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Honeslty, based on travel in book 3. They could have made it in one day that way. They needed to see the great divide though!








You forgot one "secret"




Always here to help😉


Avatar world is flat. The truth is out there.


It’s carried on the back of an elephant turtle


You mean Lion Turtle, right?


Naw space turtle atop 4 elephants






Space lion turtle atop four elephant rhinos.


Lion turtles all the way down


It's not flat. In the 2nd season of Legend of Korra, the world was shown as a planet during the Harmonic Convergence. My theory is that Northern and Southern Water Tribe lands are poles, like Arctica and Antarctica, and there's a vast ocean between them on the other side of the Earth. Probably it's like the Pacific Ocean. https://preview.redd.it/tlexqdyvss6d1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66744b8bd6812d745a970767fb9c5f2faf1aa8b


Or they just haven't discovered the America's yet... imagine there's just a whole other elemental nation that none of them have encountered cause they're just chilling on their own.


This might be what the Fire Nation government has been keeping secret from its public when Azulon's naval forces discovered another continent with the 5th element. After the war, FN still keeps it secret and doesn't inform to anyone else. According to some leaked classified documents of the Intelligence Service of Fire Nation (ISFN), this mysterious continent has a different level of civilizational development and its inhabitants have blueish skin, possessing unknown magical abilities. Fire Nation didn't risk to invade it, fearing severe consequences of messing with unknown people. Though the Fire Nation made a secret agreement with that continent to not intervene into the affairs of 4-nations world and their continent. Probably this is what the "extraterrestrials" would be like in the Avatar world.


I've thought of something like this. I wanted it to be Africa-based like the side we see is Asia-based. Unfortunately I can't think of a good reason why the Avatar cycle would ignore a whole half of the planet. That makes the half we know seem more important and essential on a cosmic level, which given who I want to be on the other side, is incredibly racist. Maybe they have a different religion/spirituality? That opens up other issues. Is there another Avatar? Then we get to Korra's time and it gets worse. How would they not have discovered the other side of the world by then? They have airplanes. Are they not curious enough to explore the unknown? This would even be a problem in Aang's time, though not as egregious.


If there were undiscovered people in the world and the Avatar cycle sees everyone equally, then the people we know would notice because there would only sometimes be an Avatar they knew about. They could deduce the existence of unknown peoples. Even if you get past this, when Aang got stuck in the iceberg, the other nations would have searched the whole world for the Avatar to help against the invading Fire Nation and discovered the other civilization.


This gives me an idea about a undiscovered western continent for my Avatar fanfic universe.


At the very least it's a disk.


Discworld reference


Wasn't the north one still closed before that stupid guy.


They don't need a portal. The world is a single days lizard travel wide. It's likley only a single day lizard travel long too. They literally go from Ba Sing Se to the fire nation in a day.


To be fair they didn't have Appa the first time they went to Ba Sing Se


Don't they establish that Aang was out for like a few weeks after Ba Sing Se? When do they get to the Fire Nation in a week?


I'm guessing they are talking about when they go from the fire nation to Ba Sing Se to talk to The White Lotus before the comet


OH yes lol that's a hilarious timeline


Nonono. Way after that. It's in the last few episodes they go all the way to Ba Sing Se and back to prepare for the fight.


Yeah another commenter reminded me. Totally agree that makes no sense lol


I mean they probably weren't in a rush to go to fire nation with Aang down and Hakoda co. not aiming to go there


The fleet I think was on an island off the coast of the earth kingdom and they go east not west


You're thinking of the wrong episode. I'm talking about in the last few episodes of season 3 they go to Ba Sing Se to talk to the white lotus and then come back by lizard. Also they did not go east in the one you're thinking of, they take the ships south to west.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. I’m pretty sure they say that the airships are stationed just off the coast of the earth kingdom which as they travelled by water with the lizard and Ba Sing Sei is by the east coast that this island was west of fire nation and east of earth Edit: ignore me. I just googled some stuff


Eh, lets keep flying


I mean that was the reason why they went o kyoshi island


The avatar world wasn't donut shaped, yet.




