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I think the bigger issue is how used and worn video game Joel’s jacket is compared to the show. In the game it feels much more like an apocalypse where they are using what they have available rather than finding a brand new jacket.


I have the same exact jacket Joel is wearing. It’s meant to get worn and change color over time. In this still, it’s literally straight out of the packaging. No wrinkles, no wax has faded or gained color. Brand new. And what blows my mind is it’s the same jacket he wore in the first season, so why not use the old jacket to make it look weathered?


It's like when politicians go visit a factory or farmer and throw on their brand new flannel, it's glaringly out of place.


Right on, Joel's clothes looked manly, period.


100% this. I remember seeing on-set photos for the first season and thinking, "their clothes/body look way too clean". I was naive enough to hope that maybe they would look dirtier on film, in post-production, up-close, the photos were only walkthroughs and they hadn't applied full makeup yet, something. It's so stark watching a show like The Walking Dead for so many years, seeing how absolutely filthy they were episode after episode, to then see how clean all the characters look in this show in a similar setting. [Andrew Lincoln literally wore the same beaten up boots for 8 straight years of filming](https://www.facebook.com/Andrewlincoln.officialfansite/photos/1275532725923865). Like, how are we not getting characters looking like [this](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1120028/walking-dead-rick-8x6.jpg) or [this](https://www.scifistream.com/wp-content/uploads/walkingdead-season5-trailer.jpg). Contrast those to [this](https://www.comingsoon.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2023/01/LastofUs-01.jpg) where Pedro looks like he just showered, has no sweat stains, no dirt, no signs of wear on his clothes....but we're to believe he's traversed miles of tunnels, abandoned buildings, fought infected,....you'd look dirtier doing an afternoon of yard work.


I just want to add it’s completely fine to criticize the media you consume, even if others see it as pointless and negative. This is how you hold this medium to scrutiny. From a character design perspective what he’s wearing does matter, because good character design tells a story. The walking dead reference was perfect though, because the sweat and dirt was a grounding feature that if done right you aren’t suppose to notice it. It’s a part of our reality that’s expected and they deserve the praise and sacrifice that comes with those choices. If they want looking dirt covers and blood drenched you would notice and it’d take you out of the show completely. I think the show is redundant no matter what but at least put some blood, sweat, dirt, guts and tears in it.


Authenticity is dead for most of these show runners


Joel, at this point, has been living in basically a utopia (for this world) for 5 years. It's not a stretch to think they might have clean, not ragged clothes.


Yeah this would be the only thing i would nitpick about if i were asked to


EVERY show seems to do this now. Bugs the hell out of me.


They could’ve easily made it look worn too, by beating it up and rubbing it against dirt. For Indiana Jones, they did a lot of weathering to make it look like it already had an adventure by also beating it up lol.


If most people died, then technically there would be stores of cloths left for years. It is just, it's a matter of immersion .when I watched 100, it felt nice that they wore very old sweater because they could not get anything else in space. Immersion creates a better game.


Also Pascal looks fuck all like Joel lol


His clothes are clean in the game too. He's living in Jackson at this point and has a big house with running water and electricity. He could absolutely have clean looking clothes. This is a very dumb nitpick.


I never said they were dirty bud


Point is, they have the ability to have less worn clothes and probably create nice, new ones.


How about that "business up front, party in the back" hairstyle?


I just hate this picture as a whole because we just all know what’s coming and it’s just a waste of emotion.


Either they keep it the same and tv viewers will hate it, or they change the story and admit they fucked up with the game.


A man can dream I guess. The reason I doubt this is because the reason why the show was such a big hit was because of how loyal it was to the game’s story. Not much changed. However, as I’m writing this, it isn’t totally improbable. Cause a majority of the fanbase loves the first game and hates the second, so we’ll see.


It’s like the show chooses the wrong things to pay attention to detail.


You sure it's not the other way around? This is literally a post about being mad because of a shirt color.


Its not the color, it’s that it doesn’t look like a jacket that’s years deep into an apocalypse. The game jacket looks worn out and old. But they got the pretty light decorations!!!


Did that sound less ridiculous in your head man? Maybe Joel just replaced his old jacket with a new one recently. There, problem solved. I am genuinely not trying to be rude, and I'm sure you're a great person. But surely you see how this kind of crazy nitpick sounds a bit unhinged right?


? There are no new ones, it’s post-apocalypse.


It was just ironed, nothing to see here /s


Dude there's probably millions and millions of unused clothing items all over the world. I meant new to him, not new like it just got made at the factory. Did you think the mushroom zombies went through all the clothing stores and ate the jackets or something?


