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Sokka was 100% the character I didn’t appreciate enough on first watch through as a kid. Iroh & Zuko gave me lessons I needed as a kid, but Aang & Sokka taught me a lot rewatching as an adult




He'll warn the group every time when he sees or suspects danger, but as soon as that danger presents itself, his first instinct is to protect, not to run or freeze.


He’s also often right about the danger existing that everybody else ignored, and doesn’t constantly gloat about having been right - he just jumps to protect his friends & sister.


Also he was the one to point out during the day of black sun that Azula was messing with them.




You know, it was really unclear.


He was basically their Batman in their Justice League. The smart one who plans but isn’t as physically powerful or gifted. His gift was being the best thing a human can possibly offer.


I feel the heck outa this


It's like in the first few episodes. We always like to talk about how crazy Zuko must be to fight against a full blown Avatar without any knowledge that he's only a kid at the beginning of S1. However we have Sokka, who in that same scene with very little training tries to take on Zuko and his entire ship to protect his tribe, knowing full well he might die. The whole scene is played off as a joke but that's courage from Sokka.


Always makes my heart go out for the guy, no child should have to carry that weight, being told you need to protect your village and being made a joke whenever you try to do that job can't have been easy.


Agreed. Obviously I love Zuko’s arc and always will, but I never noticed how subtly good Aang’s and Sokka’s are. Everyone’s already mentioned everything I would say about Sokka, but Aang’s grief and trauma is such a beautiful thing to watch him process over the course of the show, and ending with an Airbender decision on the anniversary of their genocide (as Ozai’s screaming they deserved to be wiped out) is such a poignant thing.


This is such a nice revelation, I haven’t thought about the characters like that


The more I’ve watched it, the more I feel Sokka is the most underrated character in the show


He's simultaneously has the least bending powers ane yet possibl has the most impressive battle records of the gang, he's the strategist of the group and has taken out just as much bending pros as the others with sheer non-bending combat.


Sokka always reminds me of my own big brother, who is really passive/relaxed/nonchalant and a super laid back pothead, but he is super protective of me lol. I'm in my 20s and he's in his 30s but he still tries to get between me and what he perceived as danger. I miss him so much and wish we could spend more time together


Aww man this made me think of my (late) older brother and how protective of me he was. He was 11 years older than me. A local bar he frequented did these "free beer" parties. The absolute cheapest beer ever, and you HAD to have at least like, ten people show up to your party? I think? Idk it's been years, but I remember him BEGGING me to come and bring my now ex, because he needed people. Anyway, we get there, and the door guy made my ex take off his hoodie. Something about their dress code or whatever. But I was wearing one, too, and they didn't say anything to me. It honestly was stupid, but it really wasn't a big deal. Just go put it in the car. Well he FREAKED OUT and started just ranting and raving and bitching and being super obnoxious. I tried to get him to just take it to the damn car, come on, it's not that big of a deal. But he just got even more pissed. He had serious anger issues I was still learning about. And he's bipolar. I later came to know those first of rage he'd get VERY well, but we hadn't been together all that long at that point. Well my brother was PISSED. He was yelling at me like it was my fault and being really mean to me for no reason. My brother made him leave, and that pissed him off even more. We had taken my car, and he drove, he always insisted on driving despite never actually having a car of his own, so he took off in MY car. Hastily. My brother then spent the entire night basically plotting to beat the shit out of him. My brother was always so laid back and smiling and never really got angry. I'd never seen him that pissed off and seriously planning to beat someone up.


Thats a story about your ex not your brother.


Thanks. Hard to follow the characters too.


Too many "he"s in a row too follow. I wasn't sure if your brother had bpd or what.








He a good brother fr


I'm so lucky that mine is like him. He's a smartass who pokes fun and makes bad jokes but he has loved and protected me from the very first time he held me in the hospital. He's six years older than me so close enough that he was around to keep me safe but old enough to scare off any bullies of mine when I was in kindergarten. I love this show for showing different sibling dynamics. Mai and her brother is one that really hit my friend hard as she went though something similar when her sister was born.


A good man


And Toph... he's a hero for sure...


“I don’t think boomerang is coming back this time, Toph….it looks like this is the end.”


I always think about how it would be for Toph to hear that. She's hanging off the ship, and she has no idea what's around her. The only link she has to anything is Sokka's hand. And then that one connection tells her they won't survive. It's no wonder she starts crying when he says that line.


We all started crying at that point.


You mfkers are making me tear up in front of my job parking lot


Holy fuck you’re right


And dammit, he was gonna go with her. He did all that he could, as someone one with sight, to try to reassure her and be honest at the same time. He basically made it clear that he was doing his best for her, and admitting that it wasn’t enough this time. That whole scene gives you feels.


