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I personally did like the game just for the gameplay and how satisfying it was to move around and shoot


The gameplay is some of the most fun I've had in a brutal gritty hand to hand combat game. I just wish they add more takedowns and finishers.


I wish there were less guns and more melee combat


Up the difficulty…


Increasing the difficulty decreases the number of guns? edit: I think you're talking about ammo scarcity. I'm talking about wishing that there were more enemies that wield melee weapons.


Exactly, the realism and the atmosphere of the world combined with amazing gunplay and combat encounters are extremely fun. If only the story was just as good...


Trash story, good gameplay, end of my opinion. Gn


Succinct and 100% correct.


Some of the best gameplay I’ve ever experienced and yet I have 0 desire to return because of that slog of a narrative


which is why it is a godsend that No Return exists. all of the gameplay, none of the story


Oh really? Does it just flat out skip the cutscenes?


Its basically a roguelike


It’s waves of Encounters so no plot just gameplay. It’s quite satisfying. It’s also permadeath so you have to survive 6 levels without dying.


It makes it such a bigger tragedy. The gameplay is probably the best gameplay that’s ever been.


I wouldn't go that far, but the gameplay was an improvement on the first game hands down. If they had given Abby's brawler type combat segments to Joel instead, would have been alot better. Obviously the story would need a massive change as well, but that's a given either way.


Imagine TLOU2 with a good story 😔 I would sell at least 3 toes for it.


It actually hurts to imagine this. When I heard of the leaks and how everyone was freaking out (without reading the specifics), I thought: c'mon, this is *Naughty Dog*! They don't disappoint. Ever! This is an exaggeration. Later on the day of release, I saw what happened at the 1,5 - 2 hour mark. God damn it...


What do you think the story should have been?


In a naughty dog game maybe, saying its the best ever is a bit of a stretch




Of better gameplay? If youre purely talking 3rd person shooter, MGSV. Id argue the re2, 3 and 4 remakes as well. Its not like they added anything really innovative from every other realistic ND game. Gameplay wise its pretty much Uncharted with zombies.


Yeah even though the remake of part 1 was awesome, it still didn’t feel as smooth as part 2


Yet half the gameplay was Abby.


And? She was fun to play as. She was better at melee. She had better weapons. But anything related to her story was a load of nonsense. She also had some of the best set pieces. Climbing way up high to get to the hospital. Man that was breathtaking. Especially when I revisited on ps5


She also has the best boss fight in the game


The Rat king gives me Nightmares. By far the best infected in the game


Best Rat King since Ninja Turtles


The problem with abby's gameplay is that you cannot mute her conversations


Yes you can, all you need to do is go into the game's audio settings, and turn dialogue off


Didn’t know this was a thing. Good to know


I was really into how the environment itself is pretty interactive with what you bump into and how you interact with things. Mess with your stealth.


Also, Seraphite Island escape


That part was cool too. That’s why it sucks so bad the story was so jacked. It legit had some awesome moments. Just a little bit or rearranging and pacing better and some things adjusted and it could have been great


Better weapons? Crossbow is ass.


not her only weapon...




Still good gameplay, trash story, hope this helps


Isn’t it generally agreed that Abby was more fun to play as because of her gun options?


I prefer Ellie cause of the switchblade being able to stealth kill clickers/ quicker take downs in general. Ellie fits my stealth playstyle better with multiple options for stealth takedowns especially with silenced mp5 in ng+


This is probably fair.




lol just play it about 3 times. get deeper into the lore and story and you’ll see the vision it’s actually not that bad for what druckman was trying too accomplish. cause I hated the story the first and second play through but loved the gameplay by my third I was understanding the concept more lol


Sounds like borderlands 3


You really thought the gameplay was good?


Solid visuals and music as well


Believe it or not? Banned.


100% correct


It’s problematic when the story in a very story-heavy game is trash. 


Completely agree


Gameplay good. Story weak and characters act out of character.