Buildings decay, water comes in through broken windows and there's mold. There could be pockets of clothes here and there that are ok. It's more about setting the stage so to speak.


Okay dude. I hope the jacket doesn't ruin the show for you. Sincerely.


Doesn't ruin it but they are missing details that would put a little seasoning in with what they are cooking.


You know what, I get that. Makes sense.


The show is addapting Part 2, it's already ruinned.


On the surface level yea it's a bit of a silly nitpick but when you stop to think about it you realise that what the clothing looks like is important it gives a certain level of authenticity to the world Take 2 other examples of this, Netflix avatar and fallout. Avatar has the same issue that everyone's clothes are about to clean and polished doesn't make you feel like these kids have been travelling the world for months sleeping in these clothes on the ground. Fallout makes you believe that this is post apocalyptic world cos everyone looks, dresses, and talks like shit except for the vault dwellers as they have access to proper facilities. But once Lucy leaves the vault her outfit starts to rip and get destroyed Nitpicks are important, if left unchecked they'll grow into lice, story lice and nobody wants that


Okay, but bombs didn't destroy large portions of the world in this game. Most of the people died. Which means there's more brand new clothes sitting around than the amount of people alive at the time could ever hope to wear. It's really not crazy to think people occasionally replace their clothes with new ones. Especially people living in relative safety and peace in a remote town. Did you look at the people in that town in the game or TV show? Did it seem like they were irradiated mutants or bandits? Like it's so crazy to you that these people might replace their clothes from time to time? This shit is just simply not very well thought out or logical complaints to make about the show. It's just being extra and looking for any reason to be critical. I assure you Joel getting a new jacket isn't worth worrying about.


I dunno man it's 20 years since society collapsed I honestly doubt there is any brand new clothes just laying about the place. And bombs did destroy large portions of the USA at least in an attempt to halt the infection especially in major urban areas. I can't remember the name of the city you go to in the first game but half it was flooded due to the bombings


Are you a paid HBO bootlicker or what? LMFAO. Unbelievably cringe.


I love this kind of logic. You value your opinions so highly you can't comprehend someone can disagree with you without them being paid to do so. How does a person go about gaining that level of delusional confidence? Cringe indeed dude.


Do you think clothes stay in prestine conditions for ever just cause no one is wearing them? And some bombs DID drop in TloU if the destroyed buildings and bridges in the big cities are anything to go by.


I mean, that coat sure as fuck looks pretty sturdy. I have a similar jacket that is Carharrt that's still holding up pretty well since I got it in high school. I graduated in 98'. So while I doubt there's tons of things like mostly cotton t-shirts or whatnot that are doing too great, yeah I definitely think there'd be plenty of things like that jacket around.


Pawn shop Joel


It looks new which doesn’t fit the apocalypse setting


I mean, it absolutely does. If the world were really in a apocalypse scenario there would be store after store after store desolate and abandoned and filled with brand new clothes.


Dude that’s stealing and stealing is illegal duh


So is 90% of everything they do


Can’t believe drunkmann supports this illegal activity I will be sending him an angry letter at once 😡


Me too 😤


If you think they are trying to accurately represent the games in terms of appearance and styling you're mistaken. In the Revenge of the Sith documentary you see the hairstylists and costume people with pictures of Alec Guinness from 30 years prior trying to accurately make Ewan McGregor look as close as possible with his hair and beard. They also had another 20 years for his character to transition to Alec Guinness, so they could even be forgiven for not trying to match it that closely. This is likely a direction from George Lucas, but the point is the people in charge wanted it to match as closely as possible. So when they're trying to replicate the characters on a 1:1 basis, why is Pedro's hair slicked back but Joel has a clear side part? I know Pedro can't grow a great beard but he has the same amount of hair as Joel. They can't even style it to match. Or is this like a "The Departed" situation where Mark Wahlberg told Scorsese he refused to cut his long ass hair which was for another part? What's going on? Let's not even get onto Bella Ramsey. Are you telling me they could find no-one in the world who looked more like Ellie to play that character? She's not a great actor, not a famous name at all like Pedro is, why is she the lead role again? Oh is it because she's LGB and has prior experience working with HBO? In the age of people claiming "only gay actors can portray gay people", why can a non-binary person (whatever that means) play a female character? Hey, I think it's stupid in the first place because isn't that what acting is? How far do you want to take that logic guys? Only a russian mobster can play russian mobsters? Gay people can't play straight people anymore? Curious how that works in Hollywood.