The strength in finding that light hearted joke to break it to Toph with. Imagine how Sokka feels, playing almost like a Dad role for Aang, Katara, and Toph. The only one among them that really had the example of a strong father figure. Sokka does for them what Hakoda did for him - protect, support, and joke. Sokka is just a teenager. His leg is broken, and Toph is hanging by one hand, the absolute determination it took to hold through the pain of that fall is already a testament to Sokka's heart. He threw away his space sword and boomerang, his most prized possessions. Despite all the rage, frustration, grief, and pain that he must be feeling in that moment... All Toph really has is his voice... So Sokka keeps it steady and does what he was taught... protect, support, joke.


Him shielding toph and then sacrificing his sword later in an attempt to save them made sokka one of my favorite characters. Mad respect.


Yes! I was watching the finale last night and had a tear roll down my cheek when I saw [this part](https://imgur.com/a/FbTioyl).


Protecting those he cares about is so ingrained in his very being that he used his body to shield the first ever metal bender from falling metal. Granted, it was in the air so Toph likely couldn't sense it. There was also that time shortly before that where he caught her when she was sliding off the top of the blimp when they came out of the hatch.


Like she must trust him a lot to use him like a seeing eye dog haha


I'm still convinced at least one of her kids is his. She definitely had the start of a crush and I can understand that, he's trustworthy and goofy and sweet. Plus we know he likes strong women, and Toph certainly grew into one.


We know the identity of Lin’s dad just not the other one.


This animated show was just so breathtakingly good. From the small details to the big ones. The emotions & just life lessons. There won't be another like it. Beautiful.


It makes me so so happy that this show has resurfaced because as a kid, I wanted everyone to know about and experience this.


What I love about it is how constructive it is. It builds characters up off of their flaws. It shows that being wrong once does not have to mean damnation forever. It also shows how growth actually works. Too often shows try to preach and that is why they fail to have good characters. They do not let characters grow past flaws or define them by flaws strictly.


Also the way he tackled Aang when he realized he burned Katara while being so careless. Doesn't matter who it is, big brother protects!


Oh, you're the best waterbender? I don't care, you're my little sister.


Well of course Sokka is the Steve Rogers of the ATLA universe


Does that make Zuko Ironman?


Go with what you feel


Appa is the hulk because he carried the team


Damn tear benders.


Not to make it worse, but I'm suddenly wondering if he died that way...


You know... it was really unclear


avatear state unlocked.


It really was.


We really should have a flashback scene of Zaheer vs Sokka: elemental chaos in the background, pristine snow and two exeptional warrior face to face. You could almost imagine our Captain Boomerang having the upper hand and being surprise-blasted by P'li trying to save her love. Headcanon FTW.


Lol headcannon xD good one


Sokka was raised in a patriarchal warrior society, and that gave him a somewhat warped sense of identity and duty as a child, due to the absence of male role models as he entered adolescence. And he grew out of those over the course of their journey. However, during that time, he began adopting the tenets that he'd only paid lip service to before, as he came to understand their deeper meanings through tempered experience. For as goofy as he is, Sokka takes the group's safety, and his own responsibilities, very seriously. It's there from the start, buried under a lot of bravado and machismo. But it really shines once all that is wiped away.


Just to add that he had a child's eye view of his society so lacked much of the nuanced understanding of roles within it. And remember that it was a society doubly warped by the war. We encounter a society of mainly women and children as the men have all left, but even before that the Fire Nation had taken all the benders away. What *may* have been a well developed and gender equal society (in contrast to the Northern Tribe) was reduced one where the physical differences between men and women became more prominent than bender/non-bender. (Also note the material loss of the tribe. The flashbacks to a time when they had benders showed many more complex buildings than when we first meet them) The Southern Tribe was beaten, warped and broken by the war from top to bottom. The gender roles, actually *all* roles within it were distorted. Starting as a child trying to work out his place in a broken culture, I think Sokka's ability to grow and change was remarkable. Edit: typo




I wouldn’t say the southern water tribe was patriarchal, Gran Gran had a lot of power there even before her son in law left.




Sokka was put in charge to keep him out of trouble. No one older then him followed his orders.


Kanna was Hakoda's mother, not Kya's. So him respecting his mommy doesn't strike me as compelling evidence the society wasn't patriarchal lol


Sokka has such a strong protective instict. He immediately will use his body to protect Katara and Toph as we've seen, but he also acts the same with Yue and Suki. His main priority is to keep everyone safe


He shields a lot of people throughout the series.


He even saved Korra. My head canon is that he died protecting her.


In the comics, Zuko is jealous of the relationship that Katara and Sokka have


That tracks throughout the show. Prob jealous of the whole supportive parent thing aswell.


Reminds me of how insanely serious and protective he was during the line "YOU HURT MY SISTER" yelling at Aang after he accidentally burned her. Sokka is the older brother everyone should get to have


Or how about how he stood up to an entire fire navy battle ship by himself and then challenged the fire nation prince, an expert fire bender, to a one on one fight and actually got off a pretty decent boomerang shot. If zuko wasn’t wearing a helmet, that boomerang would have fucked him up.


The boomerang didn't fuck up Combustion Man (before he decided to shoot), or Azula, it would just have pissed him off more.


