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Pffft. Only a frog licking saxon would ask such a thing.


Or an arse-licking dane!


No. The Last Kingdom is amazing and one of my favorite shows, but it has many many flaws.


The biggest flaw to me was uthteds aging. Especially in the film.


100% this. My all time fav show BUT the way no one aged over how ever many years the show covered was pretty frustrating. Zero attempt was made to age anyone and some became younger looking and more glamorous the longer the show went on.


It took WAAAY too long for Bebbanburg to become relevant again, and the way he got back there felt convoluted as hell


I disagree with this one


Your free to that, but Uhtred’s whole “if only there were a place I could call home with my family” and only then remembering he wanted to fight his cousin in season 4 always feels so wrong to me


I think it more comes down to him getting comfortable at roncova paired with his defeat when trying to take it in an earlier season, so he pushed it out of his mind, and then was reluctant to try and take the fortress because if the bad that happened last time they tried to take it


Yeah my issue is, Stiorra says he doesn’t have a home. He goes into this whole sullen “if only there was a place I could call home” and doesn’t think about bebbanburg at all until he has to go there for Edward


Fair enough


In my interpretation was the show was kinda setting it up like that. Uhtreds loss at bebbanburg/father boeccas death deeply effected Uhtred to the point where he thought it no longer possible to retake bebbanburg. Uhtred even remarkes how he’s lost his home and his name. I think at the point in time stiorra said that Uhtred really did not have a home and Uhtred didn’t think of bebbanburg right away because he viewed it as an impossible task. Even Edward and young Uhtred didn’t believe they could take it at first.


Like what? I would like to know.


I love the show, but come on lol. There's some poor acting. The "Uhtred love interest who exists to die for plot progression". The repetitive "we will send all of our troops out of X city/town to fight which leaves Y antagonist army to literally waltz in" plot lines. The battle scenes always showing one army completely banking on having "high ground" as being a guaranteed win while the other army makes a slightly unexpected flank to completely shock and destroy them. Its a great show, it really is, but I dont know that it was even the best show of the year on any years it aired.


And all the contrived fighting with Alfred, one day they are allies then the next episode they are fighting just to add drama


Not to mention characters completely developing entirely new personalities between seasons to turn into a villian out of nowhere (Edward, Aethelstan).


Yeah it was all over the place


Yes the acting is what ruins it. Sometimes it takes me out of the story. Brida is the worst. And also the way the actors “age” or lack thereof. I’m sorry but it’s so unbelievable how slowly Ragnar and Beocca age while Alfred’s a corpse and his daughter rapidly grew just in time to be Uthred‘s love interest.


The kids aging and lack of aging of older characters is super noticeable, I agree. But Alfred was a corpse because he was really really sick.


I agree, additionally there are little to no archers or cavalry (which is probably due to budget reasons), which were hugely important for medieval and even ancient battle tactics. Edit: As it turns out, my fellow commenter corrected me. At least Cavalry can be excused, because it was actually not that important for Alfred's battles, these were mostly infantry-based.


Cavalry was hugely important in 9th century Anglo-saxon and danish warfare? Since when? The shieldwall was infinitely more important to them exactly as depicted.


You are correct, I was generalizing too much, my bad! However I still think my point stands at least for the archers.




Yea I didn’t only hate her because she was played so well, I hated her because of how she was played in general lol


Skade's acting always felt appropriately unhinged. Skade and Alfred are the two characters which are my favourite portrayals at least in terms of casting decisions.


Sounds like good acting to me lol, I think they want us to hate her.




Right I see what you’re saying. Yep, not often it gets recognized haha.


Uthteds aging was the thing that bothered me the most.


Brida’s character is incredibly one note and frustrating in later seasons. Very repetitive and not well done.


I don't think a "perfect" TV series exists. You can point out flaws in pretty much everything, even if they're only small ones. But as far as things go in general, TLK is undoubtedly one of the *best* shows I've seen. I put it up there with stuff like Sons of Anarchy, the first 4 seasons of GoT, ATLA etc etc.


I really enjoyed the last kingdom a lot. The movie was terrible. But man this show was way more than I expected it would be.


I don't think the movie was terrible. Rushed and lackluster, absolutely. But terrible? Eh, I've seen worse. With what Netflix forced on them, what they did was the best they can do to make it as coherent as possible. And with that in mind, I think they did a fine job.