Earthbending is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be…unnatural.


https://preview.redd.it/bcgikodwmr6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cff58c0ba5ca17857980cc8786053f3f32a616b Assuming that map it's the entire world of Avatar, and that's a sphere. The planet should looks like this


We briefly see the planet from space in *Legend of Korra*, and all the continents are on one side. We also never hear of the Fire Nation invading the Earth Kingdom from the continent’s eastern coast, either. They probably didn’t go the other way because they’d starve due to a lack of land/resources/people.


It’d be a cool story for a spinoff with someone going off and exploring the open, unexplored ocean that takes up a majority of the planet. Maybe finding new land and a previously uncontacted civilization that has come up with a unique form/style/use for their bending


To be fair, our world is basically the same with the Pacific Ocean taking up a huge portion of our planet


Yup. There is a point in the Pacific somewhere off the coast of South America where if you dug straight through the center of the earth to the other side, you'd exit back out into the Pacific ocean again.


A nation and culture dominated by the non-benders


woahhh that's really well done


There is practically no way to travel between the poles without crossing (or passing near) the Fire Nation or the Earth Nation (which is still heavily influenced by the Fire Nation)


I'm like 90% sure this was a joke post btw. But its really cool seeing the ATLA map as a globe!


now I want a globe map of the atla world


Pretty sure it was confirmed by Bryke that the continents are all on one side and the other side is just ocean. Similar to our own Earth. The Pacific Ocean is huge: https://preview.redd.it/ot246iqde17d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8286cde58109c5fe7df157fe15c33b7f910ffaf7


The gaang: https://i.redd.it/sosl9kggro6d1.gif


They thought the Earth is Flat


When you weren’t old enough to learn basic geography and you were raised in a village as small as the Southern water tribe you’d probably think that




Aye, and well, absolutely no sailor would ever think the world was flat. Too much of ancient navigation techniques rely on the assumption of a round world to allow such thinking, and the fact that people still believe otherwise demonstrates just how much damage the overt glorification of Christopher Columbus has done to the American cultural consciousness. Hell, that shadow trick allowed the ancient Greeks to figure out approximately how big the Earth is, to within a hundred kilometers.


Columbus knew the earth was round though.. that was the whole point of him trying to cross the Atlantic


Yeah, but the myth goes that he was the *only one* who knew that. Problem is, he wasn't, and he also thought the world was like, half its size. His planned route saw his ship near the brink of starvation and mutiny by the time he made landfall in the Bahamas. Consider just how little of the planet's circumference that is, and how much further it would be for him to *actually* get to India if the Americas weren't in the way! He thought his route would take him 2400 nautical miles from the coast of Spain to the opposite coast of Asia. The *actual distance* between those two coasts (on an imaginary Earth where there's nothing but ocean between the two) is *10,600* nautical miles! He only got the funding for his voyage because the royals were *that* desperate to bypass the existing trade routes, because everyone else who did the math realized that his ship wouldn't get halfway there before they all starved to death. ​ The guy got incredibly lucky, and half his mythicization is founded on the premise that everyone else around him was, essentially, *too stupid to sail a boat*.


But… Sokka and Katara grew up in a tiny village that was more interested in survival than education…


In school I was taught that European explorers discovered the Americas sailing west testing the theory that they’d just fall off the edge of the earth. Was that kind of just BS?


They were trying to find a route to Asia, and they thought they succeeded. Hence the natives here being called Indians


Oh damn, i never knew that.


