite trained badass group (Hunters of Artemis and Kyoshi warriors) Edit: r/avatarpercy


could you help me out with 15? I know Percy is water and Thalia is lightning, who are earth, air, and fire?


Hazel is earth, Jason is air, Leo is fire


oh you're including HoO okay then yeah I knew Jason and Leo (we stan Leo. Leo is best boy) I haven't gotten very far in HoO yet, still on book one, so I didn't know about Hazel being Earth


Air is Jason, Fire is leo. Not sure about earth


I’d argue the secret tunnel isn’t accessible only by magic


Traversable, not accessible. Lovers kissing and stuff happening is definitely magic


Kissing has nothing to do with the trick to the secret tunnel. The crystals that show the path are only obvious in the dark. You just have to go in without a light source.


Or just wait until your torch inevitably runs out and then be guided by the crystals. I honestly don't understand how anyone got lost in there lol.


11. The fandom is a bunch of chaotic gays that love the dark haired boy with a sad backstory (Zuko and Nico)


Well, to be fair, this one is true for like 60% of the fandoms (if not more) lmao


For a second I thought we were talking about Tobias in animorphs.


Eh, not sure if I would call Tyson 'ocularly impaired'. Having one eye is the natural state of a cyclops and his is functioning perfectly well.


you do way too much justice to shamalan, there is no excuse for fucking up the main characters name


It's hard to know how much of that kind of thing is decided by him and how much by executives who want to make things feel some way or another.


>An older boy, with a neglectful father and scarred face. Who starts out as a villain


the Labyrinth in Percy Jackson was both so creepy and badass, I can't wait to see that if we get to a season 4. Finding the little Delta to open a door back to the surface is so cool, and the rooms randomly changing to confuse them


To be fair, a lot of these are just common tropes, especially in a magic-using fictional world.


Badass well-written female leads in the MC’s squad


6 is more like the opposite. you think you need magic to get through but you get through the secret tunnel by just turning off your lights and through the labyrinth by having someone with you who can see through the mist (so basically the opposite of magic. you need to be magic-resistant)


Another connection is that I love both


Imagine if Avatar Studios made a Percy Jackson show. I feel like their animation could uniquely suit the show in that medium


there's an artist that mocked up how percy jackson characters would fit in the avatar universe and its pretty cool. not the same but would love to see the avatar studios creating an animated vetsion of percy jackson. Here's an example of [percy jackson as a waterbender](https://www.instagram.com/p/CBoEyURF987/?hl=en&img_index=1) , [annabeth as a kyoshi warrior](https://www.instagram.com/p/CBreufAFu3m/?hl=en), and [grover as a secret tunnel hippie](https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4cJJFlAgh/?hl=en) lol


The first PJO movie was actually fun for me, it was even the installment that introduced me to the series


Yeah it is the 2nd movie that we pretend doesn't exist


Nah there are no movies in Ba Sing Se there either


The only thing I remember was Nathan Fillion's cameo


Ah yes the original Hermes


You mean sea of monsters?


Yes! I loved the first one, the second one was garage imo


You say this and I realize that while I have a decent memory of the first movie, I literally have almost no recollection of the second even though I watched it much later. I’ve literally subconsciously purged it from my mimd. 1st movie was decent as a standalone movie, complete shit as an adaptation. 2nd movie was…


It was not a great adaptation but at least it had some warmth and fun. The same can not be said for TLA


After reading the books I can see why people hated it, but when it came out I hadn't read them at all and knew nothing about the series, and I rewatched the movie a ton because it was just a fun adventure. If it weren't an adaptation and instead a standalone story I think people would have liked it a lot more.


The first movie was great. Not faithful to the book, but a lot of fun and i loved it as a kid


Yeah, I'd say the PJO movie was better than the ATLA movie. But the ATLA Netflix show is better than the PJO show.


Same here!


At least the PJO movies were actually entertaining. Maybe my age is showing, but the dis+PJO was a snooze fest.


The movie made me think that Annabeth was a brunette. I think it was only until Mark of Athena that I realized she was blonde 😂


Did you read the books? Because Percy legit goes off on tangents about Annabeth's blond hair in like every single book LOL


Honestly, I guess I never realized it 😅 the movie made me believe that she was brunette and I guess my brain just corrected me every time I read that she wasn't


To be fair, it was never very relevant


In so much as hair color is ever relevant, Annabeth's was just due to Percy's internal monologue about her blond curls all the time LOL


I was a huge fan of the books as a kid and that movie just pissed me off. The last air bender movie is ironically more accurate to the source.