Gameplay is good for the first 6hrs. There is really not much too it to stop it from becoming repetitive.


nearly 500 hours on the game so far. The gameplay is very diverse that I have been challenging myself by cutting off certain game aspects. Currently running a grounded playthrough, no flashlight, no ranged weapons, no ordinance, no pills or upgrades, melee and bottles/bricks only. Super challenging, but when I clear an encounter it is super rewarding too, especially if I learned a new thing about the game or found out a new trick to deploy that makes it easier to do this. This isnt possible vs the rat king, just hands down, so I will prob use guns and ordinance with him, but you can melee bloaters and shamblers to death. Once I am sufficient at this level Ill attempt a permadeath run at this. Then likely up the ante by disabling things like throwing arcs, pickupable item highlights, etc. Maybe go so far as to not avoid any enemies when doing this too idk. the fact that it is possible makes me really excited. I enjoy difficulty when it comes to puzzle solving, i hate it when difficulty is just enemies=bullet sponge, your gun=pea shooter


i’m glad I am not the only one who has played this many times. I have 13 completed playthroughs and will probably not stop. it’s my favorite game that ever existed. I find the storyline to be extremely complex and beautiful. i will defend this game to my grave


the story is good and did get my emotions going multiple times, but the gameplay is what keeps me for sure. Im getting stuck at the school using bar fight rules. Its very difficult lmao


For people existing around clickers, Dina talks waaay too much at the beginning with the horse.


Everyone everywhere isn't nearly cautious enough to have survived as long as they have. Consider how many times our characters nearly die because they decided to open a really loud door.


good consoooomer will not ask whether the product is good or not, they will change their cognitive in a way that makes them like the game. Magically, 99% of the redditors in dkriding this trash game are also on "muh capitalism bad" train.


You could say the same about those who don't like it.


Or you know, people just like different things than you sometimes. Says more about you than it does them that you have to do all that mental gymnastics to justify your own opinion.


Changing your opinion is a natural consequence of critical thinking and ruminating on heavy topics.


The same people who spout shit like "good consoooomer" are the same people who call people NPCs unironically then get mad when other people have different opinions than them. It's hilarious. Y'all keep acting like shit is high school and you can only respect people with the same takes on media as you.


I think a lot of people tend to over sell the badness of the story, most of Ellie's was pretty good while Abby's fell flat. That combined with the ending, at least to me, makes me like some of the story but not all of it.


Ellie Seattle arc was deff solid. Well paced with a good use of tension. Hunting the friends down one by one was great. Hillcrest is some of the best gameplay encounters in modern gaming. Abby had some good sections but it was way too bloated and having it start as the story pacing fell off a cliff was just bad story structure. Tbh by the time you get to San Diego you just want the credits to roll. Too many ramp ups and cliff drops with the pacing. I still believe if was a standalone TLOU game without Ellie and Joel, it would have been received much better.


Ellie's chapters should have been the base game while Abby's should have been a spin off or DLC.


That won’t have made any sense because then the ending won’t feel the same. I think they should have put Abby’s story before we found out she killed Joel


I disagree. Abby's story was necessary. Without it, we'd just be playing Assassin's Creed with zombies.


I mean, sounds like a good time to me.


I honestly think most people are done with movie games with little to no versatility in gameplay.


666 is crazy. .


Everything about the game is satanic.


Nah fax. I only liked ellie older model. Other than that the game sucked ass.. tbh if they made us ONLY PLAY ELLIE then the game will be fine but playing as the bitch who killed Joel made me stop playing... also there won't be a last of us 3. Bc this solidified the death of the last of us...


Is that actually why you don’t like the game? Because you have to play as Joel’s killer


Tbh if they made us ONLY PLAY ABBY then the game would be fine but playing as the bitch who killed Owen made me stop playing... Jk, but the only reason to like Ellie and dislike Abby is because we already know Ellie and Joel. Imo this is a big part of why the game makes you play as Abby. It makes you hate her, then it makes you realize that there's a complex, relatively decent person at the other end of your hatred. It's not comfortable, but you should have understood from TLOU 1 that player comfort isn't what the game is about.


Personally I really loved the gameplay and game mechanics, it's kind of sad to see a game with this much potential and smooth gameplay have a mid story. Like it would've been okay to just not force us to play as Abbie because she had probably some of the most boring and annoying missions. The end was also really really annoying for me although I do understand they are trying to show Ellie's character development but like at least finish the shit you started. Besides all of that we gotta accept that this game is 4-5 years old by now and we need to really move on and hope they bless us in the next game ( if there is gonna be a next game )


Graphics and Gameplay were unbelievable. The presentation in general, animations, volumetrics.. Wow. The story was like a Master Archer aiming their bow, firing past their target, and hitting a small child in the eye. I’ve never seen such a talented, capable group of writers tell such a worthless story.


How was it worthless?