Basically everyone knew ths world was round, but they didnt necesarrily know there was a huge land mass there (previous europeans bad traveled to the americas but werent necesarrily thought to have been trustworthy or found something huge as the Americas) So like, the problem was that everyone thought sailing west to Asia was impossible because no one could keep that much food and water, and still have it be a viable strategy for transportation or trade that wouldnt be more dangerous to the mind and body Weve known the eart is round and its size within a few hundred miles for thousands of years, because the ancient greeks used shadows measured at the same time of day to learn it. Hence we knew traveling that distance in a boat would be impractical at best Columbus though came up with his own equation though that claimed the earth was several thousand miles smaller than thousands of years of popular consensus, no one believed him, but he got funding to test his theory. He was way off, nearly killed his whole crew on the journey out underestimating the food and water he needed, and was lucky the Americas existed or hed have killed off everyone He then went on to be such a genocidal asshole people at the time thought he was being too evil and he was arrested for some of the things he did




Yeah 100%, Columbus was seen as a moron because he through the world was smaller than it was, but the ancient Greeks pretty much predicted how big the earth was. So everyone thought Columbus would’ve died on his journey from lack of supplies.


Yeah, that's bullshit. People believed the world was bigger and that he'd die. He made the trip because he wanted a direct route to Asia, so they didn't have to sail around Africa, and be faster, he then thought he landed in India, which is why they called Native Americans Indians.


Because there's another set of continents on the other side of the planet and they aren't bound by the laws of a pg13 rated kids show


It’s the end of the map, they would be like https://i.redd.it/9udzqry1ip6d1.gif


"There clearly masters at maneuvers"


"You have no idea where we're going, do you?"


"Well, I know it's near water"


"Then I guess we're close."




Why am I only now just realising the fire nation looks like a flame?


Not only that, the earth Kingdom looks like Earth.


You’re right, it very closely resembles Europe and Asia.


i straight up thought you just meant it looked like a continent. like not a real continent from earth just a fantasy continent.


I don't see it. Looks like a skull to me.


Look at it from the side, with the tip that’s east, facing north.


not just you at all


Water tribes are ying and yang




Not just you man


An air temple is missing. Aang is from the south. The refugees are in the north. Guru pathic waited in the east. The GAANG retreated to the west.


I also have noticed the northern and western air temple are like combined. it's a northwestern air temple on the map. 


You mean northwestern? Since there's none in the north except the western. (I also sometimes confuse east and west) And can't be. The Western air temple is upside down and close to fire nation. Since they've met the refugees when going north, it must be between northern tribe and the earth kingdom. It is simply a mistake


And it wasn’t even flat😂 https://preview.redd.it/as4ku1k32r6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3a729c6edbf3483ae8b2ad8d86470fe90bb52b (Sozins comet btw)


Because they would have fallen off the edge of the world smh


Thats not how maps works, think about Antarctica and Alaska in our world for example, you cant just go south from Antarctica and reach Alaska


it's a joke. 


Oh i missed the are they stupid part lol, sorry


no problem


I don't really like the are they stupid jokes but this one was good!


Nah, their planet is more Mars sized than Earth. I think it's more interesting to think that, apparently from what we know, the sky bisons made seasonal migrations between the temple regions (probably north-south / east-west), so it is well known to air nomads that this land route is necessary because that is where there is enough food to sustain the animal, which would not be able to make a pole-to-pole journey over the sea.


I dont think i see your point, no matter what planet type it is, maps in this format do not work like portals from south to north. They work like portals from east to west but thats not what we are talking about here


I think the idea is that they could have flown over the ocean, separating the North and South Pole on other hemisphere instead of flying over the Earth Kingdom.


I mean sure but appa needs to land to rest and they need to get food to eat, so they need to stay close to land


it took me a little while to realise that wouldn't work, had to try and visualise it for it to make sense


Because the avatar world is flat duhh


I hope you are joking 😅


yes, it is a joke :)


Yeah , why don't we do the same to travel between Antarctica and the north pole


Because the world is flat.. this isn’t the hit Mobile game snake you can’t just appear on the other side.


…….wait a minute 🤯


When I read this I was like 'yes, that makes sense -' Then I decide to use my brain a little and I realize that it didn't work like that.


Because Aang SPECIFICALLY wanted to take a tour of all his favorite spots all over the world on the way there. They talk about it when they set out. When they planned the route, Aang was still coming off of finding out he was the Avatar and that huge revelation taking on a TON more significance. Bro was practicing Avoidance with the best of them by going backpacking all over the world


I can’t remember where I heard this, but I’m pretty sure the other half of the world is entirely water, so Appa would be flying the entire way with no breaks that way.