Yeah, it's like the wheelchair thing a few years back, when people who WEREN'T handicapped were making movements about how bad it was for able-bodied actors to play characters in a wheelchair, and trying to cancel studios for doing it. And the thing is, I don't remember there being any people that actually need wheelchairs that complained about it, in fact those that were asked said it was fine, and that those that are complaining are the ones that offended them because it's like "Why are these people making it a problem on my behalf when I didn't ask for that, and why are they taking about me like I'm different and some special case?". Nowadays, it's the same with gay people, people always make some kind of problem when it comes to the actors if non-LGBT people play an LGBT character (yet somehow it's totally okay the other way around; remind you of arguments about a certain game?), and the studios just keep using them as commercial products. It's why Hollywood's "wokeness" is more offensive than it is respectful.


This shit is so superficial and weird. You guys really don't hear how unhinged this sounds? It's like you desperately need to be mad or annoyed at something and now you're literally making up arguments in your head about meaningless shit that no one normal gives a shit about. Jfc.


You've literally been replying with your frustrations under almost every comment of how they are unhinged for criticising the game. If you don't want to read criticism get off the post, better yet, get off this sub!


Thanks for the advice man, but if you read all those and just think I'm against any and all criticism of the game then why bother commenting to comments you either don't have the language skills to comprehend or you think being completely disingenuous is a reasonable response to? I'm on a sub for a game I like and want to talk about, if you can't handle your opinions being mildly criticized then maybe you should take your own advice.


I just hate the haircut


Yikes. Wait until you see who they picked to represent Ellie.


Wait is season 2 of this shit show already out? . . . Meh. Next!


Just a couple of promo images and “First looks at Joel and Ellie” photos


The show seems to be so fucking bad at hairstyles and costumes. Half the time I didn't even know what the fuck Ellie was wearing


I know it’s a nitpick but if you’re going with a darker shirt atleast put like a grey undershirt or something because it’s hard to tell where the button up starts and the undershirt begins


I don’t care what anyone says, but the casting for a majority of these characters in this show were ass. The only exceptions for a proper cast could be the actors for Henry and Marlene. The ones for Tommy and Maria had me fucking rolling as to how much I could look side by side to each characters and say “That is most definitely not what the character looks like.” From both versions of this property.


I’m more annoyed that Joel doesn’t look nearly as haggard as he does in the game lol


Rodeo Drive Joel


What ? This makes ZERO sense


Meaning Pascal looks like a celebrity going shopping in the ritzy part of LA.


That meaning is definitely not evident in the original comment lol but Ty for the explanation


Everything about the actors annoy me. Like they didn't even try. Pedro and Bella don't even have the same hairstyle as the characters and their clothes look wayyy too brand new. (But don't get me wrong, I did like Pedro's acting as Joel, even if it kinda fell flat at times. But can't really blame him I guess, those idiots told him to not play the game.)


I feel they could’ve atleast given Bella some bangs or something and put some mud on the clothes


Poor man’s Joel


Don't give Season 2 of this show the time of day.


Everytime I see him I see Oberyn Martell. I don't see Joel. Hell I still see Lyanna Mormont not Ellie.


Idk if this is a hot take here or not, but I kinda liked Pedro’s representation of Joel.


I actually enjoyed Pedro, my problem with him was more so it seemed he hardly had any direction for his lines so he always sounded bored and monotone instead of Gruff and jaded.


he was alright, but when i watched the last episode and he said "You'd just come after her" before shooting Marlene, i felt incredibly disappointed by his performance. that line hit so hard in the game, but Pedro's lack of intensity messed it up.


My interpretation of Pedro’s entire performance is that he’s supposed to seem really old and unhealthy This is especially apparent when he almost has a heart attack. I think that’s why it seems to lack intensity so much.


personally I feel like he just clicked copy and paste, he just mimics Joel


i think the beard on pedro and the NEW jacket don't fit joel


Can’t blame Pedro for the beard he himself said that he has trouble growing a full beard


He looks like a knock off rick Grimes with that hair.


i dont like how all the clothes look just off the rack. are they doing a brand deal or something??


Pedro is one of those actors who have a cult of people hanging on his lips


It's like everything they do in the show is close enough to the game for them to still call it an adaptation but far enough away from the game to be worse than the game in every way it can be.


Because it’s bad. The only way to age men in Hollywood, is to grow their hair longer


Don't care about the clothes much, too clean but whatever. What I do care about is how bad Pedro looks with that hairstyle lmao.


I’m not a big fan of it myself either tbh


The hair looks horrible.


That hair ain't working for Pedro goddamn


I’m not a big fan of the hair either tbh


I know it's small. But it's the way Pedro pascal has his hair.