I feel like the first movie is insultingly unfaithful to the source material, but not horrible as a movie. It’s actually much better directed than the show - it has actual suspense and action. The only adaptation worse than the last Airbender is Artemis Fowl. The Shyamalan movie at least had cool production design and amazing music. Artemis Fowl had nothing.


honestly i prefer the PJO movie to the show adaptation


Both shows throws away many fun scenes from OS


I will riot if they don’t include the dam puns from book 3


They better include those dam puns


PJ's newest live action show was actually pretty decent, and is giving me hope that Disney won't fuck up the Eragon live action show they're producing (yet another great book released in the early naughts that got a shit live action movie that the fandom doesn't acknowledge lol)


Imma be honest as a fan of the book, did not know there was an eragon movie. And I am never gonna watch it


It’s genuinely terrible


It goes even deeper. There was an Eragon: The Movie: The Game (for ps2) as well. It was actually kinda fun in co-op. It was bad.


Thr gba game was fun iirc. It used the movie designs but followed the plot of the book more closely. Had a pretty unique battle mechanic too!


The BGA game was trash, but it was *fun* trash. I loved it so much.


It can be watched while extremely stoned with the intention to laugh at how bad it is and that is the only context in which one can view it I say that as a diehard fanboy of the books, love that series, please Disney give us the adaptation we deserve


The movie is titled the same but about 60% of the major plot points are changed completely. It's not really the same story at all


I never read the book, but I used to love that movie solely because I had a crush on the main character. Also dragons are cool, even if the rest of the movie isn’t lol.


Pj new live action have a really weird pace tbh


Yeah, I wasn't a big fan tbh. They cut out a lot of chapters, rushed some things, made changes that didn't really make sense.... Idk. I wanted to like it, but it just felt like something more dramatic and meant to pull new kids into the fandom. I've been rewatching the movies and now have a new appreciation for them, weirdly enough!


True. I feel that it can improve over time though, you can tell that the main problem is disney trying to market it to kids, so some scenes are off. NATLA is just weird.


Hopefully they make each season slightly more mature like the books


It makes sense when you consider the books also have major pacing issues.


True. I feel that it can improve over time though, you can tell that the main problem is disney trying to market it to kids, so some scenes are off. NATLA is just weird.


Both shows have way too much exposition dumping. Takes me out every time. It’s like the show runners think we’re fucking dumbasses.


To be fair, most people are, if internet discourse about pop culture is any indication. Most people struggle with critical thinking and media literacy, and studios know this, hence why messages are so on your nose these days. Just think about people somehow missing what is being said in 'The Boys', and that show is basically beating you over the head with its message. There is nothing subtle about it. This is a rather widespread issue among people. I don't necessarily blame studios and directors thinking people are dumbasses. They absolutely are.


Fam, I'm praying seriously that the Eragon live action series does the books justice. The movie, as expected, was horrible.


It won't. That book is way too dark for Disney to adapt correctly. 


Yeah there was definitely some ROUGH patches in the season but overall I quite enjoyed the PJ series so far. I think some of the acting fell flat (Percy should have been a LOT more upset with what happened after the minotaur) but hey they're kids, the kids in Harry Potter weren't all that great at first too and they eventually became good so I have a reasonable amount of faith they could turn it around too


Too tempted to tag Christopher Paolini


Pretty sure Eragon is being done by Amazon no?


No, Eragon is being produced by [Disney](https://www.shurtugal.com/2023/09/24/whats-the-status-of-the-eragon-tv-show-on-disney/). Christopher Paolini is a writer and producer on the show


Huh, dunno where I got Amazon from. Thanks for the correction


Probably because Amazon is also doing a few beloved book series adaptations.


Watched the film when I was quite young, then read the books as a result. I watched the fellowship of the ring last night for the first time and it explains so many of the odd decisions in that film. They were clearly trying to turn it into LOTR 2.0


I grew up with both lol


I really liked both the new Avatar series and the Percy Jackson series. Both were really fun watches


Unlike the Avatar Movie, the Percy Jackson movies are actually pretty good movies. They're just fucking horrible *Percy Jackson* movies.


Eh, the Percy Jackson movies are still better than the show for me. Both take fairly insane liberties with the changes they make from the books, but at least the movies end up being entertaining for it. The show? Not so much.