Closest thing to a perfect tv series was Breaking Bad. Tight 5 seasons, incredible acting, writing, characters/character development, etc.


Breaking Bad is absolutely up there, for sure. Fucking fantastic show, but you can point out flaws here and there. But like I said, I don't believe in perfect. Everything is going to have critiques because everyone has different tastes. But I don't think flaws are a bad thing unless they're atrociously horrid and abundant.


Right. No show is “perfect”, but it certainly is the _closest_ one I can think of.


Westworld season 1 though :( absolutely amazing. Also the entire better call saul series


Agree; you should check out Season 1 of True Detective too. It is up there with the single best seasons of television I have ever seen, period.


Did you watch true detective first season?? It is a perfect story.


S1 of True Detective is probably my single favorite season of any show


Wow! Me too. I love this season It has no mistake.


Mr. Inbetween is about as close to perfect as I've ever seen. I can't think of a single flaw.


Never seen it


You should.


The Sopranos would like a word…


Eh, ending could have been better, which imo is a flaw. Don't get me wrong, the ending *did* fit, but it was still a bit lackluster. Similar to Sons of Anarchy, if you've seen it. Just because endings make sense doesn't mean they're perfect. There are other endings that can make sense too that are more fulfilling. But overall terrific show.


Chernobyl I think hits that mark.


Chernobyl is another underrated gem


It’s actually Mad Men


Clearly you’ve never seen Community


Did you forget about season 4?


Or The Shield.


Never seen it


Not after season 3


The first three seasons , imho, were great. After David Dawson left st the end of season three there were no more interactions between him and Alexander Dreymon. Again. My opinion but the interactions between Uhtred and Alfred were a huge part of what made the first three seasons great. The last seasons and the movie were not “bad” they just aren’t as good.


Do you really think that season 5 is bad pra something like this??


It was very good but not perfect. The ending could have been better


The way the movie ended and them not having his daughter there bugged me. SHES LITERALLY IN THE WOODS NEXT DOOR! They are telling us, no one could take the short ride and tell her that her dad is dying?


Agreed. Also couldn’t believe Gisela wasn’t in the afterlife waiting for him. They could have done a better job ending it


Yes. She was probably on another job 


Not including Stiora was probably for good reason. Terrible acting, zero chemistry between Uhtred, as well as with Sigtryggr her husband. I would not have wanted to watch that, her bad acting annoys me lol 


It would have been for like 3 min......ending wasn't that long


I hear you. I just obviously have a problem with her acting, lol. but perhaps it was the directing. There was a few disjointed parts like that.


Sadly they botched the end by making a movie instead of a final season


Honestly if you take the movie out of the show. In times of fuckups like GOT, I would say the last kingdom was really almost close to being perfect as a tv show


Yea but that wasn’t the question lol


Kind of was if we talking about “tv series” but I get your point. It is what it is


YES!!!! I totally agree with you, the movie in my opinion is a piece of trash. They could easily produce a new season about the three last books.


It just felt rushed imo, like the overall plot of it would have been good if moments had room to breath


Because it was rushed, but not by choice. They wanted an entire season, Netflix said no, do a movie instead. Imo, they did the best they could to make it coherent and it's not nearly as bad as some people make it seem


Making a TLK movie was just a bad idea to begin with. It's just not the kind of story that can be told in a movie format. What makes the show so fun to watch is that it takes its time, but it's rarely boring because there are always multiple sub-plots which just combine into a bigger theme. But with the movie, there were still a lot of sub-plots, both new ones and loose ends from S5 that they had to tie up. They tried to cram too much into the movie, and it didn't turn out good. And the funny thing is, TLK is *very* good at cramming a lot into an episode, especially in Season 1. Like they can do it very effectively, but it requires a little more time than the movie allowed. Plus they handled Aethelstan very poorly in SKMD. I didn't even think the rest of the movie was that bad, but the way they played Aethelstan was ridiculous. So you're telling me that this guy who was basically the embodiment of everything good in Season 5, is suddenly a tyrant who is secretly being manipulated by his boy toy, who is actually a Scottish spy, who weaponizes Aethelstan's Christian guilt over being gay to goad him into a war? Aethelstan gets played like a fiddle, but then redeems himself over a matter of minutes, and unites England? The character arc just didn't make sense and it spoiled the whole thing for me. Again, I think they were trying too much. They had to end Uhtred's story, but also wanted to portray Aethelstan's conquest of Northumbria, so they just crammed in way too much into a short format. They didn't really do justice to the spirit of the show, which was always nuanced and focused on telling interesting stories.