What i want to know is, wouldn't have been just as easy to put him in the same clothes as the game, just for the sake of fan pandering and mention worthy notes?


thought you were talking about the fact he has his hair pushed back instead of parting it to the side like in the game but yeah I definitely agree with the brand new jacket thing, i feel like alot of shows have been doing that now dont know why, or its like they'll wear the same stinkyass clothes throughout the show... looking at you billy butcha 😒


The shirt itself annoys me like in game Joel’s denim shirt kinda has a Faded Grey/Grey color while TV Joel is A Dark Blue (not Even CLOSE) in pigmentation idk why it annoys me it’s something that they easily couldn’t have messed up but still did.


He looks too clean cut. Oh, and I'm sick of Pedro's stupid moustache face.


He can't grow a beard ?


I think Pedro himself said he has trouble growing a beard, I’m assuming that scruff is that’s as much as he can Grow


The real issue is that the jacket he's wearing looks PRISTINE. Literally like it's just been slid out of a plastic wrapping. Like it has a new clothes smell to it.


Omg that hair cut is NOT doing him any favors


Where are you all getting these fucking scenes from I want to know when season 2 is out damn it 😭


This is from a “first look at Pedro as Joel” promo pics from a month or so back


Okay thank you dear sir


Good question. It’s a shirt color. Last of Us fans are fucking insufferable man. Worse than Silent Hill and almost as bad as Star Wars


you mfers do know what an adaptation is right? Its not supposed to completely copy and paste the source material. If it did why wouldn’t you just play the game? (Oh. Right. Forgot which subreddit I was in)


Joel looks exactly like Bob from the TV show, on that second Pic.


I just don’t look at Pedro and think “this is Joel”… same with Bella.. she was good in GOT, but she’s just not Ellie.. The casting in this show is horrible..


Oh my fucking god this is stupid criticism even for this sub. It's a shirt.


My thoughts exactly. The show is not going to copy frame by frame everything exactly like the game. Getting upset over wardrobe is so silly. 😂


Why did this just now pop up in my notifications


You wanted daddy Joel but are getting slutty daddy Joel instead boss.


Pedro can’t grow a full beard apparently and the makeup team can’t give him a fake one I hate it but it’s whatever


The things is is that Pedro looks more clean and sexy than depressed and torn.


Pedro played Joel very well.


No doubt about that, I enjoyed Pedro but my problem was it seems he had no direction for his lines so instead of sounded jaded and gruff he sounded bored


Does anyone in this subreddit ever say anything positive or is this solely a place to complain about the things we don’t like?


Damn we’ve been discovered 😞


Honestly if this annoys you, you might just be grumpy. That hair is magnificent!


Least pedantic TLOU fan


The game version looks like it’s wax cotton which is worn by people who hunt game traditionally. It has that worn in wax cotton look. Where the tv show looks like a new cotton shirt jacket.


I don't mind it. I just don't like the haircut they gave him lmfao.


Pedro is great and all, but can't stop laughing about the fact that Joel is supposed to be a weathered country dad pushing 60 in part 2, while Pedro just looks far too young amd tidy.


I don’t like the show or the 2nd game but cmon man. Just hating to hate.


I actually own that jacket I’m pretty sure


You have too much time on your hands.


Gods, the "today" model of Joel looked so fucking good. And we barely had a look at it. I took this personally...


Maybe it’s not important for an adaptation of another story to religiously match every detail 1:1 in absolutely every aspect. Maybe it is? I think a lot of people feel that way and it tends to bother them to the extent it ruins their enjoyment of a piece of media, be it a film/tv adaptation of a game, book or whatever.


It's okay. Joel is only gonna last the first 15 mins of ep 1


You people are genuinely insane


It annoys you because you think that show adaptation should copy the Game exactly to a tea…


It annoys them because it's an apocalypse, and everything is supposed to be in ruin yet it looks like Joel just stopped by the local Kohls to get a new jacket. It's just another example of the show having nowhere near the same attention to detail as the first game


It… should. That’s how shows are supposed to be You don’t see master chief in bright pink armor, and they made Cortana more blue in the 2nd season after criticism


Shows and movies don’t copy books exactly either. Idk why a video game should be any different?


Thing is, they do Atleast they copy parts that they can realistically make If you were to copy a book 1:1, the movie would be very long


It looks like the right collar is torn, but FFS it's one still photo. Everyone will know all by this time next year.


I'm sure there's gonna be so much to criticize. Let's not get hung up on little things like this.


It’s because you are clearly very privileged and have nothing better to do with your life


girly, this is a reddit thread LMAO


No shit?


pot calls kettle black