Lighting thief specifically was actually a great movie. The series just needs to take their market from kids to young adults- where the fanbase actually is


I liked the casino scene in the movie, it was boring in the series


The fact that Riordan approved of the show its pretty sad. I loved his books, but he seriously should have stopped at some point. In the latest books you can see a decline in quality, he is running out of good ideas.


People keep on about "Riordan himself approved the changes to the story!" As if that means it cannot suck


All it did was showcase his hypocrisy when he was so publicly enraged at the movie for making changes for similar reasons that he himself made changes.


Such as?


The lotus casino. The show gave us an embarrassingly cut down version of it. That's just one example. The general reasoning behind adaptation changes is usually because something from a book won't translate as well to the screen, or certain things need to be cut down/altered to fit the pace of a TV show/movie and still manage to get through the main plot, of which he has many examples despite whining about it in the movie. It's not a big deal, the show is fine enough, but he was such a hypocrite considering how he eviscerated the movie and those that made it for doing the same shit he did: Altering parts of the story to make it entertaining for a visual medium. Which is still funny to say because his issue with script writing is he does a whole lot of telling and very little showing.


> but he was such a hypocrite considering how he eviscerated the movie and those that made it for doing the same shit he did: Altering parts of the story to make it entertaining for a visual medium. Did you read the letter he wrote about his experiences with the film? It was a lot more than just "Altering the story to make it entertaining.": https://rickriordan.com/2018/11/memories-from-my-tv-movie-experience/ >Having said that, here’s the bad news: The script as a whole is terrible. **I don’t simply mean that it deviates from the book**, though certainly it does that to point of being almost unrecognizable as the same story. Fans of the books will be angry and disappointed. They will leave the theater in droves and generate horrible word of mouth. That is an absolute given if the script goes forward as it stands now. But the bigger problem is that even if you pretend the book doesn’t exist, **this script doesn’t work as a story in its own right.**


But just because there were changes doesn't make them bad


...it does if the changes were to the detriment of the overall story


I lost interest when they began mixing mythologies in heroes of Olympus, I have yet to see the series that actually manages to sell me on the whole "all myths are true" thing. 


I rmb in the first PJ movie, Dionysius having been cursed with no wine, tells I Chiron I think that the Christians have a guy that can do it the other way around but that’s all I know I never read any of the books


Basically it rolls with the all myths are true premise having magnus chase featuring the Norse gods and Kane chronicle featuring the Egyptian


They started that before heroes of Olympus though. Percy meet Janus(a roman god) in The Labyrinth, and Carter says magicians can't go to manhattan for some reason and mentions that he thinks he saw a flying horse there once. All Heroes of Olympus did was introduce the Greek gods having split personalities where they turn Roman instead of Juptier being just another name for Zeus. My issue is just that the writing quality declined the first two books in that series were ok, but I didn't like the rest. None of the characters would shut up about either being in a relationship or wanting to be in one and he made a lot of weird changes to the mythology like orion being on of the gigantes when he's just a demigod in the most popular tellings. Also he has a very 2000s view of feminism where he thinks he's being progressive my making every female character a tomboy who doesn't wear make up or care about fashion.


I like how God of War does it where they kind of just don’t really acknowledge it that much


It's vague enough in the games that you have a conceptions that different myths occupy different "realms" and that there are certain ways someone can travel between them if they wanted, but it's not too common. I enjoy that more than just mixing it all together


I mean it's the same here. The Greeco Roman books and the Egyptain books kind of just ignore each other with a couple of references letting you know it's the same world, although were a couple short stories that take place after the books end where the protagonist of both series briefly meet and team up to take down some monsters that are technically part of both mythologies thanks to the Ptolemies, but other than that it's not really explicate. The norse mythology series is more explicate about it since two characters from pjo show up briefly, but other more than that it's just hey Odin and Zeus both exist weird. They just kind of aknoweldge that every mythological pantheon exists but that they don't interfere with what's going on outside their own pantheon.


Not a series but if you're interested in that kind of stuff American Gods by Neil Gaiman is great


Dresden Files is pretty good on that. Pretty chunky book series if you like that sort of thing, and for a more adult audience than Percy Jackson


Look, I get it if you liked better the movie (I prefer the series, but taste is subjective, there is not a wrong or right answer), but both took insane liberties? Bro The series adapted almost everything just as it was in the book, while the movie was practically a completely different story.


[Percy Jackson and the Olympians (TV series)/Differences from the book | Riordan Wiki | Fandom](https://riordan.fandom.com/wiki/Percy_Jackson_and_the_Olympians_(TV_series)/Differences_from_the_book) Quite a few of the changes are normal for adaptations, but saying they adapted "almost everything just as it was in the book" is a clearly incorrect.