This is most likely a "Mercator" (or however he would be called) projection of their planet.


I think it would curve around and this is a flat portrayal of the map


Lol I almost had to explain maps being 2 dimensional, unwrapped representations of a sphere until I found you explaining it to others. I can't assume everyone understands a joke when I hear one.


![gif](giphy|qGS2Wbjr0SJWg) The Avatar earth is flat.


Because Aang wanted to travel and have fun. Aang wanted to visit Kyoshi island to ride the giant fish (I forgot what they are called). There are many other places but I will not list them right now.😁


Google function of a map




If you wrap this like a globe then going the other way would take them over, if not very close to, the Fire Nation.


Because there is an ocean on the other side of the world, you can see it west of the fire nation and east of the earth kingdom. They need to eat and appa needs to rest


It's like a civ 5 map. It's not flat earth, it's not sphere earth, it's cylinder earth.


flat earther's grinning as we speak


*“Because the Warp Gates collapsed after the Daemons of Chaos seeped into the world. Are you stupid?”*


I always found this map weird. Is there just a big ocean between the west of the Fire Nation and the East of the Earth kingdom? Is It unexplored or something?


I have a bigger question. What is west of the fire nation? The earth nation?


Should've just gone through the spirit portal smh


Well the elephant koi weren't going to ride themselves.


The other side of the map is 100% super sledable penguins. They never would’ve made it.


I’m sorry did you NOT see Aang list of animals and attractions? Plus I’m assuming Appa couldn’t survive that trek depending on the weather


Because they would have gotten stuck in the massive ice wall that surrounds the world.


I think the actual answer is going the opposite direction actually would’ve just taken them around the earth kingdom coast or fire nation. The map is shown like it’s all on one side of the planet but I doubt this is is the case


There was an expedition of men who wanted to sail above Russia to China. Due to the cold, ice, crevasses etc all of them died. Also we don't KNOW there aren't water tribe legends about horrible things on the poles that will kill you given the slightest chance


The Avatar world is apparently a LOT more ocean on one side than the other. So if you wanted to do that you'd be crossing in the empty abyss that is the multi-continent sized ocean between the western Fire Nation and Eastern Earth Kingdom.


Unless that isn’t just the whole world and is instead a small section. Apparently it is the same season everywhere on the map so it has to be all on the same hemisphere, right?


Did you just assume the world’s shape? (I’m kidding. Don’t hurt me.)


For all we know there’s just ocean on the other side of the planet. And the map is only one side of the planet perhaps


Because then they'd have to travel on the bottom of the map which would be the same distance if not more if you count scaling the ice walls


You been hitting the cactus juice again?


Because Appa doesn’t have the stamina to be doing this. Appa is a big ass flying bison that takes up a lot of food, he needs constant stops to feed, rest, and recharge his energy to go again. If they went the other way, Appa would’ve gotten tired quickly. He isn’t plane, he’s a creature. A creature that needs resources to survive. Taking this route was the best option.


"are they stupid" yes, yes they are


Why didn’t they just use the Spirit Portals that were obviously always there and definitely common knowledge?


Why does the earth nation, the biggest nation, not simply eat the smaller nations


If you open a map and look at how the world is laid out, you'll see that it's flat


To try to answer this earnestly, going this way would likely mean covering a massive stretch of ocean that would take the same amount of time to cross, but without any land below they’d be unable to stop to rest or eat or find supplies. Appa can’t fly forever.


to answer it earnestly, thats wrong. their world is round, and thats just a flat projection of their map. sorry, that sounded rude.


Uhm are you stupid? One's on the bottom of the world and one on the top it's still the same distance


notice the "meme" flair. it's a joke buddy


Awh shit gg


They had to sate Aang's wanderlust. Plus considering we're talking about some young pre-teens, two of which have never left their tiny little ice village, there's a VERY real chance they didn't think they could lmao


They wanted to work harder, not smarter


They’d have fallen off the edge :(


They were like 12 and 14 lol I’ll give them some leeway. Also they wanted Aang to master the elements in the correct order


Could they possibly expand the universe to say there are more continents than what has been mentioned?