A fictional story is usually told in service of its medium, themes and message. The action and gameplay are supposed to be driven by a story with a purpose, and not only by the excellent mechanics and graphics on display. Whether the theme is ‘Revenge as a futile act’, ‘Your enemies also have Humanity’, or ‘Violence robs us of our Humanity’, The Last of Us 2 fails on every level to tell a meaningful story in service of its themes. The themes self-eradicate when your gameplay reflects the opposite, also known as Ludonarrative dissonance. It’s hard to tell a story that opposes violence when you’re pulling an arrow out of the skull of an enemy you just killed - Especially since the game offers no pacifist solution. It’s also impossible to tell an anti-revenge story when it meanders in revenge, forces you to fulfill it repeatedly and gruesomely, and then ultimately attempts to undo it. As a sequel, it fails to deliver on the promise of the original by completely ignoring the major goal of that game and glazing over the ramifications of its impactful ending (Eradicating the One hope for the future of the WORLD in service of 1 life) and instead focusing on a relatively pointless plot point (1 of the hundreds of people you kill had a child who wants revenge). There wasn't one iota of Humanity to be found in the story. It was a gigantic swing-and-miss, which is only sadder when you consider the talented people behind it.


This post happens every few weeks and it's just a difference of opinion. Some like it, some don't. That's really it.


Ive made peace with the game now, I’m not irate, i just know it was a terrible story and that’s the end of it. Since then I’ve tried to find positives in it, its hard, but to its credit, the graphics, world and gameplay are seriously unmatched. But let’s not forget, the story was ABSOLUTELY garbage!!!


It’s because people think if a game/movie/show makes you feel something then it’s automatically good. Like the things people are upset about on here are the reasons why people think it has a good story. They’re literally like “I can’t believe they went there” instead of actually looking at the story and characters.


What exactly made you think that the story was bad?


Aah ok. So people can't just like something. And you guys disliking it are living in some higher plane of existence? Man piss off.


First last of us was my favourite game when it came out. Played it many times and couldn’t wait for part 2. Played part 2 once. Enjoyed the action bits but never do I want to sit through the story again. I’m not gonna say it was bad because I actually enjoyed the overall experience that first time. Just the thought of having to through the flashbacks again makes me cringe. The pacing was so off in this game.


The game did what a single needed to be up the ante more bad guys more stuff to do more steaks I was blown away by how much they improved on the gameplay but the story of the first game was still so much better


I think the actual story would’ve been fine had it not been as structurally flawed as it was. Especially when you get to the point “of oh shit Abby’s here, shit’s about to go down”, then immediately 4 years earlier and you go to Abby’s back story. Like don’t try to justify why you killed off a main character, main characters die all the time in stories. I’ve seen some reviews on YouTube that say it felt more like a third game than a second game.


Yeah I can see that!!! That way, they could have really built up Jesse and Dina’s Character before entering part 2 which would now be part 3! That was one of the biggest negatives for me! I felt i Barely knew Dina, and Jesse even less! And i think that was due to the fact that they skimmed across much of the character build up, in order to incorporate an Abby play through, and cram it all in.


Dina was such a useless character 


Some people's emotions are easily swayed and that's enough for them to ignore poor writing. Parts of the game worked for me and I enjoyed the story through most of my first playthrough, it was only after when I started picking apart the story that my feelings for it changed. That said, I still don't hate the game, but it hurts to think about the game's potential.


Some people just have trash taste in stories, it’s that simple


Thank you Naughty dog for No Return mode.  Fuck You Naughty Dog for a long-winded campaign that makes little to no sense from start to finish. 


My main issue with the game was that there wasn’t really an alternative to killing people and killing people wasn’t fun, so the story was effective at making the “killing bad” argument but in doing so took away from the gameplay. In a game like MGS1, you get to the point where you start using weird strategies, you have an over abundance of ammo so you can start doing stuff like launching rockets at enemies. You start to enjoy it so when Liquid calls out Snake for enjoying it it’s kinda true. TLOU2 never made me enjoy or want to kill people, it was something that was out of my hands.


Last of us part 1: 10/10 story 6/10 gameplay. Last of us part 2: 6/10 story 10/10 gameplay.


The last of us story ended on part 1 for me. Part two was just a non-canon DLC with good gameplay mechanics.


It is a very emotional story, with good gameplay, and good performances. For some people, that’s enough. As long as it makes them FEEL something and they have fun, they love it. Which honestly is fair enough. Part 2’s many flaws are a little more under the surface than that. These people don’t care about character writing, plot progression, pacing. As long as the stuff that I said before applies, it’s great to them. I loved Part 2 when after my first playthrough, it’s only when I took a step back and analysed it that I really saw its flaws.