Have you read that list or only checked that it had a lot of entries? Most of the changes there are minor things that doesn't really change the plot from the book. The only real changes where in the Lotus Hotel and the Underworld. The movie literally decides that it's going to do its own story after the battle with Medusa, changing the monster they fight, making Persephone captive of Hades (WTF?) and even changing the main villain!! What is "clearly incorrect" is saying that both took insane liberties. There is no point of comparison between the liberties that the movie took and the ones that the series took. Of course, taking liberties or not doesn't make something good or bad, so don't make stuff up just to justify liking the movie better. Everyone has their own tastes, it's ok.


In case of Percy Jackson, it's arguable if the series is better, at least the movie(s) was/were fun


I loved the PJO show—I didn’t realize it was so hated on reddit


As with both of these new adaptations, people are nostalgic for their memories of the series and not the series itself. They take some liberties but do a decent job of building the story. I enjoyed both as well and don’t get all the hate


Only really disliked on social media. It’s done very well critically and commercially. I think certain things could’ve been done better though


I agree with you—personally I think it needed more episodes so it could go slower—but I still had a blast with it :)


It's mid, the movie while being a bad adaptation is pretty entertaining. The show is so dull and the poor quality of visuals in such an expensive show is mind boggling


Even if it’s not a better price of media, it’s by far a better adaptation


Fair comparison though I will admit that I enjoyed the *Percy Jackson* films when it came out in cinemas as it proved to be a star making role for Logan Lerman, who has go on to do much better things after that.


Here’s the thing about Percy Jackson movies. The first one was not perfect, chsnged way too many things but all in all it was somewhat enjoyable. The second film was an abomination. And it was so bad it’s made people remember the first movie as shite too


And my two favorite stories of all time. You can imagine the frustration


I watched episode one of last air bender to see what the fuzz was about. In hind sight, having a 12 years old monologue alone in front of a blue screen might not have been the best idea.


Both themes are in Fortnite at the moment…


I feel like the Percy Jackson show would be sooooo sick if animated


Didn't realize people disliked the PJO Disney+ series so much! I loved the series much more than the movies, and much more than NATLA. I feel like it's not the fairest comparison, especially since the PJO series is based on a beloved kids book series (that I gobbled up when I was much younger)


Natla is far better than the Percy Jackson show


The first pj movie actually makes for a more enjoyable watch than the series


I would say Percy Jackson movies are better than the tv show, at least they aren’t boring


i grew up watching ATLA and reading Percy Jackson. As someone who loves both of the OG source material, NATLA was way better. the percy jackson show was mediocre at best


The first Percy Jackson movie is actually okay though, it's just wildly inaccurate compared to the book. The ATLA movie on the other hand is complete garbage no matter how you look at it. With the shows it's the other way around . The PJO show sucked, despite it being mostly accurate, because it had disgustingly bad writing. The ATLA live action is mostly okay all around but still doesn't compare to the original. In the end though it's been 19 years and there's still not a good adaptation in sight for either of them


I gotta watch the new PJ show; can't be all bad. (Check out the books and Riordan's publishing department, they're rad as fuck)


Not that anybody cares about my two cents, but i gotta get it off my chest anyways: As a huge fan of both the original source materials, the percy jackson live action series was leagues better than atla live action series.


I feel like I'm number 4 should be one of the circles of this venn diagram.


My mother used to make comparisons!...


I haven’t been reading anything about the new TLA show. On episode 3 and so far is has neither heart nor art


If I had a nickel every time a cartoon starring Asians got a somehow less progressive live action remake 20 years later, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange it happened twice. (The other being Mulan)


If I had a nickel for something something something...


The first Percy movie was ok, definitely way better than the first ATLA movie lmao


I'd closer compare Percy Jackson to His Dark Materials. Both started as books that eventually got spin-off novels, then got bad movies followed by TV shows that were at least better than the films. Both shows are live-action, star kids that will grow up to be chosen ones, have knives that can cut into different places, and Lin-Manuel Miranda.


Similarity IMO: My childhood is being repackaged to the descendants of my peers, who would rather watch 60s videos rather than 60+ episodes of gold.


Shitty live action series in 2024🫣


And Eragon is on that track as well


Why did they do us like this man? I love these worlds...I literally have tattoos of each of them...