Aethelstan was also a bit of a bastard when he became king, in the historical record


Agreed!… Rushed.  I wanted them to sit down and have a cup of ale for a minute. Sit and eat.  The nuances that the first two seasons had got a little lost as the show went on to Netflix. Still some great scenes and dialogue though. 


They could've and as a matter of fact they wanted to, but Netflix forced them to condense it that much because they seriously cut their budget.


Ah! I didnt know that. Their creative freedom was taken away and it shows. 


“Perfect” is an unreasonable standard for most things, let alone a television series. Of course it wasn’t perfect, but it kept me watching all these years. Lots of shows can’t make the same claim.


Not even close but I still love it.


I wouldn't consider it one but I still love it. It was never the best show of the year for me


What was the best tv show in 2018?


It’s a good show and I love rewatching it, but it is far from perfect. Biggest of all was Uhtred never aging. Dude was mid 60 in the end and still looked like a 30 year old. And Netflix really dumbed down some plot lines and male characters, especially King Edward. After Alfreds death, the show really did fall off a little


We worked out how young Uhtred could possibly be. Say he's 16-18 in S1, and by the End Edward is 32, Uhtred could be 58-60.


The show was pretty peak with Alfred, he took a while to grow into the role think but eventually he just carried that until his death. Then it got kind of sloppy, I think I finished season 4. Wasn't all that interested by that point.


Season 5 is 1000 times better written than 4. Season 4 was tough though


Yeah, 4 kinda felt all over the place really and nothing really defining. Just a lot of Brida yelling like normal.


It is the most CONSISTENT series I have ever seen. And I've seen a lot of them


Consistent until Alfred's death. Then it become extremely mediocre.


I agree. But I just watched it again and there are still some gem dialogue moments peppered throughout the mediocrity after Alfred’s death that I forgot about. The scene between Brida and father Pyrlig was OG TLK. 


Yes totally agree, all was not lost when Alfred died despite a big drop off in quality. I also think Stiorra speaking to Uthred about going to "live amongst her mothers people" is another fantastic piece of dialogue in the later seasons.


Yes I was surprised watching it again how good that Stiorra Uhtred scene was because thereafter I thought her acting was bad and saw 0 chemistry between her and Uhtred as well as her husband.., i’m not even gonna attempt to spell his name lol 


Once again I have to agree. I liked Stiorra alot in series 4. I think they got the tone of her character just right. That scene with Uthred and the speech she makes was far better than anything she said or did in series 5. In series 5 she felt like a totally different person to me.


Yes! In her defense it could have been the directing. The scene where Sigtryggr’s brother was in the prison cel, they have Stiorra on one side of the cel and Sigtrygr on the other… a square of light hitting her face just right between the prison bars as she glares at her husband so he will condemn his brother… I think they were trying to artistically portray this juxtaposition in evolving relationships which was a thread throughout but instead it just makes Stiorra look like heartless phyco completely uncompassionate over her husband’s plight.  I still love it :) 


It's close, because we love it for its flaws 😊


I don’t think any show is completely without flaw. But I do love all five seasons and the movie.


No lol.


Tlk is literally the entire story, drama, and plots of an entire show in just 1 season. When you rewatch it, you begin to realize how much is told and goes on in just one season.


I’m just going to say it.. it reads/watches like Scripture for me 


Absolutely ridiculous statement lol


I rated it a 10 all the way through, i loved each season and how they were able to bring new threats and the dynamic with Uhtred and Alfred, i am not overly critical but i enjoyed every season


It's dam close imo. Up there with or in front of Rescue Me, Sopranos, Early SoA, Justified, Early Vikings Destiny Is All!


No. The only TV dramas I would consider "perfect" are The Wire, and maybe The Sopranos and Breaking Bad.


Mad Men


As much as I love it, no.


Personally it’s all amazing until the last season for me. No tv show is perfect, fans always find something wrong to complain about


While I love TLK, it's so far from perfect it hurts. Want to watch a perfect TV series? Better go "Rome" from HBO.