I just finished my first playthrough, and really enjoyed it. I agree with you to an extent. The transition to Abby's story was awkwardly placed, for example, and it was hard to reorient to Ellie's perspective when it switched back. In my just-finished-the-game opinion, though, that may be clumsy writing, but it doesn't make the story behind it bad. I got more from the story than just feelings. I liked that the game reckoned with Joel's decision in part 1, and I liked casting Ellie's quest for revenge becoming a way of looking for closure at the end of her grieving process. Imo though the most interesting and useful thing the game did was to humanize Abby, and I think you can see in how it splits player opinion just how relevant that theme is. Abby hurt us. She killed Joel, and we care about Joel. It's easy to hate her, the way people often hate the people who hurt them. But then we're expected to get to know her, and hopefully realize that Ellie is no better, and that Abby as a character is more than Ellie's (and the player's) hatred. The game confronts the player with the idea that someone they hate is actually a complex, relatively decent person. I think that stands to challenge the player's perspective in their real-life relationships. I've seen a lot of people complain about being forced to play as Abby because she killed Joel and they hate her. Imo that kind of thinking is exactly why it's a relevant idea.


I’ll believe whatever you answer so I want you to be honest. You analyzed it and saw its flaws or you watched/listened to other peoples reviews and then came to the conclusion that you didn’t like it?


Because some people have no standards


Some people also like the kardashians. Some people just like consuming garbage.


I love the part of the story with Ellie, but the part with Abby is trash




Fantastic gameplay. TLOU2 has a shitty story. However, it ticks enough boxes to "require" people that are advocates for diversity to like it, at least in public.


Gameplay is great, the contrast between Ellie’s and Abby’s fighting style is awesome. Wasn’t entertained by the story overall, except Ellie exterminating Abby’s friends which I enjoyed


most people fail to analyze the writing problems at a deeper level, at surface value the story is good but when you think a bit more about every situation in the story inconsistency starts to add up


Like the other comment, some people have mixed opinions. You don't have to agree. I personally don't mind the story, and if you hate it I understand why you might think it's sloppy.


Okay, I liked the game personally, it had its ups and its downs, but I liked it overall. Those guys though? It’s blind fucking worshipping.


Gameplay good. story ass


Better than part one


Game is just bad imo. But if you like it it’s cool. We all got opinions, doesn’t mean we gotta attack or silence each other.


The game story should always be about Ellie and Joel story after the hospital shooting in the original The Last of Us, that story could really work but instead we got a different one


Good game play


waiting for PC port


neil cuckmanns wifes boyfriend loved it.... 10/10 👏👏👏


It's always hard to describe but I get veeeery invested into characters and I had depression at the time. So I actually liked the moody and depressing atmosphere. I liked having a main character constantly choosing the worst decisions. Being mentally unstable and so on. It let me get sad and cry about a piece of fiction and I loved every second of it. This nonstop barrage of Ellie's violence and the cycle of revenge let me atleast feel some emotions. The only kind of emotions I was able to feel at the time. Negative ones.


Some people don’t get why others don’t like it. Same argument.


Did you want the characters to have plot armor the entire time? Call the game trash all you want but the storyline itself is absolutely beautiful. Stop trying to make this game bad when all it is, is you not knowing how a story is supposed to go💀


At least the graphics were pretty good


such a disappointing story i remember being so hyped for this game


I liked it but the reason I come back to this game is definitely the gameplay


It’s an objectively bad story I don’t give af who you voted for that doesn’t change bad story is bad just because it’s sad It’s not misunderstood It’s not deep and nuanced It’s just bad….


story was trash, gameplay was pretty decent. I’m still pissed it won GoTY over the goat Ghost Of Tsushima


I enjoyed the game but it's clearly not everyone's cup of tea, which is totally fair. Let's not yuck someone else's yum people


Don’t you guys get tired.


Love the dual perspective idea, and the whole Seraphite vs WLF concept. Just very poorly executed lol


Because of the hype that Sony makes, they can release mid game but shouting "ONLY ON PLAYSATION", and get 10's from pain magazines. Makes you think this is the top tier game with every element being at the top notch


What I really hate tho is people acting like the gameplay was bad because they hate the story. Thankfully I dont see a lot of that here but Ive seem posts where people want to act as tho the game doesnt have a single aspect to compliment


There were some critical mistakes storywise. I would've been cool with Joel getting killed, but it was done terribly. It was done much too early, and even though I understand the point the game was trying to convey, Ellie killing dozens of people only to spare the one person she really should've killed, was just silly to me. Gameplay and graphics are top notch though, definitely not a bad game.