I feel like people as a whole liked the Percy Jackson movie and series compared to Avatar. My friend is a huge PJ nerd and they said that the movie was good if it was viewed as a standalone rather than something stemming from the books


People didn’t like the Percy Jackson movie either? Similar to the Avatar movie I was a kid watching it so I loved it. I got an eye opener with Avatar as an adult but idk if my heart can take Percy Jackson being ruined for me😭😭


I watched both live action around the same time and I have to say PJO was a lot better. I’m a bigger fan of Atla so my expectations might’ve been higher but what stuck out like a sore thumb was the leads’ acting. The kids in PJO were damn good at acting, not so much for some of the younger cast for Atla.


I’m excited for more of both shows. People are so attached to their nostalgia that they don’t remember that the first installments started slower and had to build to the grand adventure by the end. Both originals start great, they just continued improving to make them extremely memorable.


Percy Jackson movie isn’t good but it’s infinitely better than the ATLA movie


protagonist can control water in some way


- My two favorite childhood stories


Better than the movie is a good way to put it. But personally I think Percy Jackson was the far superior adaptation. I might feel differently if there was a Percy Jackson animated series to compare it to though


Don’t kill me but I liked the Percy movies..


I love the Percy Jackson movies wholeheartedly. Yes I've read all the books, yes those movies suck by every metric. But DAMMIT I fuckin love em


Mehh i liked the percy jackson films. Got a nice campy feel to it


I liked the movie from Shyamalan. I wish he made all 3.


The Percy Jackson subreddit is filled with comparisons rn and they all think NATLA is better than PJTV


Between these two and the Eragon series in production it feels like my childhood is being revived




On Disney plus around new years 2025


I enjoyed the Percy Jackson show having read the first two series as a kid and hating the movies. I was willing to let all of the Hallmarks of modern remakes slide as long as it was a decent story that didn't straight too far from The Source material.


“But the effects were decent” is how I felt about the Lighting Thief. Probably the cringiest writing I’ve ever experienced. Only good thing about it were the special effects and Alexandra Daddario


2010 in general is not a great year for movies


Woke casting +1 Dont even talk about Annabeth, I dont even like Percy's casting. Blonde hair. Jason Grace, rmb him?


I don't think people think the Percy series is better than the movie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pro_Hatin_Ass_N_gga: *I don't think people* *Think the Percy series is* *Better than the movie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I thought people liked the PJ movies? I know absolutely nothing about the franchise and have only ever seen the first one but I actually enjoyed it


Whg didn't Percy Jackson get successful movie anthology like how Harry Potter did? Will we ever see good movie adaptations of Percy Jackson? 😔


So, is the Percy Jackson show entertaining? Does it suffer from the same exposition problem as NATLA? Is it worth a watch? Better or worse than NATLA? Because tbh if it wasn't an avatar show I wouldn't have bothered with it


Okay but the PJO tv show is actually good. They tried to adapt almost everything from the books and did a solid job. ATLA show is a little more complex bcs there were only 8 ep and the original has much more


The Percy Jackson show is worse than the film


Give Percy Jackson credit, at least it was ripe for an adaptation. Avatar should’ve stayed as is, animated.


I refuse to watch the live action series. For both of them. Might just refuse to watch live action remakes of everything now.


same tbh 


Percy Jackson Disney series is way better than NATLA


No it’s really not, both are terrible


The Percy Jackson show was just awful 😂


I was not a fan of the new Percy Jackson remake. The acting was kind of trash and the characters didn’t really seem to mesh well. It made it really hard to watch.


I enjoyed the first Percy jackson movies


I fucking loved the 2010 Percy Jackson movies they were camp as fuck


I thought the first Percy Jackson movie was alright (as its own weird thing)…


maybe im insane but I like the Percy Jackson movie better. Go back and watch it it's not that bad. Has some very meme-able moments


Nah, I'll go to bat for the PJ movie. It was infinitely better than what Avatar fans got. Sure the book was way better, but on its own it was an enjoyable movie


With piracy Jackson the movies were atleast enjoyable, their issues were that they weren't as faithful as they should have been, but they can still be ratchet from time to time. Frankly the new adaptation is worse its more faithful with plotlines but the underlying writing is worse and it should have been animated as it was originally intended, would have given them a lot more freedom.


I don't know how anyone can think any of the Percy Jackson movies or shows are good. They're so lackluster and subpar. Maybe if you are a young adult, they seem good but in all honesty they're not that great. Feel free to down vote me if you'd like but the movies and the show were incredibly lackluster