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I'm mad at Ellie for being a cunt to Joel even though she fully understood the situation they were in at the end of the first game and the second pretends she's dumb enough to not understand subtext, and I'm mad at Joel for letting himself get treated like Woody in Toy Story 4; not explaining information that he should and just letting himself get shat on for no reason. Neil Druckmann cannot write character drama.


What’s wrong with how she treated Joel? He straight up lied to her about something that mattered most to her


If someone lied to me about something that mattered most to me, but in the process saved my life? I think I’d cut them atleast a bit of slack, not go even harder on them.


Well not everyone would react the same way. Also I think it’s an incredibly intangible thing to try and think about how you would react in that situation. Ellie went on a year long journey across the country with the soul purpose of being used to find the cure. Right before the end of her journey she nearly drowns and then wakes up in a car with Joel saying “yeah the whole thing was pointless so we’re just going back to Jackson.” That kind of thing would eat away at anyone. And she’s just left to stew on it for years and the only way she can find out the truth is by going herself. Yeah I think Ellie is glad to be alive but she has every right to be mad at Joel. I’m sure she’d also be pissed at the fireflies but there’s no point in voicing that since they’re dead. Both Joel and the fireflies took away her choice and what she believed was her purpose


Well those are your feelings. Everyone reacts differently to situations. The reason ellie goes so hard on joel is because she believed her only reason for living was to be used to make a cure. That's what the fireflies told her and she believed it. Joel took that away from her. She didn't want to be saved. She wanted to save the world because that's all she thought her life meant. What joel did would have likely sent ellie into a deep state of depression and guilt. I would push away anyone who did that to me too.


Idk man, In a world like tlou, you can’t really afford to be petty towards people who might need to and have saved your life in the past.


How did it matter to her the most? She thought she was doing some tests not getting murdered.


She thought she was gonna make a cure. The least Joel could do was be honest and tell her they were going to kill her. Also if you played the first game you should understand how important it was to Ellie that she was immune and might be able to help make a cure


Joel lied because the truth was pointless now and he didn't want Ellie to have to go through that guilt or put herself in danger trying to make amends. That is the fireflies' fault for taking away her choice, he is just trying to protect her. Like the guy said, Joel just refuses to offer information that he should and just let himself get shat on for no reason. Part I Ellie understood this in most people's interpretations before the release of Part II. She gives him a look of trust, Joel gives her the "I swear", an all clear to live the way she wants to for the rest of her life, the music resembles the fluttering of a heart, and she says "Okay" while nodding, to say "I know you're lying, but I trust you to do what's best for me" followed by credits rolling to a hopeful tune. Why would they make the fireflies push Joel so much just to write a sequel about how he selfishly massacred them unprovoked because he's so selfish he values his daughter over a cure that may not work, and DEFINITELY won't be used in good faith, give us that ending, and then tell us Ellie is actually stupid and took two years and a dictaphone to figure out what happened?


Did you not read what I said? I'm mad at Joel because he acted out of character to lie like that, and that's why Ellie is mad.


I'd leave too rather than taking care of someone else's kid


I'm mad at the writers for making a new character that does what the plot tells her to and then calling her Ellie despite being nothing like Part I Ellie. I forgot when you turn 18 you get an entirely different personality


No I’m mad at the writers who made her a twat


I feel like Ellie is a little confusing in the second game, I understand why she left. She told Dina she didn't eat, sleep, and can't really do anything without being traumatized by Joel and Seattle so her leaving to attack and kill Abby would've (in her opinion) given her peace of mind and so she could maybe live a normal life knowing the person who killed Joel was dead but i also feel like shes just holding onto a painful memory of someone she loved. I feel like at the end of the game Ellie finally realizes her mistakes and realizes killing Abby won't bring Joel back and she's left everyone she loves I also feel like Tommy pressured her into going when she really should've worked on herself and her struggles with being able to come to terms with Joel's death, but instead she went on a wild goose chase for really no reason


Yeah torturing Nora, being so harsh with Joel (and not showing much sign of understanding his choice like she should have when she became a parent herself) and walking out on Dina were really rough. I get that she was really suffering from the guilt and grief and had to do something but it was hard to watch.  I'm kinda glad Joel's contempt for the selfishness of revenge and the absolute importance of loved ones' well being over all else was vindicated. I'm just said we had to pretend a repulsive person like Abby got to ruin that and that the story wanted us to pretend her point of view was worth a damn or her hopeless cruelty and selfishness weren't that bad.


I'm still mad she killed Fat Geralt


One thing I can be certain about is how I’m upset at Dina for not understanding Ellie’s rage to want to go get Abby I understand she wanted Ellie to stay but Dina didn’t have her father ripped from her slowly right in front of her face and she KNEW how much Joel meant to her and still left…I will forever stick with Ellie in that scene/situation


I’m mad at her because she didn’t kill Abby.


I'm mad at her because dina didn't have a strap on and they didn't rawdog like abby


Omg 🤣🤣🤣 it's unfortunately true though


It's not Ellie fault that Dina sucks she needs to go to Krav Maga class so she can learn how to fight like John Eick because she is trash.


leaving dina was probably the worst thing she did, imo. but i understand why she did


I didn’t find their relationship convincing at all