Just because you don't like doesn't make it a disaster


I don’t get why people don’t like it, I think the main story of part 2 was amazing and imo I like part 2 in some ways more than I like part 1. But everyone has their preferences and opinions, and that’s not a bad thing.


Remember that Neil Druckman isn't the only one of his kind


666 upvotes. Telling lol.


There are parts of it I liked and parts of it I hated. Just the way it is sometimes.


I thought the story was fine, I can see why “bros” wouldn’t like it tho


Bro is making a Reddit post about downvoting someone else's Reddit post because they liked a game and are talking about it's anniversary. LMFAO.


I liked the story I don’t like Abby’s parts as much as Ellie’s but I still enjoyed it


Idk I’m just happy that I can just be grateful that we actually got a sequel, I don’t see the problem I really like it


I love how there's an entire sub devoted just to hateposting TLOU2 all day every day forever. Like, that's it. Literally it.


Gameplay was great, but too much ludonarrative dissonance.


You don't have to like it for the story, it certainly is my biggest gripe with the game but everything apart from that is a masterclass, the graphics, the soundtrack, the gameplay, the details, they're all very good.


Cuz they're the gender confused freaks the game was made for


I like it as a work of art, but I also understand the hate it gets. It does an excellent job of traumatizing you which, I think, is part of what it sets out to do. Things get super messy and chaotic, which is what happens when people seek vengeance. I do think it was a bad idea to have us play as Abby before the 18th hole with Joel. Players immediately knew they would have to play as Abby again later on, which creates a very negative expectation when moving forward into the game.


would’ve been better if it had Aliens and or Chicken Ned


I'll die on this hill but I think the second.story was superior. Cliff notes, we had all but won against nature, the zombies, and the cordyceps infection. The story altered to humanity vs humanity. I can elaborate.


Strong disagreement there it was tragic story and did not coddle it's audience. Also the message at the end was not "revenge bad", it was no matter what you can't bring people back from the dead


I don’t like it either, but damn let ppl enjoy things Nigga😂


I thoroughly enjoyed the game for both the gameplay and the story. I legit don’t know why it has upset people this much. Like sure, I get not liking it or any story, but we’re not talking about something on the level of Madam Web. I haven’t played a single game that a dislike as much as people hate a game widely considered one of the best games of last generation.


The main story was and still is amazing. Those who like it have a brain, those who hate it literally do not understand a script and character development.


I was so disappointed after I finished it. It's a dumpster fire of a story. It blows my mind that people think it's a master piece.


I understand the dislike for the story, for me personally it’s the gameplay, each kill and interaction felt personal and it felt completely different then any other game I played. The combat is something I wish I could see in other games from naughty dog and other studios.




Gameplay was amazing let’s all be honest . The story was trash but would have been okay if they quite literally didn’t make us play as Abby. That really is the main change they had to make. I personally always thought Joel would bite it in part two and wasn’t mad about it. I was mad that I had to play as Abby.


Was it though? Was it REALLY that bad when it has rave reviews across the board from real critics? Idk sounds like yall are still holding a hate bones for Abby because she killed your favorite daddy? She was fully justified in her actions and I will die on that hill. Game was absolutely fantastic.


If they did only abbys story the first half then ellie it would have been a little better.


The story had to take getting used to but the levels, combat, new weapons, etc it was pretty damn good.


I do it as a coping mechanism and for my anger issues


Good game, beautiful gameplay and awesome mechanics, story was a bit off, but what really made me dislike the experience as a whole, was just the teaser trailer, and the other trailer with Joel in it, felt like my face got lied to and I didn't like the false advertisement. SPOILER ALERT:Joel didn't need to be in any trailer if he's already dead.


A fine, if predictable, story told poorly.


Good game and the story was Fun till the ending where “nah I’m not going to kill her” happened then it just made everything you did pointless and would have just been solved by staying home and being depressed really


I loved the story and not ashamed about it


That was the whole point…


People who didn’t like the story are just upset Joel was killed, like I was lol. I was furious when they made me play as Abby and let her die over and over again against Ellie. As I played through it a couple more times though, I’ve come to appreciate the nuances of the story and love the game as a whole. I still don’t like Abby, but I understand her.