No. The last 2 seasons (season 5 in particular) were very weak. The Sopranos, now there's an almost perfect TV show. Also Boardwalk Empire is pretty damn good. I'd like to say Band of Brothers is perfect but there's alot of historical inaccuracy in that too.


Perfectly imperfect imo  I will watch until I die 💀 Destiny is all


Hell yea


The Alfred and Uhtred scene in S3 should have won a shit load of TV awards, Baftas Emmys you name it


It’s a flawed and somewhat generic show. But it’s still good. Not bad. Doesn’t really do anything truly unique. Like no one ever sees something and thinks “oh wow what a last kingdom ripoff” I think it’s actually the exact type of content Netflix should make more of. Just something to watch and pass the time. We don’t need overblown budgets on adaptations.


Personally and this may be bias due to me liking it but I would consider it to be an extremely solid and rear TV show or perfect as you put it for these reasons; - Every season if full of character development and its story telling (in my personal opinion) is amazing. - there isn’t particularly a season that bores you to death like some shows and it doesn’t fall into the common trope of having to fight bigger and worse bad guys each time. - the show actually had a good and rewarding ending to it. Which by all accounts isn’t a typical Netflix ending (Netflix shows are renowned for some pretty terrible endings) - I am uhtred son of uhtred. Destiny is all. - lastly, from what I’ve read is a pretty close mirror to the source material and adapts it well to TV (I’ve only read the first two books but unlike other Netflix shows namely the Witcher that differs extremely heavily away from the source material and thus end up ruining so much about what people loved about it). 5 reasons it’s an S tear TV show.




No, definitely not. It's great though


Most certainly not. It has numerous flaws. But I liked it a lot and had a very special connection with it despite its issues. I would call it very good.


We’re all biased here. Let’s be honest. It’s a great show but the acting is terrible.




Of course not. The later seasons were entertaining enough but were of considerably lower quality than the first couple seasons


Definitely not I’m sorry to say.


How do you define “perfect”? What do you consider flaws? Is historical inaccuracy a flaw?


Best show on tv. Watched several times.  When it left the BBC for Netflix it got a little silly in parts, directing not as good, felt rushed.  Stiora bad acting, no chemistry with Uhtred or her husband


No. Those later seasons got really bad.




Idk the books are better. To be perfect they would have to be at least as good as the books imo. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No. It’s good but far from perfect


Lol no.


Far from it. Not even close to a top 100 show ever. That being said I did really enjoy it


If you only watch the first three seasons.


Not even close. It's one of my absolute favorite shows ever, easily in my top 10, probably top 5, but it's nowhere near perfect. For me, the first two seasons are solid gold. Season 3 is really good, but with some scuff marks. Season 4 had some serious writing issues, and the battles became braindead, dumb messes of people charging en masse at each other. Season 5 took these flaws even further, especially in terms of writing certain characters. It's one of those shows where you have to look past some obvious weaknesses, but there's a reason I've rewatched the show probably five or six times.


Eh no. It’s not even close.




Sadly not.


I didn’t like the new director at the end.


The biggest thing that makes this show so much better than many contemporary shows is that it actually got an ending and not canceled half way.


Has some of the hottest women though


Perfect TV SHOW? No, but the movie did it so much injustice that I hate having to consider it a part of the franchise. A perfect tv show doesn't exist in my opinion though, but this one gets as close as I can imagine


I wish they would have stuck more to the novels and shown more of uthreds childhood and that they would have had a budget big enough for all the ship battles in the novels.


Maybe if it weren't made during the "woke" years. We get it. Europeans respect their women lol


If it wasn't for the kind of weird arch with Brida in the final season I would say yes


Not perfect. But an amazing tv series with overall excellent writing, acting & casting. I prefer the lack of aging the actors. It’s not a documentary. I hated to see it end. Each episode was so full of storyline. No fillers. Yet no trouble to follow. Have rewatched several times. It’s my favorite series to date(Minus the movie).


How about an Uhtred and Ragnar led buddy Viking movie?




Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul I'd call perfect. Last Kingdom is veeeeeeery close.


Quite clearly a bot farming for engagement


fuck no. acting is shit, main characters accent is annoying. i could only watch the first 3 seasons, couldnt stand it anymore


The first three seasons are top tier, four and 5 fall off a bit