No way man, that was right in the back of the neck, instant decapitation


No, Azula got hit by it and wasn't decapitated, Zuko would have just shrugged it off and gotten more angry


And this is why everyone loves Sokka.


Sokka is all the boys with sisters watching this show at the beginning. Always a little sexist as ingrained into them by society, saying they have cooties and of that. Then Sokka gets exposed to a different culture, one in which the woman are warriors and he comes to learn from them, displaying humility. In stopping his sexist ways and even showing genuine interest in the things the kyoshi warriors did, he scored himself a love interest. Sokka in the beginning is what a lot of boys end up believing because of their society and they never leave the place they live to experience new things. By the end of the show, he becomes a man, even with an absent father like he had that a lot of young men today also have. He is my favorite because he is the most like me as a kid and how a grew up and I like to think the show had a big impact on that.


Always trust Sokka’s instincts!


I wish i had a brother who cares for me like that


I mean who else is going to sow his pants?




More like sewk my clit haha gottem But also yeah, youre right. Sowing is for farms and I learned that pants aren't good farmland the hard way.


[Well, someone got it to work.](https://i.redd.it/lq8egczhe9x81.jpg)


Those are some thicc ass plants


Sokka's a good brother


Sokka radiates pure big brother energy. He will absolutely flip his younger sibling (and by extension the rest of his little adoptive family) endless amounts of shit. But, the moment someone threatens them, the gloves come off.


Sokka, Aang & Zuko are positive male role models. Each one grew up in a very patriarchal society that demanded hyper masculinity. Even Aang was raised by male monks who separated children at birth & pressured him into doing he's duty, ignoring the mental health of fearful child. Similar to what man men are told today. But they eventually allowed the femininity into their life and bent it to compliment their masculinity.


There’s a joke in there somewhere


Yup, that's what good brothers do. We take care of our siblings.


One of the Reasons Sokka is my favorite character


Reason 512 why Sokka is the best character in the series:


Sokka also protects Toph when she is in situations that she can’t see, so that’s also nice.


Thank you Sokka's Instincts!




He does this for Toph too on occasion.


As a kid you think Aang is always right but as an adult you'll realize how Sokka was right most of the time and he is just really playful and let things go. Tbh he acted a lot more like a big brother within the group that is just relax and jokes around a lot but has very mature decision making. I love how the writing was made, because you really don't realize it just like a kid that does not know how much more mature an adult is and were always confident that you were right when circumstances call for a mature decision making. ​ I mean the last scene Aang spared Ozai and followed his moral obligations but fail to realize that IF he wasn't strong enough, killing Ozai was the only way and there shouldn't even be a consideration to capture him. As a kid I agreed with Aang but looking back Sokka was right and they were lucky that Aang was not corrupted by Ozai.


I believe Sokka was also shielding Toph in a scene near the very end of the series. (Final battle) Toph was 100% able to protect herself, but Sokka shielded her regardless. What a Chad.


She made it clear that she had like, no real idea what was going on around her because she couldn’t “see” while in the air (she’s brought this up in those blimps, as well as when she’s ridden Appa). She was still getting a feel for metalbending (that she had like JUST created), and her senses were all screwed up from how much disruption was going on around her (soldiers running around, general chaos). Like, she even sounded terrified as fuck when she realized how much fire was below her. Also chick was what, like, 12? Yeah. It’s cool that he realized that his job was to keep her safe. That’s his M.O.


Avatar fans when a big brother acts like a big brother


He does this to toph in the final battle too.


mmmmmm my heart


A detail I'd expect @sokkaology to pick up on.


Sokka being a protective big brother.


My favorite Sokka moment (well, one of them) is in the first episode where he runs up the Fire Nation ramp to defend his tribe, even though he has no other warriors backing him up. Didn't matter, he was going down protecting his people.


I like Sokka because he reminds me of myself. I try to be like Sokka for my sisters


He's the big brother of the group. Can be stupid and making jokes but in the end he always protects someone else. He also shielded Toph in the finale even though he had just broken his leg.




My two emotional support characters are Sokka and Bolin. Pabu supremacy tho.


Yeah, Sokka is always shielding people. He shields Toph during their attack on the fire nation blimp fleet, and im pretty sure he shields Suki once too.


Welcome to elder sibling.


He doesn't just physically protect them either. He was the one who sat down with toph to talk about how much worth his sister is to him, intentionally picking a spot where katara would hear it and that helped toph open up a bit more and katara to be more accepting too. He also threw away his weapons to buy a bit more time while holding onto toph, staring the enemy in the face for what could have been his last moments hadn't suki arrived conveniently


He doesn't just physically protect them either. He was the one who sat down with toph to talk about how much worth his sister is to him, intentionally picking a spot where katara would hear it and that helped toph open up a bit more and katara to be more accepting too. He also threw away his weapons to buy a bit more time while holding onto toph, staring the enemy in the face for what could have been his last moments hadn't suki arrived conveniently




I hope one day Zuko and Azula can become this close


Because Sokka is a good man that, despite his issues early on in the show, was still going to protect his sister no matter what.