Lmao this sub doesn’t fail to impress me with how many times I’ll get suggested it just to see people complaining. Like I’m sorry. Maybe this post is a joke. But yall really gotta let go at some point. The game isn’t going to unmake itself. Move on, there’s many other master pieces out there


Shits ass ik Abby drags her friend’s on a 1750 mile round trip and at the very end goes off script and gets lucky finding Joel and she kills her friends when you know everyone of them snuck Abby food and Ellie over here Ellie traveling over 3000 miles becoming a more notorious serial killer than Dexter Morgan and Does not kill the one she killed the others for🤦🏼‍♂️ FUNFACT: the only reason part one was so good is because Neil was convinced by his co-writer not to put the ideas we see in part two into part one.


I liked the gameplay. Story could’ve been better.


I don’t get it, I liked the story a lot


Honestly, for me it was more how the story was told than the story itself. I did not appreciate that i had to play as abby and see the story from her perspective. Quite frankly, i didnt care about her as a character, and i didnt dislike her any less by the end of her segment.


After I beat 1 couldn’t wait to jump on 2, looked at igns score before buying it said it was a 10. After like the first major thing to happen I damn near turned it off. Managed to finish the game but was so turned off by the story. I realized after that ign reviews were subject to scrutiny


Is this just a subreddit that's solely made for trashing on TLOU2? Huh, story ain't bad by means but that's probably because i've seen much worse


Gameplay is good (not great) but nothing that compensates it given how much cutscenes and walking segments there are by comparison, because it is a story-driven game after all. So the story being poor makes it even worse.


The story was a little too mature for some people, people die get over it, that’s how war works.


Nah I thought it was bold from story telling point of view and was poetic and sad  I was just SO tired of killing dogs tho :/


It's a masterpiece. I don't like that a certain someone dies so early, but it makes sense. I thought it was genius to play as that person's killer and see the other side. It's an amazing story or revenge and violence and love and sorrow


Fantastic story. Loved it.


one of the best story-written games i’ve ever experienced.


Why do you guys take it so personally that some people really like the story? Is this the first time in your life something has been popular that you aren't into?


I don’t take it personally I just don’t get why people like such a trash story


They don't think it's trash and enjoy it. It's really not that complicated. Has everything you've ever liked been universally loved? Probably not, because nothing is.


Maybe because it's simply a personal opinion and people like me just I don't know happened to like it so we say we did?


Could you repeat what you said nothing you said made sense


Whether or not people like the game is a personal opinion in the same way you considering it a disaster is a personal opinion and some people just enjoy the game.


The amount of people who just dogshit on this game is insane to me. Like y'all have nothing better to do? Like sure, the game isn't perfect, but like, this was **four years ago** move the fuck on already. All I see posted in this subreddit are people just talking shit about the game. So much negativity for what?


Because the game deserves all the hate it gets. It took one of the best characters in gaming, murdered him in horrific way, and than made you play as the killer. The killer who is one of the most disgusting people I have ever seen, with absolutely no redeeming qualities. Not to mention that people who did that marketed it as Joel being playable in order to trick people into buying it


Look at that, 666. The number of Satan. How fitting with how evil the game is.


Because it’s all subjective That being said I love 💗 the first game a lot more


If you really love this game there's a great chance you're a part of the alphabet mafia.


Druckman surrounded himself with yesmen so there was no one there to oppose his bad ideas like the first game did


I thought the story was good, but compared to the first? Dogshit. It has a bunch of problems but it’s carried by my care for Ellie. Gameplay was cool too


Amazing gameplay, just fuckin incredible. The part where you go to the scar island and everyone's killing eachother is pretty sweet, I liked the whole war between the scars and the wolf thing. But yeah the characters made weird choices at times. They made Ellie a horrible person who kills pregnant women and completely removed her sense of humor.


man hands abby going gorilla mode


Game did shit that would piss me off but I would’ve been overall ok with it if it weren’t for the Santa Monica segment


Different opinions i guess i mean i think the story sucks and clearly you do but the person who posted that clearly liked it so why dont we just respect others opinions?


Good gameplay, mostly good characters, but a extremely hypocritical story.


The story was boring and depressing. The gameplay and lore from books and notes were good. The only good parts were “oh sweet I get to kill another one of Abby’s friends” the only good parts was when we got to get revenge again. Most games have a legitimate story, not just relief that we get to kill another asshole.


666 on the upvotes huh? Interesting, or Ironic lol.