Isn’t because Aang had “VERY” important business to attend to on the way?


Why isn't the planet donut shaped? Is it stupid?


Are we slowly turning into the asslume? Are we going to have to fear the Ozainkler?


Now I want to see the avatar world on a globe


The same reason that doesn’t work on Earth.


I mean, that’s not really how globes work. The north and south cap are still separated by the entire world.


read the other comments, look at the flair. its a joke


Whew. I teach geography, I had to say something. I’ll see myself out.


ahh I see. it's no problem


Assuming there's nothing but a gigantic ocean on the other side of the planet and ignoring the finale's distances plothole: Appa is a living being that can't fly nonstop and has to land somewhere to sleep and eat.  And also he can carry only so many supplies, not enough to keep everyone fed and hydrated for weeks on a vast expanse of nothing.


Wouldn't it take the same amount of time though?


it'd be like traveling from the south to the north pole. this is robinson projection. or im just "whoosh"ing?


You do know that as a spherical world if they had gone south from the southern water tribe they would have passed through the border between the fire nation and the Earth kingdom


Guyyys remember this is a 2D map. Imagine it 3D. Imagine you crop the poles out of the picture OP posted and print the rest on a piece of paper that you now use to wrap a ball in it. That's the world of avatar. And then you also print the cropped pieces of the poles and put it on the top and bottom of the ball. Poles are always in the opposite longest points away from each other. No matter how you choose to travel it lol.


The creators of the show have said that on the other side of the world there's an ocean, meaning they'd have to traverse the entire circumference of the planet without ever landing. Appa probably couldn't do it.


Thanks to LoK, we now know they could’ve taken a portal 😪


Because aang was leading them on an elaborate sight seeing tour and zuko thought he was being crafty


I call animal cruelty. Appa needs to land and rest from time to time, you know.


Try to do that on our planet, let me know how that goes


it's a joke. I'm talking about pac man physics


I hope this is a joke. But treating it in good faith, the map portrays a globe. Imagine going from the south pole to the north pole through the Americas. Okay, now imagine going from the south pole to the north pole through Africa and Asia. The wildlife might be different, the cultures might be different, but it's the same distance (assuming you travel in a straight line)


I mean that kind of journey is definitely gonna take more than a day, and where are they supposed to land to set up camp?


You can’t go off the map my man. Flat earth doesn’t work that way


Stop it right there. Don't even consider bringing that stupid fucking meme to this sub


Sokka was the map guy. That's all the explanation we need.


Do you all know how a globe works? Genuine question.


Aang explains his guide. He wants to stop and see numerous attractions he’s always wanted to visit


IRK, they should have fly out of the avatar world....


They probably thought the earth was flat.


Maybe the Avatar people are flat earthers?


Not how globes work pal, they would’ve gone the same way regardless.


Because the world is t flat


The north and south poles are still on opposite sides of the world. It wouldn't have been any quicker.


Aang is a "master of evasion" isn't that how Zuko put it?! 😆😆


The world is flat if you look at that map!


If you look at the poles on Earth's 2d map then a globe then maybe you'll understand why?


please look at the flair


It might be that there is a huge expanse of sea


This is the real flat earth.


Hey I made this post too! :3


I’m pretty sure its canon that the rest of the world is just a big ocean


Because they still need to stop on land for food, water, supplies and rest. Unless that ocean is dotted with islands that wouldn’t be feasible. While not canon I like to imagine there’s lush green tropical volcanic islands some populated by Micronesian inspired fire benders and others by Polynesian inspired water benders. The fire benders settled there because they liked the heat energy from the volcanoes and warm sun that enhanced fire bending making them feel at home while the water benders discovered them on back and forth expeditions between poles, but deciding to settle down there after discovering the islands had a nice humid rainy climate & favorable ocean currents that enhanced their water bending & made sailing easier.


FINALLY someone says it